Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2021Jul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021
Stacey"s Super Six
Author: Marian Stacy
Major Program: Family Development General
2020 has been met with many challenges, none of which have been welcomed or easy. As COVID restrictions determined how nutrition classes were executed within the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the SNAP-Ed assistant in the Madison County Cooperative Extension Service was unsure about delivering quality lessons through social media. However, a retired Family Resource Center Director reached out to the SNAP-Ed assistant asking for nutrition and cooking resources for a group of si
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Senior Citizens Centers during COVID
Author: Marian Stacy
Major Program: Family Development General
On March 15, 2020, the University of Kentucky shut down all county Cooperative Extension Offices from public access due to the global COVID-19 outbreak. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) Program Assistant in Madison County immediately contacted both Richmond and Berea Senior Citizen Center Directors to ask what she could do to reach out to home bound senior citizens in this time of isolation. The SNAP-Ed assistant was told both locations were still obligated to pr
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Madison Towers
Author: Marian Stacy
Major Program: Family Development General
Madison Tower Apartments is a low-income housing facility which serves single senior citizens who have mental or physical limitations. Often, this population tends to lead a sedentary lifestyle coupled with unhealthy meal patterns. The Housing Director contacted the Madison County Cooperative Extension Service to inquire if the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) assistant would come to the facility and educate residents on how to plan, cook, and store nutritious meals with the food
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Virtual Cooking with Mommy & Me Garden and Cooking Program
Author: Ronda Rex
Major Program: Family Development General

When COVID-19 prevented families of children 6-8 years of age from coming to the Campbell County Cooperative Extension Office for the yearly Mommy & Me…in the Garden and Kitchen Program, plan B had to be put into place. Ronda Rex, Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences Education, immediately put that plan into action by learning everything she could about Zoom virtual learning. After conducting other Zoom meetings, trainings, classes and TV segments, cooking in front of
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Surviving and Thriving During a Pandemic
Author: Sheila Fawbush
Major Program: Family Development General
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak a global pandemic. The entire country was shut down except for declared essential workers. There was a mandatory order that groups were unable to assemble due to possible public health.The Shelby County Cooperative Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Agent and Nutrition Education Program Assistant addressed the situation by delivering educational activities and publications on the Extension Off
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Families Reading EveryDay
Author: Rebecca Miller
Major Program: Family Development General
Families Reading Every Day is a program designed to encourage families to read to the children in their lives. With family life style’s getting busier and children watching more television and being involved with playing video games, parents find it difficult to have a meaningful relationships with their children. Studies, also, show that children who are read to for at least 20 minutes a day are more likely to do better in school and not have as many discipline problem
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Extension on the Go
Author: Crystal Osborne
Major Program: Family Development General
During the COVID 19 pandemic, schools went to online learning, offices closed, and businesses shut down. With everyone being quarantined at home, the Owsley County Extension Office used this opportunity to reach clientele in a new and different way. From this, Extension on the go bags were created. Extension on the go bags varied each time on content that was included. Each bag included an educational lesson/information, hands-on activity and nutrition information. Items
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Extension Programming During the Pandemic
Author: Raven Ford
Major Program: Family Development General
The COVID-19 pandemic presented many challenges for the schools as well as for the way programming was being conducted by the Extension Service. With the Rowan County Extension Office being on an office rotation schedule and several programs being canceled, a new way of meeting the needs of the community needed to be done. In an effort to help address the issue of the pandemic, just like other agents across the state, the Rowan County Extension Office offered Grab-n-Go Program Kits to give the y
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Extension On The Go!
Author: Janet Turley
Major Program: Family Development General
The Warren County Extension Agents and Staff created a fun, mobile educational program to highlight all program areas offered by the Cooperative Extension Service entitled “Extension on the Go”. This collaborative effort focused on compiling a themed bag full of educational materials, family activities, recipes and more for Warren County residents to enjoy. For September, Fun Family Adventures was the theme and the bag included: seeds and educational materials
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Story Walk Fosters Fitness, Family Fun and Literacy
Author: Anna Morgan
Major Program: Family Development General
Data from the 2020 Early Childhood Profile indicates that only 56.9% of children in Fulton County are ready to enter kindergarten.Quality family time strengthens bonds, improves communication, and enhances self-esteem of children. The Fulton County Extension Office along with the Hickman Public Library, and the Four River Counties Early Childhood Council hosted the first ever Story Walk event for families at the Hickman City Park. 77 individuals participated in the event.The Story Walk involves
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Preschool Pumpkin Days/Preschool Spring Fling
Author: Rachel Hance
Major Program: Family Development General
It is through our valued partnership with the Allen, Logan, and Simpson Community Early Childhood Council that we, the Logan County Cooperative Extension Service, seek to improve school readiness in Logan County by educating, encouraging, and engaging families. Kindergarten readiness means that each child enters school ready to engage in and benefit from early learning experiences that best promote the child’s success. The kindergarten screener measures readiness in five important domains,
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Pumpkin Palooza!
Author: Courtney Brock
Major Program: Family Development General

Because of in-person meeting restrictions, the Lincoln County Extension Office has moved to incorporate virtual options and independent study pick-up kits. This has allowed clients to stay engaged and provided new opportunities for Extension Programs to involve the entire family. All Lincoln County Extension Staff members worked together to plan and implement a week-long Pumpkin Palooza event for the last week of October. Families signed up in advance and received a kit with most of the supplies
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Holidays at Home Series
Author: Cabrina Buckman
Major Program: Family Development General

To promote continued learning and family enrichment during Covid-19, the Holidays at Home series was offered from October 19 through December 11, 2020. This series was a state-wide Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) effort. Each week, the Washington County FCS Agent offered grab and go bags with materials provided by the UK FCS Staff, supplemental activities, and Plate It Up Kentucky Proud recipes. Each Thursday, a webinar from FCS Specialists was shared locally on Facebook. &n
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Community Baby Shower
Author: Bryce Roberts
Major Program: Family Development General
Teenage pregnancy, babies born out of wedlock, and children born to low income families is more the reality than not these days. This is no different for the residents of Spencer County. This year the Spencer County FCS, 4H and Agriculture agents, in conjunction with the Family Resource & Youth Service Centers, and the Health Department planned the Spencer County Community Baby Shower. The agriculture agent was in charge of registration for the event.This program focuses on soon to be,
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Author: Edith Lovett
Major Program: Family Development General
“[LEM1][LEM2 "]SCAMMING” More than 300 residents of Pulaski County have received personal information on scamming and avoiding fraud. They have also been warned about scamming and fraud through social media, new letters, and newspaper. For senior adults, it is often difficult to tell which of
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Operation Hometown Christmas
Author: Christy Stearns
Major Program: Family Development General
For a number of years, community partners and advisory groups have identified the need for a coordinated system for holiday assistance and outreach. Some families were not being served while others were being served multiple times by different sponsors. Clinton County Extension Family and Consumer Sciences facilitated a committee to create Operation Hometown Christmas. The purpose of Operation Hometown Christmas was to facilitate individuals, groups, businesses, churches, and families working to
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Virtual Storytelling
Author: Cathy Sparks
Major Program: Family Development General
The Covid-19 pandemic has interrupted so many important programs, not the least of which is Patchwork Play dates. Our pre-school program has been one of the most popular programs in our office, always with great attendance and participation. One of our 4-H Teen Club members, Ashton Long, decided to begin reading her favorite children’s stories one evening a week. The stories were videoed, and were posted on our Extension Service Facebook pages. Advertising for a cou
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Grab n Go Educational Series
Author: Jane Proctor
Major Program: Family Development General
The COVID19 pandemic not only created havoc, uncertainty, and stress for local communities but for the world. However, it also created an opportunity for the Trimble County Cooperative Extension Service. Because stay at home requirements and social distancing were implemented, “Grab n Go” educational packets were utilized to reach community residents. Family focused themed topics such as cooking, gardening, fitness, meal planning, and nutrition were made available to community
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Author: Sherri Broderick
Major Program: Family Development General
According to Childrens, Inc, Kentucky has over 100,000 children under the age of eighteen (18) living with their grandparents or other relatives. As one of the highest rates of children in care of grandparents and other relatives over 85,000 live with their grandparents, while 21,000 live with other relatives. Kentucky continually ranks as one of the highest states of children living with grandparents or loved ones. In 2019, GrandLove a grandparent raising grandchildren support group
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Extension on the Go
Author: Kendyl Redding
Major Program: Family Development General
Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, public schools have transitioned to online learning, offices and businesses have closed their doors to the public, and parents began working from home. Many families are spending more time together at home than ever before. Therefore, the Powell County Extension Office used this opportunity to provide take home programming that is centered around family time. This unique type of programming was a joint effort between all program areas in the office. Each Extens
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Citizenship and Flag Etiquette
Author: Jennifer Bridge
Major Program: Family Development General
Social media posts, letters to the editor in the local paper, and other general conversations demonstrated a lack of understanding of US civics and citizen rights. Based on suggestions from extension homemaker members in the Lincoln Trail Area, a monthly educational program on Citizenship and Flag Etiquette was offered. The program covered information related to the proper way to fold a flag, properly fly a flag, and other general etiquettes. Since citizenship is a broad topic and in
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Creating and Maintaining Family Traditions
Author: Joan Bowling
Major Program: Family Development General
