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Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025

Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2025Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025

4-H Quilt Camp

Author: Aubrey Lawson

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

4-H Quilt Camp

Clark County 4-H Agent offered two sessions of a four-day 4-H quilting day camp series this summer to thirteen youth.  The development of life skills such as sewing has been shown to increase hand/eye coordination, improve critical thinking skills, develop creative thinkers and serve as an expressive art form (Rohmah et al., Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2020). By learning to complete sewing projects youth develop confidence and a sense of accomplishment by

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National Competition leads to Progressive Experiences

Author: Shannon Farrell

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

National Competition leads to Progressive Experiences

4-H LifeSmarts is the ultimate consumer challenge for 4-Her’s in 6th-12th grades. Like academic style competition, team members are quizzed in topics of technology, consumer rights, health and safety, environment, and finance. Harrison County’s 4-H Varsity team competed in the 2024 state competition (online contest) in January. As the highest placing varsity team in the state, Harrison County was honored to represent Kentucky at the National LifeSmarts competition held in San Diego,

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4-H Passport Kitchen Participants "Visited" Five Countries

Author: Lisa Hagman

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

4-H Passport Kitchen Participants "Visited" Five Countries

 In our increasingly interconnected world, young people must acquire the knowledge and skills to engage effectively. Local economies now rely more than ever on international resources, and those who thrive in this interconnected economy are adaptable individuals who embrace multiculturalism. Passport Kitchen is a program designed to help young people take their first steps in developing these skills. It not only promotes family mealtime but also fosters life readiness skills.  For

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4-H Afterschool Babysitting Clinic

Author: Deana Reed

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

4-H Afterschool Babysitting Clinic

4-H Babysitting Clinic participant instructing others in how to handle a home fire while babysitting.Hands on learning with the baby dolls is always a favorite lesson.Bathing a baby is not as easy as it looks4-H Babysitting Clinic youth practicing holding and burping infants.Completing a puzzle to learn about ages and stages of children and youth.4-H Babysitting Clinic participants playing a babysitting board game to see how well they handle various situations while providing child care.Describe

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Healthy Choices for Everybody

Author: Millie Ledford

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

In the state of KY, only 8.9% of adults consume two or more fruits and three or more vegetables daily. To increase this percentage, the Boyle County Nutrition Education Program Assistant partnered with the Danville Housing Authority to do a seven-week program using the curriculum Healthy Choices for Everybody. During the seven-week series, the NEP assistant went to the housing authority to have participants try new recipes with various vegetables and fruits. She also taught nutrition education l

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Haven Care Healthy Choices for everybody

Author: Millie Ledford

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

In Boyle County, the poverty rate is at 14.8%. This statistic sparked a partnership idea for the Nutrition Education Program Assistant. The Boyle County Nutrition Education Program Assistant partnered with Haven Care, a center for young and expecting mothers. A 7-week program was started using the curriculum Healthy Choices for Everybody. The NEP Assistant focused on lessons regarding food safety and preparing meals on a budget to help participants stretch their food dollars and increase food se

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Reality Store

Author: Lucas Powell

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Lexington Traditional Magnet School identified a need for financial literacy education among its student population. After meeting with the youth service coordinator, we decided that the Reality Store Program would be a great fit for their 7th-grade class, with 85 students. Lexington Traditional Magnet School has a highly diverse student population. During the program, students are randomly given a career, the gross salary, and any education requirements for their job. Students are also ran

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Lifeskills Inc., Lincoln Way, Active Day, and Medical Center Adult Day.

