Success StoryPumpkin Days 2023
Pumpkin Days 2023
Author: Lorie Adams
Planning Unit: Knott County CES
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Plan of Work: Healthy Families
Outcome: Initial Outcome
September 26-27, 2023 Pumpkin Days was held at the Robinson Center for Appalachian Resource Sustainability. Youth in Preschool, HeadStart, Kindergarten and 1st Grades attended from multiple different counties where they rotated through educational stations, played games, learned about being kind, experienced a petting zoo, took a hayride to the pumpkin patch and were able to select their own pumpkin to take home. Different SNAP approved pumpkin recipes were made by numerous different SNAP-Ed Assistants, Program Assistants and Agents for the kids in attendance to try. Each group was greeted by Wally Cat and a photo was taken!
Youth in attendance were able to try new foods for the first time! Several positive comments were collected throughout the day from the kids! Youth were excited to get to make the recipes at home! First time hayride and pumpkin patch exposures occurred for lots of our youth. This event provides positive learning experiences combined with a safe place to try new and exciting things. New this year we added a petting zoo. This was put together by 4-H and FFA members from the region. The 4-H and FFA students brought their project animals out and shared about each one of them with the kids. The students in attendance were able to pet them as well.
Due to the abundance of generosity from those working in Extension, our local 4-H and FFA students and Hannah Hogan, Kentucky River Health Department educator, we were able to provide this day to 741 youth over the two days. Collectively we had 1281 total youth, parents and educators were present for both the days.
I introduced the youth to homemade vegetable leather. We talked about how we can make food last longer before it goes bad. Lots of parents also came up and asked me for more information on making pumpkin leather at home. Every child was able to try a piece of pumpkin leather, most really enjoyed it. I sent home the recipe with every child. One parent told me, “I’ve been wanting to do roll-ups forever with my kids, never thought of making them with pumpkin."
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment