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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Success Story3 Day Cooking Camp

3 Day Cooking Camp

Author: Angelia Swihart

Planning Unit: Hancock County CES

Major Program: Super Star Chef

Plan of Work: Healthy Lifestyle Choices in the Kitchen, the Home, and Rural Living

Outcome: Initial Outcome

Learning to cook is an essential life skill everyone should strive to develop at some point in their life. Involving kids in the kitchen is a great way to kickstart learning from a young age and comes with numerous benefits. Cooking with kids provides opportunities to teach them about food and nutrition. Involvement in meal preparation exposes them to new foods in a positive way and increases their likelihood of trying new foods, such as fruits and vegetables (van der Horst et al., 2014). Consequently, getting your kids cooking may be a great way to raise less picky and more adventurous eaters. (Utah Extension Website:

Teaching youth how to prepare their own food will give them a skill they can use for a lifetime and will help to build confidence. Youth who can prepare foods are also more likely to eat a healthier diet as adults.   children need to know how to prepare food safely. The Hancock County Extension Family & Consumer Science Agent implemented a three-day youth cooking camp for ages 9-14.  We had 6 participants with 4 girls and 2 boys. No previous cooking experience was required for the free program and participants learned to master a variety of cooking techniques. The 3-day program consisted of knife skills, kitchen safety, food safety, measuring skills, nutrition education, stovetop cooking, baking, physical activities and educational games hosted at the Hancock County Extension Office.  Surveys from the program indicated that 100 percent of the participants learned food safety and practices, how to follow instructions and how to cook various recipes. Over 80% of participants plan to eat more fruit and vegetables. 83% of participants plan to drink more water and less soda. 100% of participants agree they have the confidence to help prepare a family meal.  

Stories by Angelia Swihart

3 Day Cooking Camp

3 Day Cooking Camp

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Learning to cook is an essential life skill everyone should strive to develop at some point in their... Read More

SEW Beneficial

SEW Beneficial

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Stories by Hancock County CES

3 Day Cooking Camp

3 Day Cooking Camp

about 7 months ago by Angelia Swihart

Learning to cook is an essential life skill everyone should strive to develop at some point in their... Read More

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4-H Culinary Arts Club Member Discovers a Spark and Now is an Entrepreneur and Professional Baker

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Stories by Super Star Chef

2023 Super Star Chef Program

2023 Super Star Chef Program

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With the growing number of families eating on the run, instead of cooking at home, many young adults... Read More

Super Star Chef

Super Star Chef

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