The Covid-19 pandemic has created a seismic shock to all families regardless of economic or societal circumstances. Abrupt school closures and the widespread threat of lost income, illness and death are negatively impacting families. The crisis will not affect individuals equally, but will significantly alter how families interact with one another going forward and the long held traditions that bonded them together could fracture In an effort to counteract the familial negative impac
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12 Days of Holiday Fun
Author: Julia Wilson
Major Program: Family Development General
During 2020 many families found themselves attending school, work, and meetings through virtual formats. Many families began experiencing "zoom fatigue" and "digital burn out." For many families holiday traditions had to change because of COVID restrictions. The Edmonson County Family & Consumer Sciences Agent wanted to provide families with holiday fun without utilizing technology. The FCS Agent had families sign up for 12 Days of Holiday Fun using Eventbrite. Families p
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Community Baby Shower
Author: Allison Lewis
Major Program: Family Development General
Teenage pregnancy, babies born out of wedlock, and children born to low income families is more the reality than not these days. This is no different for the residents of Spencer County. This year the Spencer County FCS, 4H and Ag agents, in conjunction with the Family Resource & Youth Service Centers, and the Health Department planned the Spencer County Community Baby Shower. This program focuses on soon to be, or have a child up to 12 months, mothers and fathers from low income families an
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Middle School Family Connections Program
Author: Shonda Johnston
Major Program: Family Development General
In the Fall of 2020, the Youth Services Center (YSC) Coordinator at Robert D. Campbell (RDC) Junior High reached out the Clark County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent with a desire to help parents find ways to connect with their children during the COVID-19 pandemic. Parent-child connection is often a struggle as children move into their teen years, but these struggles are being heightened during the COVID-19 pandemic as many typical ways of connecting are being limited. With the constraints o
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Casey County Community Baby Shower
Author: Meagan Klee
Major Program: Family Development General
“Prenatal education is an important component of supporting healthy pregnancies. Prenatal education promotes the maintenance of healthy lifestyles during pregnancy, helping expectant mothers manage stress, support a healthy diet, avoid harmful chemicals and situations, recognize warning signs and symptoms that mean something may be wrong with their pregnancy, and prepare for labor and delivery.” ( Casey County and surrounding counties have a wealth of resources
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Increased Use of Technology Keeps Extension Users Connected
Author: Vicki Wynn
Major Program: Family Development General
When face-to-face social interaction came to a screeching halt in March 2020, University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Family & Consumer Sciences administrators, specialists, agents and staff turned to video technology to stay connected with stakeholders and clientele across the Commonwealth. Social media platforms became flooded with information to assist families with research-based information to address concerns about COVID-19, cleaning vs. disinfecting, self-care in recove
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Building Strong Families with Parenting Packets
Author: Brooke Hogancamp
Major Program: Family Development General
The Kids Count Data Center reports that in 2018 there were 122 reports of child abuse/neglect in Carlisle County. These numbers have been exponentially climbing over the past few years. In November 2020, Carlisle County FCS Extension provided "Building Strong Families" informational packets to the 40 families applying for the Christmas Assistance Program through the county school. Applicants were required to complete the family related activities and materials to qual
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Encouraging Laughter and Happiness in Uncertain Times
Author: Diane Mason
Major Program: Family Development General
The world coronavirus pandemic arrived in the United States in January 2020 or earlier and ultimately resulted in schools and businesses being closed, individuals being laid off or losing their jobs, and personal health and safety practices being implemented that isolated families and individuals. As a result of the mental health issues including anxiety and depression observed in the community, Grant and Boone County Cooperative Extension partnered to offer a new program, “Laughter, Motiv
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Hardin County Brown Bag programming reaches new audience during pandemic
Author: Dayna Fentress
Major Program: Family Development General
When Extension Offices across the state had to close their doors to foot traffic, Hardin County quickly found a few ways to continue reaching our audiences. In fact, Hardin County 4-H, Family and Consumer Sciences, and Horticulture programs not only reached our traditional audience, but an entirely new sector of Hardin County residents as well.In an effort to make our programs as accessible as possible, the three Hardin County agents, along with two program assistants, offered two options during
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Virtual World's Greatest Baby Shower
Author: Tiffany Bolinger
Major Program: Family Development General
Early and regular prenatal and infant care is vital for healthy babies. The US Census Bureau reported, based on their 2019 American Community Survey 1-year estimates, 22.1% of people are living in poverty in Christian County. For these individuals, the lack of income many times results in inadequate access to health care and resources. Combine that with a global pandemic and the health of expectant mothers and their babies becomes a real concern. In response to the above issues, Chri
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4-H Pumpkin Week
Author: Susan Campbell
Major Program: Family Development General
Due to in-person meeting restrictions, Anderson County 4-H developed and carried out 4-H Pumpkin Week. Youth had virtual lessons and independent activities pick-up kits. Pumpkin week allowed current 4-H members to stay engaged and new community members were exposed and participated in our 4-H program. Pumpkin week provided opportunities to involve the entire family. Families signed up in advance and received a kit with; a pumpkin for a decorating contest, ingredients for pumpkin pie
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Book Swap
Author: Jessica Hunley
Major Program: Family Development General
Over the course of March and into April 2021, as the Madison County FCS agent I have conducted a book swap for homemakers and other clientele to drop off gently used or unwanted cookbooks, crafting books, as well as chapter books. The items donated were left to rest for 14 days for sanitary reasons under COVID protocol and then were put out for public viewing in the project room, for those interested to come back in and "shop" through the donations. Homemakers and clientele
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Virtual Family Pumpkin Fun Day
Author: Luciana Hockersmith
Major Program: Family Development General

The Cooperative Extension Service of Mercer County continually seeks to expose new audiences to the resources available to all Kentuckians. The Mercer County Extension Agents for Horticulture and Family Consumer Sciences with the 4-H Youth Development Program Assistant teamed up to elaborate on existing programs to reach new clientele. Family pumpkin fun day, an event offered in the fall, taught families about how pumpkins are grown, the varieties available, and how to use them in preparin
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Extension Homemaker Leader Training--Genetic Testing 101
Author: Mary Hixson
Major Program: Family Development General
Top eight Extension Homemaker Leader lesson chosen in Ft. Harrod Area. With assistance from State Specialist, built power point and lesson handout on this topic for the Zoom lesson.Direct-to-consumer genetic tests (also called DNA genetic testing, direct-access genetic testing, at-home genetic testing, home DNA testing and ancestry or genealogy testing) are popular as they provide insight into health and unlock secrets about family. but it is important to keep the risk and reward in mind.
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Money Habitudes Online
Author: Cabrina Buckman
Major Program: Family Development General
Financial education programs often highlight financial literacy skills such as budgeting and managing credit card debt; however, these skills do not tap into the emotional and practical issues that cause people to react irrationally with money. Financial decisions are most often motivated by emotional need as opposed to logical knowledge. To address this concern, the Washington County Cooperative Extension Service utilized the Money Habitudes program to emphasize the importance of developing a h
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FCS Teamwork in Programing During COVID-19
Author: Alivia Faris
Major Program: Family Development General
Challenge statement: Operation COVID Easter Kentucky was developed by Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agents in the Easter Kentucky Region. The operation consisted of a series of innovative programs across 12 counties in the region in order to help families and communities become more resilient, informed, better decision making skills, and encourage positivity throughout the COVID-19 disaster that will hopefully come to a close soon. Program goals/objectives: To provide new
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School Readiness
Author: Catherine Jansen
Major Program: Family Development General
School-readiness is a broad term that refers to multiple precursor cognitive physical, and social-emotional skills that indicate young children are prepared to learn and thrive in the school environment. A wide body of research shows a strong foundation in school readiness is indicative of school success. Emerging research also indicates that there is s synergistic effort when early learning activities activate physical and cognitive skills simultaneously, as opposed to doing so in isolation How
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Laugh and Learn to go Kits
Author: Anna Morgan
Major Program: Family Development General
In Kentucky, “School readiness means that each child enters school ready to engage in and benefit from early learning experiences that best promote the child’s success”. Kentucky has broken school readiness down into five domains: physical and motor development; social and emotional development; approaches to learning; language development; and cognitive development. A child's readiness score is determined by measuring a student’s cognitive, physical and language deve
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Laugh & Learn To Go
Author: Ashley Board
Major Program: Family Development General
According to the 2020 Early Childhood Profile, 64.1% of children in Caldwell County are ready for kindergarten. Children who start kindergarten with delayed development and fewer assets are by far more likely to repeat grades, get tracked into lower-tier classes and drop out of high school than more advantaged children. Prior to the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, the Caldwell County Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences hosted in-person Laugh & Learn Preschool playdates that allowed
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Grandparents and Relatives As Parents
Author: Diana Doggett
Major Program: Family Development General
Kentucky has the highest rate of child abuse and neglect in the nation and ranked 5th for the number of children in care of grandparents. Approximately 44,000 are living in homes led by grandparents ( Caregivers face many challenges as they strive to develop healthy relationships with children who have experienced significant loss, pain and disappointment. The needs of children can be overwhelming and COVID 19 generated isolation and limited access to r
