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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023

Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2023Jul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023

Food Preservation

Author: Edith Lovett

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

         For the new homemaker or new bride, Canning has become an art the younger generation is interested in.   The older generation may need their canning gauge checked yearly, but have been canning so long, food preparation is not one of their major concerns.   Food Preservation Classes were offered after normal working hours for those clients that work outside of the home.   Although classes were open to everyone, those learning about Food Preser

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Boiling Water Bath Class

Author: Maranda Brooks

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Boiling water bath class was held on August 19th for a group of UPS women whom have formed a union women's committee called Teamsters. The class was a collaborative effort of AnnHall- Food preservation specialist and FCS. Our recipe included pickled green beans. 4 ladies attended and FCS agent checked on their pickled green beans over the weekend and they were canned magnificently. FCS gathered post program evaluation which successfully indicated all 100% of attendees prior to the class most

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Floyd County Encourages Preserving the Harvest

Author: Andrea Slone

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

For decades, food preservation has been used by families to preserve garden harvests. According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, one in five households in the United States practice home canning or food preservation. The Center for Disease Control has stated that 30 percent of botulism cases from the past decade was caused by home canning practices.As by popular demand, the Floyd County Family & Consumer Science Agent held multiple food preservation hands-on workshops a

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Food Preservation Team Effort

Author: Karen Denniston

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Interest in food preservation has returned!  The request for food preservation classes have increased yearly in Bourbon and Clark County extension offices.  Our clientele has a genuine desire to know “what” is in their food as well as being concerned about accessibility of food items. Many or the request involved working individuals that could not attend the typical daytime workshops.  Bourbon, Clark county FCS agents decided to pool their resources to offer a Food Pre

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Home Food Preservation - Salsa Class

Author: Jill Harris

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

People choose to can foods at home for many reasons: to preserve the harvest from their gardens or local farmers markets for year-round enjoyment; to gain more control over what is in their food by limiting or avoiding salt, sugar, or preservatives; to save money; to get better-tasting canned foods; to follow family traditions; or just for the sense of satisfaction that home canning provides. Home canning has changed over the last 200 years. Scientists have found ways to produce safer, higher qu

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Participants Increase Knowledge and Skills Related to Culinary Knife Skills

Author: Jill Harris

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

The knife is an important basic tool used in the kitchen. It is also one of the most  frequently used tools in the kitchen.  To help people improve their knowledge and skills related to using knives, the Todd County Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences taught a hands-on class about parts of a knife; types of knives, materials used to construct them, as well as the importance of using correct, consistent cutting techniques. Participants then practiced handling a knife safe

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Canning classes for diverse audiences

Author: Ruth Chowning

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

The Incubator Farm Program is a three-year farm business development program for New Americans in Louisville, KY. As a part of the 2nd year of this program, the co-facilitators: Jefferson Co. Extension Service, and Common Earth Gardens, a division of Catholic Charities, invited the Bullitt County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences along with the UK Food & Nutrition Specialist to provide workshops on food safety, micro-processing and basic canning to these farmers and other indi

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Food Preservation Series

Author: Shelley Meyer

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Food Preservation Series

Many individuals and families have inquired about food preservation with an increased interest occurring since covid. With numerous online misinformation about food preservation best practices, administering research-based methods for individuals should be a priority. Scott County Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences Agent, Alivia Faris, and Harrison County Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences, Shelley Meyer created a Food Preservation Series for county residents. Day

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Food Preservation Class Series for Clay County Residents

Author: Emily Boggs

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

According to the United States Census Bureau, 33.7% of Clay County, Kentucky, residents live at or below the poverty level. This is double the current statewide poverty rate, which sits at 16.5% according to the United State Census Bureau. There is a need to provide fresh, nutritious foods to Clay County residents outside of the growing season. Since there are over 44,000 acres of land in Clay County that is dedicated to farming according to the USDA’s 2017 Census of Agriculture, many resi

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Food Preservation Workshop for Shelby, Henry and Spencer County

Author: Elizabeth Maxedon

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Due to supply chain issues with grocery stores and people wanting to know what goes into the food they consume and ways to reduce added fat, sugar and salt into their diet. The Spencer County Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent collaborated with Henry County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent to offer a Food Preservation Workshop in July 2022 with a total of 23 participants. Due to the program, 100 percent of participants identified all 4 res

