Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2018Jul 1, 2017 - Jun 30, 2018
Trying New Fruits
Author: Meagan Lucas
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Over the course of the school year more than 4,000 students and teachers at South Western High School in Somerset, Kentucky had the opportunity to sample fruits that are not a common offering.Less than 10 per-cent of the students and teachers had ever tasted a pomegranate, and fewer than 3% knew how to slice one. This theme continued when served fresh coconut, mango, and papaya. Most students could not identify the fruits by appearance or taste. More common fruits such as the raspberries and kiw
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4-H Jr. Master Gardeners Learn Health and Nutrition from the Garden
Author: Alexandria Bryant
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
The need for nutrition education is great in Kentucky, as it is a relatively poor state with a heavy burden of chronic disease related to poor nutrition practices. The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey provides data on overweight Kentucky youth and reveals that our youth rank 15.6% compared to the nationwide 12.7%. From a dietary standpoint less than 20% of high school students meet the dietary recommendation for fruit and vegetable consumption. In 2014, the Breckinridge County Extension O
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4-H YES Club
Author: Molly Jordan
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
According to the CDC children in Kentucky are less likely to be physically active for at least 4 days a week than other children nationwide. Seeing this as an issue locally, 4-H Youth Development Agent Molly Jordan, FCS Agent Shannon Smith, and FRYSC teamed up to provide the Youth, Exercise, Sports Club to 4th and 5th grade students at Taylor Elementary. During this program for four weeks, the students were engaged in healthy eating lessons, provided with a nutritional snack, and participated in
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Farm Safety Day
Author: Lee Ann McCuiston
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
The Todd County Extension 4-H Office teamed up with community partners and Long Vue Farms to offer a Progressive Agriculture farm safety day to 160 4th graders in Todd County. With 30% of the students living on a farm in Todd County, it is more critical than ever to educate youth on farm safety practices to ensure health and well-being. This event exposed local children to the possible dangers of farm work in a fun and interactive atmosphere in an attempt to help keep them safe. The
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Empowering Healthy Teens through Trials and Truths
Author: Caryn McCreary
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
In this ever changing world full of pressures and stress, our youth are growing up under the impression that they must live up to the stigma that society places on them. They are supposed to look a certain way, think a certain way, act a certain way and ask no questions. It is now wonder they walk the Earth confused during the most impressionable years of their lives! 73% of teens feel their appearance affects their body image and it is our job to steer them toward the truth.&n
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Livingston County Food Explorers Meet for Lunch!
Author: Dominique Wood
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Kentucky has the seventh highest adult obesity rate in the nation, according to The State of Obesity: Better Policies for a Healthier America released August 2017. Kentucky's adult obesity rate is currently 34.2 percent, up from 21.7 percent in 2000 and from 12.7 percent in 1990. By offering varieties of nutritious foods, youth will feel empowered to choose healthier food options. In cooperation with the school administration, the 4-H agent in Livingston County introduced 4-H Food Explorers
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Backpack Program
Author: Kimberly Baysinger
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Several years ago, the backpack program was created at the 4-H Issues Conference. This program was designed by high school students who saw a need to help the less fortunate youth in all of McCracken County and Paducah City Schools by making sure they have food to eat over the weekend. According to the last Census, 16.8% of the families in McCracken County fall below the poverty line. Each week members of the McCracken County Extension team, go to Sam’s to purchase non-perishable food
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Introducing County Youth to Super Star Chef
Author: Terence Clemons
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
In a 2012 Kids Count County Report, 41% of youth males are obese and 30% of youth females are obese. Bath County also has 1,714 children using Medicaid Program. Bath County School District reports that 72% of School Aged Youth are on free or reduced lunch program. After learning of those alarming stats, Bath County 4-H along with Bath County Family and Consumer Sciences decided to offer a program that is diverse in it approach, fun, rewarding, and simple enough for youth to share with othe
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Kids Cooking Academy
Author: Kelly Woods
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Introducing healthy cooking in schools has many benefits: Children may try new and healthy foods. Recent research published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics indicates that children engaged in tactile experiences, such as handling foods, have less food neophobia (food fear) and greater acceptance of eating a variety of foods. A kitchen is a learning lab for children that can involve all of their senses. While kneading, tossing, pouring, smelling, cutting, and feeling foods
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Hopkinsville Middle School 8th Graders Pledge to Be Drug Free
Author: Kendriana Price
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
October 23-31, 2017 were the dates selected for this year’s Red Ribbon Week, themed, “Your Future is Key, so Stay Drug Free.” The Red Ribbon Campaign reports that 42% of teens who are involved in conversations surrounding drugs are less likely to use them, however, 25% of teens aren’t having those conversations (2017). In celebration of Red Ribbon Week, Christian County 4-H was invited to be a part of the conversation for Hopkinsville Middle School eighth grade students.
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Healthy Teens
Author: Ola Donahue
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
According to the most recent state-by-state data from the 2016 National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) Kentucky ranks 14th with 33.5% of Children 10-18 being overweight and obese. Nationally, 31.2 percent of youth in this age range are overweight or obese. Using this data and being concerned about the youth in our county 4-H has teamed up with Tichenor Middle Schools Family Resource Center to help change the lives of the youth in this school. Healthy eating classes along wi
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County Wide Elementary Fitness Fairs
Author: Raymond Cox
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
A sedentary lifestyle for many elementary students in Harlan County has resulted in many cases of childhood obesity and diabetes. As part of the Fitness Fair Program, Harlan County 4-H, in cooperation with Harlan ARH Hospital and Harlan County and Independent Resource Centers, are sponsoring Fitness Fairs in every school in fall of each school year. Approximately 1,300 students in 3rd,4th and 5th grades participate in an assessment of body weight, body height ,and body mass index (BMI). Students
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Truth and Consequence Program
Author: Michael Rose
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
According to a study done by the Kentucky Institute of Medicine, Adair County ranks 91st out of 120 counties in Kentucky for overall health. Included in this data is youth smoking, where Adair County is 5% over the state average and 7% over the national average.The Adair County Cooperative Extension Service collaborated with twelve community partners to sponsor Truth and Consequences: The Choice Is Yours. The program is an enrichment simulation activity designed to show students the impact of ge
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Back Pack
Author: Robert Tashjian
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
The McCracken County Extension service provides a 4-H Back Pack program to youth in elementary, middle and high school. Each week 2 Extension agents work with 50 high school students and teachers to fill over 400 back packs for youth that are identified by teachers. All county, and city schools in McCracken and St. Mary elementary participate in this program. All food in the back packs are handy for young children and are non-perishable so that they can eat with little to no preparation or
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4-H Boot Camp
Author: Lamar Fowler
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
4-H Boot Camp offers a multi discipline approach to helping the youth in our community to become a stronger member and role model. Based off military boot camp, the initial focus is on respect, team work and physical fitness. Healthy eating, first aide, gun safety, citizenship, leadership, communications and improving self-esteem are also part of the program. This program is geared for 3rd through 5th grade boys and girls.This fall several “veterans” of past boot camps demonstrated w
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Boone County Teens on Wheels safety program
Author: Christy Eastwood
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
~~A driver’s license represents considerable freedom to a young person. Parents, too, may eagerly look forward to the additional help a teen driver provides to an American household. In addition, mobility is an important factor for today’s teens as well as a key factor in the economic and social growth of our country. Teens view this mobility as evidence of becoming adults. Unfortunately, these freedoms and conveniences come at a high price, which continues to be pa
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Truth and Consequences
Author: Jeffrey Casada
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Clay County Kentucky has an ongoing problem with drugs, methamphetamine, oxycodone, and other various illegal and prescription drugs. Seventeen years ago our county hosted a March on Drugs; on a rainy day in the Fall we had over 200 marched through town. Though the drug problem has improved it is still bad. Many of our arrests for DUI are drug related rather than alcohol related. There is a need for continued substance abuse prevention and intervention in Clay County. You
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4-H Fitness Club and Nutritious Recipes Improved Healthy Living Habits
Author: Lee Ann McCuiston
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Healthy Living is one of three 4-H mission mandates. Physical activity is a component of this mandate. “Moderate physical activity can reduce the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, stress and high blood pressure. Physically active people live longer and better quality lives than inactive people. Physical activity levels decrease across the lifespan. Children and youth should engage in 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity,
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Germ Busters
Author: Bernita Cheirs
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
According to the CDC, regular handwashing, particularly before and after certain activities, is one of the best ways to remove germs, avoid getting sick, and prevent the spread of germs to others. People need to vigorously wash their hands for about 15 to 20 seconds in kill any type of dangerous bacteria. Most people wash their hands for about six seconds. Without executing the correct hand sanitizing techniques, dirt and bacteria that would typically be sent down the drain stays on the ha
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Nutrition Education
Author: Julie Brown
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
According to the Kentucky Department for Public Health, Kentucky has one of the highest prevalence for pediatric obesity in the nation. Approximately 33.5% of Kentucky children ages 10-17 years are considered overweight or obese. To combat high obesity rates for elementary school children the Warren County 4-H Youth Development agents presented 292 lessons focusing on nutrition and physical activity. Over the past seven months the agents have educated over 1800 children in kindergarten through s
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Youth Change Eating Habits with Professor Popcorn
Author: Courtney Brock
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
According to the PRC Community Health Report for Lincoln County, 42.1 % of youth ages 6 – 12 are reported as being overweight/obese. The report notes the #1 community-identified health issue as obesity. A publication from the Kentucky Department for Public Health, reported that 16 % of Kentucky high school students report having zero physical activity in a week and only 17% eat the recommended serving of fruits and vegetables daily. In order to combat this prevalent issue, 4-H partnered wi
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Bully Bully go Away
Author: Renata Farmer
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Peer relationships are a major focus during the school-age years of child development. During this time, children have many opportunities to grow, learn social skills and develop problem solving skills. Unfortunately, sometimes relationships at this stage can be negative and hurtful to a child. According to, approximately 40 percent of youth in the United States are estimated to be involved in bullying as either a bully, a target of bullying, or both.&nbs
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Summer Fun with Food
Author: Chanda Hall
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
In Jefferson County, there are limited occasions for inner-city youth to participate in hands-on cooking programs. Improving cooking skills and knowledge of foods helps to promote healthy eating habits.According to Thomas & Irwin, food and cooking skills/food preparation are important for several reasons related to health, knowledge, empowerment, engagement, culture, food security, and fun. An engaging cooking skills program targeting youth builds self-efficacy, food knowledge an
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4-H Fit Club
Author: Elijah Wilson
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Draft 4-H Fit Club – Second year of program – 13 youth participated 6 hour or more as of 12/15/2017. Youth who participated learned about nutrition, leadership, weight training, and other exercise classes that are normally offered at gyms. The program lasted for six week and met after school for two hours each Monday and Wednesday. The program will start again in February.
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Author: Glenna Bentley
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
The Lewis County Extension Service conducted a program on Bullying at the Lewis County Middle School with 6th and 7th grade students. The program is done each year but was started because the principal and guidance counselor requested it and continue to want the program taught each year. They want the program to continue because bullying is a consistent problem at the school. Another reason they want it continued is because of a teen suicide that happened in another county close to Le
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Safety Day
Author: Carrie Derossett
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Safety DayProgram Year: 2017-18By: Carrie Derossett, Logan County Extension Agent for 4-H Youth Development Education Logan County has a rich agricultural tradition. Grain production and other crops are viable in our county. With many kids living and working on the farm, we are dedicated to promoting safe operation and respect of farm equipment that is in large supply. Each September, we host all 4th grade students from Russellville and Logan
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Life after High School
Author: Ola Donahue
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Statistics show that 2 out of 3 students are unprepared for life after high school. Therefore proving that far too many students lack the social and transitional skills needed to adequately enter the “real world” and cope with the demands of everyday adult life. With more than 65% of students being unprepared to take on life and/or social success, we raised the question: “Are schools teaching and preparing students with the essential social and life skills needed for a successf
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Farm & Home Safety Day 2.0
Author: Lena Mallory
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Marshall County Extension Service has participated for several years in the annual Farm & Home Safety Day for the county’s 5th grade students. The program is coordinated by the Marshall County Conservation District and involves participation from local groups including Kentucky State Police, County Health Department, Emergency Management, Red Cross, WKRECC, and others. Marshall County Extension has covered a variety of safety topics at this program including bicycle, home alone, intern
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Professor Popcorn: Popping Up in the 4th Grade Again
Author: Deana Reed
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
According to the Community Health Status Indicators report, Meade County has several areas which need improvement in relation to health and wellness. While our obesity and overweight rates have decreased 4% over the past years to 22% we still have 78% of residents who eat few fruits and vegetables and 28% who do not engage in daily exercise. Research supports that youth who are active will have strong muscle and bones and leaner bodies, because physical activity helps control body fat and decrea
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Cooking club leads to healthy lifestyle
Author: Nola Janeen Tramble
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Cooking club leads to healthy lifestyleby Nola TrambleMajor Program: Health 4-H Core CurriculumThe obesity epidemic threatens the quality and years of life of people in Trigg County. Obese individuals are at increased risk for many chronic health conditions, including type-2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancers. Healthcare Profile for winter 2014 indicates that 33.8% of adults are obese and 35.3% are physically inactive. 11.8% of adults in the county have diabetes. 28.7% (2
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Healthy New Foods for A Healthier Future
Author: Jeremy Teal
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Kentucky now has the fifth highest adult obesity rate in the nation, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Hopkins County is ranked 4th highest in the state for childhood obesity and 54th out of 120 counties for overall health outcomes according to 2016 data from The State of Obesity report on Kentucky. To address this issue the Hopkins County Extension Agents for Family and Consumer Sciences and 4-H Youth Development, partnered with the Health Department, and West Area He
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Ready Set Run
Author: Paula McCuiston
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Ready Set RunAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website, obesity still remains at about 17% among our nation’s young people ranging in ages 2-19 years even though the rate of obesity in 2-5 year olds has been on a downward slope. This is the second year for this program because the local support and interest in this program had grown tremendously. The Hickman County ANR, FCS and 4-H Agents teamed up to form our second Ready Set Run Club.
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Super Families Cooking: A Family Affair
Author: Mary S Averbeck
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
A local school identified five families under stress. 4-H, in conjunction with the family resource coordinator and other school volunteers created a family centered program. A family cooking series was offered to promote a bonding experience between adults and children, promote proper, safe food preparation methods and help families stretch their food dollars. A 4-H extension agent and a 4-H volunteer led the three two-hour sessions held over three months that were offered to these families cons
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Ready, Set, Run
Author: Mattea Mitchell
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum

Hickman County Elementary and Middle School students and parent volunteers prior to the Chicken Fest 5K. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website, obesity still remains at about 17% among our nation’s young people ranging in ages 2-19 years even though the rate of obesity in 2-5 year olds has been on a downward slope. This is the second year for this program because the local support and interest in this program had grown tremendously. The Hickman
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International Cooking Project
Author: Isaac Hilpp
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum

This year a 4-H volunteer started an International Cooking Class that was targeted to 14 to 18-year old’s. The youth learned about new cultures, how to prepare a dish by following a recipe, proper kitchen safety, and how to work together as a team. Each class focused on a different country (Mexico, Korea, and Italy were a few). After they finished cooking, they could eat the dish and give feedback on their experience. They were also responsible for cleaning up the kitchen before the left.T
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Union County Pedometer Challenge (May Success Story)
Author: Lauren Neltner
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Kentucky adult obesity rates are among the 10 highest in the United States; and Kentucky youth rank among the 10 highest for obesity as well. In 2017, the Union County Extension Service hosted a pedometer challenge in one elementary school in the county. This year (2018), both Uniontown Elementary and Sturgis Elementary Schools Wellness Committees were interested in encouraging their youth to create a healthier and active life
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Early Childhood Nutrition
Author: Esther "Susan" Turner
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
According to the Kentucky Health Facts, one of the critical health challenge facing Monroe County is that 38% of our population is obese. Understanding that obesity often begins in childhood, the Monroe County Extension Council identified the need to assist youth in developing healthy habits in nutrition and exercise as a key area of focus for Monroe County 4-H Youth Development. The 4-H Youth Development Agent delivers nutrition programming to eighty-six youth ages three to five in the Head Sta
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4-H Fit For Life
Author: Esther "Susan" Turner
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Obesity often begins in childhood. According to the Kentucky Institute of Medicine, the critical health challenges facing Monroe County is that 37% of our population is obese and 72% of our county population is overweight. The Monroe County Extension Council identified the need to assist youth in developing healthy habits in nutrition and exercise as a key area of focus for Monroe County 4-H Youth Development. The 4-H Moves Program was formed by the 4-H Youth Development agent through a partners
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Window Sill Garden
Author: Leslea Barnes
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum

For the 3rd year in a row, students from CCES second grade classes got a hand’s on lesson in nutrition and gardening by creating their very own Window Sill Garden. Through the collaboration of the Crittenden County Extension Service Ag, 4-H and EFNEP Assistant, students have been receiving education about better nutrition, how to make healthier food choices, and lessons in how seeds sprout and grow and then planting their own seeds to begin a Window Sill Garden in their classroo
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Truth & Consequences: The Choice is Yours
Author: Meagan Klee
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Truth and Consequences: The Choice is Yours is a scenario-based program where students are given the opportunity to understand the consequences that can occur when making unhealthy, destructive decisions. The students are randomly assigned a scenario, as well as volunteer parent. Each student/group of students is instructed to explain the scenario to their “parent” and are to have a dialogue with them as if the scenario were actually happening. The student(s) and “parent&r
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JMG Learn, Grow, Eat, GO 2018
Author: Kimberly Baysinger
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Situation : In Kentucky, at least one out of every three adults (34.2%) and children (37.1%) are overweight or obese, more than one out of every five Kentuckians (16.8%) and Kentucky children (21.9%) experience food insecurities, and one out of every three Kentuckians (29.8%) are physically inactive (SNAP-Ed, 2017). <Insert county specific data here.*> Youth gardening programs have shown increases in youth vegetable preferences, vegetable consumption, knowledge in nutrition and plant scien
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4th H for Health
Author: Jennifer Tackett
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
“Moderate physical activity can reduce the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, stress and high blood pressure. Physically active people live longer and better quality lives that inactive people. Physical activity levels decrease across the lifespan. Children and youth should engage in 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity, ideally every day. There is a significant decrease in the amount of physical activity between elementary school
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Gallatin County Cooking
Author: Lora Stewart
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Adolescents who live in households that struggle to afford food are more likely than others to be overweight. Teens who are "food insecure" - that is, who are regularly unable to get enough to eat due to economic difficulties - reported eating behaviors associated with obesity. (Project EAT from University of Minnesota Medical School 2009). The Gallatin County Extension Service offered several different cooking opportunities throughout the school year. Two cooking clubs were offered af
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4-H Adventures Lead to Physical Fitness
Author: Alexandria Bryant
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Moderate physical activity can reduce the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, stress and high blood pressure. Physically active people live longer and better quality lives that inactive people. However, physical activity levels decrease across the lifespan. Although youth should engage in 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity each day, there is a significant decrease in the amount of physical activity between elementary school and high school students. To add
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Skipping for FUN!!!
Author: James Cecil
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
In 2018 we opened our yearly Sally up to the other counties that we are going to be camping with this year. Cumberland and Casey both participated and came to Clinton County to participate in our Sally. We were able to talk about some healthy life choices like how exercise is good for your body and how water is much better for you to consume instead of soft drinks. I am amazed at how much children really enjoy learning and exercising while having fun. All students learned
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Elliott County 4-H'ers Learn Life Skills during Super Star Chef
Author: Katie Wallace
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
17 Elliott County youth ages 8 through 17 completed the Super Star Chef program in June. According to the CDC more than 40% of Elliott County's residents are obese with 78% of the county population being overweight. This program taught participants various kitchen skills including proper knife handling, kitchen sanitation, and various cooking methods. Individuals were encouraged to try new foods and learned about the value of eating a colorful diet and how to incorporate nutritious choices i
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4-Hers Learn the Importance of Eating Right Everyday
Author: Regina Browning
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
The prevalence of obesity in America has been an ongoing and increasing issue. In Kentucky, 30% of adults are obese, while Shelby County has a 30.9% obesity rate. The low-income preschool obesity rates are alarming as well, with 21.3% of children being overweight or obese in Shelby County, and 15.9% of children being overweight and obese in the entire state. According to Kentucky Health News in early 2014, only 23% of Kentuckians consume the recommended 5 or more servings a day of fruits and veg
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4-H Health Rocks Steps Up/4-H It's Your Choice
Author: Verlene Congleton
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
The 4-H Health Rocks curriculum is designed to engage youth and provide key health messages. The target ages for youth is 8-12. This program teaches youth the decision making process to reduce tobacco, alcohol and illegal drug use. During the 2017-2018 year 360 4th and 5th grade youth in Jackson County participated in the 4-H Health Rocks program which concentrated on risky behavior and tobacco and alcohol use. However the Jackson County 4-H Council along with the Truth and Consequen
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Truth or Consequences
Author: David Littlejohn
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Over 2 years ago (2016) the Bullitt County Extension Service was approached by the Mount Washington Police Department School Resource Officer about creating a program for youth attending Mount Washington and Eastside Middle School that could possibly deter more youth from using drugs, alcohol and helping youth make better lifestyle choices according to their decision making.The Mount Washington Police department, Mount Washington Middle School Youth Service Center, the City Government of Mount W
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After School Nutrition group
Author: Sherri Farley
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
According to a report from The American Policy Youth Forum in Washington, DC in 2006, the importance of programs offered during out-of-school time (such as before-school, after-school, summer, and weekend) cannot be overemphasized. These programs provide youth with opportunities to enrich their lives with diverse, valuable activities that go beyond their classroom experiences. The Campbell County 4-H program conducted 6 one hour sessions with 17 third-fifth graders at Grant’s Lick Elementa
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Yoga for Kids
Author: Sherri Farley
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
4-H Yoga for Kids is a fun and noncompetitive way to be physically active. It supports the goal of equipping youth and families to achieve optimal physical, social, and emotional well-being. Yoga helps improve children's physical fitness by increasing strength, flexibility, and aerobic capacity.The Campbell County Extension District Board approved funding to purchase yoga mats, water bottles, t-shirts, and other supplies necessary to provide a Yoga for Kids program. To introduce the pr
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Food Group
Author: Paula McCuiston
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the percentage of children aged 6–11 years in the United States who were obese increased from 7% in 1980 to nearly 18% in 2012. Similarly, the percentage of adolescents aged 12–19 years who were obese increased from 5% to nearly 21% over the same period. Because of this we feel that it is important for youth to learn the importance of healthy foods, proper eating habits and exercise. We also feel that youth enjoy learning ho
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Fit for Life
Author: Esther "Susan" Turner
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
In Monroe County 23.6 percent of adult residents report poor or fair health and 11.9 percent of adults have diabetes. Monroe county residents reports that 33.6% are physically inactive. Susan Turner, Monroe County 4-H agent and Jamille Hawkins, Family and Consumer Science agent found the need for a program that taught Monroe County residents the connection between nutrition, physical activity and meal planning. The program was called Fit for Life. The programming covered topics such as, meal pla
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4H Health Rocks
Author: Kevin Lindsay
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
The 4H program continues to do 4H Health Rocks at a local middle school in the county. One of the teachers that conducts the program in her classroom now regularly incorporates Health Rocks activities in her school curriculum. She has been provided lesson plans that helps reinforce her teaching concepts. Each of her classrooms participates in 4 lessons taught by the 4H agent as well. On the next health test her students take in her classroom, one of questions on the exam asks students to list 5
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Born Learning
Author: Amanda Wilson
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
McCracken County 4-H partnered with Morgan Elementary to facilitate the Born Learning Academy. This educational event was held at Morgan Elementary School in Paducah, KY. Born Learning Academy is a grant funded program through Toyota of Kentucky and United Way. It is designed to provide information to parents of children ages 0-5, to prepare them for Kindergarten. Our local program attendees included six adults, and eleven youth between the ages of 3 and 5. Community partnerships are utilized to
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4-H Outdoor Adventure Club
Author: Raven Ford
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Rowan County 4-H has added a new club for middle and high school students. The 4-H Youth Development agents from Rowan, Magoffin, Morgan and Elliott Counties wanted to provide more opportunities for the youth in their communities to explore the different areas in Kentucky. The 4-H Multi-County Outdoor Adventure club also teaches youth responsibility and promotes being active. The youth met once a month to demonstrate some sort of physical activity, observed/toured an educational facility and was
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Jefferson County Summer Camp Fun, Health, and Science
Author: Chanda Hall
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Jefferson County 4-H Camp is a traditional summer program, which is held at the Lake Cumberland 4-H campgrounds. Campers go away for a week to develop life skills, project skills and also have many opportunities for fun. Agents Chanda Hall, Kelly Smith, and Lawrence Caudle worked with a camp committee to plan, promote and ensure that the week was a success. Camp is only successful with the commitment from volunteers. There were 62 volunteers that dedicated over 120 hours each, totaling clos
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4-H Health Rocks!
Author: Bernita Cheirs
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
The Fulton County Extension Council and 4-H Council identified tobacco, drug and alcohol abuse as a major concern for youth in our county. According to the Monitoring the Future 2017 Survey, studies showed an increase in marijuana use in grades 8th, 10th, and 12th grades. Also in 8th grades, inhalant use increased as well. With the help of the Youth Empowerment Systems grant and the Hickman-Fulton ASAP coalition, the Fulton County 4-H began programming efforts to increase youth’s awareness
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Staying Physically Healthy While Having Fun
Author: Lacy May
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Today’s youth are often fascinated by the images they see on a cell phone, television, or computer screen. Yet, they rarely experience those scenes first hand. According to the Child Trends databank the average amount of television 8 to 18 year olds watch is four and half hours per day. Total daily media exposure is equivalent to ten hours. Infrequent exercise and obesity are concerns often linked with excessive media use. The 4-H Youth Development Agent in Magoffin County recognizes the n
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Outdoor Adventure Club
Author: Kimberly Lane
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
In a typical week, The National Wildlife Foundation notes that only 6% of children ages 9-13 play outside, while kids in this same age group devote over 7 hours per day to electronic entertainment, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. In order to combat this epidemic, the Morgan County 4-H Council , has identified a goal of creating increased awareness, knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to make informed choices regarding healthy lifestyles, including physical activity. To help advanc
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Truth & Consequences
Author: Valerie Stewart
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Local community needs assessments reveal that drug education and drug prevention are some of the highest rated needs in Powell County. Community leaders constantly ask for more and more youth activities to help keep kids off drugs and constructively involved. In 2017, the Powell County Extension Service collaborated with the Powell County High School Counselors and Youth Service Center as well as the area ASAP Board to coordinate our first ever "Truth and Consequences" even
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Beef and Run to Get Fit!
Author: Mike Meyer
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Healthy lifestyle choices is imperative for teens to develop responsibility and self-awareness of the effects of they food and fitness decisions. The Cynthiana Chamber of Commerce works to host three 5K Run/Walk events throughout the year and encourages community members of all ages to participate. One goal of the Harrison County Teen Council Civic Engagement Committee was for the officers to participate in the events. Youth worked to plan a club that would encourage healthy li
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment