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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021

Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2021Jul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021

4-H At Home – Summer 2020 Project Kits

Author: Lena Mallory

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

To say COVID-19 has caused Extension to provide new and creative ways to program would be an understatement.  During the summer months, Marshall County 4-H Youth Development typically tries to offer at least two to three day camps along with regular summer programming such as the County Fair Exhibits and 4-H Camp.  The worldwide pandemic created a change of plans…            Instead of in-person day camps, Marshall County Extension Program Assi

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COVID 19 It's Effect On Our Community

Author: Judy McGuire

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

During the last seven months our community has seen a lot of changes as a result of COVID 19:  schools closing, stores running out of certain items, such as sanitizers, food, clothing and other basic needs. In addition, restaurants and hospitals limited the number of people they are allow to serve. tThe need to stay home and stay safe was the new normal.Floyd County Extension’s Expanded Food Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) partnered with several agencies: Public Housing, Floyd Cou

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4-H Virtual Programs in Jefferson County

Author: Kelly Smith

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

When the COVID-19 global pandemic forced Kentuckians into quarantine youth and families began spending more time at home, minimizing opportunities for youth to engage in typical extracurricular activities. Due to this situation the Jefferson County 4-H Program began holding 4-H virtual programs on social media platforms. The goal of the 4-H virtual programs were to maintain ways for youth and families to engage with 4-H projects, events and activities while learning new life skills through a tru

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4-H Day Camp on the Go - Cooking 101

Author: Ryan Spicer

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

According to the American Heart Association, teaching youth how to prepare their own food will give them a skill they can use for a lifetime, they will be more likely to eat healthier as adults, and build self-confidence. The Breathitt County Agent for 4-H Youth Development wants to provide these learning opportunities to the youth of Breathitt County in the anticipation that this statement will hold true. To ensure these learning experiences are offered during the Covid-19 pandemic the age

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At-Home Cooking Brings New Learning Experiences to 4-Hers

Author: Alissa Ackerman

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

At-Home Cooking Brings New Learning Experiences to 4-Hers

Many negative aspects are associated with the Covid-10 pandemic, which can easily trigger more stress, panic and anxiety for many families and individuals. However, this brings an even greater opportunity for communities to come together and help one another during challenging times. The 4-H Agent, along with several other community partners, had to think outside of the box to offer at-home educational experiences that foster engagement and new learning opportunities for youth. With children spe

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Virtual Sewing Club

Author: Patrice Thompson

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Friday, September 11, 2020 Ms Jenie and I started the sewing program online with Grace James Academy. This is very different from how we would normally do programming but everything went well. The students seemed excited and ready to participate. We provided 11 students with sewing kits and they will be learning beginner sewing basics to complete a sewing project. Grace James Academy is an all girls middle school, that serves minority females who are interested in STEM careers. The school is nam

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Helping Others in Need During COVID

Author: Caroline Hughes

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

The COVID-19 Virus closed many businesses and placed a strain on health care providers worldwide creating a high demand for personal protection equipment for health care workers.  With such a demand on personal protection equipment, items such as isolation gowns were not available. During this time, County Extension Offices in District 1 were contacted by Primary Plus asking if we had anyone that could sew isolation gowns for their 9 offices in Lewis, Mason, Fleming, Bracken, Greenup,

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Food & Culture Series

Author: Crystal Smith

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

2020 Food & Culture Series consists of six lessons, each focus on a country from around the world. Each lesson covered aspects of geography, language, the flag, arts and humanities, music and food.  Students received an interactive packet each lesson and had opportunities to practice art and writing.  The packets also included SNAP-Ed recipes that somewhat related to a cultural food or main agriculture crop of that country.  During each lesson, youth also got to taste-test a S

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4-H & Farm Bureau Partner to Give School Supplies to Students

Author: Katie Wallace

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

The Elliott County 4-H Council and Elliott County Farm Bureau partnered to purchase over $500 in school supplies to assist local students. With the return to school being uncertain this year the Elliott County 4-H council saw the need to purchase school supplies due to the annual back to school bash being cancelled. Many families rely on this event to supply their student with necessary supplies to begin school. These two organizations purchased notebooks, pencils, crayons, and glue sticks to di

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Cooking at Home; Yet Together

Author: Rebecca Stahler

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

COVID-19 has affected virtually all aspects of everyday life. Although the full effects of the global pandemic have yet to be realized, one thing we know for sure is that children and adolescents will be affected in ways that will mark the course of their life-long development (Bartlett & Virette, 2020). Young people are dealing with changes to family life that could include parental job loss, isolation, financial strain and uncertainty, familial stress responses, and increased family substa

