Success StoryMarketing Extension
Marketing Extension
Author: Owen Prim
Planning Unit: Campbell County CES
Major Program: Community Leadership Development
Plan of Work: Leadership, Community Development, and Marketing - Community Pride, Leadership, Communications, and Collaborations
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
A successful team effort in marketing extension in Campbell County has been our Open House-Community Celebration. Celebrating our fifth year for this event during the COVID-19 National Pandemic brought new challenges this year. Campbell County Extension volunteers and staff wanted to continue this event and decided to offer it on Campbell Media. Campbell Media is a Broadcasting & Media Production Company and is a service of the Campbell County Cable Board. Programs feature and promote public & government service activities and events within the county.
Extension programs highlighted for the broadcast included cooking demonstrations and providing new recipes, SNAP-ED food nutrition resources, farmers market updates and marketing programs, youth yoga exercise demonstrations and a 4-H Country Ham Project demonstration. This agent coordinated the 4-H Country Ham demonstration and presented it along with a teen 4-H member who is active in the project and is working on her 4-H Achievement Silver Level Award. We told about the History of Country Hams and went through the supplies needed and steps in curing a country ham.
As a result of this program being presented on Cable TV, we reached over 1100 viewers and new audiences were introduced to the Cooperative Extension Service. Twelve out of thirteen 4-H Country Ham Project Members entered their essays and hams for state judging and there were increased requests for purchasing the 4-H Country Hams from 4-H members when the projects were completed.
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