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Virtual Community Baby Shower
Author: Kayla Walton
Major Program: Family Development General

The Menifee County Family and Consumer Sciences agent partnered with the Menifee Family Resources, Menifee Health Department, Gateway Early Headstart Program and the UK Nutrition Education Program to host a virtual community baby shower for expecting and new parents.The virtual event consisted of three guest speakers who spoke on prenatal nutrition, breastfeeding and infant nutrition and early childhood development. Our speaker for prenatal nutrition was a University of Kentucky dietetic intern
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Drive Thru Mouse in the House
Author: Annette Buckman
Major Program: Family Development General
The Union County Early Childhood Council has host annual for the past 10 years, "The Mouse in the House" math/literacy event. The event in the past was held at the Union County High School with an average of 300 + preschoolers and families. During the event the child receives appropriate books and parents receive valuable information on Kindergarten Readiness. The goal is to enable children and their families to increase literacy and math skill levels. The liter
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Laugh and Learn Kits
Author: Sarah Drysdale
Major Program: Family Development General
In Kentucky, “School readiness means that each child enters school ready to engage in and benefit from early learning experiences that best promote the child’s success”. Kentucky has broken school readiness down into five domains: physical and motor development; social and emotional development; approaches to learning; language development; and cognitive development. A child's readiness score is determined by measuring a student’s cognitive, physical and language deve
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Author: Janey Cline
Major Program: Family Development General
In 2019 77% of the 2018 Caverna High School graduates reported working in Kentucky at a mean yearly wage of $12,380. Only 40% of students graduating from the school continue on to college.. This is low compared to the state average of 58%. To help 7th and 8th grade students see the need for a mindset that plans for the future, students were asked to search for careers, make an education plan, consider location of future residency and consider the expense associational with
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"Families in Crisis"
Author: Linda Combs
Major Program: Family Development General
Due to Covid-19 related health issues, especially mental health Knott County Extension was asked to provide “Grab and Go” programs to families in crisis. Family and Consumer Science Agent and the 4-H youth and development agent collaborated to provide Grab and Go monthly programs to 207 youth and 80 adults. Educational materials included: stem projects, financial hints and tips, nutrition and health facts, addiction prevention and recovery, safety issues relating to
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UK Camp Kesem
Author: Kerri Ashurst
Major Program: Family Development General
Camp Kesem is a nationwide community, driven by passionate college student leaders, that supports children through and beyond their parent’s cancer. They are the largest national organization dedicated to this unique population. There are more than 100 Kesem chapters in the country with over 5,000 student leaders. Nationally, Kesem served 10,200 children in 2019 (most current data). 81% of every dollar spent supported programming for our 100% free services.Dr. Kerri Ashurst serves as the U
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Pumpkin Week
Author: Catherine Weaver
Major Program: Family Development General

Pumpkin Week:Because of in-person meeting restrictions, the Jessamine County Extension Office has moved to incorporate virtual options and independent study pick-up kits. This has allowed clients to stay engaged and provided new opportunities for Extension Programs to involve the entire family. Jessamine County Extension worked together to put together a great week for the entire family. Youth signed up in advance and received an activity kit with a STEM activity and several crafts in it.
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Saving Savvy Homemaker Lesson
Author: Allison Lewis
Major Program: Family Development General
With everything that is going on in the world, saving money has been a priority for many. During the pandemic individuals and families found themselves in a crisis because they did not have enough money to cover their monthly bills. With several areas of employment getting shut down, most were looking for ways to cut back and save what they can.The Saving Savvy Homemaker lesson explored many options to help those looking for alternative ways to keep money in their pocket. This lesson was taught
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Laugh and Learn Playdates
Author: David Weisenhorn
Major Program: Family Development General
While 2020 was a year of changes and unforeseen challenges, some things remained the same in Kentucky like the need to focus educational resources on school readiness. As cited in the “Improving Kindergarten Readiness Rates in the Commonwealth” presentation by Amy Neal from the Governor’s Office of Early Childhood, Kentucky has remained at only 50% kindergarten ready for the past six years, indicating a need to equip counties with the resources to increase the number of childre
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Talking to Kids about Loss
Author: David Weisenhorn
Major Program: Family Development General
The year 2020 was a tough year for all. Covid-19 was declared a global pandemic, affecting everyone in ways many of us could not have imagined. Schools were redefined, social gatherings were strongly discouraged, celebrations were postponed, and death tolls climbed making loss a common experience for everyone. While the degrees of loss could be arguably disputed, loss is a personal experience and a difficult one to process. In an effort to help our state constituents process their experience of
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'Lifelong Learning Series' Focuses on Valuable Life Skills
