Success StoryLeadership Ballard
Leadership Ballard
Author: Paula Jerrell
Planning Unit: Ballard County CES
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
Plan of Work: Leadership Ballard
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
We have been having Leadership Ballard for 19 years and this agent has been taking youth to Frankfort to Page longer than that. I heard from a former 4-Her today, who is now in law school at UK. She contacted me to let me know she had been involved in some legislation in Frankfort and she wanted to share the following with me, "Thank you for taking me up to Frankfort numerous times while I was in school!! In the last year I worked to get a bill written, and it was signed into law yesterday."
Going to the capital numerous times when I was younger made a huge difference! I knew my way around the capital building. I was confident when I spoke to people, even when I spoke in front of a committee! You once put Stephanie and I in the Senate, and we were able to attend a caucus meeting. Having that experience to draw on made me less nervous because I knew what to expect. I never expected to take part in legislation back then, but I am truly grateful for every trip we took!!
Thank you for taking myself and others - not to mention the multitude of other things you did for the children of Ballard County!!"
"My main contact at Frankfort kept trying to tell me about the capital, and I could finish his sentences and tell him more! haha! The only "new" thing I saw that I would recommend sharing for the next trip is to check out Kentucky's Law Library. It is really neat! I think it is on the second floor."
This feedback is wonderful and shows the benefits of the opportunities we offer in leadership education. I have had three former 4-Hers who have Paged who joined the military and all were posted near or in Washington, D.C. with assignments at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and other government related posts. I don't know that their 4-H leadership experiences played a role in that but I believe that having all three of them receive those type of assignments with an interest in government on their resumes and applications can't all be coincidence.
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