Success StoryJunior 4-H Club
Junior 4-H Club
Author: Erin Leach
Planning Unit: Estill County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Initial Outcome
In September 2024, Estill County started a "Junior" 4-H Club. There was already a strong Cloverbud program thriving for years, and the previous program year, it expanded into one club at each of the two elementary schools as well as a homeschool group at the Extension office. Average of 75 kids being reached.
However, it was noticed that once the youth aged out of the afterschool Cloverbud program, they weren't being absorbed in any of the other special interest clubs. Youth were not getting a "Progressive Experience", and we wanted to remedy.
Thus, the Junior 4-H Club was born to capture the kids who loved the after school 4-H program, but had nowhere to go after they turned the 4-H age of nine. The club is now established at the same two elementary schools as Cloverbud programs, and there is an additional evening meeting for homeschoolers and anyone else that prefers that day or time. Junior 4-H Club operates on the same days and times as Cloverbud at the elementary schools, so that it's easier all around for staff and parents to know which days are 4-H days.
The audience for the Junior Club is 4-H nine through 5th grade. After 5th grade, the youth will progress to Teen Club. Not only is the youth is impacted, but we've been warmly welcomed into the schools, and by families with multiple children in different elementary grades. Teachers with elementary kids in school love it especially, which helps us continue in developing relationships with local educators and schools.
Initial enrollment at the onset was 15 kids. It is still growing, and that number has since increased. Since it is a newer program, it should pick up steam as it continues to grow legs. With the strong numbers already existing in Cloverbud, it is anticipated that Junior 4-H will grow in numbers exponentially. The club meets monthly and each lesson is centered around one of the core content areas. The immediate impact is that we will see more youth joining the club, and there will be educational lessons and hand-on learning.
As time passes and excitement grows around enrolling in Junior 4-H club, the expectation is to see results in the intermediate and long term future. Intermediately, the clubs grow in numbers, the lessons and learning are taken back home to families, and then the families and youth continue to thrive. Long term, the hope is that the content will provide even more groundwork for 4-H programming opportunities, and help to promote healthy, productive citizens in communities. Therefore, continuing the focus of providing a progressive experience.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment