Success Story4-H Health Rocks Steps Up/4-H It's Your Choice

4-H Health Rocks Steps Up/4-H It's Your Choice

Author: Verlene Congleton

Planning Unit: Jackson County CES

Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum

Plan of Work: Individual Know and practice good nutrition and healthy lifestyle choices

Outcome: Initial Outcome

The 4-H Health Rocks curriculum is designed to engage youth and provide key health messages.  The target ages for youth is 8-12. This program teaches youth the decision making process to reduce tobacco, alcohol and illegal drug use. During the 2017-2018 year 360 4th and 5th grade youth in Jackson County participated in the 4-H Health Rocks program which concentrated on risky behavior and tobacco and alcohol use.  However the Jackson County 4-H Council along with the Truth and Consequence Committee saw a need to step up the Health Rocks program and design a more involved program for the youth in 4th and 5th grade called 4-H It's Your Choice because we could not find an appropriate program that focused all the key elements. This program focuses on bullying, tobacco use, suicide, sexting and alcohol use. It may seem that these are topics to young for 4th and 5th grade students but the 4-H Health Rocks program provided results in 2017 that 1-2% of youth in Jackson County at this age were addressing issues of suicide, alcohol and tobacco use.   Our local 4-H Council and volunteers have been designing the program along with the schools local Family and Resource Center Coordinator and getting ready to pilot project it in a local Elementary School in the Fall of 2018 during Red Ribbon Week.

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