Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2024Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024
Savor the Flavor-Herbs, Spices, Oils and Vinegars
Author: Jennifer Bridge
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

As more people prepare meals at home, the request for food preparation and information on foods basics has increased. One of the common questions evolves around adding flavor to food and reducing sodium. This has long been a focus for Extension FCS but formal information had not been compiled until Savor the Flavor was introduced to extension FCS professionals' Using the materials, the FCS agent offered a two part series to Meade County residents. To accommodate schedules
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Cooking through the Calendar
Author: M. Elizabeth Coots
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
The new year began, and the Louisville Area FCS Agents were looking through the new Food and Nutrition calendars when discussion started about watching cooking shows and being more likely to try a recipe after watching someone prepare it. Also, one of the local news stations had reached out about a cooking segment; therefore, the program Cooking Through the Calendar was organized!The program consisted of each Louisville Area Extension Agent choosing a month to prepare the recipe either liv
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Food Preservation Series
Author: Caroline McMahan
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
There is new interest in traditional food preservation methods among consumers. The decision to preserve food at home could be driven by several reasons, including but not limited to preserving home-grown foods, sustainability, controlling ingredients found in foods (e.g., sodium, added sugar), saving money, or the simple enjoyment of reviving family traditions. With food preservation, food safety and research-based practices are critical to ensure consumer health and wellness. To ensure lo
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Food Preservation Series
Author: Maranda Brooks
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

There is new interest in traditional food preservation methods among consumers. The decision to preserve food at home could be driven by several reasons, including but not limited to preserving home-grown foods, sustainability, controlling ingredients found in foods (e.g., sodium, added sugar), saving money, or the simple enjoyment of reviving family traditions. With food preservation, food safety and research-based practices are critical to ensure consumer health and wellness. To ensure lo
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Food Preservation
Author: Nanette Banks
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Increased interest in eating locally grown produce has led to renewed popularity of home food preservation. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention home canning is an excellent way to preserve garden produce and share it with family and friends. But it can be risky- even deadly- if not done correctly and safely. Home-canned vegetables are the most common cause of botulism outbreaks in the United States. In an effort to assist local families with safe
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Dehydrating Your Garden: Food Preservation
Author: Megan Gullett
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
In Kentucky, 12.9 million acres are utilized in formal farm operations (, with a growing usage of smaller properties being used to grow farm commodities. The Lake Cumberland area is largely rural and has seen an influx in a population wanting to utilize their property to grow their own crops, and then process them for personal consumption. Dehydration, a method of food preservation, is one of the oldest methods of preserving food that pulls out the moisture content of a product, th
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2024 FCS Friday Program
Author: Gregory Drake
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Family living skills continues to be identified by local extension leadership as a need in our community. In the absence of an FCS agent I have taken on the responsibility of providing this programming. A diversified program was developed that included a SNAP Education food demonstration, a plate it up KY food demonstration, a discussion of KEHA, and a segment for networking. The county’s nutrition educator prepared a SNAP recipe using ingredients from our demonstration g
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Participants Gain Skills in Home Food Preservation Class
Author: Jill Harris
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

People choose to can foods at home for many reasons: to preserve the harvest from their gardens or local farmers markets for year-round enjoyment; to gain more control over what is in their food by limiting or avoiding salt, sugar, or preservatives; to save money; to get better-tasting canned foods; to follow family traditions; or just for the sense of satisfaction that home canning provides. Home canning has changed over the last 200 years. Scientists have found ways to produce safer, higher qu
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Spoilage to Sustainability
Author: Joni Phelps
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Livingston County, KY, had a rich agricultural heritage and a bountiful harvest season. However, many residents faced challenges when it came to preserving their surplus produce. Without proper knowledge and training, they struggled to store food effectively, resulting in wastage and financial loss. Additionally, the community lacked awareness of various preservation methods, thereby missing opportunities to enjoy fresh, homemade meals year-round. The program aimed to equip participants wit
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Food Preservation
Author: Joan Bowling
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Home food preservation remains an important and popular cultural activity. It is critical that those who practice preserving and processing foods at home have access to the most reliable information available concerning food safety and food quality. The Cooperative Extension System (CES) and USDA have long been recognized as credible sources for science-based recommendations. Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, state that home-canned vegetables are the most common cau
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Pumpkin Days 2023
Author: Lorie Adams
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
September 26-27, 2023 Pumpkin Days was held at the Robinson Center for Appalachian Resource Sustainability. Youth in Preschool, HeadStart, Kindergarten and 1st Grades attended from multiple different counties where they rotated through educational stations, played games, learned about being kind, experienced a petting zoo, took a hayride to the pumpkin patch and were able to select their own pumpkin to take home. Different SNAP approved pumpkin recipes were made by numerous different SNAP-Ed Ass
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Food Preservation Series
Author: Delaney Eubanks
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
With an increasing number of farmers' markets and local grocery stores providing fresh fruits and vegetables in the community, people are searching for ways to preserve these foods and maintain their freshness throughout the fall and winter months. The FCS Agent organized a series of canning and food preservation classes using materials from the UK's Food Preservation materials.In total, 41 men, women, and children participated in these classes and were provided with the opportunity to p
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Savor the Flavor: Cooking with Oils and Vinegars
Author: Karli Giles
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Research shows that people who prepare and cook meals at home are more likely to eat the recommended fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains needed in a balanced diet. Building skills and cooking knowledge increases the likelihood that people choose to prepare home-cooked meals. To encourage more home-prepared meals, the Jessamine County Extension Office hosted the workshop Savor the Flavor: Cooking with Oils and Vinegars. The Savor the Flavor program focused on cooking oils and fl
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Result of the 4-H Country Ham Project
Author: Lisa Jones
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

The modern food industry excels in mass food production, the traditional method for country hams is becoming a lost art. The 4-H Country Ham Project in Kentucky serves as an educational initiative, not only enlightening young individuals about the origins of their food but also preserving our culinary heritage. Participants range in age from 5-year-olds to senior citizens, all contributing to the program's impact.This builds communication development is clearly reflected when fou
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Floyd County Continues to Teach Families how to Preserve Foods Safely
Author: Andrea Slone
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
The problemAccording to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, one in five households in the United States practice home canning or food preservation. The Center for Disease Control has stated that 30 percent of botulism cases from the past decade was caused by home canning practices.The educational program responseAs by popular demand, the Floyd County Family & Consumer Science Agent held two food preservation hands-on workshops at the St Vincent Mission Volunteer House. Day on
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Canning Leads to Knowledge of all Extension Offers
Author: Rebecca Woodall
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
A gentleman came into the office asking to talk to someone about canning. He said he was at a local restaurant discussing preserving green beans using a water bath when someone from another table told him the extension office would tell him not to do it that way. He came to the office to find out what information he would get from the extension office. I explained that green beans should only be canned using a pressure canner and gave him information on canning practices. He was quite exc
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Pickling at the Farmers Market
Author: Kaitlyn Fryman
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
As we all know, grocery shopping has been more expensive now compared to previous years. One of the best ways we can stretch our dollar is by educating ourselves on food preservation. In the month of September, I hosted a pickling booth at Fleming County's Farmers Market. At this booth, I taught a lesson to those who were able to attend this booth on how to pickle garden products. They were able to sample the difference between a store bought pickle and 'homemade' pickle. One of the
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All About Pawpaws Homemaker Lesson
Author: Angelia Swihart
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Pawpaws seem to be a forgotten fruit and are little known to many people, even though the trees are native to Kentucky and many people have them growing in the wild on their property. All About Pawpaws lesson was taught to Hancock County natives, so they can identify the trees, utilize the fruit and share their knowledge with others.The lesson All About Pawpaws focused on Kentucky Homemakers, since the pawpaw is native to Kentucky people need to know what to look for, how to care for the tr
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Food Preservation Series
Author: Deborah Messenger
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Many individuals and families have taken an interest in Food Preservation in the last year. There is a lot of misinformation online about best practices for food preservation; safety when preserving food should be a priority and research based methods should always be used .After being contacted with questions and requests for information, the Cumberland County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent. Sessions included: jams and jellies, freezing basics, salsa and relish. These were lessons that were
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Kids CAN!