Author: Kimberly Harriford

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

The problem was the lack of knowledge regarding nutrition, hygiene, and basic well-being.The educational program response was educating four different on nutrition, hygiene, and basic well-being.The participants/target audience was youth of various ages.Other partners (if applicable)Program impact or participant response was presentations on nutrition, hygiene, and basic well-being.     Lifeskills Inc., Lincoln Way, Active Day, and Medical Center Adult Day Care all located in Bowl

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Appalachian Heritage Days

Author: Crystal Smith

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Whitesburg- Letcher County is very rural and in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains many of the youth have no clue how much work it takes to produce food or where food comes from. The partnership with both school systems, Gear-up, promise zone, and the  FRYSC at each of the schools Appalachian Heritage Days is being revamped in Letcher County. Wood crafters, coal miners, farmer's, local artist, beekeeping, foresters, quilters, and firefighters. Each youth was able to sample fresh mad

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Lunch and Learn

Author: Kennedy Hannah

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Lunch and Learn

With the growing cost of everyday foods and our relicense on fast food,  lunch and leans are unique and effective way to teach nutritional concepts and basic cooking skills in a community setting. Growing intake in fast food can cause digestive issues, calorie intake, and many health risk. These sessions educate us how to cook right, eat healthy, how many ways we can cook a particular thing and not get bored up of eating the same food but cooked in a different way. Once a month homemak

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Kentucky 4-H Poultry Program-BBQ Chicken Camp

Author: Mary Beth Riley

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Kentucky 4-H Poultry Program-BBQ Chicken Camp

This summer, Kentucky 4-H Poultry Program partnered with 4-H programs from Livingston, Lyon, Crittenden, and Caldwell counties to host a highly successful BBQ Chicken Camp. Aimed at empowering youth with essential cooking skills, the camp attracted 16 young participants who gained hands-on experience in grilling and food safety.According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, developing cooking skills early in life is a strong predictor of better nutrition-relat

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Junior Chef

Author: Amanda Clark

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Describe the Issue or Situation.Cooking classes for youth have surged in popularity for several reasons including interest in culinary skills, independence, and hands-on experience. Cooking is essential to learn at a young age for nutritional awareness, creativity, problem-solving skills, and career exploration. Junior Chef has been offered at the Fayette County Extension office for six weeks from September 4th to October 9th for youth ages 9-13. This club offered cooking skills, kitchen safety,

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4-H Fruit and basic measuring lesson

Author: Dora Centers

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

     Knott County 4-H Council, County Extension Council, and county school needs assessments have identified healthy eating habits and access/exposure to healthy foods a prevalent issue four our Knott County youth.  Incorporating new healthy foods is a crucial aspect of children’s development that shapes their health and preferences for life.    Data supports these findings with Knott County ranking 117 out of 120 for poor health. Also in 2023, the percentage

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KY State Fair Empowers 4-H Youth to Thrive and Shine

Author: Lisa Dodson

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

The Kentucky State Fair is the pinnacle event for 4-H members, showcasing the hard work and dedication put into their annual projects. 4-H project work is designed to engage youth in hands-on learning, guided by the following principles: (a) work is centered around the member's interests, (b) supported by an adult volunteer project leader, (c) focused on attainable and measurable goals, (d) recorded for reflection and growth, and (e) involves at least six hours of project-based instruction (

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Life choices & Money management

Author: Owen Prim

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Life choices & Money management

According to the National Council on Economic Education, a high percentage of youth do not understand the concept of money and are not taught financial information to the degree needed.  To meet these needs, the Campbell County Cooperative Extension Service partnered with the Newport High School Youth Service Center to conduct the 4-H Reality Store Program.  The 4-H Reality Store Program is a hands-on financial education activity that gives students the opportunity to explore careers,

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Continuing Sewing Skills

Author: Kelly Smith

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Studies indicate that sewing is not only a productive hobby and life skill, but it can also reduce stress and increase an individual’s feeling of self-worth. The Jefferson County 4-H Agents, 4-H assistants, County Master Clothing Volunteer, and County volunteers planned and delivered a sewing Day Camp.  This program was offered to those that may have attended 4-H sewing programs in the past and were intermediate sewers.  The youth refreshed their sewing skills, sewing machine fun

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Sew On!

Author: Rebecca Stahler

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

In the fall of 2022, the  Ponderosa afterschool 4-H sewing club merged from a parent needs survey that revealed the 4th and 5th grade students were in need of an “afterschool/enrichment/learning” activity and/or club.   Ponderosa Elementary is the only school in the Boyd County School District that does not qualify for state and/or federal afterschool funds through the 21st Century Community Learning Center grants.  To be eligible to apply for the 21st CCLC funds, a sc

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Cloverbud Cooking

Author: Mary Harless

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Youth in our community often face barriers to accessing healthy food due to economic challenges. Even when healthy options are available, they may not know what the foods are or how to use them in a way that's beneficial to their health. Additionally, many lack the skills necessary to help prepare meals or stay safe in the kitchen. To address these issues, we partnered with our Senior SNAP-Ed representative to host a two-day cooking class for Clover Buds.The Clover Bud Cooking Series was des

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Junior Chef Prepares Another Winning Dish

Author: Charles Comer

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

The Kentucky Department of Agriculture’s Farm to School Program connects local farmers to school districts to make fresh Kentucky Proud foods available to Kentucky’s school children. In 2013, the KDA Farm-to-school Kentucky Junior Chef competition was launched to teach students to cook and educate them about the importance of buying and consuming locally grown food.  Since its inception, hundreds of Kentucky students have participated in the Farm to School Junior Chef competitio

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Kitchen Safety

Author: Eric Collins

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Describe the Issue or Situation.Participants of the Lee County Elementary Afterschool 4-H Club were asked what topics they would like to explore during club meetings this school year. After discussion of several possible topics, the students were asked which ones appealed the most. the responses given showed that 60% of the students were interested in learning about kitchen safety and food preparation skills.Describe the Outreach or Educational Program Response (and Partners, if applicable).The

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Sewing into the Next Level

Author: Chanda Hall

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Studies indicate that sewing is not only a productive hobby and life skill, but it can also reduce stress and increase an individual’s self-worth. The Jefferson County 4-H Agents, 4-H assistants, County Master Clothing Volunteers, and County volunteers planned and delivered a sewing Day Camp.  This program was offered to those who may have attended 4-H sewing programs in the past and were intermediate sewers.  The youth refreshed their sewing skills, sewing machine functions and

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Appalachian Culture Club- Connecting Generations and Preserving Heritage

Author: Emily Chaney

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Our County Extension Council asked that we provide programs that would work to bridge the generational divide and connect our youths with the older generation. Local homemakers also expressed interest in passing down their knowledge of our unique heritage on to the next generation.In response, we created an Appalachian Culture club with the goal of connecting generations and preserving practices from our region. The club meets monthly to learn various Appalachian practices such as "chicken

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Junior 4-H Club

Author: Erin Leach

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

In September 2024, Estill County started a "Junior" 4-H Club. There was already a strong Cloverbud program thriving for years, and the previous program year, it expanded into one club at each of the two elementary schools as well as a homeschool group at the Extension office. Average of 75 kids being reached.However, it was noticed that once the youth aged out of the afterschool Cloverbud program, they weren't being absorbed in any of the other special interest clubs. Youth were no

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4-H Sewing Group

Author: Kimberly Lane

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

This year, a group of nine 4-H youths embarked on a creative journey, participating in a sewing group for the very first time.  Each of these 4-Hers were on beginning level. Guided by seven talented and dedicated volunteers from the community, the program spanned five months and then highlighted a summer sewing day camp.From the outset, the youth displayed remarkable dedication, even investing in their own sewing machines to continue their newfound passion. Their commitment was evident as t

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Reality Store Program Helps Youth Understand the Importance of Budgeting

Author: Victoria Riehemann

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

In 2024, the poverty rate for Bullitt County was 10.6%, and although this poverty rate is lower than the national average for poverty (12.5%), the community wants our youth to be prepared with financial skills to fight poverty. According to the 2023 Community Assessment for Bullitt County, 12.6% of stakeholders wanted to see increases in youth career readiness and in youth life skills training, which included money management and life decision making.Bullitt County 4-H partnered with the Family

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Safe Sitter

Author: Trever Cole

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Mason County 4H partnered with Buffalo Trace Health Department  to offer the safe sitter course where youth are certified by the Safe Sitter Program to babysit. This course goes through basic child care, first aid, CPR, choke and rescue, and job skills. At the end of the 6 hour course the students receive their certification as well as materials to help them begin baby sitting.

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4-H Needle Felting

Author: Calyn Colston

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

4-H Needle Felting

The Murray State University Family & Consumer Science department received a grant earlier this year to facilitate FCS outreach and student interaction within the local community. Calloway County 4-H was contacted to partner with the FCS class to hold a needle felting workshop for 3rd-12th graders who remained in the county during Fall break. Each of the nine Murray State FCS student took part in teaching the workshop to 6 youth participants. Then the college students spread out among the you

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Union County Cloverbuds is thriving and growing!

Author: Annette Buckman

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Union County Cloverbuds is thriving and growing!

Cloverbuds is an energetic and enthusiastic group of youth, typically aged 5 to 8 years. This vibrant group is full of curiosity and excitement, always eager to learn what the next lesson will be. Each month, they engage in a variety of activities designed to enhance their fine motor skills while also fostering growth in other key areas. These activities aim to improve not only cognitive development but also social, emotional, and physical skills. Cloverbuds provides a fun and nurturing environm

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Let's Get Sewing

Author: Katie Mills

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

In life, stress is something that everyone will face. There needs to be outlets for youth to be able to release that stress such as a hobby or a life skill. This is something that sewing can provide for the youth. In Christian County, there is a wonderful partnership between 4-H Agent, a Master Clothing Volunteer, and an experienced sewer that have created a continuous sewing project group to be that outlet for the youth. The 4-H Agent, Master Clothing Volunteer and experienced sewer work t

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Your Guide to the Four H's

Author: Mackenzie Pogue

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Your Guide to the Four H's

Youth actively participated in Your Guide to the Four H’s learning essential life skills to aid in their personal growth.  Hands-on lessons included grilling on a griddle, gas, and charcoal grills.  Food and knife safety were key components of the program ensuing participants were confident with each while working in the kitchen. Youth participants also learned basic home budgeting and check writing skills, along with understanding the difference between needs versus wants. &nbsp

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Developing Culinary Skills in Youth

Author: Christina A. Martin

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Developing Culinary Skills in Youth

Life skill development is a benchmark for the 4-H program.  Cooking is one of those needed life skills.  Russell Co. 4-H offered a series of cooking classes to youth ages 9-13 in the fall of 2024.  The youth learned basic cooking skills such as reading recipes, measuring wet and dry ingredients, proper mixing techniques, proper use of kitchen utensils, correct use of a stove top and oven, as well as kitchen safety. Teaching youth to cook not only instills basic skills for living,

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Holiday Themed Day Camp

Author: Wade Raymer

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

The Webster County Cooperative Extension office collaborated with Providence school to provide a Holiday Themed Day Camp for 50 kindergarten students featuring a craft project, physical activity and cooking lesson.  The Day Camp encouraged children to use their imagination and creativity. Working with their hands and creating crafts helps them develop fine motor skills and allowed them to express themselves artistically. This also enhanced their confidence when they completed their craft pr

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Youth Cooking Camp

Author: Heather Coleman

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Youth Cooking Camp

According to the American Heart Association teaching youth how to prepare their own food will give them a skill they can use for a lifetime and will help to build confidence. Youth who can prepare foods are also more likely to eat a healthier diet as adults.  To address the growing concern about children not knowing how to prepare food safely led to the development of this program. The Floyd County Extension Staff worked together as a team to plan and implement a three-day youth cooking cam

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Food Club

Author: Victoria Riehemann

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

The Bullitt County community assessment (2024) data saw a high need (4.5/5) for reducing youth obesity through nutrition education and exercise. The Bullitt County rate for obesity (20% of all Kentucky youth aged 10-17 years old are considered obese) is above both the state and national levels, ranking 8th highest in the nation (CDC). These rates are influenced by life-long lifestyle behaviors and choices such as quality of diet and amount of physical activity. The Bullitt County Extension Servi

