Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2018Jul 1, 2017 - Jun 30, 2018
EKU Nursing Class
Author: Michael Lewis
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
Presentation to over 100 OT students at Eastern Kentucky University and discussed the importance of recognition the risks associated with Farming as well as solutions for farmers with limitations. Since class several students have reached out for more information and technical assistance fro farmers in their families and communities. This will continue as an annual event for us now.
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Community Leadership Development
Author: Linda Hieneman
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
~~There is a need in each community to develop people to maintain a high quality of life and productivity. One component of this is allowing them to develop as leaders and educate them regarding the community in which they live. The Greenup County Extension Agent partnered with the local chamber of Commerce – Ashland Alliance Community Leadership Development Program. The program consist of seven weeks, meeting once a week covering topics that are crucial to our Tristate area which in
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Our future with interns
Author: Donna Fryman
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
Skills relating to home/work/families are so important. Over the years the interest and importance of family and consumer science careers has waned. This has led to the shortage of trained family and consumer sciences educators for school districts and the Cooperative Extension Service. The extension internship program is a beneficial method for recruiting potential family and consumer sciences agents. The Fleming County extension service has always been willing to host interns. Over
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Strengthening Volunteerism in Breckinridge County
Author: Lynnette Allen
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
~~According to the Corporation for National and Community Civic Engagement, volunteerism is the cornerstone of a strong nation. When considering volunteerism in local communities, Kentucky is ranked 36 of the 50 states and has only an average of 23.5% residents volunteering. In Breckinridge County local stakeholders continue to identify leadership development as a significant need to help advance community economic development and employment opportunities. The 2017-18 the local Extension P
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empowering local leaders
Author: Marsha Hagler
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
Civic engagement helps create and cultivate vibrant communities. Studies have shown social capital is necessary for effective government and economic development. Part of social capital is engaging in the legislative process, serving on local boards/councils, and contributing in topics important to that community. Overall in the US, social capital has been on the decline. Currently, Kentucky ranks 48th in civic health. In response to the need to increase civic engagement, the Mammoth Cave A
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Empowering Local Leaders
Author: Kendyl Redding
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
Civic engagement helps create and cultivate vibrant communities. Studies have shown social capital is necessary for effective government and economic development. Part of social capital is engaging in the legislative process, serving on local boards/councils, and contributing in topics important to that community. As a way to encourage civic engagement from our Extension volunteers and supporters, a group of Extension Agents worked together to facilitate the Empowering Local Lea
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Civic Engagement- Empowering Hickman County Leaders
Author: Melissa Goodman
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
Civic engagement helps create and cultivate vibrant communities. Studies have shown social capital is necessary for effective government and economic development. Part of social capital is engaging in the legislative process, serving on local boards/councils, and contributing in topics important to that community. Overall in the US, social capital has been on the decline. Currently, Kentucky ranks 48th in civic health. In response to the need to increase civic engagement,
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Empowering Local Leaders
Author: Catherine Webster
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
This is a follow-up to the initial Empowering Local Leaders Success Story from 2017...As a result of Empowering Local Leaders (ELL) initial success in the ten Mammoth Cave counties, two statewide in-services were conducted in July & August of 2017 that the Simpson County 4-H Youth Development Agent assisted with. These Train the Trainer in-services taught teams of agents how to deliver the ELL program in their counties & districts, and also included a panel discussion with the CAFE Admin
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Leadership Ballard
Author: Paula Jerrell
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
We have been having Leadership Ballard for 19 years and this agent has been taking youth to Frankfort to Page longer than that. I heard from a former 4-Her today, who is now in law school at UK. She contacted me to let me know she had been involved in some legislation in Frankfort and she wanted to share the following with me, "Thank you for taking me up to Frankfort numerous times while I was in school!! In the last year I worked to get a bill written, and it was signed into la
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A Walkable Community
Author: Leslie Workman
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
The Pike County Family & Consumer Sciences Council recognized the need to help local citizens have the opportunity to be more physically active. The Council recognizes themselves as a valuable resource that can gather information from many organizations and share it. With that in mind, in late 2017 the FCS Council agreed to begin working on mapping all safe walking sites currently available in Pike County including several maintained by the City of Pikeville, the county government
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Empowering Community Leades
Author: Amanda Dame
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
Civic engagement helps create and cultivate vibrant communities. Studies have shown social capital is necessary for effective government and economic development. Social capital are the individuals in a community who engage in the legislative process, serve on local boards and councils, keep aware of news and events, and contribute to ideas and initiatives that are important to the community. Overall in the U.S., social capital has been on the decline. Kentucky ranks 48th in civic heal
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Empowering Local Leaders
Author: Katherine Alexander
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
Civic engagement helps create and cultivate vibrant communities. Studies have shown social capital is necessary for effective government and economic development. Social capital are the individuals in a community who engage in the legislative process, serve on local boards and councils, keep aware of news and events, and contribute to ideas and initiatives that are important to the community. Overall in the U.S., social capital has been on the decline.  
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Leadership Hall of Fame
Author: Amanda Hardy
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
According to data from the Corporation for National and Community Service 763,706 Kentuckians volunteered in 2015 of their time, talent and effort to improve people’s lives. 84.34 million hours of service and $1.7 billion of service were contributed. Henderson County’s population is around 46,250 and the need for volunteers is more critical as programs expand. The Henderson County Extension office ended the year with a leadership appreciation dinner that was called “
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Empowering Local Leaders
Author: Tiffany Calvert
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
Social capital has been on the decline, Kentucky ranks 48th in civic health. In response to the need to increase civic engagement, Green River Area Cooperative Extension offices conducted an “Empowering Local Leaders” program delivered to county leaders. Extension agents taught the basics of the state and federal legislative process and encouraged participants to engage with their elected officials on issues important to them. The program identified methods of effective communication
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Leadership is MORE Series Inspires Participants
Author: Corinne Belton
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
Shelby County has long been known for having a strong volunteer base. Many individuals who have not actively assumed leadership roles have been identified by agents as potential effective leaders. In an effort to encourage these individuals, the ag agent and 4H agent worked together to develop the Leadership is M.O.R.E. program with the purpose of developing training materials and delivery methods that inspire volunteers to expand their roles and to seek out opportunities to develop
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Metcalfe County Quilters Group - Sharing Heritage Craft Skills
Author: Lynn Blankenship
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
The Metcalfe County Quilters Group was officially organized in 2014 by the (now outgoing) Treasurer of the Metcalfe County Homemakers Association, in order to share the heritage craft and art of quilting within our community and to allow our experienced quilters and fiber artists, to foster quilting and sewing skills in interested novice or inexperienced community members. At least 4 adult members and 1 youth who had no experience with quilting when they started participating, have all now made
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Empowering Local Leaders (April Success Story)
Author: Lauren Neltner
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
Civic engagement helps create and cultivate vibrant communities. Studies have shown social capital is necessary for effective government and economic development. Social capital are the individuals in a community who engage in the legislative process, serve on local boards and councils, keep aware of news and events, and contribute to ideas and initiatives that are important to the community. Overall in the U.S., social capital has been on the decline. Kentucky ranks 48th in civic heal
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Author: Luciana Hockersmith
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
While continuing to offer an annual program celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Mercer County is gradually making strides toward improving community relations through focused and intentional programming at each event. After 12 years featured programming, this year Mercer County will attempt to form a group of leaders to design and implement informal community conversation regarding topics or issues of interest as identified by the group. In order to reach this goal, guest speake
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Bath County Extension Leadership
Author: Robert Amburgey
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
In the year that this agent has been in the county, considerable effort has been made to recognize leadership throughout the ag community and to recruit those individuals to serve in various roles in extension and ag committees. This effort is ongoing and will provide members of the community more opportunity to take on leadership roles and provide extension a stronger leadership base to support our ongoing efforts. Bath County has a very strong group of individuals under the age of
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Empowering Community & Extension Leaders
Author: Paula Jerrell
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
Cooperative Extension depends on the development and commitment of leadership of various ages. We rely on grassroots leadership to provide educational programs, to help direct organizations, to be Extension advocates with policy makers and more. Leadership lessons range from learning the basics of Parliamentary Procedure in the 4th grade to learning and understanding our own leadership styles and how it relates to others to learning to talk with policy makers about issues important t
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Leadership LaRue Ag Day
Author: Daniel Carpenter
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
The 2018 Leadership LaRue Ag Day was held on April 12th 2018 with 14 participants from the LaRue County Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership LaRue 2018 Class. The event is to help educate our community about the changes that have occurred in agriculture over the past decades and the positive impacts they make on our local economy. This behind-the-scenes look at local agriculture allowed community leaders the opportunity to meet the hard-working farmers and producers who keep the heritage of ag
