Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2019Jul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019
Annual 4-H Forestry and Soil Science Field Days
Author: Jan Gibson
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Given that this youth audience is all rural youth, one would think that they experience the out of doors daily. But this is not the case. EKY youth are not as familiar with their natural resources of water, soil, trees, wildlife as they once were. They do not play outside as much and have not experienced as much or been curious as much. This Forestry and Soil Field day is designed to give them more indepth experience in measuring, inspecting, questioning, and observing th
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EcoEdventures Environmental Camp
Author: William Adkins
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Statement findings from the 2011 PRIDE (Personal Responsibility in a Desirable Environment) campaign indicated that many students in Laurel County were unaware of the effects of pollution on the environment, environmental resources, and the stewardship of those resources. When surveyed, local teachers, school officials, the Laurel County 4-H council and the Laurel County Extension Council, also identified environmental education as a valuable "need" for local youth. As a result of this
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Environmental Field Day
Author: Jeffrey Casada
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Clay County has over 300,000 acres of land with approximately 256,000 acres of forest land. Many youth across the county lack knowledge and appreciation of the surrounding environment. In order to increase awareness, the 4-H Youth Development Agent and ANR Agent collaborated and hosted an Environmental Field Day at Big Double Creek Park in Peabody, KY.UK Cooperative Extension partnered with US Department of Forestry, Clay County Soil Conservation District, KY Department of Fish & Wildl
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NOT a “scary” bug – leads to caterpillar and butterfly education program
Author: Diane Kelley
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
NOT a “scary” bug – leads to caterpillar and butterfly education programKenton County Cooperative Extension 4-H (Kelley) and Horticulture Programs (Stanton) cooperated with 7 schools (10 teachers) in four districts, representing urban and rural communities, to present the Project Butterfly Wings program to 956 youth grades K-6. The purpose of the program was to engage youth in science and cooperate with local school 4-H club teachers so youth could learn about the role of butte
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Win With Wood
Author: Dora Centers
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
The Knott County 4H and KCC FFA have an established partnership in many program areas, including our Win With Wood/Forestry Club for 5 years now. This year the partnership has continued to grow, even with the changing of our FFA advisor. This year 27 youth were introduced to natural resources with training in compass and pacing, tree id, invasive species id, hardwood id, wildlife id, forestry tool id, woodworking tool id, and tree measurement practices. The
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Metcalfe 4-H Shooting Sports
Author: Amy Branstetter
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Kentucky 4-H Shooting Sports Education Program began in Kentucky in 1988, mirroring the same program in Texas. The program grew rapidly where now it involves approximately 8,000 youth and 1300 volunteers statewide. It is a program for all youth, 9 to18 years of age (4-H age). The program believes that:Youth development is the number one goal of the Shooting Sports Education ProgramIt provides an effective tool for human growth and development for youth and adultsIt is an introduction to the
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A Repeat Top Performance
Author: Charles Comer
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
The 2018 4-H Land Judging Senior team from Montgomery County repeated the achievement of last year by winning top honors at the Kentucky State Fair 4-H event. Their repeat performance of the previous year is due to focused practices, proper guidance and knowledgeable direction from their 4-H coach. He is a former land judging contestant. He values the experience gained from the participation in the contest and its life-long application because participants learn the value of a
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Developing Life-skills through 4-H Shooting Sports
Author: Paul Adkins
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
The Boone County 4-H Shooting Sports program develops character, commitment, self-discipline, firearm safety, and many other important life skills. The lessons learned in shooting sports can be applied to various aspects of life. It is important to note that it is legal right for one in our country to own a firearm per the second amendment. With that right in mind, our positive youth development approach to shooting sports in Kentucky allows us to provide education to children on proper handling
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4-H land judging
Author: John McQueary
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Rockcastle County's Extension 4-H Land Judging program has provided real world skills in agriculture by promoting Environmental Education through 4-H Land Judging Clinics and Competitions.13 youth participated in 8 field clinics which taught how to determine Slope, Estimate Erosion, Evaluate Soil Characteristics and recommend Best Management Practices for Crop Management. Hands on training taught the importance Soil and Water plays in our lives from
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1st Annual Madison County Trap Shoot
Author: Brandon Darst
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum

In an effort to keep 4-H booked in the summer at the Central Kentucky Wildlife Area, the Madison County 4-H Shooting Sports Club decided they would host their first ever shoot. The District 4 Shooting Sports Committee disbanded, therefore leaving a weekend spot open for the shooting range that has long been coveted but the adult state shoot. The 4-H Agent was concerned that once 4-H did not host a competition this year that 4-H in general would lost the weekend for ever. The 4-
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Providing new experience while learning about Water Quality Education
Author: Jessica Morris
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
In Wolfe County we are have a Kentucky Water Alliance Coordinator. Together the Coordinator (Laura Gregory), Family Resource Center Directors and the Wolfe County Agent for 4-H partnered together to provide a unique learning opportunity for all of the 4th and 5th graders in Wolfe County. Each of the three elementary schools had a separate day where they traveled to Frankfort. 104 students and 15 teachers boarded the Kentucky State University "Thorobred" boat on the Kentucky River at Ri
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Annual Safety Day
Author: Meagan Lucas
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum

Pulaski County 4-H hosted our second safety day on October 18th. Last year was hugely successful and so we continued with the program this year. Close to 700 eighth grade students from the Northern and Southern middle schools were in attendance. Students visited eight stations where they learned about topics ranging from livestock, electrical, tractor, lawnmower, boat, and fire safety, to first aid, and drug and alcohol prevention. We worked with several community partners to put together the sa
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Environmental Education curriculum
Author: Patrick Allen
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Scott County 4-H has provided a number of environmental education opportunities for the youth in Scott County throughout this past program year. The biggest program Scott County 4-H agents conduct in the fall and the spring is environmental education overnight camp. This camping experience is offered to all 4th grade students in Scott County. We had 7 of the 8 public schools in Scott County attend this past program year, equating to approximately 655 students attending this overnight e
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National Junior Horticulture Competition
Author: Crystal Smith
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Letcher County 4-H competed in national horticulture convention in St. Louis, Missouri. St. Louise, Missouri- October 5-10, 2018. Letcher County 4-H Horticulture Team traveled to National Junior Horticulture Association Convention in St. Louis, Missouri. The event took place at the Hilton St. Louis Airport hotel on October 5-8, 208 and consisted on 15 Teams and 450 registered attendees. Letcher County 4-H Horticulture Team took part in a variety of workshops and tours to the Missouri Botanical G
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4-H Outdoor Survival Day Camp
Author: Kindra Jones
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
During Fall Break in October, the Grayson County 4-H Agentplanned an Outdoor Survival Day Camp that provided youth the opportunity togain hands-on experience and knowledge for survival and protection inwilderness type settings. The knowledge gained was beneficial not only forwilderness (i.e. woods, hunting, etc.), but for general emergency situations aswell. Topics covered through the day camp included Entomology, map and compass reading, how to spark and build a fire, emergency packs, building
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4-H Brings Stream Study to Classrooms
Author: Courtney Brock
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Kentucky Core Content for 4th grade students focuses on educating youth on the natural systems that shape the physical layout of the Earth’s surface. An important aspect of this standard focuses on helping youth to make observations and measurements to provide evidence of the effects of weathering or the rate of erosion by water, ice, wind, or vegetation. In order to help students meet this goal, 4-H utilized the hands-on learning model to provide students the opportunity to conduct a stre
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Educating Youth in Environmental Sciences
Author: Shannon Farrell
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum

Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources are topics that align with the Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs) for 4th graders in the KY public school systems. As has long been tradition in Clark County, Cooperative Extension partners with the 4th grader teachers of the county to offer a day long camp dedicated to educating youth in areas of these core standards in a non-formal, outdoor, hands-on experience. This year, near over 450 4th graders from the 4 public schools in Clark County engaged in th
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Trap team
Author: Trent Adkins
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
For the first time in many years the Pulaski County shooting sports program is on the rise once again. With the start of the first trap program in recent history here in Pulaski County the numbers for shooting sport participation is going up. In the first year the Pulaski County Clay Breakers exceed expectation, not only on the numbers of participants that come out for the team, but also the success of those kids and the overall involvement from the community. In the first year we exp
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Certified Bee County
Author: Heather Coleman
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Floyd County becomes a “Certified County.”Floyd County was one of the first seven counties in the state to become certified as a Kentucky 4-H Bee Ambassador Program “Certified County.” This certification was received because of the efforts from Heather Coleman, 4-H Agent; Keith Hackworth, ANR Agent; and the Floyd County Beekeepers Association.Floyd County received this certification because of combined efforts to educate youth and adults about honey bees and other p
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Envirionmental Education Camp Brings hands-on Experience for Harrison County Kids
Author: Mike Meyer
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
For the past seven years, Harrison County 4-H has partnered with our local Soil Conservation District, Farm Bureau, and school system to give every student in either 4th or 5th grade a hands-on learning opportunity at North Central 4-H Camp. Teachers in Harrison County have stressed the importance of youth having hands-on science experiences as a way of retaining knowledge in core tested areas. 4-H Environmental Education Camp is an overnight event that focuses on water quality, soil
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Environmental Education Overnight Camp
Author: Kimberly Lane
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Morgan County 4-H Council has partnered with the Family Resource Center Directors, and four Elementary school staff for the past nine years to provide an educational environmental overnight camping program for all 4th graders in Morgan County. This partnership was developed to provide hands on applicable learning experiences for all 4th graders. This has been done by providing an overnight experience at a local youth camping facility. The overnight event in September was for all the 4th graders.
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Making Good Choices for Our Future
Author: Amy Branstetter
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Over 90,000 miles of rivers and streams are found in Kentucky. These miles of stream touch Kentuckians every day. Streams provide flood control, wildlife habitat, recreation, and most importantly, a source of water that is used in thousands of ways. But, the quality of a stream is only as good as the land that surrounds and drains into it. That is why it is important to practice good stream stewardship. Metcalfe County 4-H presented a program “Making Good Choices for Our Future” part
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Natural Resources and Environmental Education
Author: Shelley Meyer
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Pendleton County 4-H has worked over the past 7 years to build a program in the natural resources and environmental education for its youth. Opportunities provided and expanded include Overnight and Day 4-H Environmental Camps for fourth and fifth grade students, participation with the newly founded NRESci Academy state 4-H program, and Junior Master Gardener. Efforts to provide these opportunities have involved collaboration with teachers and school administrators, camping director
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Life in the Licking River: A Water Quality Study
Author: Mike Meyer
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
In 2018, the Harrison County 4-H Council leaders worked together to identify ways that we could expand and improve our outreach to middle school students. Combining several resources and program areas in 4-H, we created a plan to implement a cross-program activity that would combine natural resource and environmental education with communications and leadership. After applying for and receiving a 3M Corporate Grant, the council purchased water testing and marketing technologies that
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Wood Science. What an educational experience!
Author: Joyce Doyle
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum

Thanks to a new volunteer, Carroll County 4-H has added a new club called wood science. Through this program the leader had a power point presentation at every session which is a history lesson including logging and career opportunities as well a forestry lesson. Our first project was preparing their wood to make a walking stick. 100 % of the attendees learned the following:• Identifying wood by bark, wood color, and aroma• &
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Bath County 4-H After School Club is Making Impact
Author: Terence Clemons
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
4 Years ago, statements centered around the call for action that "Not all students play basketball, football or other sports, we need an after school club for students who don't play them sports." "These students can be part of something to build confidence, belong, and stay out of trouble after school" started an club that is reaping results. Since the conception of the Bath County Middle School After School Archery Club, over 80 youth have became full time members. Over
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Shooting Sports Impact Local Youth
Author: Raven Ford
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum

The Rowan County 4-H Shooting Sports club continues to make an impact on the lives of local youth. The club’s main focus is safety but does assist with information about local and state shooting sports competitions and training when requested. The program has also enabled youth to develop self-confidence, personal discipline, responsibility and sportsmanship. In the past five years, the program has continued to grow with youth participation, parent involvement and volunteers. This ye
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NRESci Provides Numerous Learning Opportunities
Author: Alissa Ackerman
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Clay County is known for beautiful rolling hills, mountains, valleys and hollows. The county is located within the Southeastern Coal Field Region and nestled within the Daniel Boone National Forest. It is also located in Kentucky’s Elk Country Corridor along with several other surrounding counties. However, Clay County’s unemployment rate according the Bureau of Labor Statistics is 6.8%, while the state of Kentucky’s unemployment rate is 4.2%. Many individuals are relocating in
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4-H Shooting Sports
Author: Rebecca Konopka
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
The Carter County 4-H Agent was contacted in the spring of 2017 about the need to start a 4-H shooting sports program. The agent and the volunteer worked together to recruit potential coaches and members for the program, as well as securing an NRA grant to purchase equipment. The coaches and agent have also worked with the Carter County Fiscal Court to secure an old landfill site that can be used in the future for practices. Initially, one coach and coordinator attended
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CSI Environmental Camp
Author: Wade Raymer
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Kentucky’s natural resources play an important role in our state’s social, economic, and environmental well-being. Kentucky has over 91,000 miles of rivers and streams, more than 225,000 acres of ponds, lakes, and reservoirs, and Kentucky is 48% forested. The forestry sector alone contributed an estimated $14.6 billion in total economic contribution in 2015, and provided more than 57,000 jobs. Kentucky’s woodlands are vital, providing homes to a wide diversity of wildlife, prot
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4-H Woodworkers of Oldham County
Author: Kelly Woods
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Life skills development plays an important role in every child’s development by establishing opportunities for self-reliance and self-confidence and was identified by the 4-H Council as a priority. Oldham County 4-H organized a new 4-H club this past year focusing on woodworking skills. Club members are now able to identify wood types, utilize a variety of woodworking tools, assemble and fasten wood pieces by following plans and most importantly teach others the skills they have lear
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4-H Natural Resource and Environmental Sciences Academy (Program Year 2018-19)
Author: Ashley Osborne
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum

The 4-H Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (NRESci) Academy is a three-year program designed to teach middle-school age youth about their natural environment. In 2011, the Academy began as a pilot program with 18 scholars from eight eastern counties. As of 2018, the Academy has grown to a statewide program with 65 scholars and ambassadors from 20 counties.The main objectives of the program are that participants, referred to as scholars and ambassadors, will Have a greater understa
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Woodworking Day Camp
Author: Patrick Allen
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
This year Scott County 4-H changed up the woodworking and electricity day camping program. This year we wanted to focus more on skill development and not the number of projects. I offered two day camps that youth could attend for woodworking. This was different than past years as we only had one day to do all the activities, rather than four days. The past comments I received from participants was that the week was too long and the youth lost interest in the projects. This day camp continu
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Kentucky 4-H Natural Resources Program
Author: Ashley Osborne
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Kentucky’s natural resources play an important role in our state’s social, economic, and environmental well-being. Kentucky has over 91,000 miles of rivers and streams and more than 225,000 acres of ponds, lakes, and reservoirs. These water resources not only play a vital role in Kentucky’s drinking water systems, but also are imperative to our agriculture industry. Each day in Kentucky, 81 million gallons of surface water and 4 million gallons of groundwater are withdrawn
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Hunters for the Hungry
Author: Mollie Tichenor
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Spencer County was one of the three counties in Kentucky 4-H to pilot the first Kentucky 4-H Hunters for the Hungry campaign. The goal for the first year was to have 10 deer donated per county. Spencer County 4-H exceeded the Kentucky Hungers for the Hungry Executive Director’s expectations by collected 9 does this year in a short 6 week time frame from the introductory meeting throughout the completion of hunting season. According their webpage, “Kentucky Hunters f
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4-H certified Volunteer
Author: Amy Branstetter
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources' Hunter Education regulation requires everyone born on or after January 1, 1975 and age twelve or older, to have a hunter education course completion card (Orange Card) in their possession while hunting, as well as the appropriate Kentucky hunting license. Many 4-H members in Metcalfe County were having to travel to other counties for the Orange Card certification. A Metcalfe County 4-H Shooting Sports Certified Volunteer saw the ne
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Cloverbud Nature Exploration Day Camp
Author: Samantha Saunders
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum

While brainstorming ideas for day camps during the summer, it hit me. I have this huge park in my county that would be a great place to hold a day camp. That park is not just any normal park though, it is Blue Licks State Report Park, also known as the home place to the Battle of Blue Licks (the last battle in the Revolutionary War). I had the location, now what to cover....well what does Blue Licks have a lot of? Trees, streams, rocks, insects, etc. NATURE! Now, I had the location and the topic
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4-H Tractor
Author: Amy Branstetter
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
The State 4-H Program has only one tractor driving course that is shared all over the state. The Metcalfe County 4-H Council asked the 4-H Agent to put together a tractor driving course that is patterned after the state kit, to enable us to host a county and area contest. Metcalfe County is a rural county and several of our youth are involved with large and small tractors on a day to day basis. The youth are able to participate in the 4-H Tractor Driving event at the county, area, and state
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Outdoor survival day camps and workshops
Author: Patrick Allen
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
With childhood obesity at the highest it has ever been, it is important for youth to participate in activities that get them off the couch and out of the house. It is said that the current generation of youth spends, on average seven minutes a day to unstructured outdoor play/ recreation. The outdoor survival curriculum I am currently working on incorporates physical activity as well as creative thinking. It allows youth to take simple items and create one of three basic human needs (food, water
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"Hooked" on Fishing
Author: Lora Stewart
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
“One of the greatest things about fishing is that it is a hobby you can enjoy at any age. No matter how old or young you are, you can still learn to bait a hook, cast a line and fish. Fishing also provides an opportunity for families to spend some quality time together out in nature while learning some important lessons. Teaching children to fish will not only give them a hobby that they can share with their own kids someday, but it will help them to learn about patience, problem sol
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Youth and Adults work together to clean the County
Author: Dominique Wood
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum

Recycling saves and helps everyone in Livingston County. Recycling one ton of newspaper saves 17 trees. If each Kentucky house-hold recycled one average Sunday newspaper, that would save over 16,000 trees in a single day. Recycling one pound of glass saves enough energy to light a 100 watt bulb for four hours. Kentuckians use 37,000 beverage bottles each hour. If each Kentucky household recycled just one plastic bottle each week, in one year that would represent $303,298.00 in
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Gardening Day Camp
Author: Madalyn Hale
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
On June 4th, 2019 we held a gardening day camp at the Fayette County Extension Office. This day camp was in partnership with one of our local elementary schools, James Lane Allen Elementary. Working with the 21st Century Coordinator, this trip was planned back in the winter. In preparation for this day camp, we sought partners to work with the make this a success. The Fayette County Master Gardener's had helped us the year before and we touched base with them again to help again this year. A
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Natural Resources are important
Author: Diane Kelley
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum

Kenton County Cooperative Extension surveyed teachers in 3 Kenton County school districts at the end of the 2017-2018 school year requesting input for 4-H natural resource school program lessons. 4-H Council members in March 2018 also spoke at length for the need to engage school program youth in fair projects and other educational opportunities. As a result of the surveys and discussion with local council members, three new lessons for the 2018-2019 school year, included hand&rsquo
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Environmental Youth Day
Author: Raven Ford
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum

Rowan County 4-H Council had identified environmental education as a need for local students. During that time, a newly developed group of volunteers called Friends of Rodburn Hollow was interested in partnering with Rowan County 4-H to conduct environmental youth education days for elementary age students.Fourth and fifth graders in Rowan County Elementary Schools lacked understanding and practical knowledge of environmental education and its components. During the 2018-2019 school year, Rowan
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4-H Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Academy
Author: Rebecca Konopka
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum

The 4-H Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (NRESci) Academy is a three-year program designed to teach middle-school age youth about their natural environment. In 2011, the Academy began as a pilot 4-H program with 18 scholars from eight eastern counties. As of 2018, the Academy has grown to a statewide 4-H program with 65 scholars and ambassadors from 20 counties. The Carter County Extension Agent for 4-H Youth Development Education serves on the NRESci planning committee.
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Overnight Environmental Camp
Author: Krista Perry
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
The Franklin County Schools realized last school year there was a need to supplement the 4th grade science curriculum while allowing students to experience hands on activities in an outdoor environment; therefore, the Franklin County 4-H Program offered the environmental program. The program reached to over 300-4th grade students in Franklin County in an overnight camp. The overnight camp consisted of classes including water quality, soils, fishing, forestry, entomology, KY wildlife, arche
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Elliott County 4-H Shooting Sports Partners with Kentucky Hunters for the Hungry
Author: Katie Wallace
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
In August of 2018 Elliott County 4-H Youth Development Agent, Katie Wallace, was approached by Dr. Mark Mains in hopes of creating a program for Kentucky Shooting Sports clubs that involved donating harvested deer to help fight food insecurity. After researching, Katie found a group that had this as their mission. Kentucky Hunters for the Hungry is a non-profit organization that works closely with deer hunters, meat processors, and food banks to provide lean, high quality protein. Through
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Longest Day of Play
Author: Susan Campbell
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum

With a community effort to get youth physical active, a team made up of Anderson County 4-H Youth Development Agent, Anderson County Chamber of Commerce, Anderson County Schools, and local business planned/organized the Longest Day of Play event. The event was designed to bring youth outdoors and to participate in over 40 outdoor play activities in which they would be physical active. Each station offered prizes for participating. The Longest Day of the play was scheduled to coincide with
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Nature: “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It's not.”
Author: Brandon Darst
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
According to an article by A Childs Mind Institute, the average American child is said to spend 4 to 7 minutes a day in unstructured play outdoors, and more than 7 hours a day in front of a screen. And as suburbs and exurbs continue to expand, nature is parceled off more and kids seem less inclined to spend time in a fenced-in yard, let alone jump the fence into a neighbor’s or walk in the woods. Instead, indoor activities can seem easier (no sunscreen necessary!), safer, and even mor
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Raising Awareness for Pollinators in Whitley County
Author: Lisa Jones
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Whitley County Cooperative Extension Office is educating the community about the importance and need for conservation of pollinators and their habitats. Pollinator numbers are declining but most importantly the bee population has declined the most due to habitat destruction, pollution, pesticides and disease. Urban areas can be revamped with pollinator gardens that are beneficial to not only bees but other pollinators such as insects, birds and mammals. In order to increase awareness, 4-H Youth
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Woodworking Summer Day Camps
Author: Lindsey Dunn
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
The Daviess County 4-H program has been offering Summer Day Camps to 4-H’ers and local youth for a number of years. From 2015-2019, Daviess County 4-H Staff have provided over fifty opportunities for youth to participate in these Summer Day Camps. Some of these day camps fill up with registered participants within days of publishing the Summer Day Camp booklet each spring. Every year, parents and participants ask about these day camps in advance of the booklet publication
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Shooting Sports Archery Program 2019
Author: Anna Meador
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum

Shooting Sports Camp participants display their Riffle targets after their shooting session at the Riffle Range. New to Allen County 4-H, our Archery Shooting Sports Club provides sportsman educationAllen County 4-H'er, Wyatt Seifrig, receives one-on-one guidance for technique and aim during Archery practice. to fourteen youth seeking hands-on archery training. Through the program, youth learn the importance of firearm safety, as well as proper procedure for handling and sh
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Envirothon Recycles Nature-Based Knowledge
Author: Eric Comley
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Michael Clarke, in an interview about the state of our knowledge regarding nature, described a new phenomena regarding the inability of individuals to know their local species of animals and plants. This disconnect from local natural systems prompted the Garrard County 4-H Youth Development (YD) Agent, in collaboration with the Garrard County FFA Advisor, to start and sustain an Envirothon Team at Garrard County High School. The program was implemented in 2016 and the inaugural group graduated,
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