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Empowering Refugees Through Nutrition Education

Author: Janet Turley

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Since 1981 the International Center of Bowling Green, KY has helped resettle over 10,000 refugees and immigrants worldwide.  The center helps in assimilation and integration into community life. In September, a case manager at the International Center approached the Warren County Extension Agents, requesting nutrition education classes to teach healthy eating habits to lower the risk of diabetes and hypertension

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Empower Refugee Through Nutrition Education

Author: Julie Brown

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Since 1981 the International Center of Bowling Green, KY has helped resettle over 10,000 refugees and immigrants worldwide.  The center helps in assimilation and integration into community life. In September, a case manager at the International Center approached the Warren County Extension Agents, requesting nutrition education classes to teach healthy eating habits to lower the risk of diabetes and hypertension

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Professor Popcorn visits Foster Heights Huskie Hangout

Author: Samantha Gabbard

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Childhood obesity is a widespread issue across the United States today. In effort to combat this challenge, it is important that students understand how the food choices they are making impact their long-term health.Nelson County 4-H partnered with the summer program, Huskie Hangout, at Foster Heights Elementary School to implement the Professor Popcorn curriculum with the 3rd through 5th grade youth that attend the summer program each day. Professor Popcorn begins by introducing the students to

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Dollars and Sense with 4th and 5th Grade

Author: Ashley Hunt

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Based on the results of the 2023 Community Needs Assessment, Lewis County Citizens perceive building financial literacy and/or resource management skills as a top 15 priority issue. Lewis County 4-H and the Lewis County Family Resource Center headed the organization and facilitation of the 4-H Dollars and Sense Program. The Family Resource Center and Lewis County 4-H partnered with numerous local businesses and organizations, including the Lewis County Public Library, People's Bank of Kentuc

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Community Christmas 2024

Author: Mary Lawson

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Describe the Issue or Situation:Many families in Menifee County face financial hardships during the holiday season, making it difficult to provide Christmas gifts for their children. The lack of resources and rising costs leave parents feeling overwhelmed, and children often miss out on the joy of receiving gifts during the holidays. This challenge highlighted the need for a community-driven solution to support less fortunate families and foster a sense of holiday cheer.Describe the Outreach or

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Life Skills Day with Morgan Elementary

Author: Rachael Davis

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

While discussing a potential partnership with 4-H, the topic of Life Skills was raised during meetings with the Morgan Elementary Principal, the Resource Center, and the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) meetings. A total of ten Life Skills topics were submitted for teaching 5th graders to help prepare them for middle school. 4-H Agent Rachael Davis compared these Life Skills with the existing 4-H Curriculum.On November 22, 2024, the entire 5th grade from Morgan Elementary visited the McCracken

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Hancock County 4-H Sewing Workshop and Three Completed Projects

Author: Lisa Hagman

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Hancock County 4-H Sewing Workshop and Three Completed Projects

Teaching sewing to young people will not only teach them lifelong valuable and practical skills, but it may also open the door to a world of creativity. “Showing your children to sew has many benefits. The activity can spark imagination and creativity, teach patience, build self-confidence, foster communication and direction-following abilities, and enhance fine motor skills.  (  Hancock County 4-H, Family and Consumer Sciences, a Master Clothing Vo

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Sewing Academy

Author: Amanda Clark

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Describe the Issue or Situation.Sewing group leaders were eager to connect with students interested in enhancing their sewing skills. They aim to create hands-on sessions where students can practice basic techniques, such as threading a needle, stitching seams, and using a sewing machine effectively. Beyond these foundational skills, the leaders are guiding students through individual or small group projects, offering personalized instruction to help them create items like tote bags, simple clot

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Holiday Cooking School

Author: Hunter Carroll

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Strong families are those that create a sense of connection, closeness, emotional safety, security, and stability. One way to maintain a strong and healthy family is through traditions. Kentucky has a variety of family traditions and values that are deeply rooted in its strong sense of community ties and support networks.In London, KY, the Wilderness Trail Area organized a Holiday Cooking School. This event focused on family traditions, educating participants about food safety and family traditi

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New Beginner Embroidery Class for Future Youth Instructors

Author: Sherri Farley

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Describe the Issue or Situation.According to Dr. Anne Kirketerp, author of Craft Psychology: How Crafting Promotes Health (2024), there are 12 research-based results that show that crafting has positive health benefits both physically and mentally. These benefits include reducing stress & lower blood pressure, reduce depression & anxiety, strengthen muscular mobility, slow early stages of dementia, and increase well-being, joy of life, & feeling of being useful. The Campbell County E

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It's Your Reality

Author: Dora Centers

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

In a collaborative effort to address youth financial literacy, Knott County 4-H, Knott Co Board of Education, Beaver, Carr Creek, Cordia, Emmalena, Hindman, and Jones Fork Elementary Family Youth Resource Service Coordinators and Knott Co Gear-Up, provided countywide 8th graders with University of Kentucky’s 4-H “It’s Your Reality” program.   Knowledge gained and applied showed positive results from pre and post evaluations.Percentage of youth who demonstrated a prof

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Martin County Middle School It's Your Reality

Author: Joe Maynard

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

According to only 10% of Martin County citizens have a college degree compared to 37% nationally, 48% live in poverty and only 32% hold jobs. Due to facts like these and others, the 4-H council along with teachers and administrators at Martin County Middle School put a lot of effort into hosting “It’s Your Reality”.  The program is usually for high school sophomores but starting earlier and then revisiting in high school seems to be a better strategy moving forw

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4-H Entrepreneur

Author: Alyssa Cox

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

The Rockcastle County 4-H Homeschool Club meets once per month to learn a new type of skill within the seven different program areas that Kentucky 4-H has to offer. In November of 2024, the goal of the 4-H Homeschool Club meeting was to learn about crochet. During this club meeting 4-H Agent, Alyssa Cox, taught participants about the history and uses of crochet while demonstrating how to begin a crochet project. By the end of the club meeting, participants were on their way to completing a croch

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Pins and Needles 4-H Club

Author: Lisa Jones

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Many young people today don’t know how to sew, and surveys from 4-H programs in schools showed that only a small number of students have basic sewing skills. Many didn’t even know how to sew a button. To help fill this gap, the 4-H Sewing Club in Whitley County began teaching sewing skills to youth to help them learn a practical, useful skill.The Busy Bees Homemakers Club teamed up with 4-H sewing volunteers to help teach the youth. These experienced sewers worked together to make se

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Truth and Consequences: The Choice is Yours

Author: Rebecca Stahler

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

In the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Community Needs Assessment for Boyd County, the two of the top five needs were: minimizing youth substance abuse and support for substance use addiction prevention/recovery. Boyd County 4-H Adult Council, Boyd County High School, Ashland Independent School and Fairview Independent School partnered to present Truth and Consequences: The Choice is Yours:Description: Students will role-play scenarios dealing with various substance abuse-relat

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4-H Youth Sewing Their Way to Success

Author: Cathy Fellows

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

4-H Youth Sewing Their Way to Success

     Over the past three years, the 4-H sewing program has blossomed from a small local initiative to a thriving community program. Engaging over 60+ male and female youth participants annually.The Boone County 4-H Sew Unique Design Club began June 2021 after Covid, with two adult leaders and less than a dozen youth. Eight of those original youth members are still involved in the program. Initially attracting just a handful of students, the program has expanded through worksh

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Cloverbuds Fun

Author: Bernita Cheirs

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

According to, studies how that afterschool programs can support social, emotional, cognitive, and academic development, reduce risky behaviors, promote physical health, and provide a safe and supportive environment for children and youth. Cloverbud age youth are a vulnerable age group so it was important to offer activities to allow them to explore.For the 2024-2025 4-H program year, eighteen youth are signed up to participate in the Fulton County Cloverbud program. Using the Cloverbud

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4-H Babysitting

Author: Dana Anderson

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Many young teens in Mercer County return home from school to find their younger siblings waiting in an empty house. They take on the role of caretakers until their parents arrive home from work. Additionally, some youths, such as those in the sixth grade, are eager to start their first ventures as babysitters. To prepare for the critical responsibilities of caring for younger children, 10 teens participated in a two-session 4-H Babysitting Workshop.A pretest revealed that none of the participant

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Sewing Project Camp

Author: Mary Harless

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Youth in our area often lack access to traditional skills such as sewing. If they do have access, it is usually limited, and supplies are not readily available. As a result, we have observed a decline in sewing projects in our county in recent years. To address these challenges, I collaborated with our FCS agent and a master clothing volunteer to organize a four-day sewing camp for local youth.The sewing series was open to ages 9-18 and focused on essential skills such as operating sewing machin

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4-H Fresh Chefs: Second Year Success

Author: Deana Reed

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

4-H Fresh Chefs: Second Year Success

     For the second year, the Meade County 4-H Fresh Chefs Club was a volunteer lead, 4-week, summer program that focused on healthy food preparation, food and kitchen safety, the benefits of shopping at a local farmer’s market, and food preparation on a budget.  Each 3-hour meeting included the following agenda: Introductory Smoothie – a recipe to jump start the learning process and to encourage positive member interactions.Group discussion or demonstration

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Sewing Club is only the beginning

Author: Shelley Crawford

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Recently a Trigg County 4-H youth attended the 4-H FCS National Championship and Conference in San Antonio TX in the Fashion Revue competition at this event. Receiving 3rd for Interviewing and Presentation, 1st for Modeling Abilities, and GRAND CHAMPION for highest score overall.This incredible achievement not only showcased their exceptional talent and dedication but also opened new opportunities and ideas for this youth. The recognition and connections gained at the national level have paved t

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4-H Cooking Programs Encourage Youth to Cook at Home

Author: Stacey Potts

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

4-H Cooking programs are a very popular request for after-school programs and clubs in Daviess County.  According to the American Heart Association, teaching youth how to prepare their own food will give them a skill they can use for a lifetime, they will be more likely to eat healthier as adults and build self- confidence. (Cooking With Your Children; Web MD; May 30, 2008.)  4-H Cooking programs give youth the very appealing opportunity to cook and eat, while providing Cooperation Ext

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Holiday Themed Day Camp

Author: Natalie Green

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

The Webster County Cooperative Extension office collaborated with Providence school to provide a Holiday Themed Day Camp for 50 kindergarten students featuring a craft project, physical activity and cooking lesson.  The Day Camp encouraged children to use their imagination and creativity. Working with their hands and creating crafts helps them develop fine motor skills and allowed them to express themselves artistically. This also enhanced their confidence when they completed their craft pr

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Cooking with a purpose

Author: Kelly Smith

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

According to the Greater Louisville Project, the childhood food insecurity rate is much higher than the overall food insecurity rate. Often, individuals must make difficult (and ongoing) trade-off decision between paying for housing or transportation and buying nutritious food.   Feeding America stated, in Kentucky, 710,000 people are facing hunger and of that number 208,330 are children.  Seeing changes in culture, family structure, and food costs, this is leading to changing the way

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Cooking With A Purpose

Author: Chanda Hall

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

According to the Greater Louisville Project, the childhood food insecurity rate is much higher than the overall food insecurity rate. Often, individuals must make difficult (and ongoing) trade-off decision between paying for housing or transportation and buying nutritious food.   Feeding America stated, in Kentucky, 710,000 people are facing hunger and of that number 208,330 are children.  Seeing changes in culture, family structure, and food costs, this is leading to changing the way

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