Author: Vicki Wynn
Major Program: Family Development General
As Family & Consumer Sciences 'first responders', it became apparent that a variety of program delivery methods would be required in order to reach traditional participants and new Extension users during the Pandemic of 2020. The 'Lifelong Learning Series' materials were distributed throughout the Purchase area by mail, email and video segments with lessons about pest management, fermented foods, exercise, genealogy, air fryers, mental health and addiction. Audience reach inc
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Training County Agents on Pet Husbandry
Author: Jerusha Lay
Major Program: Family Development General
Over the past few decades dogs and cats have increasingly become part of the family unit. Dogs and cats offer a wide variety of benefits for humans from companionship for the elderly or veterans, emotional support for families, teaching children responsibility and even specific services for people with disabilities. As pets deliver these benefits, they also come with responsibility and a lot of questions on how to care for them. Man owners have questions such as, “What do I feed them&rdquo
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Social Media Contacts Increased During Pandemic
Author: Linda Brown-Price
Major Program: Family Development General
Data from the 2020 UF/IFAS Extension Workload shows that Extension’s services continued to meet the demand for information and education throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. There was a decline in-person contacts, but there was growth in online and virtual contacts. Connections by email and text messages increased by 60%. Source: Utilizing the afore mentioned data as a benchm
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Grant and contract funding received for FCS Extension
Author: Kerri Ashurst
Major Program: Family Development General
During the reporting period, Dr. Ashurst received 2 grants/contracts totaling $183,463. One grant for $140,000 (year 2 amount; 5 year grant) is for a Children, Youth and Families at Risk (CYFAR) grant to provide life skills programming for at-risk youth. Grant sites will be in Fayette and Hardin Counties. A federal contract through USDA for $43,463 is for Ashurst to serve as a federal coach for CYFAR Professional Development and Technical Assistance to provide oversight and assistanc
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Youth Experiencing Homelessness Subcommittee of the Access, Equity, and Belong National Committee
Author: Kerri Ashurst
Major Program: Family Development General
Dr. Ashurst has been the national co-chair for the Youth Experiencing Homelessness National Subcommittee since Fall 2018. This is one of the 7 subcommittees of the "Access, Equity and Belonging Committee" (AEBC), a national priority through USDA, National 4-H, and Extension Committee on Policy.Dr. Ashurst and Melissa Scheer at the University of Missouri co-chair the multi-state subcommittee, which included Extension personnel from 11 states that
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Children Youth and Families at Risk Professional Development and Technical Assistance
Author: Kerri Ashurst
Major Program: Family Development General
Dr. Ashurst has been a Federal Coach for USDA's Children, Youth and Families at Risk (CYFAR) Professional Development and Technical Assistance (PDTA) Center since January 2019. This is a multi-state subcontract with the University of Minnesota and Pennsylvania State University as the national leads. During the reporting period, she was assigned to oversee grants in New York, Vermont, West Virginia, Michigan, Rhode Island, Ohio, and Oklahoma (2). Ashurst facilitates monthly Zoom meetings with
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Virtual Programming Resulting from the Pandemic
Author: Kerri Ashurst
Major Program: Family Development General
From July 2020 to June 2021, Dr. Ashurst led or co-facilitated 8 podcasts, 5 online content trainings, 7 multi-state/national panel presentations, 3 television segments, 6 virtual networking sessions for CYFAR, 4 workshops for virtual conferences, and 2 half-day virtual in-services. All of these were a direct result of need for resources and online professional development options during the pandemic. Reach was significantly increased as a result of more online trainings and resources. All feedb
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Summer Smart Start Academy
Author: Christy Stearns
Major Program: Family Development General
Clinton County FCS Extension facilitated the Summer Smart Start Academy for children up to age five to promote kindergarten readiness. The Summer Smart Start Academy was a month long program that offered weekly online learning sessions in addition to educational kits with hands-on activities that reinforced learning at home. 57 children participated in the program. Each week, parents, day care providers, and children practiced enhanced skills development in areas such as language, math, fin
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Big Blue Goals
Author: Sheila Fawbush
Major Program: Family Development General
Annually, Family and Consumer Sciences Agents and staff see an increased interest from clients in health-behavior choices around the new year. This year, to reach both current and new clientele with timely and research-based information, FCS Extension rolled out a new program just in time for January 2021- Big Blue Goals. The program was designed to allow for participation through either an online platform (Goalify app) that could be operated on a smartphone, computer, or tablet, or
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Kick Kentucky Cancer Caring for Someone with Cancer
Author: Sheila Fawbush
Major Program: Family Development General
According to the American Cancer Society (2021), one in three people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. In 2021, the American Cancer Society predicts an estimated 1,898,160 new cancer cases and 608,570 cancer deaths. This equates to 5,200 news cases and 1,670 deaths—DAILY. The CDC (2021) reports that cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States (2021). The 2021 estimates for Kentucky, which has the highest mortality rate in the United States, include 30,27