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Food Preservation Salsa

Author: Judy Vaughn

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Estill County Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent offered a food preservation workshop. The participants made and canned salsa using a researched based recipe.  Seven adults participated in the program.   Eighty-six percent of participants demonstrated safe knife skills after a demonstration. One hundred percent of participants identified research-based methods of home food preservation because of the program. One hundred percent of participants differentiated between high and

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Food Preservation Workshop

Author: Amanda Dame

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

The 2019 Hopkins County Community Assessment revealed community members rated Better Food Safety Practices and Better Skills for selecting and preparing healthier food as an important need for Hopkins County residents. To address this issue in Hopkins County, the Hopkins County Family, and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent hosted a three-part Food Preservation Series in June and July of 2022. This three-day series class focused on water bath canning, pressure canning, drying, and freezing fresh

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Tasty Tuesday

Author: Rebecca Miller

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

     With more farmers markets available and local grocery stores providing fresh fruits and vegetables in the community, people are looking for ways to prepare those foods and give their families different meal options for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The FCS Agent offered a series of cooking classes to provide new recipes using the SNAP ED calendar, Plan Eat Move and Plate It Up recipe cards.     18 families and homemakers participated in the classes and were give

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Dehydrating Food Preserving

Author: Judy Vaughn

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Estill County Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent presented a dehydration preservation workshop to a total of fourteen participants. The participants experience, before the program, ranged from zero experience to very little experience.  The participants learned the safe way to prepare and store jerky, fruits, and vegetables.  Fifty percent of the participants learned the technique of blanching, checking the skin, and conditioning.  Ninety-three  percent of the parti

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Bourbon Bite-Sized Learning

Author: Karen Denniston

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Bourbon Bite-Sized Learning

Bourbon County Extension clientele attendance of traditional programming was restricted during the pandemic and proved to be slow returning   to pre-pandemic numbers.   In a search for a way of reconnecting, the Family & Consumer Science Agent and the SNAP-Ed Program Assistant Senior decided to offer a cooking through the 2022 Food+Nutrition calendar monthly via Facebook Live.  Each month the featured recipe preparation was demonstrated for viewing.  The demo was sha

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Charcuterie Board Class

Author: Jacqueline Doucet

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Charcuterie Board Class

The Boyd County Extension Office held two Charcuterie Board classes in December. Forty-one participants were taught the food trend and history of charcuterie boards, the elements of charcuterie boards, how to consider the use of charcuterie meats and accompaniments for a healthy diet, and, how to demonstrate by creating their own charcuterie board. 

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Ready, Set, Bake--Pies, Biscuits, and Scones

Author: Jill Harris

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Baking is an art as well as a science.  It is precise as well as intuitive.  The ingredients that go into baking are simple—flour, leavening agents, liquid, salt, and others.  When combined, these ingredients form something wonderfully complex and delicious.   Recipes are often passed down through generations; but the skill is not.  Because of recent the pandemic, more people have turned to baking.  Because of the interest, the FCS Agents from Todd and Trigg c

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Fall Fun with Apples

Author: Angie York

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Fall in Kentucky means one thing, time for apple picking, hay rides, corn mazes and more at many of our local orchards.  That fall fun was overshadowed this year by as much as an 11% increase in the cost of food that families are buying at the grocery, at restaurants, and even at our local orchards.  In order to help participants learn how to save money on fall treats, a class “Fall Fun with Apples” was taught.  Stressed in this program was the importance of buying foo

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Charcuterie Board

Author: Anna Morgan

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Charcuterie Board

According to the National Institute of Food and Agriculture each year, millions of Americans suffer — and thousands die — from foodborne illnesses. This is a preventable problem that is damaging to both individuals and the economy, but many of these illnesses can be prevented. Ongoing food safety improvements, in addition to reducing foodborne illnesses, can yield many economic and social benefits.Traditionally charcuterie refers to the art of arranging cured or specialty meat produc

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Ready, Set, Bake--Pies, Scones, and Biscuits

Author: Cecelia Hostilo

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Baking is an art as well as a science. It is precise as well as intuitive. The ingredients that go into baking are simple—flour, leavening agents, liquid, salt, and others. When combined, these ingredients form something wonderfully complex and delicious. Recipes are often passed down through generations; but the skill is not. Because of recent the pandemic, more people have turned to baking. Because of the interest, the FCS Agents from Todd and Trigg counties collaborated to teach “

