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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025

KSU Program Indicators per person for FY2025Kentucky Extension Reports

County Name Major Program Program Indicator Value
Crittenden County CES Woodall, Rebecca Active Living and Health Promotions General

Number of program participants reporting adoption of physical activity practices

Crittenden County CES Woodall, Rebecca Active Living and Health Promotions General

Number of program participants who demonstrated an increase in physical activity levels

Crittenden County CES Woodall, Rebecca Active Living and Health Promotions General

Number of participants who attended age related health and wellness programs not identified as a “major program.”Major age-related programs include: Keys to Embracing Again, 10 Warning Signs, and AARP Prepare to Care

Crittenden County CES Woodall, Rebecca Mental Health and Well-being - FCS

Number of partnerships with community organizations, institutions, agencies, or individuals to address mental health and wellbeing in the community.

Crittenden County CES Woodall, Rebecca Mental Health and Well-being - FCS

Number of participants who reported an increased knowledge of how to respond to mental health concerns.

Crittenden County CES Woodall, Rebecca Mental Health and Well-being - FCS

Number of participants who intend to adopt self-care strategies to improve their own mental health and wellbeing.

Crittenden County CES Woodall, Rebecca Mental Health and Well-being - FCS

Number of participants who intend to adopt strategies to support or promote mental health and wellbeing in their community.

Crittenden County CES Woodall, Rebecca Mental Health and Well-being - FCS

Number of participants who reported intended behavior change as a result of participation in mental health and wellbeing programming.

Crittenden County CES Woodall, Rebecca Mental Health and Well-being - FCS

Number of participants who adopted self-care strategies to improve their own mental health and wellbeing.

Crittenden County CES Woodall, Rebecca Family Development General

Number of individuals (parents, caregivers, grandparent, or relative) reporting improved personal knowledge (i.e., developmental stages of a child, techniques to encourage positive development, positive discipline techniques for children, healthy ways to promote children’s success in schools, and signs of abuse and neglect)

Crittenden County CES Woodall, Rebecca Family Development General

Number of individuals reporting improved parenting skills (i.e., skills to prepare child for life; use positive discipline techniques; use of empathy, family rules and effective boundaries; effective self-care techniques)

Crittenden County CES Woodall, Rebecca Family Development General

Number of participants who attended parenting-related programs not identified as a “major program.”  Major parent-related programs include: Active Parenting, Parenting a Second Time Around, Grandparents as Parents, Nurturing Parenting, and Nurturing Fathers

Crittenden County CES Woodall, Rebecca Child Development General

Based on observation, how many children improved their gross motor skills? (i.e., body, automation, cross lateral movement, locomotor, and stability)

Crittenden County CES Woodall, Rebecca Child Development General

Based on observation and/or feedback from caregivers and/or teachers, how many children put new social-emotional skills into practice after completing the program? (i.e., self-awareness, self-management, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making)

Crittenden County CES Woodall, Rebecca Financial Education - General

Number of individuals who gained knowledge related to financial management

Crittenden County CES Woodall, Rebecca Financial Education - General

Number of individuals who made a sound financial decision (regarding credit, budgeting, savings, and/or debt)

Crittenden County CES Woodall, Rebecca Food Preparation and Preservation

Number of individuals who reported improved knowledge, opinions, skills, or aspirations regarding the safe storage, handling, preparation and/or preservation of food

Crittenden County CES Woodall, Rebecca Workforce Preparation - FCS

Number of individuals who reported learning new skills to prepare or improve themselves for the workforce as a result of participating in an Extension workforce development program/outreach.

Crittenden County CES Woodall, Rebecca Workforce Preparation - FCS

Number of participants who reported that they learned strategies for managing their work-life responsibilities as a result of participating in an Extension workforce development program/outreach.

Edmonson County CES Poteet, Bridgett Civic Engagement

Number of youth who identified the needs of others in their community

Edmonson County CES Poteet, Bridgett Civic Engagement

Number of youth who participated in a service activity (community service, service learning, personal service to others).

