Describe the Issue or Situation.Obesity rates have tripled in the past 30 years, in part because Americans are depending on convenience foods that have more calories than nutrients. Due to this rise, American children may have shorter expected lifespans than their parents and can be overweight and malnourished. Learning how to eat right in childhood is important for creating a foundation for a lifetime of healthy eating and a way to help children eat healthy is by simply cooking with them.Descri...
I have cultivated a diverse skill set and gained extensive experience that can significantly benefit your group. My journey began as a program officer tasked with establishing a research office in a u... More
Madison County Extension Agents want and need to bring attention and awareness to the local community to keep Extension from being the Best Kept Secret. Madison County Extension Council decided to hos... Read More
University of Kentucky FCS agents around the central Kentucky region seek additional training and resources related to food preservation practices, including dehydration and freeze drying. UK Food Pre... Read More
Champions for a Drug-Free Pendleton County Coalition where the Family and Consumer Science Agent participates as an executive board member.Reporting Period: October 1, 2023 – September 30, 2024During ... Read More
According to a study initiated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Purdue University regarding employment opportunities for Animal Science graduates, results show that there were more tha... Read More