Success Story2021 4-H Virtual Sewing Club
2021 4-H Virtual Sewing Club
Author: Hollyn Howard
Planning Unit: Nelson County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
Plan of Work: Providing Positive Youth Development Opportunities for the Youth of Nelson County
Outcome: Initial Outcome
“Sewing is a discipline that helps develop self-esteem, confidence, focus, patience, fine motor skills, problem solving, process thinking and visualization. Additionally, sewing encourages creative ability.” (The Creative Art of Sewing; www.North; September, 13, 2012.)
Nelson County was able to re-start their 4-H sewing program in the midst of the pandemic. Even as the Coronavirus pandemic restrictions are now lifting, the changes have taught many agents that programming can look different even in "normal" times. For example, virtual programming allowed Nelson County 4-H Agent, Nicole Howard, to recruit volunteers that currently live outside of the Nelson County area.
One of these volunteers is the Nelson County 4-H Sewing Volunteer, Whitney Crume. Though she may not live in close proximity at this time, she still makes a big impact on the members! With help from the 4-H Agent, she diligently planned lessons that could be engaging via zoom calls. Youth have learned the parts of a sewing machine, common tools, basic stitching, sewing on a button, reading a pattern, and will complete their own simple pair of pajama pants. Without virtual programming, Nelson County may not have found a sewing club volunteer to lead this club in 2021. The 4-H Agent has provided the option for any members to tune into the zoom meetings from the Extension Office if they are in need of an internet connection or materials and meetings will be help again in-person as restrictions lift.
One member exclaimed, "my mom and I were able to gather all new sewing materials for my sewing basket!" after the first meeting where the club learned about commonly used sewing tools. Members are becoming more comfortable with sewing tools and proficient in using the tools correctly. Our 4-H Project Fair Sewing entry members wrote about the confidence they gain through altering or creating their own garments.
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2021 4-H Virtual Sewing Club
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Stories by Nelson County CES

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2021 4-H Virtual Sewing Club
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2021 4-H Virtual Sewing Club
“Sewing is a discipline that helps develop self-esteem, confidence, focus, patience, fine motor skil... Read More
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