Success StoryLaugh and Learn Playdate Program

Laugh and Learn Playdate Program

Author: Sarah Congleton

Planning Unit: Montgomery County CES

Major Program: Family Development General

Plan of Work: Active Living and Health Promotions

Outcome: Initial Outcome

Montgomery County kindergarten readiness rates are below the state average. In 2020, the kindergarten readiness rate was 34.6% compared to the Kentucky rate at 51%. This poses a program for parents, school systems, and students.

To address this problem, the Montgomery County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent offered a 12-series Laugh and Learn Playdate Program for preschool aged students 0-5 years old accompanied by their parent/caregiver. The program offers learning activities that are relevant to children's development and also coincide to help celebrate holidays or seasonal activities. The program includes a healthy snack, story, craft, music activity, fine motor and large motor activity, and free play.

While it is too early to provide solid evaluation statistics,the parents have had a tremendously positive response to the program. For the first session, we had 28 families register and attend. This is an initial outcome and will be updated with statistics at the end of the program year.

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