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4-H Country Ham Project

Author: Lisa Jones

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

4-H Country Ham Project

The 4-H Country Ham Project was created to show how meat is preserved before there was refrigeration. The project begins in early January and ends in late August. The uncured ham, or green ham, is applied with a cure mixture containing black pepper, red pepper, paprika, salt and brown sugar to the outer surface of the ham. The cure is then absorbed through the hams throughout the winter months. The hams are unwrapped, cleaned and rehung in the spring to continue their summer sweat. This is where

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Author: Heather Toombs

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 30 million Americans suffer from Type 2 Diabetes. Approximately 531,646 people in Kentucky, or 14.5% of adults, have diabetes. Charcuterie has been around for centuries and is growing in popularity. The participants targeted were Oldham County Residents interested in learning a new way to prepare and present food. Oldham County partnered with Trimble County to present a Charcuterie class that focused on bala

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Food Preservation

Author: Krista Perry

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

During the pandemic, families in Henry and surrounding counties raised larger gardens to preserve more food, while others decided they needed to learn how to raise a garden to preserve food.  Following the pandemic, this led to the Henry County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences receiving numerous email messages and phone calls weekly about gardening and food preservation, creating the need to host a program on preserving food.   With such a large interest in food pr

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Lunch and Learn

Author: Alethea Price

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Family and Consumer Sciences Extension encourages families to make proactive choices to improve individual health and well-being, whether choosing a low fat, nutritious diet, increasing health literacy for chronic disease prevention, or participating in regular physical activity. The Kentucky Nutrition Education Program (KYNEP) encompass two separate USDA programs: The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP), and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP-Ed). Both program

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Savor the Flavor: Seasoning with Spices

Author: Caroline McMahan

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Research shows that people who prepare and cook meals at home are more likely to eat the recommended fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains needed in a balanced diet. Building skills and cooking knowledge increases the likelihood that people choose to prepare home-cooked meals. Evidence also suggests that those who prepare home-cooked meals have improved health outcomes and reduced chronic disease risk.  To encourage more home-prepared meals, the Fayette County Extension Offi

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Preserving Food in Times of Economic Hardship

Author: Linda Burgard

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

According to the USDA, prices for food-at-home increased 11.3% in 2022 and is expected to increase an additional 8.6% in 2023.  Due to these rising food costs, scarcity concerns, along with consumer concerns about food additives, food recalls, and the homesteading movement, there is a need to teach research-based food preservation methods.  The Whitley County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences Education conducted six hands on food preservation workshops during the growing

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How to Get Out of a Mealtime Rut

Author: Caroline McMahan

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Research shows that people who prepare and cook meals at home are more likely to eat the recommended fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains needed in a balanced diet. Often, cooks find themselves in a mealtime rut and feel overwhelmed with making decisions around meals and snacks for themselves and their family. Building skills and cooking knowledge as well as adding variety and creativity into meal preparation increases the likelihood that people choose to prepare home cooked meals.To

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Area Food Preservation Workshops

Author: Kayla Watts

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

According to Kentucky County Health Rankings from 2022, several counties in Eastern Kentucky have high food-insecurity rates; meaning that over 20% of residents in those counties lack adequate access to food.  Health care rankings also state that Eastern Kentucky adult citizens have some of the highest diabetic rates in Kentucky.  It is imperative that this population have access to foods and optimally, nutritious foods, that will benefit their overall health. Breathitt County Ext

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Floyd County Family & Consumer Sciences Continues Dinner for Two

Author: Andrea Slone

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Floyd County Family & Consumer Sciences Continues Dinner for Two

According to the United States Census Bureau there are 18,623 households in Floyd County, KY with an average of 2.37 persons living in the each household. According to the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Kentucky is below the national average of fruit and vegetable consumption among youth. The Center for Disease Control states that adults in Kentucky are also below average of the national fruit and vegetable consumption. Studies have shown that families and couples who cook and eat togethe

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Food Preservation

Author: Ashley Vice

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Food Preservation

Economic stressors on family budgets and the rise of recalls on food, have resulted in an increase in home gardening and food preservation. Also, due to Covid19 causing a gap to in-person learning, how to preserve their own food is something the County Extension Council felt needed to be addressed due to the uptick in home gardens during Covid. To focus on food safety issues related to home food preservation, the Nicholas County Cooperative Extension Service offered and delivered food preservati