Edmonson County CES Poteet, Bridgett Civic Engagement

Number of youth who can recognized leaders in the community or area of interest.

Edmonson County CES Poteet, Bridgett Civic Engagement

Number of volunteers whose 4-H members identified the needs of others in their community.

Edmonson County CES Poteet, Bridgett Civic Engagement

Number of volunteers whose 4-H members participated in a service activity (community service, service learning, personal service to others).

Edmonson County CES Poteet, Bridgett Civic Engagement

Number of volunteers whose 4-H members recognized leaders in the community or area of interest.

Edmonson County CES Poteet, Bridgett Agriculture

Number of Youth (5-18) engaged in AG 4-H programming

Edmonson County CES Poteet, Bridgett Agriculture

Number of Volunteers (19+) engaged in AG 4-H programming

Edmonson County CES Poteet, Bridgett Natural Resources

Number of Youth (5-18) engaged in NR 4-H programming

Edmonson County CES Poteet, Bridgett Natural Resources

Number of Volunteers (19+) engaged in NR 4-H programming

Hardin County CES Crawford, William M Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development

Number of people impacted by Advisory Councils,community organizations, and other volunteers including County Ag Investment Program (CAIP), Chamber of Commerce Ag Committee, farm bureau, county fairs, festivals, etc.

Hardin County CES Crawford, William M Community Vitality and Leadership - ANR

Number of strategies adopted and implemented to improve the community

Hardin County CES Crawford, William M Plant Disease ID

Number of people who used Extension resources to identify plant disease

Hardin County CES Crawford, William M Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Number of people who gained knowledge in consumer and home  horticulture including: native plants, disease and pests, composting, site analysis, and proper maintenance

Hardin County CES Crawford, William M Beef

Number for people who gained information on beef nutrition, animal health, genetics, reproduction, and/ or facilities and equipment

Hardin County CES Crawford, William M Small Ruminants (includes sheep, goats) and Exotic animals

Number of people who gained information on small ruminant operations including animal health, nutrition, breeding/ genetics, facilities and handling, environmental impact, and/or business management and marketing

Hardin County CES Crawford, William M Swine

Number of producers who increased their knowledge and understanding of swine production

Hardin County CES Crawford, William M Local Food Systems

Number of people who attended training on food safety, food handling, food processing, liability, and/or marketing.  This includes: PBPT, GAP certification, Farmers Market samples, ….)

Hardin County CES Crawford, William M Horticulture, Commercial

Number of growers who gained knowledge in commercial horticulture including: improved pest and disease management, improved soil management, how to interpret a soil test and apply fertilizer accordingly, recommended crop varieties, improved crop management such as trellising, pruning, harvesting, timing of operations, etc.

Hardin County CES Crawford, William M Aquaculture

Number of fish producers who increased their knowledge of fish production

Hardin County CES Crawford, William M Poultry/Small Flocks

Number of producers who increased their knowledge on poultry health and nutrition

Hardin County CES Crawford, William M Small Farm Diversification

Number of farmers who have diversified their small farms, or added “new enterprises”

Hardin County CES Deramus, Chandra Apparel and Textiles (Non-Master Clothing Volunteer)

Number of individuals who reported increased levels of understanding in the areas of: clothing care, clothing repair (sewing on a button)

Hardin County CES Deramus, Chandra Apparel and Textiles (Non-Master Clothing Volunteer)

Number of individuals who participated in a sewing related program (not led by a Master Clothing Volunteer)

Hardin County CES Deramus, Chandra Leadership

Number of youth who served in a leadership role.

Hardin County CES Deramus, Chandra Leadership

Number of youth who worked in a team/group to accomplish a common task or goal.

Hardin County CES Deramus, Chandra Leadership

Number of youth who understood how their actions impact others.

