Success StoryEmpowering Local Leaders

Empowering Local Leaders

Author: Tiffany Calvert

Planning Unit: Ohio County CES

Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)

Plan of Work: Leadership Development

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Social capital has been on the decline, Kentucky ranks 48th in civic health. In response to the need to increase civic engagement, Green River Area Cooperative Extension offices conducted an “Empowering Local Leaders” program delivered to county leaders. Extension agents taught the basics of the state and federal legislative process and encouraged participants to engage with their elected officials on issues important to them. The program identified methods of effective communication and how to navigate the Kentucky Legislator’s website (

 A pre and posttest was given to participants. Results seen from Ohio County participants:

  • 94% increased their knowledge of the legislative process.
  • 94% indicated they felt more prepared to contact an elected official about an issue important to them.
  • Since the fall County Extension Council meeting, 38% of participants had contacted their legislature so far

 One participant commented, “We need more people to go through this training. Very informative and empowering”.

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