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Cooking Through the Calendar

Author: Sarah Congleton

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

The Montgomery County Family and Consumer Sciences Program offered a new-to-the-county program called Cooking Through the Calendar as it was one of the highly requested programs from community members. Adults who inquired about the program were eager to learn cooking skills or enhance their cooking skills alongside learning new and nutritious recipes to offer their families and how to save money while doing so.The program began in January 2023 and will be offered on a monthly basis until Decembe

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Introducing Fruits and Vegetables Through Food Preparation

Author: Ashley Board

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that individuals consume fruits and vegetables for a variety of reasons, including reducing the risk for cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.  Consuming fruits and vegetables during adolescents is important not only for healthy growth, but also because health behaviors may continue into adulthood.  The US Department of Agriculture recommends that adolescents between the ages of 14-18 consume 1.5 – 2 cups of fruit and

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Food Preservation Series

Author: Marsha Hagler

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Food Preservation Series

Nelson County Cooperative Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences, Danielle Hagler identified a need for food preservation education in her community.   With an increase of home gardening, more members of the community concerned about supply chain disruptions and families with a desire to control the ingredients in their preserved food, the interest level in this education was great. Throughout a series of educational sessions 33 clients participated in food preservation workshops

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Savor the Flavor-Building Flavor with Herbs

Author: Judy Vaughn

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Savor the Flavor – Building Flavor with HerbsResearch shows that people who prepare and cook meals at home are more likely to eat the recommended fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains needed in a balanced diet. Building skills and cooking knowledge increases the likelihood that people choose to prepare home-cooked meals. To encourage more home-prepared meals, the Estill County Extension Office hosted the workshop Savor the Flavor: Building Flavor with Herbs. The Savor the Flavor

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Summer Sausage

Author: Trent Adkins

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

In  2022 Pulaski County Extension conducted 2 summer sausage workshop and charcuterie board series. This series involved several components. In the first part, participants made their own cutting boards, learned about the best types & species of wood to use for cutting boards vs charcuterie boards, natural stains and food safe sealants, cutting board safety, and sampled Plate it Up recipes which were displayed on example charcuterie boards. In the second part of the series, participants

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Canning Basics

Author: Katherine Alexander

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Daviess County Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent offered food preservation workshops for a total of thirty-four participants. Two programs were held at two local churches at the request of some of their members. The third program was held at the Daviess County ExtensionOffice.One hundred percent of participants identified research-based methods of home food preservation as a result of the program. One hundred percent of participants differentiated between high and low acid foods, can

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2023 Food Preservation Workshop

Author: Katelyn Squires

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

2023 Food Preservation Workshop

In Kentucky, 12.9 million acres are utilized in formal farm operations (, with a growing usage of smaller properties being used to grow farm commodities. Green, Adair, and Russell counties, as rural counties, have a growing population that utilizes property to grow their own crops, then processes the crops for personal consumption. Canning, a method of food preservation, was taught by the Russell, Adair, and Green County Family and Consumer Science Agents to instruct on proper food

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Tri-County Canning Series

Author: Dylan Gentry

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

In Kentucky, 12.9 million acres are utilized in formal farm operations (, with a growing usage of smaller properties being used to grow farm commodities. Green, Adair, and Russell counties, as rural counties, have a growing population that utilizes property to grow their own crops, then processes the crops for personal consumption. Canning, a method of food preservation, was taught by the Russell, Adair, and Green County Family and Consumer Science Agents to instruct on proper food

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Jerky Workshop Empowers Participants to Safely Make Homemade Jerky

Author: Dylan Gentry

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

The jerky and food safety workshop was an undeniable success, with all participants being able to correctly identify the steps needed to make jerky. This is a fantastic achievement and shows the effectiveness of the workshop’s content, as the proper steps in making jerky are crucial in ensuring the safety and quality of the product. Furthermore, 78% of participants stated that they felt more comfortable making jerky at home after attending the workshop. This is an essential outcome as it s

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Dare to Care Canning Class

Author: Carolina Robles

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

The problem: Individuals who are intellectually or physically disabled do not know how to can food items correctlyThe educational program response: The program response was positive. All of the individuals The participants/target audience: Target Audience is individuals from all ages who are intellectually or physically disabled. Other partners (if applicable): Ruth Chowning, Dare to CareProgram impact or participant response: The program positively impacted the lives of the individual

