Success StoryMuhlenberg County Sewing Program/ Master Clothing Volunteer Program
Muhlenberg County Sewing Program/ Master Clothing Volunteer Program
Author: Mary Beth Riley
Planning Unit: Lyon County CES
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
Plan of Work: Empowering Community Leaders
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
It has been stated before that the estimated value of a volunteer’s time is $24.14 per hour. If you compare that to the average minimum wage in Kentucky which is $7.25 per hour then that comparison shows how valuable a volunteer and their service is. Cooperative Extension Services all across Kentucky rely heavily on volunteers to have successful programs. Volunteers in Extension can assist and provide various programs such as gardening programs, farmers market events, 4-H programming, Homemaker clubs, etc. In Muhlenberg County, the sewing program for 4-Hers and adults is solely led by volunteers. This program has grown tremendously over the past year and it is because of community members stepping up and taking leadership roles in the program. Every fall the 4-H sewing program is started up for the school year. The 4-H sewing program is led by a Homemaker volunteer that has demonstrated great leadership growth through the program. Through the 4-H sewing program the leader uses her leadership skills and gathers other volunteers to teach 4-Hers sewing skills one-on-one. During the program, there was an average of 13, 4-Hers who attended the program and an average of 15 volunteers for each program. This program meets over the course of several months. Through the 4-H sewing programs volunteers have become involved in other programs such as the Sit and Sew Program and the Block of the Month program. Another successful program that has grown in Muhlenberg County is the Sit and Sew program. The sit and sew program is also led solely by volunteers. This program is a great opportunity for volunteers to take new leadership roles that they may not have been in before. During the sit and sew program different volunteers lead the program each month. Some of the leadership skills that are used during this program are organization of materials, communication skills, teaching skills, time management skills, and patience are just a few skills that the volunteers use when teaching the Sit and Sew program. One last sewing program that has started in Muhlenberg County is the Block of the Month program. This program was started by a volunteer who had interest in growing the interest in the community for quilting. The Block of the Month Program was led by a Master Clothing Volunteer nominee. The Block of the Month Program met for 12 months in a row with one volunteer teaching participates sewing skills. The Block of the Month had an average of 15 participates who attending every month. From the Block of the Month program some participates decided to increase their leadership and volunteering and joined the Muhlenberg County Homemakers. Several of the participates from the Block of the Month club also volunteered with the 4-H sewing program to teach 4-Hers how to sew. One more positive outcome of the Block of the Month program was that the quilt exhibits at the county fair almost doubled from participates entering items. The volunteer of the Block of the Month program used various leadership skills such as teaching techniques for various learners, communication skills, time management skills, and preparation skills. The Block of the Month program was such as success that the program continues with different quilts being taught to the participants. If calculated the value of the time the volunteer put into the Block of the Month club would be over $1,500 for just one program.
4-Hers attend 4-H sewing program to learn how to sew basic projects. This program was led solely by volunteers.
The volunteer led program, Block of the Month, taught many participates how to complete a quilt.
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Muhlenberg County Sewing Program/ Master Clothing Volunteer Program
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