Health 4-H Core CurriculumMajor Program


Total Hours




with Local Stakeholders.



of Multistate Efforts.


Total Number

of Volunteers Engaged.

Program Indicators

Number of youth that report making healthy lifestyle choices


Number of youth that report not engaging in risky behavior


Number of youth that report feeling good about themselves


Number of youth that report that they know how to handle stress



Cooking club leads to healthy lifestyle

Cooking club leads to healthy lifestyleby Nola TrambleMajor Program: Health 4-H Core CurriculumThe obesity epidemic threatens the quality and years of life of people in Trigg County. Obese individuals are at increased risk for many chronic health conditions, including type-2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancers. Healthcare Profile for winter 2014 indicates that 33.8% of adults are obese and 35.3% are physically inactive. 11.8% of adults in the county have diabetes. 28.7% (2...

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Cooking club leads to healthy lifestyle

Stories Behind the Numbers

  • Trying New Fruits

    Over the course of the school year more than 4,000 students and teachers at South Western High School in Somerset, Kentucky had the opportunity to sample fruits that are not a common offering.Less tha... Read More

  • 4-H Jr. Master Gardeners Learn Health and Nutrition from the Garden

    The need for nutrition education is great in Kentucky, as it is a relatively poor state with a heavy burden of chronic disease related to poor nutrition practices. The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance... Read More

  • 4-H YES Club

    According to the CDC children in Kentucky are less likely to be physically active for at least 4 days a week than other children nationwide. Seeing this as an issue locally, 4-H Youth Development Agen... Read More

  • Farm Safety Day

    The Todd County Extension 4-H Office teamed up with community partners and Long Vue Farms to offer a Progressive Agriculture farm safety day to 160 4th graders in Todd County. With 30% of the students... Read More

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