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New Technologies and Research Makes Home Food Preservation Easy "Peas"y

Author: Angie York

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Preserving our own food is an essential practice for many reasons. In a world shaped by fast-paced lifestyles and industrial food systems, preserving food at home offers unparalleled benefits. Firstly, it empowers us to take control of our nutrition and make informed choices about what we consume. By preserving our own food, we can ensure the use of high-quality ingredients, limit additives and preservatives, and tailor recipes to suit our dietary needs and preferences.Moreover, preserving food

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Increased Interest in Food Preservation

Author: Vicki Wynn

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Local clientele continue to express an increased interest in home food preservation. More families are discovering the benefits of home gardening and preserving their harvest. An important advantage of home food preservation is that it allows the ability to control ingredients such as salt and sugar, especially for those who are on restricted diets. University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension provides research-based home food preservation information through a standardi

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Canning Success: Joint County Canning Classes Teach Proper Canning Techniques

Author: Megan Gullett

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Canning Success: Joint County Canning Classes Teach Proper Canning Techniques

In Kentucky, 12.9 million acres are utilized in formal farm operations (, with a growing usage of smaller properties being used to grow farm commodities. Rural counties, such as Green, Adair, and Russell, have a growing population that utilizes property to grow their crops, then processes the crops for personal consumption. Canning, a method of food preservation, was taught by the Russell, Adair, and Green County Family and Consumer Science Agents to instruct on proper food safety

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Cook Together/Eat Together

Author: Hazel Jackson

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

The problem  With busy work and family lives, it is challenge for prepare tasty and  healthy food at home.  Cook Together/ Eat Together has been taught to 4 different groups of youth/adult family members.  A request was made to the Extension Office to offer the classes for couples and other adults.The educational program response 5 sessions of hands on food preparations were taught by the FCS agent for 13 adults; (one couple attended all 5 sessions)The participants/target aud

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Food Preservation Workshop

Author: Kristi Shive

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Food Preservation is one of Warren County’s most requested program topics. It is also the subject matter that Kristi Shive, Warren County Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences, receives the most calls and questions about. Many people in the community have a garden, but do not know how to safely preserve their produce. In response to this community need, Kristi offered a Food Preservation Workshop for beginners. Kristi partnered with Community Education to advertise the program in the

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Food Preservation Series

Author: Hazel Jackson

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

The problem As food costs have soared in 2023, families have a renewed interest in food preservation as a way to insure food security for the next year.  The educational program response During the Spring and early summer of 2023 the Rockcastle County FCS agent offered a 5-part hands-on food preservation series to insure that food preservation is done in a safe manner.The participants/target audience All families in the county.  30% of attendees of the workshops related that they

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Baking for One, Two or a Few

Author: Diane Mason

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Baking for One, Two or a Few

In recent years the value of baking and cooking from scratch or at home has been shown to help improve mental health and well-being (1,2,3,4). Helping individuals learn to bake, while creating recipes that yield small portions was the focus of two programs offered by the Boone County Cooperative Extension Service. “Baking Basics” (four weeks)  and “Baking for One, Two or a Few” (three weeks) were two hands-on series focused on creating baked goods based on the Univer

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Food Preservation For New Agents

Author: Linda Brown-Price

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Food Preservation For New Agents

Colorado State University Extension states that home food preservation saves money for some people. Costs to consider when figuring the economics of food preservation include produce and ingredients, equipment and supplies, fuel consumption, capital outlays, time and energy, and the cost of similar food preserved commercially. Freezing is simple and keeps food more like fresh produce than other preservation methods. However, a freezer is costly to purchase and operate. Source: www.extension.colo

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The Cooking Collection

Author: Jordan Crain

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Research shows that having regular mealtime can improve the health of children and adults. In the midst of a hurried world, the investment in family mealtime is well worth the time and effort. In an effort to promote and encourage cooking and eating at home, the Barren County Family and Consumer Sciences agent and the Barren County Program Assistant started The Cooking Collection.We know that it is easy to get tired, lose your desire to cook and get in a mealtime rut feeling like you eat the sam

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Canner Test and Food Preservation