Author: Katelyn Squires
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Twenty-six youth and one adult (teacher) participated in a two-day food preservation series in Green County. On day one, the Family and Consumer Sciences agent presented a lesson over “The Basics of Home Food Preservation” to the Intro to Greenhouse and Plant Science Class at the local highschool. This presentation consisted of food safety procedures regarding botulism, learning about various equipment that would be used, researched based resources and so much more.On day two, the FC
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Bite Size Bakers
Author: Christy Stearns
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
It is well documented that children learn best when they are actively involved in what they are doing. A Bite Sized Bakers program was designed to engage 37 kindergarten and first grade students in learning the basics of baking including handwashing, identifying and properly using kitchen tools, gathering ingredients and supplies, recipe reading, and decorating baked products. One Teen Leadership Clinton County member helped facilitate the program along with involvement from 8 parents. Participa
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Food Preservation Workshops show increases in foods family have for the winter months
Author: Hazel Jackson
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
The problem Food prices have soared in the last two years, prompting many families concern for food security.The educational program response The participants/target audienceOther partners (if applicable)Program impact or participant response. Food prices in 2022-23 soared, causing families to become more interested in preserving their own produce by canning, freezing, and drying. During the spring and summer, the FCS agent taught a series of 5 workshops on f
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Food Preservation
Author: Tara Duty
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Mercer County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences recieved many calls related to food preservation and Homesteading. Many questions were related to non research based food preservation methods such as water glassing eggs with lyme water.The Agent recognized there was an interest Food Preservation among Mercer County residents so the Agent planned a series of Food Preservation Classes in both water bathing and pressure canning.The target audience was those who grow their own food or
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Food Preservation
Author: Katherine Alexander
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Home food preservation has become quite popular and with the internet, TikTok, Youtube etc... the correct and research-based methods may not be in the hands of those who need it. The Daviess County Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent offered a food preservation workshop for five participants. One hundred percent of participants identified research-based methods of home food preservation as a result of this program.One hundred percent of the participants differentiated between high and l
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Food Preservation Workshop Series
Author: Jordan Crain
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Over the past couple of years, we have seen an increase in Home Food Preservation. Home Food Preservation methods are a great way to use up produce and create a sustainable food supply for yourself and/or your family. In an effort to increase knowledge and skills related to Home Food Preservation, the Barren County Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences hosted a three week Food Preservation Workshop series.The first class of the series was Food Preservation Basics. During this class, Pressure Ca
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Ready, Set, Bake - Scones
Author: Jill Harris
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Baking is an art as well as a science. It is precise as well as intuitive. The ingredients that go into baking are simple—flour, leavening agents, liquid, salt, and others. When combined, these ingredients form something wonderfully complex and delicious. Recipes are often passed down through generations; but the skill is not. Because of recent the pandemic, more people have turned to baking. Because of the interest, the Todd County FCS Agent taught tw
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Pressure Canning Workshop
Author: Judy Vaughn
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Estill County Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent offered pressure canning workshop to a total of 5 participants. One hundred percent of participants identified research-based methods of home food preservation because of the program. One hundred percent of participants differentiated between high and low acid foods. One hundred percent of participants accurately prepared food products using the pressure canning method of preservation. One hundred percent said that they could ident
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Cooking through the Calendar
Author: Marsha Hagler
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
A foundation of nutrition knowledge, skills and competencies in topics such as food safety, handling and preparation, cooking methods and techniques, feeding practices, food science, and food systems are essential to changing dietary behaviors. With the increased trend of chronic disease and obesity in Kentucky, individuals, families, and communities need tools and environments that support healthful dietary decisions.The Nelson County Cooperative Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences
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Salsa Lab
Author: Katherine Alexander
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Teaching food preparation, including knife skills and reading a recipe, teach young adults' skills for everyday life. By teaching and encouraging young adults' useful skills we are also building confidence, teaching them how to be independent and successful adults in the future. The Daviess County 4-H and FCS extension agents partnered with the Practical Living teacher at one of our middle schools in Daviess County to teach "Salsa Lab" to her practical living students which con
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Planning Thrifty Holiday Meals
Author: Judy Vaughn
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Meal costs have risen over the years. According to an article from the USDA, grocery prices have risen over 11% in 2022. The Planning Thrifty Holiday Meals program was presented at the Estill County Extension Office. The participants went home with ideas for money-saving meals for different holidays. After the program, 100% of the participants agreed that they learned about various methods of meal planning during the holidays, felt confident in preparing healthy and tasty
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"Food Preservations"
Author: Edith Lovett
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
The problem: Many clients do not realize the money they can save through shopping at the Farmers Market and preserving their own food for the coming months.The educational program response: For many of these clients, getting acquainted with Food Preservations items was an educational experience. Food Preservation Publications from the University of Kentucky were also a new adventure.The participants/target audience: Of the fifty some clients that participated in the Food
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2023 Success Story: Farm & Home Safety Day
Author: Darian Creech
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Farming is one of the most dangerous occupations in the world. Where there is a farm, there is always a home nearby. Farm and home safety is often overlooked even though it is a key component to success. Breathitt Co and Wolfe Co ANR and FCS Agents as well as Farm Bureaus collaborated for a joint Safety Program. The Field Day was held at the UK Robinson Center for Appalachian Resources Sustainability in Breathitt County. New this year, participants had the option to select which
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Food Preservation
Author: Shannon Smith
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Since the recent rise in the popularity of growing one’s own garden and preserving their food. A series of Food Preservation classes was offered and taught in 2 different counties. The Bracken FCS agent and the Mason Co FSC program assistant collaborated to offer the classes in the 2 counties. Classes were taught on topics such as Pressure Cooker, Water Bath, Dehydration, and Freezing techniques. Teaching food preservation to adults has had a profound impact on in
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Home Food Preservation: Canning, Freezing, and Dehydrating
Author: Diane Mason
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Home food preservation can help prevent food waste and save on family food budgets. There is an increased interest in eating fresh, locally grown produce and home food preservation has had an increased interest in recent years. If not done properly, however, loss of food, time and money are the least of one's worries. Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, show that home-canned vegetables are the most common cause of botulism outbreaks in the United States. From
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Cooking Through the 2023 Food and Nutrition Recipe Calendar
Author: Nanette Banks
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
The most recent KY by the Numbers report states, a median household income for families in Letcher County is $32,635. Letcher County is also one of many counties in Kentucky dealing with a high precedence of chronic diseases such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and cancer. Research has shown there is a natural link between nutrition and making behavior changes that lead to healthier lifestyle choices. The Letcher County Family & Consumer Sciences Agent has been holding
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Bourbon Bite Size Learning Grows
Author: Karen Denniston
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Bourbon County Extension clientele attendance of traditional programming was restricted during the pandemic and proved to be slow returning to pre-pandemic numbers. In a search for a way of reconnecting, the Family & Consumer Science Agent and the SNAP-Ed Program Assistant Senior decided to offer a cooking through the 2023 Food+Nutrition calendar monthly via Facebook Live. Each month the featured recipe preparation was demonstrated for viewing. The demo was sha
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Homeschool Cooking Club
Author: Lora Pullin
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
The Greenup County Extension Family & Consumer Sciences Agent and the Greenup County Library System partnered to assist in educating youth in Greenup County involved in Homeschool Co-ops. The series of classes meetings once a month and is divided into two groups by age. The classes are designed to enrich culinary skills while also fostering independence and communication skills with other children in the group. During the classes students were involved in hands-on experiences to enrich these
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Teen Cuisine
Author: Joan Bowling
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Kentucky ranks number one among all 50 states in obesity at a rate of 23.8% of youth ages 10 to 17, according to The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (n.d.). Overweight (body mass index >85th percentile for sex and age) and obese (body mass index >95th percentile for sex and age) in youth have emerged as a major health concern. In an effort to combat childhood obesity and its lifelong effects the Kenton County Family and Consumer Sciences agent collaborated with the Youth Service cente
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Cooking Through the Calendar 2023
Author: Vicki Boggs
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Many individuals have health and wellness concerns. Obesity continues to threaten the quality and years of life of many Kentuckians. The County Health Rankings and Roadmaps Kentucky report shows that 41% of Leslie County’s adult populace have obesity and 42% were physically inactive. A large amount of data shows that healthy eating habits and regular physical activity can help people achieve and maintain good health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like obesity, heart disease
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Savor the Flavor
Author: Jane Proctor
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Studies indicate that individuals who engage in cooking meals at home are more inclined to consume the recommended portions of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains necessary for a well-rounded diet. Developing culinary expertise and knowledge heightens the likelihood of opting for homemade dishes. In an effort to promote increased home cooking, the Trimble County Extension Office introduced a the Savor the Flavor five session initiative to the local community. This program concent
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Freezing and Dehydrating Workshops in the Mammoth Cave Area
Author: Megan Treadway
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Food prices have seen a rapid increase in recent years. Grocery prices rose 11.4 percent from January 2022 to January 2023 and continued, albeit slower, price growth is predicted (USDA ERS, 2023). For this reason, there continues to be a growing interest in reducing waste and preserving food at home.The Area Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences partnered with FCS agents in Warren, Hart, and Simpson counties to provide food preservation workshops focused on freezing and dehydrating ba
