Success StoryParenting
Author: Tracy Cowles
Planning Unit: Butler County CES
Major Program: Family Development General
Plan of Work: Parenting/Child Development
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Children who grow up in fatherless homes have a greater risk of major challenges in life than those who grow up with a father at home. We might want to believe otherwise and there are many children who overcome the hardships associated with an absent father, but the truth is in the data. According to the National Kids Count data, approximately 36 percent of children under 18, in KY, live in a single parent home as of 2019. As many as 26 percent of KY children live in households with a mother alone, and only eight percent live in a household with only a father.
The Butler County Family & Consumer Sciences Agent has worked with the Department for Community Based Services and the Kentucky Christian Recovery Center to offer the Nurturing Parenting Program to individuals and families. These classes were offered in person to the recovery center and via zoom to individuals participating through DCBS. Over 50 individuals have received certificates of completion in 2020-2021.
Once they have completed the program, contact is usually lost and knowing if they were able to keep custody of their children, or gain custody is not known. This year, I have come in contact with three different individuals who shared their story.
Josh, has received custody of his children, gotten married, had a child recently, bought a house and has a good paying job. He said he could not have accomplished this if it had not been for the parenting strategies and financial management classes he received through extension.
Andy and Chasity have received custody of their children, work with recovering addicts, and have both gained employment in the community. They both received the classes while at recovery centers.
Joe, who has grown children, was able to repair his relationship with his son, using the techniques taught during the classes.
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