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Muhlenberg County Sewing Program/ Master Clothing Volunteer Program
Author: Mary Beth Riley
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)

It has been stated before that the estimated value of a volunteer’s time is $24.14 per hour. If you compare that to the average minimum wage in Kentucky which is $7.25 per hour then that comparison shows how valuable a volunteer and their service is. Cooperative Extension Services all across Kentucky rely heavily on volunteers to have successful programs. Volunteers in Extension can assist and provide various programs such as gardening programs, farmers market events, 4-H programming, Home
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Empowering Local Leaders
Author: Judith Hetterman
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
Civic engagement helps create and cultivate vibrant communities. Studies have shown social capital is necessary for effective government and economic development. Part of social capital is engaging in the legislative process, serving on local boards/council and contributing in topics important to that community. Overall in the US, social capital has been on the decline. Currently, Kentucky ranks 48th in civic health. In response to the need to increase civic engagement, the Mammoth Ca
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FCS Professional Development
Author: Sally Mineer
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
I serve as the FCS Extension Specialist for ProfessionalDevelopment. I work with all new hiresin FCS Extension and continue to mentor or help any FCS agent as needed. This process begins with the on boarding atnew agent training on campus. I organizethe entire 3rd day of training to help them understand all theresources available to agents and make the connections between county andcampus. Last year I also organized aProfessional Development day with F
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Ovarian Cancer Tea
Author: Karen Denniston
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
The American Cancer Society estimates that about 22,240 women will receive a diagnosis of ovarian cancer in 2018 and that about 14,070 will die from ovarian cancer in the 2018. High death rates are attributed to the fact that often ovarian cancer is not diagnosed until the late stages because there ore typically no signs or symptoms until the cancer has spread. This is the 41st year that Kentucky Extension Homemakers have partnered in supporting ovarian cancer screening to reduce the m
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Volunteer Recruitment
Author: Nicole Gwishiri
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
Bath County Extension, like many extension programs in the state of Kentucky, rely on volunteers to aid in planning, implementing, and evaluating programs. From the previous year's efforts, the Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent continued to generate, educate, maintain, and sustain the leaders. Focus was on the Bath County Extension Homemaker program. The Homemakers have a strong connection to the community of Bath County, however, many believe this organization is the same organiz
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Marketing FCS Extension
Author: Melinda McCulley
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
University of Kentucky Family and Consumer Sciences Extension recognized in 2017 that while FCS agents and specialist are doing exceptional work for Kentuckians, we were not effectively sharing our story about impacts made and accomplishments achieved. To remedy that oversight, we have worked diligently over the past year to ensure that agents, county programs and state initiatives are not only making a difference for Kentucky but that those accomplishments are highlighted. Improving
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Leadership Woodford County
Author: M. Elizabeth Coots
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
In 2016 the Woodford County Extension Council determined a need for a leadership program within the county in order to empower citizens to be involved in challenges and opportunities the community faces. As a result of this, the Woodford County Extension Office in collaboration with the Woodford County Chamber of Commerce developed Leadership Woodford County. The program gives participants the opportunity to better understand their community and learn the skills they will need to prepare for the
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Leaders at All Levels
Author: Rita Stewart
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
Members of the Lincoln County Extension Homemakers Association are truly leaders in their communities and are making a positive difference. Members work hard at the club, county, area, and state levels. My role as a Family and Consumers Sciences Agent is both an advisory role and a teaching role. I offer assistance as needed and teach educational classes on a variety of topics, including leadership development. Members utilize the skills learned in Extension programs in their own programming eff
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Leadership Around the World
Author: Rita Stewart
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
Members of the Lincoln County Extension Homemakers Association are very diverse and capable leaders who are not afraid of a challenge. Currently, membership within the Lincoln County Extension Homemakers Association includes ten members living in the Philippines who skype with a member here monthly. This group is the only Extension Homemakers club in the Philippines. They have conducted a summer feeding program there and are planning other community outreach programs. They continue to be very ex
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