Author: Alethea Price

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Every year in the late spring, early summer food preservationists come to the Extension Office to get their dial gauge canner lid tested. Last year, summer of 2022 there was a woman who learned about this service at the Farmer's Market one Saturday morning. She followed up with the FCS Agent and scheduled an appointment to get her canner lid tested. Once it was checked and recommendations were given, she went on her way.At the Farmer's Market last week, the FCS Agent was set up as she us

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Food Preservation

Author: Deborah Shepherd

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Growing concerns for food insecurity, rising food costs, food safety and consumer awareness of how their food is grown and processed has increased the number of community members seeking information on food preservation.  There is an abundance of information on social media concerning food preservation.  A lot of this information is not researched based or best safe practices, some of it is even unsafe and dangerous for consumers.  The majority of consumers report strong fears of

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Food Safety Extension Network Retail Food Bootcamp

Author: Sandra Bastin

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

For the past two years, over 15 states have been working to establish a Food Safety Extension Network (FSEN), primarily through 1890 institutions. The three main purposes is to provide education, a repository for educational materials, and an opportunity for networking in the areas of food safety for home food preservation and retail foods. FSEN had their first on-hands, day-long workshop for Extension specialists in collaboration with all partners. Fourteen specialists from four states attended

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Savor the Flavor: Seed to Plate

Author: Alivia Faris

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Savor the Flavor: Seed to Plate

Research shows that people who prepare and cook meals at home are more likely to eat the recommended fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains needed in a balanced diet. Building skills and cooking knowledge increases the likelihood that people choose to prepare home-cooked meals. To encourage more home-prepared meals, the Scott County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences and Agent Horticulture worked together to host the workshop Savor the Flavor: Cooking with Oils, Herbs, an

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Youth 3 to 5 years of Age Gain Confidence through Hands-on Coooking

Author: Andrea Slone

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Youth 3 to 5 years of Age Gain Confidence through Hands-on Coooking

Involving children in the cooking process has been proven to increase vegetable preferences and consumption, and healthy eating among youth. (Cunningham-Sabo, 2013)In efforts to increase more healthful eating consumption in Floyd County youth, the Floyd County Family & Consumer Science Agent collaborated with a local Day Care, Bright Beginnings for a “Mommy and Me” hands-on cooking program in March 2023. This was a one-time program that consisted of knife skills, nutrition educat

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Marion County Promotes Safe Canning Practices

Author: Brittany Thomas

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

In 2018, health departments reported 242 cases of botulism to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) due to home canning practices. In an effort to promote safe canning practices in the Marion County community, the Family and Consumer Science Agent presented a beginner’s canning class.Eleven participants, one male and ten females, attended the beginner’s canning class. Out of the eleven participants, seven have never canned before, and four have canned using only the wa

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Food Preservation | A Sustainable Life Skill

Author: Natalie Taul

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Food Preservation | A Sustainable Life Skill

Many individuals and families have had a renewed interest in food preservation in the past 3 years. Some are turning to the internet for instruction, but much of what is on the internet is misleading or just wrong. Safety when preserving food should be priority and research-based methods should always be used. With this in mind, the Grayson County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences, implemented several food preservation workshops in June 2023 A total of 33 participants were re

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Food Preservation Workshops

Author: Cathy Sparks

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

The problem- Grow Appalachia group of farmers are required to attend a Food Preservation class as a part of their educational experience with the program.  The ANR Agent asked that I teach the class to demonstrate how to water bath can and pressure can. The educational program response-As a result, I prepared a class where I would demonstrate these food preservation techniques, pressure canning green beans and water bath canning grape jelly.  With the help of our administrative as

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Food Preservation

Author: Joan Bowling

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

The Center for Disease Control (CDC), states that many cases of food borne botulism occur as a result of people consuming home-canned, preserved, or fermented foods that were contaminated with toxin. Contamination in occurs when food is not processed correctly. The CDC recommends the best way to prevent food borne botulism is by carefully following instructions for safe home canning as directed by the USDA Complete Guide to Home Canning. As interest continues to rise in home gardening so does th

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Charcuterie Boards

Author: Jane Proctor

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

The interest in Charcuterie boards as a type of food service as been on the rise in popularity. Although this method of food presentation has been around for many years, the current trend has become all encompassing while including a variety of food choices and different types of serving vessels.  Because of the rise of popularity, the Trimble County Family and Consumer Science Agent hosted a Charcuterie class that addressed preparation methods, food safety, food storage, and incorporating

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