Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2025Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025

Extension Homemakers Help in the Community

Author: Hazel Jackson

Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

The problem  According to the National Institute of Health (2023), volunteering provides clear health benefits for the volunteer.  It also provides clear economic benefits to organizations and acts as a bridge of welfare services to derived communities.The educational program response Rockcastle County Extension Homemakers has 80 members in 4 Homemaker clubs.  Club meetings are led by officers.   Each club has been actively promoting volunteerism and they have helpe

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Homemakers Partner with Local Library

Author: Katelyn Squires

Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

Homemakers Partner with Local Library

Little Libraries and Bookmobiles are a way to increase access to books for readers of all ages and backgrounds to different parts of the community. Little Libraries are growing throughout the state of Kentucky; Green County alone has nine little libraries set up at different restaurants and businesses in the community. Green County Library also utilizes the bookmobile which is a mobile library that visits various locations and organizations in Green County such as Little Lambs Preschool and many

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2024-2025 Fort Harrod Area Extension Homemaker Officer and Chairperson Training

Author: Carla Carter

Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

Research shows when people understand their purpose, they are more likely to engage deeply in their personal activities, such as being an Extension Homemaker. Whether you joined a homemaker club recently, or have been a member for years, now is the perfect time to refresh your perspective on what it means to be an Extension Homemaker. The Fort Harrod Area Family and Consumer Sciences Agents recognized there was a need within the area to give our Extension Homemakers a renewed since of self.The F

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Antique Shop Homemakers Organized

Author: Gregory Drake

Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

Describe the Issue or Situation.  There has been no new homemaker club organized in Butler County for several years.  Describe the Outreach or Educational Program Response (and Partners, if applicable).  Worked with existing homemaker president to recruit interested homemakers.Provide the Number and Description(s) of Participants/Target Audience.  30 membersProvide a Statement of Outcomes or Program Impact. Please note that the outcomes statement must use evaluation data to d

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Fort Harrod Area Extension Homemakers' 2024-2025 Officer and Chairperson Training

Author: Jody Paver

Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

Fort Harrod Area Extension Homemaker 2024-2025 Officer and Chairperson Training Success Story? Research shows when people understand their purpose, they are more likely to engage deeply in their personal activities, such as being an Extension Homemaker. Whether you joined a homemaker club recently, or have been a member for years, now is the perfect time to refresh your perspective on what it means to be an Extension Homemaker. The Fort Harrod Area Family and Consumer Sciences Age

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Introduction to Photography

Author: Dylan Gentry

Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

Introduction to Photography

Describe the Issue or Situation:In the Lake Cumberland Area, many Homemakers had an interest in photography but lacked the necessary skills to fully engage with the craft. Photography skills were seen as valuable for capturing family memories, documenting events, and entering photos into local Homemaker competitions. Many participants felt underprepared to effectively use their cameras, limiting their ability to participate in photo contests and community projects. In particular, capturing high-

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Logan County Homemakers Support Ovarian Cancer Research Program at the University of Kentucky

Author: Rachel Hance

Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

Ovarian cancer is one of the most common gynecologic malignancies in the United States.  This year over 22,280 new cases will be detected, and 14,240 women will die of the disease.  Women at highest risk to develop ovarian cancer are over the age of 50 or have a relative with ovarian cancer.  One of the Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association’s main health objectives has been to assist in funding ovarian cancer screening and research a the University of Kentucky.  As o

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Discovering Cake Decorating

Author: Laura-Grace Vincent

Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

Describe the Issue or Situation. Homemakers from 10 counties (Mammoth Cave Area) got together on 2 different days, one in Warren County and another in Barren County, for their Oct and Nov leader lesson which is over cake decorating! All Homemaker clubs in Kentucky receive educational lessons from the University of Kentucky and Extension Offices. FCS agents are responsible for getting those lessons to the clubs as well as trainings like these that allow members to effectively go back to thei

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Move Your Way MCA Homemaker Summer 2024 Leader training

Author: Lynn Blankenship

Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

Being physically active is an important component to overall health and contributes significantly to individuals’ physical and mental wellbeing.  There is a continued need to promote physical activity among Kentucky families.  According to the CDC, 29.7% of Kentucky’s adults reported that during the past month, they had not participated in any physical activity, and only 21.4% of Kentucky children and teens were physically active for at least 60 minutes per day on each of t

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