Success StoryAppalachian Heritage Days
Appalachian Heritage Days
Author: Crystal Smith
Planning Unit: Letcher County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
Plan of Work: Developing Responsible Youth and Families
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Whitesburg- Letcher County is very rural and in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains many of the youth have no clue how much work it takes to produce food or where food comes from. The partnership with both school systems, Gear-up, promise zone, and the FRYSC at each of the schools Appalachian Heritage Days is being revamped in Letcher County. Wood crafters, coal miners, farmer's, local artist, beekeeping, foresters, quilters, and firefighters. Each youth was able to sample fresh made apple butter and have a recipe to take home, learning the health benefits of apples and having very little waste only throwing away the core and stem of the apple. Learning hows to use an old fashioned apple peelers compared to today's new modern technology. Cooking in a crockpot for 10 hours versus standing over a Copper pot and campfire to make the apple butter. Through this program 396 youth from K-8th grade of many diverse backgrounds had the opportunity to peel apples and learn how to safely process their own food. Only 10% of the youth had been exposed and given the opportunity to make fresh food before. The purpose of Appalachian Heritage Days is to make youth more aware of the Agriculture opportunities in our area and to teach them to eat local and progracess their own fresh foods. Youth gained valuable life skills, communications skills, and hands on learning that many otherwise would not have had the opportunity.
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Appalachian Heritage Days
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