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Bourbon County Extension "Programs to Go"
Author: Karen Denniston
Major Program: Family Development General

COVID-19 safety restrictions changed the look of Bourbon County FCS programming! No longer were there hands-on activities with in-person interactions, taking place in the meeting room and/or at various community events! COVID restrictions limited the Extension FCS offering of programs for the community, but the community needs and desires for programming were as strong (if not stronger) than ever. Thus, the beginning of “Programs to Go”! Each week packets of
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Early Childhood Council Grant
Author: Nola Janeen Tramble
Major Program: Family Development General
Situation- the 2020 Early childhood Profile for Crittenden County indicates that only 50% of pre-school age children are kindergarten ready. Testing for general and cognitive knowledge (33.9%), physical wellbeing (36.3%), and social/emotional (76%) were all below the State average. Crittenden County is part of the Caldwell, Crittenden and Lyon County Community Early Childhood Council (CCLCCECC). The council received a 2020-2021 grant for $11,100. Of those funds Crittenden County received $
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Laugh and Learn On the Go | Promoting Kindergarten Readiness Through Play
Author: Natalie Taul
Major Program: Family Development General
With the COVID-19 Pandemic continuing into the new program year, the FCS agent continued virtual programming to reach families with children pre-school aged and younger. All youth in the county were participating in virtual school, but families with younger children were losing opportunities to build essential skills needed for entering kindergarten. The Grayson County Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent collaborated with the local Early Childhood Education Coalition to provide fam
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Laugh and Learn Playdate Program
Author: Sarah Congleton
Major Program: Family Development General
Montgomery County kindergarten readiness rates are below the state average. In 2020, the kindergarten readiness rate was 34.6% compared to the Kentucky rate at 51%. This poses a program for parents, school systems, and students.To address this problem, the Montgomery County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent offered a 12-series Laugh and Learn Playdate Program for preschool aged students 0-5 years old accompanied by their parent/caregiver. The program offers learning activities that are relevant
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Early Childhood Programs
Author: Nicole Gwishiri
Major Program: Family Development General
For the 2020-2021 program year, most citizens of Bath County were still sheltering in place. Seven percent of citizens living in Bath County are under the age of five. The statistics for kindergarten readiness is currently 30 percent. Because so few students are prepared for Kindergarten, the Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent and the Preschool Advisory Council collaborated on offering virtual programming for students in Bath and Menifee counties. The FCS Agents in Bath and Menife
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Kick Kentucky Cancer
Author: Kerri Ashurst
Major Program: Family Development General

This program is a collaboration between Heather Norman-Burgdolf, Amy Kostelic, Kerri Ashurst, and Natalie Jones. According to the American Cancer Society (2021), one in three people in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. In 2021, the American Cancer Society predicts an estimated 1,898,160 new cancer cases and 608,570 cancer deaths. This equates to 5,200 news cases and 1,670 deaths daily. The CDC (2021) reports that cancer is the second leading cause of death in the Uni
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Living with Loss: Playing the hand you are dealt
Author: Melinda McCulley
Major Program: Family Development General
The pandemic has forced many people to adjust to change. As a result, many people were forced to cope with loss—the loss of routine, jobs, school, developmental milestones, health, independence, and even the loss of friends and family. Recognizing that grief is associated with loss, UK Associate Dean, Laura Stephenson, turned to FCS Extension with her request for a grief webinar series in the Spring 2021.&
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Living with Loss: Playing the Hand You Are Dealt
Author: Amy Kostelic
Major Program: Family Development General
Success StoryMindy McCulley and Amy KostelicThe pandemic has forced many people to adjust to change. As a result, many people were forced to cope with loss—the loss of routine, jobs, school, developmental milestones, health, independence, and even the loss of friends and family. Recognizing that grief is associated with loss, UK Associate Dean, Laura Stephenson, turned to FCS Extension with her request for a grief webinar series in the Spring 2021. In an effort to arm participants with hop
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Homemade Holidays
Author: Rachel Hance
Major Program: Family Development General
During 2020 most families spent more time together at home due to global pandemic restrictions. Along with the increased time spent at home, many families faced financial struggles, food insecurity and looked for new ways to keep children entertained while at home. According to the American Health Rankings, Kentucky had an unemployment rate of 4.9% and a poverty rate of 16.2% in 2020.To meet the needs of these families, the Logan County Cooperative Extension Service Family and Consum
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Parent Academy
Author: Crystal Osborne
Major Program: Family Development General
According to the 2018 data provided by Kentucky Youth Advocate Kids County, over 48% of Owsley County children live in poverty and over 47% are not ready for kindergarten. In Owsley County, teen births are higher than the state average (30.2: 28.2) and over 45% of pregnant women smoke during pregnancy (18.7 average in Kentucky). Owsley County Extension Service collaborated with the local Health Department and KRCC to c
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Educational Kits for Family FCS Programming
Author: Leslie Workman
Major Program: Family Development General
In the 2020-21 program year, the Pike County Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Program was faced with many challenges. The largest challenge facing the program was the inability to hold in-person workshops for families in need. FCS Extension Programs in Pike County reach every corner of our population. Because we provide education on a family basis, we potentially reach everyone. Due to COVID-19
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Nurturing Families in New Ways During the Pandemic
Author: Lynnette Allen
Major Program: Family Development General
The impact of Covid 19 is still being determined as families are gradually returning to normal. Over the past 15 months, families have lost loved ones, lost jobs, and missed life miles-stones as schools were closed, events cancelled and day to day life came to a standstill for most of Kentucky. Locally the Breckinridge County Family and Consumer Sciences program adapted program delivery to continue to serve families in a safe and meaningful way. The FCS and NEP Extension state
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Laughing and Learning
Author: Brooke Hogancamp
Major Program: Family Development General

With the emphasis on children doing well in school, it is often forgotten that learning actually begins long before a child is old enough to enroll in an official school setting. Children under the age of 5 are in a constant state of information intake. The Laugh and Learn program was developed to address the need for children ages 2-5 to experience positive learning opportunities, learning while laughing and having fun. During the restricted time onset by the COVID-19 pandemic
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Preventing Suicide using a Theater Approach
Author: Paul Norrod
Major Program: Family Development General
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), farmers are at the top of list for having the highest suicide rates of all major industry and occupational groups. The CDC further reports that the suicide rate among farm workers (ages 16-64) has jumped 34% from 12.9 suicides per 100,000 workers in 2000 to 17.3 per 100,000 workers in 2016. Suicides among farmers are 1.5 times higher than the national average and are probably higher because some farm suicides may be masked as far
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Connecting Farmers to Mental Health Resources
Author: Paul Norrod
Major Program: Family Development General
Farmers and farm families consistently report difficulty finding mental health services tailored toward farming. A farmer's wife in Union County reached to Agribility for assistance in finding a therapist near their county. I collaborated with the client as was able to offer several mental health practitioner's in their area as well as provide a web-based list for provider selection based on insurance status.
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Author: Tracy Cowles
Major Program: Family Development General
Children who grow up in fatherless homes have a greater risk of major challenges in life than those who grow up with a father at home. We might want to believe otherwise and there are many children who overcome the hardships associated with an absent father, but the truth is in the data. According to the National Kids Count data, approximately 36 percent of children under 18, in KY, live in a single parent home as of 2019. As many as 26 percent of KY children live in households with a mothe
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Fairy Gardens
Author: Leah VanMeter
Major Program: Family Development General
Research shows that spending quality time with children can have beneficial effect. Benefits can include less behavior issues, increased mental and emotional health, and improved physical health. Gregory Elliott published a study in the Journal of Family Issues that showed that adolescents who felt they mattered to their families were less likely to engage in or threaten violence towards family members. Several studies show negative impacts when a child doesn’t receive love, attention, or
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World's Greatest Baby Shower Drive Thru Event
Author: Annette Buckman
Major Program: Family Development General
Due to the pandemic in 2020, the annual WGBS was cancelled. For 2021 the group of community partners choose to continue with the annual World's Greatest Baby Shower but as a drive thru event. Pregnant moms safety and less exposure risks to COVID was the committees main concern.union County held its 15th annual World’s Greatest Baby Shower on June 24, 2021. The drive thru event provided pregnant moms the opportunity to receive free educational information as well as th
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Author: Tyrone Atkinson
Major Program: Family Development General
The Kentucky Military Teen Adventure Camp Grant was able to host another year of summer camp for Service Member Parents and Teens in spite of having to reschedule to 2021 because of Covid-19. Kerri Ashurst and Tyrone Atkinson served as the PI's for the grant and were able to conduct 2 camps (in June 2021) at the Red River Gorge for 63 participants from various states. Families were so appreciative of the camp and they were excited to have the experience together. "Thank you
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CYFAR Uplift Project Year 2
Author: Tyrone Atkinson
Major Program: Family Development General
The CYFAR Uplift Project Year 2 was met with challenges and successes. The team consists of Dr. Kerri Ashurst, Dr. Ken Jones, Dr. Allison Young, Chandra DeRamus, Carla Jordan, Maria Harris and Tyrone Atkinson, which all are Kentucky Extension employees. The purpose of this grant is to provide a comprehensive life skills development program for high-risk youth and strengths-based programming for their families. 2020 presented many challenges for the project as Covid-19 shut down many opport
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