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Sweet Summertime at the Farmers' Market

Author: Carrie Derossett

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Sweet Summertime at the Farmers’ Marketby Carrie DerossettMajor Program: Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Core CurriculumLogan County is among the counties in Kentucky in the second highest category for death rates caused by heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Adult obesity is at 34% in Logan County which contributes to these unhealthy situations. Logan County also has a number of citizens living below the poverty level with over 16% of the total population below povert

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Creative Hands "Sewing can be fun"

Author: Louis "Jenie" Carter

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Working with six grade girls who are part of the new All girl middle school "Grace James Academy of Excellence".  Success Story: Louis “Jenie” Carter           December 30, 2020GEMS are rare and original, no two are alikeIn a predominantly Black neighborhood of Louisville’s West End, there is a school that opened for the first time during the 2020 School year. It is as unique as its’ name and the girls that attend.  The Grace J

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Cooking With Friends program

Author: Glenna Bentley

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

The Lewis County Extension Office collaborated with the Lewis County Youth Services Center and the Family Resource Centers to Offer a 7-week cooking class called Cooking with Friends.   Cooking is a life skill that everyone needs so they can prepare food for themselves and when they get older for their families.  The 4-H Agent, the Family Resource Center coordinator, and Youth Services Center coordinator teamed together to promote the program and to provide supplies for each of the sev

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“Kentucky State University’s Cooperative Extension transitioning into More Non-Traditional Extension Programs with Grab and Go Bags in Hardin County”

Author: Chandra DeRamus

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

“Kentucky State University’s Cooperative Extension transitioning into More Non-Traditional Extension Programs with Grab and Go Bags in Hardin County”

Success Story 2020 Decembera.pdf“Kentucky State University’s Cooperative Extension transitioning into More Non-Traditional Extension Programs with Grab and Go Bags in Hardin County”Over the last several months, Kentucky has been challenged with dealing with a major pandemic called the corona virus, also known as COVID-19.  The virus has impacted several communities within Kentucky including the agriculture business, farmers, restaurants, and school districts.  In orde

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4-H on the Go Project Bags

Author: Ryan Spicer

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

According to UNICEF, at least 1.6 billion children have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic across the world. During this time it is important that children are provided with activities that meet their needs, and help them to maintain a healthy lifestyle at home. To ensure these needs are provided for during the Covid-19 pandemic the Breathitt County 4-H agent created 4-H on the go project bags. These front porch pickup, biweekly bags, provided youth with various activities, recipes, and othe

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4-H Teaches Life Skills to Special Needs Youth

Author: Novella Froman

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

“If every child matters, every child has the right to a good start in life.   If every child matters, every child has the right to be included.  And that is so important for children with special needs.” -Cherie Blair.  The Pike County Extension Council identified health and nutrition as an identified need for the citizens of our county.“4-H is a light at the end of the tunnel”-Brandi Smith, Functional Mental Disability Teacher.  At middle and high sch

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Positive Youth Development in a virtual world

Author: Jeremiah Johnson

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

2020 has been the year of virtual learning, social distancing, and adapting our everyday life to meet the recommendations. Youth are attending school from their homes through the use of a computer and webcam, while parents and guardians are turning in assignment packets on a designated day of the week. In-person 4-H clubs have come to a halt and agents have scrambled to modify their programs to ensure that our youth are still receiving quality youth development programming in ways that interest

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4-Hers Get Holiday Crafty in a Virtual World

Author: Lena Mallory

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Sixteen years of 4-Hers Holiday creativity took a virtual route this year!  Due to the ongoing pandemic, thirteen Marshall County 4-Hers prepared for the holidays virtually as they participated in the 16th Annual 4-H Holiday Workshop.  During three virtual workshop sessions, the 4-Hers learned to make various crafts as well as played a couple of games. Based on survey results, several gave some or all of their handmade items as Christmas 2020 gifts.During their weekly sessions, 4-Hers

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4-H shifts programming during the pandemic leads to more family time

Author: Renata Farmer

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

With the onset and spread of COVID-19 throughout Kentucky and our county, the Knox County 4-H program moved swiftly to deliver our message and reach our clientele in a new way.  After conversations with the Knox County 4-H Council, it was imperative to continue to reach youth with positive research-based programming and to do it remotely while continuing to be hands-on.  The Knox County 4-H program responded by offering virtual programming and also project kits that contained current i

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Family Cooking Series

Author: Jessica Morris

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Family Cooking Series

As the pandemic swept across the commonwealth, the needs of our clients rose as well as the need to find a new delivery method. Wolfe County 4-H, Wolfe County SNAP Ed Assistant (Joy Rose), Youth Service Center (Connie Campbell) and Wolfe County ASAP collaborated together to provide a seven week cooking club for families of Wolfe County. Through grant funding from ASAP and funds provided by our YSC, we were able to partner together to provide each family with a crock pot and all ingredients neede

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4-H At Home Kits

Author: Catherine Webster

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Simpson County 4-H provided eight weeks of 4-H At Home Kits to sixty youth from thirty-five different families throughout March, April, & May of 2020.  The kits included multiple 4-H projects in SET, cooking, art, sewing, natural Resources, and home environment.  During June & July of 2020 six weeks of summer kits were also provided to 26 youth, in partnership with Simpson Co. Schools Community Education.  These kits included container gardening, home environment, cooking,

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4-H Virtual Baking Club

Author: Aubrey Lawson

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the mental health of our youth has suffered drastically, therefore ways to address mental health and self-confidence is vital. Studies show that learning to cook and prepare your own food can lead to more self-confidence in youth, so the Madison County Extension Service put together a 4-H Baking Club to teach youth to bake in their own homes to help combat youth mental health. There were 12 youth participants that learned a variety of cooking skills through this

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4-H Holiday Workshop

Author: Lois Carter

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

The 5 C’s of Positive Youth Development (according to the NE Department of Health & Human Services) include: Connection: A feeling of safety, structure, and belonging; positive bonds with people and social institutions.Confidence: A sense of self-worth and mastery; having a belief in one’s capacity to succeed.Character: Taking responsibility; a sense of independence and individuality; connection to principles and values.Competence: The ability to act effectively at school, i

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Gingerbread House Challenge

Author: Shannon Farrell

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Gingerbread House Challenge

During this time of COVID, volunteers and agents have worked together to brainstorm effective ways of reaching youth virtually.  As we neared the Christmas and New Year’s holiday break, cooking club leaders in Clark County developed plans for a Gingerbread House challenge that would be promoted on the county’s 4-H Facebook page but open to anyone 4-Her (not exclusive to cooking club members).The challenge was divided up into 4 age categories that promoted 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place

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Cook With us Friday

Author: John (Connor) Cooper

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Since July 1, Hopkins County 4-H has been hosting a weekly cooking show via Facebook. The idea behind these shows was to bring families together in the kitchen while supplying them with a healthy meal or snack that they could share together. Many of the recipes that we used were supplied by our NEP assistant. We tried to make sure our recipes came either from Cook Wild Kentucky, SNAP, or Plate It Up: Kentucky Proud. One parent told us “I have really enjoyed the Cook with Us Friday videos.

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4-H Chef Club

Author: Gary Druin

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

In response to the need to get nutrition and food safety information out during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ohio County 4-H Youth Development agent and program assistant teamed up to provide nutrition information through the community 4-H Chef Club.   Working with 4-H youth in the kitchen is a great way to develop nutrition self-confidence and develop proficiencies in reading, following directions, and math while teaching life skills about nutrition, hand washing, and food safety in the

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Fall Grab N Go Bags

Author: Samantha Gamblin

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

During this pandemic schools went to online learning and businesses were closed on and off. During this time Bullitt 4-H wanted to take this time to find unique ways to reach youth even if we couldn't meet in person.  We began Grab N Go bags in the summer and wanted to continue through the Fall. Each week 4-H Grab-N-Go bags were put together with different topics and supplies. Each bag has its own theme and the items inside correspond to said theme. There will be a hands on activity and

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4-H at Home Summer Discovery Series

Author: Marla Stillwell

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

As the year 2020 continued to unfold, the Hardin County 4-H/Extension Staff knew they had to adapt quickly in order to keep their members and volunteers engaged while inviting new participants into the world of 4-H.  Therefore, the 4-H at Home Summer Discovery Series was developed and was all online and accessible from our county Extension website as well as our county Extension Facebook page.  It was evident we had to be flexible and offer more than one way for our community to connec

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4-H To Go Kits

Author: Amanda Sublett

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

In response to COVID-19 school, community and business closings, Marion County Cooperative Extension Service and the 4-H Program sought to address a community need to provide educational opportunities.  Due to COVID-19 social distancing, 4-H and Extension Programs developed 4-H To Go Kits and informational packets that helped to keep youth and clients informed and involved with 4-H and Extension programs during the pandemic.Over 2100 informational packets were distributed through Central Ke

