Engaging in discovery in SET
Engaging in discovery, exploration, and understanding in science, engineering, and technology
Science, Engineering and Technology 4-H Core Curriculum
Staff Development
In a world that’s becoming increasingly complex, success is driven not only by what you know, but by what you can do with what you know, it’s more important for young people to be equipped with the knowledge and skills to solve tough problems, gather and evaluate evidence, and make sense of information. These are the types of skills that students learn by studying science, technology, and engineering. Yet few students pursue expertise in SET fields. (U.S. Department of Education)
Through the Land Grant University and Extension system, 4-H can expand its impact and extend its reach in science, engineering and technology (4-H SET) by providing opportunities for hands-on scientific learning and discovery in 4-H clubs. Youth will learn scientific research techniques, responsible practices and innovative technologies that positively address science, engineering and technology issues in Kentucky and globally.
Youth will choose a career path in science, engineering or technology subject matter.
Youth will utilize the scientific method to solve problems in their daily life.
Youth will use and apply the skills gained from 4-H science, engineering and
Youth will demonstrate and share new abilities in science, engineering and
technology with others.
Youth learn new skills in 4-H science, engineering and technology programs.
Youth will be introduced to careers in science, engineering, and technology.
Initial Outcome: Youth learn new skills in 4-H science, engineering and technology programs.
Indicator: Number of youth who use knowledge and skills from 4-H science, engineering and technology in daily life.
Method: Survey and observations; number of fair exhibits in SET projects
Timeline: 2017-2020
Intermediate Outcome: Youth will use and apply the skills gained from 4-H science, engineering and
Indicator: Number of youth who use knowledge and skills from 4-H science, engineering and technology in daily life.
Method: Survey and observations; number of fair exhibits in SET projects
Timeline: 2017-2020
Long-term Outcome: Youth will utilize the scientific method to solve problems in their daily life.
Indicator: Number of youth who follow scientific methods when making decisions
Method: Survey and observations;
Timeline: 2017-2020
Audience: 4th-6th grade youth
Project or Activity:4-H SET activities
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Electric, Plant & Soil Science, Entomology, Embryology, etc curriculum
Inputs: Extension Staff time, funding, support; electric kits
Date: September-May 2019
Audience: Science teachers
Project or Activity: National 4-H Youth Science Day Experiment
Content or Curriculum: NYSD Experiment and support curriculum
Inputs: Extension Staff time, funding for NYSD kits, tech support
Date: October annually
Author: Charles Comer
Major Program: Science, Engineering and Technology 4-H Core Curriculum
According to the U. S. Department of Commerce, Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) occupations are growing at 17%, while other occupations are growing at 9.8%. STEM degree holders have a higher income even in non-STEM careers. Science, technology, engineering and mathematics workers play a key role in the sustained growth and stability of the U.S. economy. STEM education creates critical thinkers, increases science literacy, and enables the next generation of innovators. It is c