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FCS Food Preservation Workshop
Author: Asa Conkwright
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Many households in Kentucky participate in food preservation practices annually. However, due to recent supply chain issues and inflation caused by the global pandemic, there is an increased demand for food preservation knowledge. Aside from having access to nutritional foods and preventing food waste, food preservation has been viewed as a way to prepare for disaster and a mechanism for financial stability. To meet this need FCS agent Asa Conkwright held a food preservation workshop that includ
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Holiday Cooking School
Author: David Coffey
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
During the holiday season, we acknowledge the significance of cooking, nutrition, and food storage in this time of year. In London, KY, the Wilderness Trail Area organized a Holiday Cooking School. The event focused on educating participants in Food Safety & Preservation, featuring instruction from the UK Food Safety and Preservation specialist, Annhall Norris and Stuarto's Olive Oil company conducted food demonstrations which worked alongside the UK Curriculum "Savor the Flavor.&qu
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Charcuterie Class
Author: Alex Kelly
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

The practice of presenting food artistically and abstractly on a board, commonly referred to as a charcuterie board, has been a trend since 2020, continuing to grow in popularity. Serving as a dynamic and enjoyable method to showcase culinary offerings during gatherings, the creation of a tasteful charcuterie board can initially seem overwhelming. Recognizing this, the Muhlenberg County FCS agent offered a Charcuterie 101 class, strategically scheduled for the holiday season. This educational cl
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Savor the Flavor: Using Kitchen Tools and Appliances
Author: Karli Giles
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Research shows that people who prepare and cook meals at home are more likely to eat the recommended fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains needed in a balanced diet. Building skills and cooking knowledge increases the likelihood that people choose to prepare home-cooked meals.To encourage more home-prepared meals, the Fort Harrod Area FCS Agents hosted the workshop Savor the Flavor Multi- County Seminar. The Using Kitchen Tools and Appliances session was led by Jessamine County FCS Ag
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Savor the Flavor: Exploring Cooking Methods
Author: Tara Duty
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Exploring Cooking MethodsSuccess StoryResearch shows that people who prepare and cook meals at home are more likely to eat the recommended amounts of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains needed in a balanced diet. Building skills and cooking knowledge increases the likelihood that people choose to prepare home-cooked meals.To encourage more home-prepared meals, the Fort Harrod Area FCS Agents hosted the workshop Savor the Flavor: Exploring Cooking Methods was led by Mercer County Ext
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Savor the Flavor - Seasoning with Spices
Author: Carla Carter
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Research shows that people who prepare and cook meals at home are more likely to eat the recommended fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains needed in a balanced diet. Building skills and cooking knowledge increases the likelihood that people choose to prepare home-cooked meals.To encourage more home-prepared meals, the Fort Harrod Area Family and Consumer Science Agents hosted the workshop Savor the Flavor as a multi-county leadership lesson for our communities. The Savor the Fla
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The Pasta-bilities are Endless after Learning how to Make Italian Food at Home
Author: Jill Harris
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Gatherings focused on learning about cooking, particularly Italian cuisine, hold profound significance beyond simply mastering culinary techniques. These gatherings foster a sense of community and connection, providing a platform for individuals to share cultural traditions and stories through the universal language of food. Exploring Italian cuisine, renowned for its rich history and diverse regional flavors, not only cultivates culinary skills but also deepens appreciation for cultural heritag
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The Pasta-bilities are Endless after Learning how to Make Italian Food at Home
Author: Angie York
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Gatherings focused on learning about cooking, particularly Italian cuisine, hold profound significance beyond simply mastering culinary techniques. These gatherings foster a sense of community and connection, providing a platform for individuals to share cultural traditions and stories through the universal language of food. Exploring Italian cuisine, renowned for its rich history and diverse regional flavors, not only cultivates culinary skills but also deepens appreciation for cultural heritag
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Food Preservation
Author: Sonya Carter
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
In the fall of 2023, the Family Consumer Science Agent offered a class on Freezing/Dehydrating and preserving apples. ?We discussed freezing & dehydrating fresh fruit. We dehydrated some apples & made some apple pie filling that is ready to eat or be frozen. ?This group of participants did a marvelous job & had lots of fun learning together. The participants all stated they learned something. They all stated that they would be interested in taking more food preservation classes.
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Savor the Flavor: Herbs with the Aphasia Lab
Author: Caroline McMahan
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Research shows that people who prepare and cook meals at home are more likely to eat the recommended fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains needed in a balanced diet. Building skills and cooking knowledge increases the likelihood that people choose to prepare home-cooked meals. To encourage more home-prepared meals, the Fayette County Extension Office partners with the Aphasia Lab in the Communication Sciences and Disorders department at th
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Savor the Flavor series: Cooking with Oils and Vinegar lessons on 2/13/24.
Author: Elizabeth Maxedon
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
The problemResearch shows that people who cook meals at home are more likely to eat the recommended fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains in a balanced diet. Building cooking skills and knowledge increases the likelihood of people preparing home-cooked meals. The Oldham and Trimble County Extension Office presented the Savor the Flavor series to community members to encourage more home-prepared meals. The Savor the Flavor program focused on various cooking methods and flavoring techni
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Savor the Flavor: Cooking with Herbs
Author: Jody Paver
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Research shows that people who prepare and cook meals at home are more likely to eat the recommended fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains needed in a balanced diet. Building skills and cooking knowledge increases the likelihood that people choose to prepare home-cooked meals. To encourage more home-prepared meals, the Lincoln County Extension Office hosted the workshop Savor the Flavor: Building Flavor with Herbs. The Savor the Flavor program focused on flavoring dishes with herbs. E
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Floyd County Dinner for Two
Author: Andrea Slone
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

The problemAccording to the United States Census Bureau there are 17,333 households in Floyd County, KY with an average of 2.37 persons living in the each household. According to the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Kentucky is below the national average of fruit and vegetable consumption among youth. The Center for Disease Control states that adults in Kentucky are also below average of the national fruit and vegetable consumption. Studies have shown that families and couples who cook and eat t
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Food Preservation
Author: Nancy Doyle
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
With prices of groceries ever increasing and concern over the economy, there has been an interest in learning to can and preserve food so that participants may be self-sufficient with a deeper connection to local food sources. Four Food Preservation Workshops were offered to teach safe canning, freezing, and dehydrating methods by providing hands-on workshops, fact sheets and research-based recipes. Eleven participants total, 3 adults and 8 youth attended two workshops to properly pr
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Basic Food Preservation
Author: Angelia Swihart
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Basic Food PreservationBy Angelia Swihart According to Kentucky County Health Rankings from 2021, 10% of the population of Hancock County is food insecure; meaning that 10% of the people in Hancock County lack adequate access to food. Health care rankings also state that Breathitt County adult citizens have one of the highest diabetic rates in Kentucky. It is imperative that the Breathitt County population have access to foods and optimally, nutritious foods, that will benefit t
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Migrant Club
Author: Jordan Crain
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
In an effort to include and expand the reach of Extension and Extension Programs, the Barren County Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences, the Barren County Agent for 4-H and Youth Development and the Barren County Program Assistant have teamed up Glasgow City Schools Migrant Education Program directors to form a Migrant Club for youth and adults.During the monthly meetings, adults work with the Family and Consumer Sciences agent to learn about healthy cooking and learn new recipes and skills.
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Yes, You Can! Food Preservation Workshop
Author: Leah VanMeter
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Only 8.0% of adults in Kentucky are meeting the daily fruit intake recommendation and only 6.3% of adults in Kentucky are meeting the daily vegetable intake recommendations according to a report from the CDC in 2018.Several studies have found that fruit and vegetable consumption increase among gardeners during the harvest season compared to non-gardeners. Gardening can have a positive impact financially as well as nutritionally.According to a 2023 study published in the Public Health Nutrition i
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The Pasta-bilities are Endless after Learning how to Make Italian Food at Home
Author: Amanda Dame
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Gatherings focused on learning about cooking, particularly Italian cuisine, hold profound significance beyond simply mastering culinary techniques. These gatherings foster a sense of community and connection, providing a platform for individuals to share cultural traditions and stories through the universal language of food. Exploring Italian cuisine, renowned for its rich history and diverse regional flavors, not only cultivates culinary skills but also deepens appreciation for cultural heritag
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Savor the Flavor: Seasoning with Spices, Building Flavor with Herbs, and Cooking with Oils and Vinegars
Author: Hannah Thornsberry
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Savor the FlavorResearch shows that people who prepare and cook meals at home are more likely to eat the recommended fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains needed in a balanced diet. Building skills and cooking knowledge increases the likelihood that people choose to prepare home-cooked meals.Seasoning with SpicesTo encourage more home-prepared meals, the Fort Harrod Area Family and Consumer Sciences Agents hosted the workshop Savor the Flavor: Seasoning with Spices as a part of a mult
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Trying New Foods Through Food Preparation
Author: Ashley Board
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that individuals consume fruits and vegetables for a variety of reasons, including reducing the risk for cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. Consuming fruits and vegetables during adolescents is important not only for healthy growth, but also because health behaviors may continue into adulthood. The US Department of Agriculture recommends that adolescents between the ages of 14-18 consume 1.5 – 2 cups of fruit and
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Author: Whitney Morrow