Hardin County CES Deramus, Chandra Financial Education - General

Number of individuals who gained knowledge related to financial management

Hardin County CES Deramus, Chandra Financial Education - General

Number of individuals who made a sound financial decision (regarding credit, budgeting, savings, and/or debt)

Hardin County CES Deramus, Chandra Financial Education - General

Number of those who have successfully completed financial management and/or career readiness programs that will help set future goals

Hardin County CES Deramus, Chandra Financial Education - General

Number of individuals who implemented strategies to avoid breaches in personal or financial security

Hardin County CES Deramus, Chandra Financial Education - General

Number of individuals who implemented at least one strategy to reduce expenses or manage money

Hardin County CES Deramus, Chandra Communications & Expressive Arts

Number of youth who gained/strengthened the ability to express their thoughts or opinions.

Hardin County CES Deramus, Chandra Communications & Expressive Arts

Number of youth who used information to communicate with others.

Hardin County CES Deramus, Chandra Communications & Expressive Arts

Number of youth who demonstrated a skill they have learned.

KSU Administration Townsend, Casey H Science, Engineering, and Technology

Number of Youth (5-18) engaged in SET 4-H Programming

KSU Administration Townsend, Casey H Science, Engineering, and Technology

Number of Volunteers (19+) engaged in SET 4-H Programming

KSU Administration Treadway, Megan V LEAP

Number of participants

KSU Administration Treadway, Megan V LEAP

Number of participants reporting intention to try new foods

KSU Administration Treadway, Megan V Nutrition and Food Systems General

Number of individuals who reported increased knowledge, skills, or intentions related to using the nutrition facts label

KSU Administration Treadway, Megan V Mental Health and Well-being - FCS

Number of participants who intend to adopt self-care strategies to improve their own mental health and wellbeing.

KSU Administration Treadway, Megan V Food Preparation and Preservation

Number of individuals who reported improved knowledge, opinions, skills, or aspirations regarding the safe storage, handling, preparation and/or preservation of food

KSU Administration Treadway, Megan V Food Preparation and Preservation

Number of individuals who demonstrated safe handling and preparation and/or preservation of food

KSU Administration Treadway, Megan V Food Preparation and Preservation

Number of pints of fruits, vegetables or fruit/vegetable products canned through water bath canning (e.g. pickles, jams, jellies, sauces)

KSU Administration Treadway, Megan V Food Preparation and Preservation

Number of pints of vegetables, soups, meats, or other value-added products canned through pressure canning

KSU Administration Treadway, Megan V Food Preparation and Preservation

Number of pints of fruits or vegetables frozen

KSU Administration Treadway, Megan V Food Preparation and Preservation

Number of pints of fruits or vegetables dried

KSU Administration Treadway, Megan V Food Preparation and Preservation

Number of Food Preservation Workshop participants

KSU Administration Treadway, Megan V Food Preparation and Preservation

Number of Food Preservation Workshop participants reporting an increase in food preservation skills

KSU Administration Treadway, Megan V Family Development General

Number of individuals (parents, caregivers, grandparent, or relative) reporting improved personal knowledge (i.e., developmental stages of a child, techniques to encourage positive development, positive discipline techniques for children, healthy ways to promote children’s success in schools, and signs of abuse and neglect)

KSU Administration Treadway, Megan V Family Development General

Number of individuals who sought support from local community organizations and/or its individual members

KSU Administration Treadway, Megan V Family Development General

Number of participants who attended parenting-related programs not identified as a “major program.”  Major parent-related programs include: Active Parenting, Parenting a Second Time Around, Grandparents as Parents, Nurturing Parenting, and Nurturing Fathers

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

Number of hours KEHA members volunteered for EXTENSION activities and events

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

Number of hours KEHA members volunteered in COMMUNITY activities and events

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

Number of KEHA members who utilized knowledge gained through officer training to fulfill a KEHA leadership role at the club, county, area and/or state level.

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

Number of KEHA members who report knowledge gained through county and/or area officer and chairman training.

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Food Preparation and Preservation

Number of individuals who reported improved knowledge, opinions, skills, or aspirations regarding the safe storage, handling, preparation and/or preservation of food

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Food Preparation and Preservation

Number of individuals who demonstrated safe handling and preparation and/or preservation of food

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Food Preparation and Preservation

Number of individuals who reported preparing more healthy home-cooked meals

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Food Preparation and Preservation

Number of pints of fruits, vegetables or fruit/vegetable products canned through water bath canning (e.g. pickles, jams, jellies, sauces)

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Food Preparation and Preservation

Number of Food Preservation Workshop participants

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Food Preparation and Preservation

Number of Food Preservation Workshop participants reporting an increase in food preservation skills

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Child Development General

Based on observation, how many children improved their gross motor skills? (i.e., body, automation, cross lateral movement, locomotor, and stability)

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Child Development General

Based on observation and/or feedback from caregivers and/or teachers, how many children put new social-emotional skills into practice after completing the program? (i.e., self-awareness, self-management, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making)

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Child Development General

Based on observation and/or feedback from caregivers and/or teachers, how many children demonstrated improved early literacy skills? (i.e., phonological awareness, print awareness, narrative skills, vocabulary)

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Child Development General

Based on caregiver report, there has been an increase in adult lead engagement in the child’s learning process. (i.e., spend more time reading to child, practices letter recognition, involves child in physical activity, implements activities learned in child development program)

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa LEAP

Number of participants

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa LEAP

Number of participants reporting intention to eat more fruits

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa LEAP

Number of participants reporting intention to eat more vegetables

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa LEAP

Number of participants reporting intention to try new foods

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa LEAP

Number of participants reporting intention to be more physically active

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa LEAP

Number of participants reporting intention to make healthy beverage choices (e.g., drink less soda, drink less flavored/sport drinks)

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Nutrition and Food Systems General

Number of families/caregivers who reported supplementing their diets with healthy foods that they grew or preserved (community or backyard gardens, fishing, hunting, farmers markets)

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Nutrition and Food Systems General

Number of individuals who reported increased knowledge, skills, or intentions related to using the nutrition facts label

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Aging-General

Number of participants reporting improved knowledge regarding life span behavior and decisions that affect health and well-being (such as enhanced knowledge of: positive attitude, smart and healthy eating, physical activity, mental activity, meaningful social connections, tuning-in to the times, safety, health numbers, stress management, financial management sleep, and taking personal time)

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Aging-General

Number of participants who reported intentions to improve healthy lifestyles and behaviors (including enhanced positive attitude, smart and healthy eating, physical activity, mental activity, meaningful social connections, tuning-in to the times, safety, health numbers, stress management, financial management sleep, and taking personal time)

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Aging-General

Number of participants reporting improved life style behavior skills (such as enhanced positive attitude, smart and healthy eating, physical activity, mental activity, social activity, tuning-in to the times, safety, health numbers, stress management, financial management sleep, and taking personal time)

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Aging-General

Number of participants who can recognize warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Active Living and Health Promotions General

Number of program participants reporting adoption of physical activity practices

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Active Living and Health Promotions General

Number of program participants who demonstrated an increase in physical activity levels

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Active Living and Health Promotions General

Number of program participants who improved one or more health indicator (cholesterol, blood pressure, body mass index, blood glucose)

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Active Living and Health Promotions General

Number of participants who attended age related health and wellness programs not identified as a “major program.”Major age-related programs include: Keys to Embracing Again, 10 Warning Signs, and AARP Prepare to Care

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Apparel and Textiles (Non-Master Clothing Volunteer)

Number of individuals who reported increased levels of understanding in the areas of: clothing care, clothing repair (sewing on a button)

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Apparel and Textiles (Non-Master Clothing Volunteer)

Number of individuals who participated in a sewing related program (not led by a Master Clothing Volunteer)

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Community Engagement

Number of participants reporting new leadership roles and leadership opportunities

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Community Engagement

Number of those who now serve as a mentor to others

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Community Engagement

Number of individuals who are comfortable identifying community problems

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Community Engagement

Number of those who are comfortable addressing community issues through local leadership

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Community Engagement

Number of those who take time to recruit and engage people to undertake community projects

Trigg County CES Garcia, Teresa Community Engagement

Number of new groups/networks/coalitions formed through agreement or formal arrangement