Success Story1st Annual Madison County Trap Shoot
1st Annual Madison County Trap Shoot
Author: Brandon Darst
Planning Unit: Madison County CES
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Increase Knowledge of Agriculture and Natural Resources through Education and Experience
Outcome: Initial Outcome
In an effort to keep 4-H booked in the summer at the Central Kentucky Wildlife Area, the Madison County 4-H Shooting Sports Club decided they would host their first ever shoot. The District 4 Shooting Sports Committee disbanded, therefore leaving a weekend spot open for the shooting range that has long been coveted but the adult state shoot. The 4-H Agent was concerned that once 4-H did not host a competition this year that 4-H in general would lost the weekend for ever.
The 4-H Agent met with all the parents and coaches involved in the club and proposed that if the club hosted, it would take a lot of volunteers to make it a success. During the meeting, it was decided that the club would host. The 4-H Agent saw a big increase in parent involvement. Parents that usually sit in the car during practice attended the meeting and they were volunteering for anything the club needed. Even parents that could not attend the meeting were texting the 4-H Agent to sign up to help.
Even though this was the first tournament that Madison County Shooting Sports had ever hosted, we still had a great turnout. There were shooters from about 15 different counties which came to about 90 shooters in total. The squads were predetermined along with range safety officers which allowed the tournament to keep moving quickly.
In Madison County, shooting sports tends to be a very popular club. This club tends to be a place where parents want their kids involved because it gets them outdoors instead of being on computers, gaming stations, and cell phones. This club gives all children a chance to shine especially the youth not overly involved in sports, band, or other extra curricular activities. The Shooting Sports club tends to become a family where all the older teens look after the younger youth as they are beginning their journey into learning how to shoot archery and trap.
Madison County CES 4-H received a lot of positive feedback during the shoot, because of it's efficiency. The day after the shoot I received this email from a grandparent:
"Thanks for the great shoot and for getting the kids out before it got too hot -- We always enjoy coming there to shoot ---My Grandson came in second place in the 9-11 year old with a score of 46 and his team mate won it with a score of 47 ---- Looking forward to the Bourbon shoot next week" -- Thanks Again George Elam -- Elliott Co. Shooting Sports
Pictured above wearing a 1st place medal, is a participant who his mother made him come out to the range on our fist night. He hated it!!! It was hot, he was tired, and the shotgun made his arm hurt. He was ready to just give up. Well, he kept coming back week after week. He struggles with hitting targets but his child won the hearts of our coaches. His attitude changed and he began to love the sport. During this competition, he scored high enough to be on our 1st place Team which includes the top 5 scores from every county. I personally put the medal on him during the award ceremony at the very end. Later that night, his mother sent me a tearful message (tears of joy) because her son felt a part of something. He felt part of a team! She also wanted me to know that he did not take that medal off the rest of the day not even when he went to bed.
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