Success StoryHomemakers Partner with Local Library
Homemakers Partner with Local Library
Author: Katelyn Squires
Planning Unit: Green County CES
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Plan of Work: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Little Libraries and Bookmobiles are a way to increase access to books for readers of all ages and backgrounds to different parts of the community. Little Libraries are growing throughout the state of Kentucky; Green County alone has nine little libraries set up at different restaurants and businesses in the community. Green County Library also utilizes the bookmobile which is a mobile library that visits various locations and organizations in Green County such as Little Lambs Preschool and many more places!
The little libraries in the community are run based solely on donations and a local Green County Homemaker found out that they were running low on books. So, Green County Homemakers alongside their extension agent, decided that they would take up book donations for the local library at their annual meeting which was themed “Todays Readers, Tomorrows Leaders”. During their annual meeting, 47 people were in attendance and out of those 47 people over 600 books donated. Along with the donated books, they received a mini grant from Lake Cumberland Area Extension Homemakers that resulted in 17 additional books being purchased for the library. The used donated books were used to restock the little libraries in the community which are restocked every two weeks and newer donated books along with the 17 books purchased went to the bookmobile and the library itself for individuals to check out.
The Green County Public Library has expressed their gratitude towards this donation in multiple ways but one specific way that they expressed this is by placing labels in each of the books housed in the bookmobile and library saying they were donated/purchased by the Green County Homemakers. These labels also provide Green County Homemakers and Extension Office an opportunity to gain new clients that check out those books and their parents.
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