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4-H Cloverbuds

Author: Bernita Cheirs

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

The 4-H Cloverbud program is designed to be noncompetitive, educational, activity-based, cooperative learning centered, safe, developmentally age appropriate, and success-oriented. By allowing children between the ages of 5-8 to participate in a positive learning experiences, it helps them to build life skills at a younger age.The 4-H Cloverbud program began in 2018 in Fulton County averaging around eight Kindergartners – 3rd graders. This current year with COVID, the Cloverbud program wen

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Healthy Foods Program

Author: Christina A. Martin

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Nutrition education and healthy lifestyles were identified by local leadership councils to be an educational priority for youth to help combat the obesity issue in Kentucky.  According to the Trust for America’s Healthy Survey and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Kentucky’s obesity rate for children ages 10-17 has increased to over 21%.  Instructing children with the aspects of healthy nutritional choices at a young age is critical to addressing issues of weight.  T

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Cooking Through Kentucky

Author: Mary Anne Garnett

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

 As of 2018, there are 75,100 farming operations in the state of Kentucky (USDA, 2018).  There is a large agriculture industry in Kentucky from production to processing. Though agriculture plays a large role in people’s everyday lives there is a disconnect between the producer and the consumer. Primary school aged students from urban areas have a little to no knowledge of agriculture source of common foods. Youth should become more well-informed about agriculture as it would make

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Preschool Pumpkin Days/Preschool Spring Fling

Author: Carrie Derossett

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

It is through our valued partnership with the Allen, Logan, and Simpson Community Early Childhood Council that we, the Logan County Cooperative Extension Service, seek to improve school readiness in Logan County by educating, encouraging, and engaging families. Kindergarten readiness means that each child enters school ready to engage in and benefit from early learning experiences that best promote the child’s success. The kindergarten screener measures readiness in five important domains,

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Helping Students to "MOVE, LEARN, KNOW"

Author: Kaitlyne Metsker

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Prior to the start of the 2020-2021 school year, local Family Resource Youth Service Center directors reached out to the Family & Consumer Sciences and 4-H Youth Development agents to assist in providing programming to students that could not be fulfilled through traditional means due to COVID-19 restrictions. In response to the request, a video series of engaging, interactive lessons covering a variety of hygiene lessons was developed for students in second through sixth grade. The obj

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Preparing graduates for life after high school

Author: Kaitlyne Metsker

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

According to an article published by the National Association of Students Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA), most incoming college students struggle to answer basic financial literacy questions. For young adults entering college or the workforce, having basic financial literacy is vital to their future financial success. In 2020, Money Sense for Graduates was developed as a collaborative effort between the Christian County Family & Consumer Sciences agent, a planning committee, and

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Virtual Dollars and Sense Program

Author: Samantha Gamblin

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

The 2019 Most and Least Financially Literate States report, Kentucky ranks 45th in the nation for financial literacy. Youth learn about consumer science and finances early in schools. Dollars and Sense and Reality Store have always been a high demand for Bullitt County schools. When in person learning turned to virtual during the 2020-2021 school year we needed a plan for the highly requested program. So a user friendly Dollars and Sense program was created. Youth would still get to participate

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Extension on the Go!

Author: Julie Brown

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

The Warren County Extension Agents and Staff created a fun, mobile educational program to highlight all program areas offered by the Cooperative Extension Service entitled “Extension on the Go”.  This collaborative effort focused on compiling a themed bag full of educational materials, family activities, recipes and more for Warren County residents to enjoy.  For September, Fun Family Adventures was the theme and the bag included:  seeds and educational mater

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Cooking In A Bag: A Great Life Long Learning Project

Author: Joyce Doyle

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Cooking In A Bag:  A Great Life Long Learning Project

Cooking is such an important skill for boys and girls alike.  Carroll County Extension has offered two virtual cooking classes during this pandemic.  The first one was limited to twenty families.  The ingredients were placed in bags for the participants to pick up.  The members took the bag home, made the recipe and e-mailed pictures to us while making the recipe and the finished product.  This program lasted for six weeks.  The recipes were recipes that we did duri

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Life Skills 101

Author: Kelly Woods

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Extension provides the opportunity for youth and families to develop vital life skills such as consumer awareness, financial management, culinary arts, textiles, housing, and human development. Families working together to meet these needs builds a stronger bond within every family unit. Data gathered in the 2019 Oldham County Assessment shows the top three concerns from county residents regarding life skills are a desire for youth to have life training skills such as money management, life

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Cooking Through the Computer

Author: Taylor Miles

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Cooking Through the Computer

Childhood obesity affects nearly 18% of youth in the country today, and that percentage rises 1% in lower income households.  Estill County has a poverty rate of 22.7%, which is why our 4-H program felt it was very essential to work with our youth and teach them the importance of healthy living.  Our 2020/2021 Virtual Cooking Club had fifteen members, who regularly attended our zoom meetings and would pick up a kit that included all the ingredients.  The club met once a month from

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4-Babysitting Clinic

Author: Bernita Cheirs

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

4-Babysitting Clinic

According to a new American Red Cross poll, parents say that good babysitters are hard to find and they want to entrust their children to babysitters trained in first aid, CPR and childcare skills. The 4-H Babysitting for Fun and for Profit Curriculum is designed for youth who are interested in learning the responsibilities of babysitting and learning to be responsible babysitters.Six students attended the 4-H Babysitting Clinic and received over eight hours of training. Students who participate

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Clover Cafe

Author: Dianna Reed

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the County Extension Council, 4-H Program Council, local volunteers and Extension personnel were tasked with continuing to provide resources and programs to assist our communities. The 4-H Youth Development Agent spoke to local schools and community members to ask what the issues were affecting our families. Some of the main topics that came up in conversations numerous times were youth and family stress levels, the feeling of being disconnected socially, stress, an

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Preparing Graduates for Financial Stability post High School

Author: Jeremiah Johnson

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

According to an article published by the National Association of Students Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA), most incoming college students struggle to answer basic financial literacy questions. For young adults entering college or the workforce, having basic financial literacy is vital to their future financial success.In 2020, Money Sense for Graduates was developed as a collaborative effort between the Christian County Family & Consumer Sciences agent, a planning committee, and local

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Helping Students to "Move, Learn, Know"

Author: Jeremiah Johnson

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Prior to the start of the 2020-2021 school year, local Family Resource Youth Service Center directors reached out to the Family & Consumer Sciences and 4-H Youth Development agents to assist in providing programming to students that could not be fulfilled through traditional means due to COVID-19 restrictions. In response to the request, a video series of engaging, interactive lessons covering a variety of hygiene lessons was developed for students in second through sixth grade. The obj

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Taste of the Week

Author: Renata Farmer

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

According to the CDC, empty calories contribute to 40% of daily calories for children and adolescents and most do not consume the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables.In a world full of hectic schedules, fast food and convenience, the challenge for families and children to eat healthy is difficult. At the request of the Knox County Family Resource Centers, the Knox County 4-H program chose to address this in our county by implementing a “Taste of the Week” program. The program

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Virtual Reality Store

Author: Staci Thrasher

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

The Fleming County 4-H Program in collaboration with the Family Resource Center and Youth Service Center Directors annually host the “Welcome to Reality” Reality Store for the entire 5th and 7th grades in the community.  Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the 2019-2020 Fifth Grade students did not have the opportunity to participate in the designated activity based on the time of year the event is hosted.  In an effort to offer what is traditionally a large community involved eve

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2021 4-H Virtual Sewing Club

Author: Hollyn Howard

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

2021 4-H Virtual Sewing Club

“Sewing is a discipline that helps develop self-esteem, confidence, focus, patience, fine motor skills, problem solving, process thinking and visualization. Additionally, sewing encourages creative ability.” (The Creative Art of Sewing; www.North; September, 13, 2012.) Nelson County was able to re-start their 4-H sewing program in the midst of the pandemic. Even as the Coronavirus pandemic restrictions are now lifting, the changes have taught many agents that programm

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Developing Hand Sewing Skills in Youth

Author: Christina A. Martin

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Developing Hand Sewing Skills in Youth

The Russell County 4-H program offered a hand sewing program over a two month period.  Hand sewing is a heritage sewing skill that children have been learning for decades.  This skill helps youth develop fine motor skills and improves hand-eye coordination.  Also developing hand sewing skills is an inexpensive way to sew because no machine is required, preserves vintage sewing techniques, is relaxing, is a gateway to learn other creative stitching techniques, and improves focus be

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4-H Culinary Arts Club Virtual Teen Cuisine and Salsa Garden

Author: Lisa Hagman

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

4-H Culinary Arts Club Virtual Teen Cuisine and Salsa Garden

According to the USDA Economic Research Service (ERS), 43% of all food spending in 2012 was on food away from home, compared to just 25% in 1970. Foods prepared away from home are higher in calories, total fat, and saturated fat and lower in calcium, fiber, and iron. Although there are many reasons why away-from-home food is the foundation of many American’s diets, one factor is the decline in cooking skills. That is why Teen Cuisine aims to empower teens to adopt healthier lifestyles by t

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4-H It’s Your Reality Program Teaches Financial Management

Author: Alexandria Bryant

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

The United States is facing tough financial times. It is never too early to learn how to manage finances or be a smart shopper. Kentucky 4-H offers financial and consumer education to help youth develop sound financial management skills. Teaching young people about finances early is very important in helping them establish sound financial practices as they age. A study conducted by researchers at Cambridge University in 2013 found that youth establish money habits as early as age 7. A 2014 study

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Reality Store

Author: Stephen Conrad

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

As a society we have not been very successful in teaching our youth the value of money or passing along the concept of "saving for a rainy day". Because of this, many citizens were unable to handle the economic havoc created by the COVID shutdowns.  Our school system recognizes this trend but has little or no time to spend on money management due to core content obligations. To help them with this need, The Boone County Cooperative Extension Service held a Reality Store at one of

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Positive family interaction through extensive brown bag program

Author: Dora Centers

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Family and Consumer Science Agent and the 4-H youth and development agent collaborated to provide Grab and Go monthly programs to 207 youth and 80 adults.   One of the groups within our brown bag program was a community partner who deals with at-risk youth and families who have been or going through the foster care system, which included 55 adults and 92 youth each month for the year. For this community partner bags were filled with multiple lessons from our programs, stem project

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Horse Packing Clinic- Food Safety

Author: Matti Coffey

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Horse packing involves interacting with a horse for a long amount of time, but also preparing for a lengthy trail ride with them. It can consist of packing two horses with gear to camp on the trail for one night or up to a week at a time. Horse packing can lead to potential job opportunities that aren’t widely publicized, especially in other states with large amounts of land with cattle. In 2019, there were 902,900 Agricultural Worker positions in America according to the U.S. Bureau of La

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Life skills teaching proves to be a benefit

Author: Joyce Doyle

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

The Botwin Life Skills Training program was very beneficial to the sixth grade students of Carroll County Middle School.  We will teach the sixth grade again next year and move on to the seventh grade curriculum for the seventh graders.The Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services reports that 10% of adolescents self-report illicit drug use in the past month.  Substance use prevention programming is critical to the prevention, delayed onset, and/or early identification of substan

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Financial education continues in a virtual world

Author: Kaitlyne Metsker

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

According to an article on, a survey of 15-year-olds in the United States by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development determined that eighteen percent of those surveyed did not learn fundamental financial skills that are often applied in everyday situations. Through the It’s Your Reality financial education program, county extension agents work year after year to combat this statistic and give local youth the financial literacy skills to be successful.&nbsp

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Virtual Programming for PY21

Author: Kindra Jones

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

During program year 2021, the Grayson County 4-H Agent planned to main virtual learning formats. The first being for families that wanted to have virtual supplemental lessons; ten families signed up at the beginning of the year, three completed all projects. The agent worked to have a virtual lesson focused on Core 4-H Areas and set the lesson project up using the virtual platform Sway. Lessons that required materials that families may not have had on hand at home were provided by the agent for

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4-H Baking Science Bread Club

Author: Aubrey Lawson

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

4-H Baking Science Bread Club

While the pandemic brought on many challenges and set backs, many were also pushed out of their comfort zones to try new things. While traditional 4-H Cooking and Baking clubs were not able to meet together in person, the Madison County 4-H Agent was faced with leading these clubs virtually. The 4-H Baking Science Bread Club was a club that met virtually  to provide at-home educational experiences that foster engagement and new learning opportunities for youth. This club consisted of s

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Webinars In Family and Consumer Sciences Topics Provide Education For Extension Agents in Kentucky

Author: Allison Young

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Webinars In Family and Consumer Sciences Topics Provide Education                                                         For Extension Agents in KentuckyIn the midst of the pandemic, scams have become more of a problem for Kentuckians. Many unwitting consumers have fallen victim to scammers promising access to Covid-19 testing, vaccines and other cures. Tho

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Life Skills Camp at Monticello Elem.

Author: Toni Humble

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Wayne Co. 4-H was invited to extended school days at Monticello Elem. Lessons were taught over four days in various life skill. 26 students were taught basic sewing skills, basic cooking skills, basic carpentry skills and basic gardening skills. A pre-test showed that 29% of students had little to no experience in one or more of the areas. At the completion of the four day camp, 91% stated that they had learned at least one new skill and 93% stated that they would use these skills at home or som

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Learning about Different Cultures through Cooking

Author: Christy Eastwood

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Learning about different cultures can be fun and exciting.  With the United States being called a melting pot, a salad bowl, or a patchwork quilt it is necessary for our society to become familiar with other cultures.  A growing number of neighborhoods and communities contain complex mix of races, cultures, languages, and religious affiliations.  For these reasons, today’s youth are more likely to face the challenges of interacting with people different from themselves. &nbs

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4-H Partners with the Migrant Program to Build Resiliency & Reduce Stress

Author: Lee Ann McCuiston

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Mental health, already a pressing issue for young people, has become an acute concern for millions in 2020. One in five people in households with children (21%) have reported feeling down, depressed or hopeless in the previous week.  Realizing the need for improved resiliency in youth, the Todd County 4-H program provided a mindfulness training to 26 youth during the summer migrant program in a day camp setting.  Youth learned how to categorize their stressors into things they cannot c

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Adulting Program

Author: Paula McCuiston

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Adulting Program: Real-World Life Skills for Launching Adults in Hickman CountyAfter seeing statistics of how poorly college students were prepared for the real world of, "Adulting," the Hickman County 4-H and FCS Programs decided to facilitate a two day workshop based on the Hardin County FCS model to begin to address the issue. The Hickman County KAPS Family Resource Center was a planning partner. Topics like what is credit, professional etiquette, ten soft skills, communication

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High School Students Sewing Projects Improve Life Skills

Author: Hazel Jackson

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

According to research by Iowa State University, "The subject of clothing relates to all most every other subject taught, such ashistory, physics, chemistry, physiology, and design.  Additional research by the Home Sewing Association also shows that sewing fostersself esteem in youth along increasing the child's ability make decisions and think through processes in a step-by-step manner.During the first two weeks of May 2021, the Extension Agent for FCS and the FCS teacher at the Ro

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American Private Enterprise System (APES) Kentucky Youth Seminar

Author: Glenna Bentley

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

In Lewis County students have limited opportunities to learn about our economic system and how it relates to business locally.  With this in mind the Lewis County Extension Office partnered with the Lewis County Youth Services Center to provide students the opportunity to learn about our economy and how it works locally.The American Private Enterprise System is a 2-day program offered to high school Juniors and Seniors. This year the program had 20 participants in the program.  The pro

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4-H Grab and Go Activity Bags

Author: Misty Wilmoth

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

With the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions to in-person meetings for much of the past year, LaRue County 4-H provided a wide variety of activity kits that families could complete together at home.  Some of the kits were provided one per family while others were one per child, depending on the supplies needed.  The kits were generally provided on a monthly basis during most of 2020-2021.  Grab and Go Kits were promoted on the 4-H and Extension Office FaceBook pages and also on the

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4-H Virtual Reality Store

Author: Dianna Reed

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the County Extension Council, 4-H Program Council, local volunteers and Extension personnel were tasked with continuing to provide resources and programs to assist our communities. The 4-H Youth Development Agent spoke to local schools and community members to develop online programs that would teach life skills in a virtual format. As a result, the 4-H Reality Store (a career exploration and financial planning program) was converted to an online format. This progra

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Collaboration with Court Designated Youth Program has strengthen Life Skills "Virtually"

Author: Terence Clemons

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Youth being court ordered to complete community service and other requirements based on poor choices, isn't new to Kentucky. The need to assist youth in new strategies has been discussed and researched by multiple agencies, throughout the years.  One collaborative effort that is new and multi-dynamic to Bath County to address the needs of those youth that find themselves in the courts system, is between Bath County 4-H and Kentucky Courts of Justice.Since 2018, collaborative efforts hav

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It's Your Reality Virtual Platform

Author: Kimberly Schrader

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

The COVID outbreak of 2020, brought the world to a halt. Many families were faced with reduced income due to job loss. Many youth did not understand the sudden decrease in family income, as youth are not well versed in financial education. According to the Jump Start Coalition Survey (2008), 12th-grade students received only an average score of 48.3% average on financial literacy testing.To assist youth and families to further understand financial management education during COVID restriction, C

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Partnership with Youth Service Center's Inspire Kids in the Kitchen

Author: Chanda Hall

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

     One of the best ways to help children and teens eat healthy is to encourage them to learn to cook. Learning to cook helps kids find out about nutrition and what it means to eat healthy. Kids who learn to cook benefit in other ways, too: Are more likely to eat healthy, contribute to the family, learn about planning and making choices, develop a life skill, expand their understanding of math, b

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Homemade Holidays

Author: Carrie Derossett

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Homemade HolidaysDuring 2020 most families spent more time together at home due to global pandemic restrictions.  Along with the increased time spent at home, many families faced financial struggles, food insecurity and looked for new ways to keep children entertained while at home.  According to the American Health Rankings, Kentucky had an unemployment rate of 4.9% and a poverty rate of 16.2% in 2020.To meet the needs of these families, the Logan County Cooperative Extension Service

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Author: Carrie Derossett

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

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4-H Sewing Club Works From Home

Author: Regina Browning

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Shelby County 4-H has a strong youth sewing program.  Interest from sewing workshops led to the creation of our sewing club called Zappy Zippers.  Zappy Zippers members met monthly to make projects and learn new skills.  Like all other 4-H groups, Covid-19 forced Zappy Zippers to cancel in-person programming.  The youth were devastated as they had more time at home to work on their sewing projects, but their club could not meet.  The Extension Staff and a dedicated club

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4-H Virtual Cooking Club

Author: Cecelia Hostilo

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

The obesity epidemic threatens the quality and years of life of Kentuckians and Trigg Countians. Obese individuals are at increased risk for many chronic health conditions, including type-2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and some types of cancers. The Healthcare Profile for 2016-18 indicates that 28% of our population consider themselves in less than good health. 14% of adults in the county have diabetes. 2015-17 data reports that 47% of Trigg County citizens have been diagnosed

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Living a Healthier Lifestyle through Virtual Cooking

Author: Shelley Crawford

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

The obesity epidemic threatens the quality and years of life of Kentuckians and Trigg Countians. Obese individuals are at increased risk for many chronic health conditions, including type-2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and some types of cancers. The Healthcare Profile for 2016-18 indicates that 28% of our population consider themselves in less than good health. 14% of adults in the county have diabetes. 2015-17 data reports that 47% of Trigg County citizens have been diagnosed with high blood

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4-H Adulting 101 Virtual Club

Author: Laura Huffman

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Surveys from our Hart County Extension Council plan of work meeting indicated a need for teaching teens basic adult life skills.  The 4-H Youth Development Agent and Family Consumer Science Agent collaborated to offer a 4-H Adulting 101 Virtual Club this year due to COVID 19 restrictions.  Teens participated in educational club lessons on car maintenance & how to change a tire, dorm room meals, financial planning, laundry & stain removal, basic sewing and mending clothing and h

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Agents Banded Together to Host Virtual 4-H Clubs

Author: Julie Brown

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

The pandemic of 2020 brought our entire nation to a screeching halt. Except for first responders, the United States and much of the world were on lock-down for much of the spring and summer. As summer turned into fall and the end of COVID-19 not in sight, a group of agents banded together to see how they could continue to meet the needs of their 4-H clientele. And thus, a new experiment of hosting district virtual 4-H clubs was born. This new concept extended the opportunity to learn high qualit

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4-H Learns to Bake

Author: Brooke Hogancamp

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

4-H Learns to Bake

Food preparation is an essential life skill, with those preparations come the art of baking.  An entire day was dedicated to 14 aspiring young 4-H Bakers who, over the course of 6 hours, were taught this very important life skill. Topics covered hand washing and sanitation, and proper measuring practices, methods, and terminology. The young bakers navigated multiple work stations to complete 6 different 4-H recipes for baked goods. The efforts of the participants resulted in 84 county

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Kids Baking Championship- A Sweet Success

Author: Paula Tarry

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Kids Baking Championship- A Sweet SuccessAs soon as this 4-H Agent saw the promo for the Food Network’s Kids Baking Championship- one Barren County 4-H member stood out, Haylin Adams.  She was involved in the 4-H Cooking Club and loved to bake. Haylin is a shy, eleven year old who makes beautiful cakes, cookies and is always eager to try something new. She had started her own FaceBook Business of Haylin’s Sweet Spot to make extra money.  This Agent passed the information on

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4-H Sewing

Author: Crystal Osborne

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

In today’s technologically advanced society, basic life skills such as sewing has become a lost art.  “Sewing is a discipline that helps develop self-esteem, confidence, focus, patience, fine motor skills, problem solving, process thinking and visualization.  Additionally, sewing encourages creative ability (The Creative Art of Sewing;; September 13, 2012).”  The Owsley County Cooperative Extension Service during, through the dedication of an

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Henderson County Extension 4-H Virtual Programs

Author: Ella Fourqurean

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

With COVID-19, adaptation to the new situation was a given, but we weren’t sure how that was going to look. After looking at different options, we decided to see how our 4-Hers and their families would respond to virtual clubs. We wanted our 4-hers to have the experience of the different clubs and classes we usually offer but the only difference was them being at home. The response was like nothing we imagined, and our families love it!   We offer 5 classes that co

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