Success StoryHomemaker Homecoming Results in New Homemakers
Homemaker Homecoming Results in New Homemakers
Author: Rebecca Woodall
Planning Unit: Crittenden County CES
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Crittenden County Homemakers often express concern that the number of Homemakers is dwindling and that there may not be a next generation of Homemakers. Their goal has been to get younger people interested in Homemakers, given that their average age is 70. They have also often expressed being tired and needing younger people to get involved to help them.
The year 2024 marked the 75th anniversary of Crittenden County Homemakers. KEHA week also happened to fall on the same week as Crittenden County High School Football Homecoming. It was determined that we needed to take advantage of these two events as an opportunity to reach out to younger homemakers. Outreach events were planned every day of the week in conjunction with the Homecoming Events. Before the Powderpuff events at the Park, Homemakers had a Glow Walk at the Park. Partnering with the local FCCLA, homemakers made a float and road in the homecoming parade and held a reception following the parade for past, current, and future homemakers. Throughout the week, homemakers were visible to the entire community. The following week, an informational meeting about Homemakers was held. Fifteen people attended the informational meeting, and all fifteen joined Homemakers. Later, three more Homemakers joined as well. In two months, Homemakers went from 30 homemakers to Forty-Seven. There were enough new Homemakers to start a new club. By getting out of their comfort zone, Homemakers were able to increase their numbers by 57%
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Homemaker Homecoming Results in New Homemakers
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