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Based on the Cooperative Extension Community Needs Assessment, having access to nutritious foods and food security is the number one concern in Carter County. Teaching residents to prepare their own foods using limited ingredients can help them become more self-sufficient, potentially reducing grocery costs and increasing food security, especially those on limited resources. Sourdough bread has gained popularity in recent years through social media and with the rise of grocery costs. The Carter
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Cooking at 4-H camp
Author: Whitney Morrow
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Kentucky Youth ranks among the highest in the US for obesity. In fact, in 2020 only 6% of Carter County youth consumed the recommended number of fruits and vegetables. Involving children in food preparation has been proven to successfully increase the consumption of nutritious food in children. The Carter County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent was asked to teach cooking classes to youth at 4-H camp.The 4-H Camp three days cooking classes, where 40 campers (ages 9-15) from three di
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Home Baking Series
Author: Jennifer Bridge
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

With the rising cost of food, consumers request for classes on preparing food at home has increased, specifically in the area of home baking. To meet the requests, a series of classes on Home Baking was offered to the public and met great success! The series focused on the science behind home baking. Topics such as proper measurement using a scale as well as tradition methods were covered. Types of flour, leavening agents, liquids, temperature, storage, and food safety wa
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Basics of Cast Iron Cooking
Author: Deborah Shepherd
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
The "Back to the Basics: Cooking with Cast Iron" program, led by the Lake Cumberland Area Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Agents, was a big success. Cast iron cookware is often passed down through generations, symbolizing family traditions and heritage. Feeling comfortable in the kitchen can lead to more home-cooked meals, which are healthier and more affordable than eating out. This can greatly improve the health and financial well-being of those who cook at home.The program aimed
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Students Learn Valuable Kitchen Safety Skills
Author: Megan Treadway
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
According to the Afterschool Alliance, 85,849 Kentucky children were left alone and unsupervised between the hours of 3 and 6 p.m. in 2020. This is still the case for many students in Simpson County, and these students report that they prepare meals or snacks while home alone.The Area Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences partnered with the Simpson County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences to teach the basics of Kitchen Safety to all 4th and 5th grade students in Simpson
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Education Opportunity with University of Dayton students
Author: Cathy Sparks
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
The problem A group of 18 University of Dayton students have come into Magoffin County to spend the summer doing work in the community. The group is divided into pairs to prepare the evening meals at the house where they are lodged. Many of the students have never cooked meals before and needed training on basic knife skills, food preparation/recipe terminology, and how to plan and prepare a well-balanced meal. Their leader, Meaghan Crowley, met with me to ask if I c
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Creating Family Traditions
Author: Amanda Dame
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
An interest in cooking and preparing foods at home has become more common over the past few years. With that increased interest, there have been more requests for programs and hands-on educational courses in this area. To address this issue the Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent provided different learning opportunities in Hopkins County to help residents craft new skills for preparing food at home. These classes included: Cheese Making, Soups and Sandwiches, Quick Breads, and Food Pre
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Food as Health - Diabetes
Author: Alivia Faris
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Kentucky has one of the highest rates of diabetes in the nation, with 1 in 3 residents living with diabetes or prediabetes. Complicating matters, 1 out of 5 people with diabetes are unaware they have it. While these numbers show how significant of an issue diabetes is, there are ways we can manage blood sugar which will ultimately reduce the risk and prevalence of diabetes. Defining the relationship between food, food resource management, and diabetes is a valuable skill for all Kentuckians, as
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Budgeting for Meals
Author: Alivia Faris
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
In the United States, 7 out of the 10 leading causes of death are directly related to diet. This is largely because risk factors like high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol are connected to the foods we eat. Evidence is drawing clearer connections to these risk factors and food insecurity. In Kentucky, food insecurity, or not having access to or the ability to afford nutritious food, largely contributes to diet-sensitive chronic conditions. Because of the known health outcom
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Herb Class Series
Author: Shonda Johnston
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
One of the most consistent requests received at Clark County Extension from its constituents, is information on growing and cooking with herbs. With upward trends in eating healthier, growing your own food, and living a more self-sustainable life, more people have been hoping to learn about the benefits of herbs. Clark County Extension’s Horticulture Agent and Family and Consumer Sciences Agent partnered up for a 2-class series on Growing and Cooking with Herbs. The 2 classes covered all t
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Food Preservation Workshop
Author: Shonda Johnston
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Food preservation is a skill that many Clark County residents express interest in, but report hesitancy and fear about actually doing it. Clark County Family and Consumer Sciences agent had many requests for food preservation skills and therefore presented two food preservation workshops, one in July and one in August. The classes consisted of hands-on canning demonstrations of both water bath and pressure canning as well as the safety of both practices. Between the two classes, 19 people
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"Getting to Know Your Kitchen Gadgets" series knocks the dust off of those "have to have" kitchen appliances
Author: Kelly Bland
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Many adults are enthusiastic about purchasing the latest kitchen gadgets, but a significant portion express hesitation in using them. A survey by Consumer Reports found that 40% of adults admit to buying kitchen gadgets they rarely or never use. Additionally, a study by the NPD Group revealed that while 60% of adults purchase new kitchen tools annually, over 30% of these gadgets remain unused due to unfamiliarity or complexity. This trend is often attributed to the intimidation of new technology
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Let's Cook Through the Calendar
Author: Ruth Chowning
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
The new year began, and the Louisville Area Family & Consumer Sciences Agents (F.C.S.)were looking through the new Food and Nutrition calendars when discussion started about watching cooking shows and being more likely to try a recipe after watching someone prepare it. When one of the local news stations reached out to an agent about a cooking segment , the “Cooking Through the Calendar” program was organized! With Louisville ranked as the 49th largest television marke
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Savor the Flavor
Author: Kendyl Redding
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Research shows that people who prepare and cook meals at home are more likely to eat the recommended fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains needed in a balanced diet. Building cooking skills and knowledge increases the likelihood that people choose to prepare homecooked meals. To encourage more home-prepared meals, the Powell County Extension Office presented the Savor the Flavor series to the local community. The Savor the Flavor program focuses on various cooking methods and flavorin
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Safety Day
Author: Nancy Doyle
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Based on schools being out for the summer and more children being left at home alone or with limited supervision, it was discovered there was a need to increase the knowledge of these youth of safe practices at home. The Simpson County Extension Office partnered with the Simpson County Ag Advisory Council and the Family Resource Service Center to plan a 4th and 5th Grade Safety Day. Students were rotated through seven stations to learn about Animal Safety, Internet Safety, Kitchen Sa
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Sourdough Basics
Author: Lora Davidson
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Our Sourdough Program has achieved remarkable success and outreach, specifically drawing in over 15,000 social media interactions and reaching attendees/contacts from local areas, statewide, and across multiple states. This program was designed to transform novices into proficient bakers and includes a series of meticulously crafted workshops. These cover everything from creating and maintaining a vibrant sourdough starter, mastering advanced kneading techniques and achieving the perfect crust,
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Food Preservation 101
Author: Jane Proctor
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in five households engage in home food preservation, with 65% of these households canning vegetables. There is a growing interest in home gardening and food preservation, which has heightened the demand for reliable canning information. People choose to preserve food at home for various reasons, such as preserving home-grown produce, promoting sustainability, controlling ingredients like sodium and sugar, saving money, or continuin
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Reviving Tradition: Sourdough Bread-Making Success in Owsley County
Author: Rosa Smith
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
The ProblemOwsley County has a rich heritage of homesteading, including bread making, sewing, and farming. However, in recent years, the interest in homesteading and the art of homemaking, such as baking bread, has diminished. This decline is particularly noticeable among newer generations. In the past 3-4 years, post-COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a renewed interest in homesteading. Despite this resurgence, the generational gap in practicing these skills presents a challenge in preserving an
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Cooking Up Life Skills with Exceptional Education Students
Author: Marla Stillwell
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

In LaRue County, 460 students received specially designed academic and social/emotional instruction, both in the regular classroom and separate classrooms during the 2023-24 school year. LaRue County Schools rose to provide the need for these services including but not limited to speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, orientation and mobility therapy, braille, sign language, job/life skills instruction and community based work transition program and instruction. Through a
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Holiday Cooking School
Author: Hazel Jackson
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
The problem During the Holiday Season, cooking nutrition and food storage is especially important since many of our holiday gatherings include food. The educational program response FCS agents in the Wilderness Trail Area organized a Holiday Cooking school. The event focused on educating participants in Food Safety, featuring instruction from the UK Food Safety and Preservations specialist, AnnHall Norris. An additional presentation was offered by Stuarto's Ove
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Bread Making - Stretching Your Dough
Author: Linda Burgard
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
According to the USDA, food-at-home prices have increased by 5 percent in 2023 with prices for cereals and bakery products rising by 8.4 percent. With the average American household spending over $1,000 on groceries monthly, community members are eager to learn how they can save money on food costs.To address this need, the Whitley County Family and Consumer Science Agent offered hands-on bread workshops once or twice a month since March 2023. 360 adult individuals participated in 15
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment