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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023

Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2023Jul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023

Horticulture Webinar Wednesdays continues to see interest and growth

Author: Faye Kuosman

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Horticulture Webinar Wednesday virtual programming continues to see interest and growth in its third season. Since February 2022, when the 3rd season started, through June 30, 2022, a total of 522 attendees have participated in the twenty live weekly webinars. Additionally, the zoom based “lunch and learn” horticultural program continues draw in participants not only at the weekly Wednesday webinars at 12:30 ET-11:30 CT, but also through the Horticulture Webinar Wednesdays YouTube ch

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Flower Arrangement Workshop

Author: Katie Hughes

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Flower Arrangement Workshop

I hosted a flower arrangement workshop, where people could come learn different techniques on making a flower arrangement and was able to take home what they created. I was able to use a local flower shop to get flowers from and had the local FFA chapter teacher to put on this workshop for me. I had 15 people that attended this program and some have never attended an extension program before. 

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Agventures on Depot

Author: Carrie Spry

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

The Clark County Extension Agents worked with Clark County Farm Bureau and participated in an event call Agventures on Depot. This event brought together farmers, growers, producers, bankers, and more to help introduce and educate youth about agriculture. All program areas of Clark Extension worked together while participating in this event to offer the youth several activities along with educational information. Kentucky Department of Agriculture's "Kentucky Kate" was loaned to Ex

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Elliott County High School Greenhouse

Author: Jacob Ison

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Not long after I became the New ANR agent in Elliott Co., Mrs Makayla Lewis, the Elliott Co. Highschool Ag. Teacher, came to me with a concern and need in the community. She explained the need for a new Plant Based Science facility at ECHS, she explained that the other had become outdated and unsafe for everyday lessons and use by the youth in her agr. classes and programs.  We met with the ECHS Superintendent and discussed our need and began planning our path to work towards a New ECHS Gre

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Tree Give Away Program Helps In Rebuilding and Healing Process

Author: Roger "Darrell" Simpson

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Tree Give Away Program Helps  In Rebuilding and Healing Process

The December 10, 2021 tornado affected people's lives in so many different ways. Many people lost their homes, personal property, as well as all of their landscape plantings including trees that were decades old or those that had been planted to honor someone or a special occasion. This agent collaborated with Kelly Jackson, Extension Agent for Horticulture in Christian County and a local nursery in Todd County to provide trees for families in the area of the county devastated by the tornado

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Plant and Seed Swap Sows Knowledge

Author: James Morgeson

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

At the request of participants from several horticultural classes a seed and plant swap were held at the Washington County Extension office. The goal of the swap was to increase the diversity of plants in local gardens, increase gardening knowledge, and to propagate rare varieties. There were a wide range of plants and seeds swapped including: perennials, annuals, trees, shrubs, and a variety of seeds and bulbs. Participants introduced themselves to the group and discussed what they brought to s

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Farm School For Women- Small Fruit Production

Author: April Wilhoit

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

The Buffalo Trace County Area Extension Offices hosted their annual Farm School For Women Program in October 2022.  The event spanned across all 4 Thursdays in the month and covered a vast array of topics from Small Berry Production, Lawn Management; Body Condition Scoring of Cattle; Vaccinations of livestock and Utilizing Social Media for Marketing Farm Products.  Thirty-one ladies attended the first session of the program at Strodeberry Farm.  Dr. Shawn Wright, UK Horticulture S

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Seed ID Program

Author: Mary Dossett

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

On October 12th, 2022, Horticulture Agent, Mary Hank, taught a class for kindergarten and first graders at Lone Oak Elementary School. Mary Hank started out the program by asking the children if they knew what horticulture meant. Several guessed teaching and Mary Hank informed them it meant she works with plants and gardening. Mary Hank showed the students different types of seeds and how they are different shapes and colors. Each sample container of seeds had a picture on the top so the student

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Tree Week in Pulaski County

Author: Bethany Wilson

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Tree Week is the brainchild of UK’s Urban Forest Initiative and has been in Lexington and a few other satellite locations for 5 years.  Not only is the week about planting trees and overall learning more about trees, but it’s also an impetus to get people outside in nature.  Pulaski County participated in 2021 but in a very limited way. The Pulaski County Horticulture Agent organized a committee in June 2022 to plan and organize events for Tree Week 2022 (October 8-16)

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Month to Month Gardening

Author: Jessica Hopkins

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Month to Month Gardening

During the COVID pandemic of 2020 and 2021, many people started growing their own vegetable garden at home.  With business closings, people working from home and issues with supply chain, many people wanted to grow their own food.  As a horticulture agent I received many phone calls and emails from people who had little to no experience with gardening but wanted to put in a garden.  After things started opening back up and people started to go back to work, based on the number of

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Cedar Ridge Monthly Program

Author: Jessica Hopkins

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Elderly Living Centers is an area of our community that is sometimes overlooked.  Sometimes these residents do not receive many visitors and facilities are always looking for guest speakers.  With these two reasons in mind, the horticulture agent contacted Cedar Ridge Health Campus to see about doing a program with the residents.  After a visit and contact with the Activity Director, monthly programs were scheduled for the first Wednesday of each month.Each month a program is deve

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Tree Distribution for Tornado Impacted Families

Author: Kelly Jackson

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

The tornado of December 10, 2021, affected people’s lives in Kentucky. Many people lost homes, personal property, as well as all their landscape plantings including trees that were decades old or trees planted to honor someone or a special occasion. The Christian County Extension Office partnered with a local nursery in Todd County to provide trees for families impacted by the tornado. The nursery grew and donated more than 3,500 trees because they wanted to help the tornado victims recove

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Fall Plant Swap Enhances People’s Knowledge of Plants

Author: Erika Wood

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Fall Plant Swap Enhances People’s Knowledge of Plants

In the past several years, the Pennyroyal Master Gardener Association has held a spring and fall plant swap at the Hopkins County Farmers Market.  The purpose of the fall plant swap was to give the community an opportunity to come swap plants with one another.  Participants brought plants they were willing to give away and then could pick from plants donated by other participants to take home.  A wide range of plants were brought to the swap and included the following: herbaceous

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Providing answers and Protecting the Environment

Author: Paul Andrew Rideout

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Homeowners have few unbiased resources when looking for solutions to lawn and garden problems. Many automatically turn to applications of chemicals or fertilizers that may not be necessary for treatment or they will consult local businesses that are motivated to sell products. Excess products ultimately become groundwater contaminants contributing to pollution concerns. Greener gardening practices has recently been hot topics with public education heading up the most likely avenue to change atti

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Extension Fall Festival

Author: Carrie Spry

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

"Extension is the best kept secret" is a phrase every extension employee has heard at one point in time. Clark County Extension decided to try and spread the news about all of the wonderful services extension offers and hopefully reach new people thru a Fall Fest event. This event was free and open to everyone of all ages. Many steps were made in advertising this event including articles in the local newspaper and shows on local radio. Many activities were offered from fish casting com

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Demonstration Gardens Increased Involvement

Author: Keith Hackworth

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Following the direction of our leadership, the Floyd County Extension Office added a series of demonstration raised beds and containers at our site. The ANR agent, program assistant and staff with the assistance of Master Gardeners, leaders and others from the community constructed eight raised beds and numerous containers. Program participants helped put in and maintained the demonstration gardens. The beds and containers were planted as follows: one as an herb garden, one as a strawberry bed,

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Holiday Creations and Discoveries Class

Author: Maranda Brooks

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Holiday Creations and Discoveries Class

FCS agent and Horticultural agent delivered a collaborative program on December 6th for the community. The 3 hour class held focus on greenery demos presented and provided by the Horticultural agent during the first portion of the class, followed by a transitional break to led into FCS portion of 2 homemade gifts in the kitchen demos (i.e. hot chocolate in a jar and christmas candy crunch). During demostration audience was engaged and provided feedback towards consideration of alternative food o

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Knowledge Eases Transition

Author: Jamie Dockery

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Fayette County is one of Kentucky's most populus cities. The demand for accurate, reliable gardening information is great. The Fayette County Extension horticulture program is well known, and we strive to provide relevant information in a variety of ways. One of our most popular offerings is a series of informal gardening classes called Gardener's Toolbox. We discovered that teaching classes helped circumvent countless phone discussions. Horticlture staff often source new or improved var

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Holiday Centerpiece Workshop

Author: Emma Lee

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Holiday Centerpiece Workshop

As a new Agriculture and Natural Resources agent in Estill County, I have made it my goal to reach as many audiences as possible to let them know I am here to help. When considering different program options, I wanted to choose something that anyone, even people with no agricultural background, might be interested in. I finally decided on a Holiday Centerpiece Workshop on December 29th, 2022 at 6 p.m. There were 18 individuals who signed up and attended. This class was a partnership with former

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Planting Trees Enhances Community

Author: Jessica Bessin

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Planting Trees Enhances Community

Trees can make a community an attractive place to live, while also providing many benefits.  When trees are planted they help reduce energy cost, absorb sounds of traffic, improving mental and physical health, can keep your house cooler and help absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.  The Harrodsburg Tree Board has worked hard to be recognized as an Official Tree City for the last 10 years through the Arbor Day Foundation. Qualifications to be a tree city require a community to for

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Home Gardening and Preservation

Author: Ted Johnson

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Lee County is one of the unhealthiest populations in the state of Kentucky, they have one of the highest consumption rates of processed foods in the state. We at the Lee County Extension Office have been developing programs to address this issue. We have conducted programs such as, home gardening, raised bed gardening, food preservation, and food preparation for many years. We have had over 45 participants in the past 5 years attend at least one of our programs that address this issue. From the

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Community Garden Club Programming

Author: Anthony Tackett

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

During the past year the Cooperative Extension Service has worked extensively with several local garden clubs in delivering educational opportunities.  Programs were delivered through a variety  of methods including classroom style presentations, hands on demonstrations, and outdoor workshops. So far in this program cycle over 75 garden club members have taken part in these consumer focused garden programs.  In addition, over 65 youth were involved in programs and special events t

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Revamped Mushroom Cultivation

Author: Amanda Potter

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

I decided to hold a second mushroom cultivation program within the county. I took the information from the first program for the things that did and did not work, and revamped the program. I spent more time and effort into advertising and reaching out to people who I believed would have an interest in the program. During the registration period of the program, more than 3 times the people signed up to attend. During the program itself, there was a lot of questions and interactions from those who

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Wreath Making Workshop Becomes Annual Event

Author: James Morgeson

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Wreath Making Workshop Becomes Annual Event

The Horticulture How To workshops have become popular and some have been requested to become annual events such as the wreath making program. Participants learn how to and make a holiday wreath with live greenery to take home, they learn about the types or greenery, and how to keep it fresh through the holidays. There were twenty-seven participants this year. Previous attendees volunteered to help the beginners one on one until they got the hang of it. Each participant completed an evaluation fo

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Taking Wreath Making on the Road

Author: Laura Maggard

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Taking Wreath Making on the Road

The Lawrence County Agriculture and Natural Resource (ANR) Extension Agent and the Lawrence County Master Gardeners have been offering a hands on workshop for the community during the holidays. Individuals come in and make wreaths using live greenery harvested from a local KY Proud tree farm. Individuals learn to construct wreaths for the personal enjoyment and also as a way to use live greenery they have at home and possibly a way to make some extra money through the holidays. Orignally the pro

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Community Support for Holiday Wreath Program Continues to Grow

Author: Lori Bowling

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Over the past 20 years the Boyd County Horticulture Agent has grown a holiday wreath workshop for 10-12 people into a holiday wreath program production that serves over 700 people from the tri-state area of Kentucky, Ohio and West Virginia.  This year there were even participants that were in town from Florida and Alaska that had hear about this program for several years from family members in the area that had made plans to be in town so that they could participate in this program.  T

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County Agents Corner

Author: Jessica Bessin

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

In Extension we keep clientele up to date with monthly newsletters, Facebook posts and even radio. The County Agents corner is a weekly radio program that is broadcasted to 48,000 listeners. Horticulture and ANR agents from four different counties participate in this program on a weekly rotation.These radio shows allow agents to share timely topics, upcoming programs, and other events that have occurred between the releases of their newsletters. The shows are geared towards farmers and homeowner

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Development of a Native Plant Garden: Demonstrating How to Incorporate Native Plants into the Garden

Author: Annette Heisdorffer

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Native plants used in the landscape benefit birds and pollinators.  To demonstrate that native plants fit into any garden, the Extension Master Gardeners developed a 40 feet by 70 feet Native Plant Garden at the Western Kentucky Botanical Garden.  To showcase the garden to the public, a native plant demonstration field day on “The Power of Native Plants:  How to Add Them to Your Garden” was held in September.Of the 17 participants who completed a self-assessment survey

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Succulent Pumpkin Workshop

Author: Katie Hughes

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Succulent Pumpkin Workshop

In October I hosted a program called Succulent Pumpkin Workshop, this workshop used real pumpkins and succulents with artificial flowers and moss for filler. I started the workshop by explaining what materials will be used and that the pumpkins and succulents can be kept for a while as there is no cutting of the pumpkin and the succulents can be repotted since their roots will still be intact. I  showed how to get started, after that everyone did their own creation. The first workshop I had

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Holiday Series

Author: Amanda Sears

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Holiday Series

The Madison County Horticulture Agent and the Family and Consumer Science Agent partnered on several programs throughout the year. The goal of their series of classes was to provide a fun way for participants to learn about nutrition and gardening.In October the agents held an event called “Pumpkin Bash”. It consisted of an educational lesson focused on growing pumpkins, a recipe demonstration and samples as well as several autumn related crafts. The crafts focused on recycling house

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Seed Swap

Author: Amanda Sears

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Seed Swap

Seed SwapIn spring of 2023, the Madison County Horticulture Agent planned a seed swap. Prior to COVID, it had been an annual event.The majority of participants (over 65%) were able to bring seeds to share. The event was open to everyone, regardless of whether they were able to bring seeds to share or not. Packets of seeds were donated from a local store and so there were plenty for everyone to take home. Reasons for wanting to attend the swap varied among participants. Most wanted to become

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Home horticulture Program Series

Author: Sarah Imbus

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

The beginning of 2023 brought fresh ideas and horticulture programming. Funday Monday started off the programming series with garden craft ideas during the winters months. After the August series in 2022, with popular demand, Funday Monday was a new series lead by horticulture technician, Terri Turner to provide winter horticulture craft projects. Mason Bee and Bonsai 101 was hosted at Extension and taught my two Northern Kentucky Master Gardeners. During both of these informative classes,

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Ag Collaborations – Benefits the Community

Author: Keith Hackworth

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

According to the needs and at the direction of our leadership, Extension has been collaborating with the local County Conservation District on several programs and events during the year. The first one is a soil testing program. We have been educating our clientele about the importance of testing. Other programs are our annual Gardening – Seed Give Away and Cover Crop programs. These collaborative efforts have been on-going for several years now. As part of numerous educational progra

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The Buisness of Farming

Author: Amanda Sears

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

The Buisness of Farming

Two common questions asked are, “I own land, what can I do with it?” and “I want to farm, how do I get started?” The answers to these questions are complicated and can vary for every person, farm and situation. Everyone has a different idea of what they want their farm to be.The Madison County Horticulture and Agriculture Agents partnered on a series called “The Business of Farming”. This series was for current or future farmers and covered the business basics

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2023 Winter Schol

Author: Carrie Spry

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

The ANR Agent and Horticulture Agent worked together for the 2023 Winter School series. Clark Extension hosted 3 nights full of education for the public. Topics covered included fencing laws, water management around structures, drones in the fields, getting ready for garden pests, growing perennial vegetables, beef health update, minerals for cattle production, and heavy use pads. More than 80 people attended each night for a combined total attendance of over 240 people. The local Farm Bureau gr

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Seed Library Opening Day Presentation for New Season Reveal's Benefits of Partnership to Community

Author: Annette Heisdorffer

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Through a community partnership, the Green River Area Extension Master Gardener Association and Daviess County Public Library provide the community an opportunity to grow different vegetables, flowers, and herbs through the free Seed Library located at the library.  The Extension Master Gardeners prepare thousands of packets of seed.  Patrons can check out 5 packets of seed per month.   The Seed Library opened again in February 2023 with the Daviess County Extension Agent for Hort

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Food Insecurities

Author: Ted Johnson

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

We at the Lee County Extension office have focused on food insecurities for the past several years. Lee County is one of the leading counties when it comes to food insecurities.  We have addressed this issue in many ways, for example, country ham curing program, raised bed gardening, cook wild Kentucky program.  Over 75 participants have participated in at least one of these programs, Participants gained knowledge on local food production, wild game processing, preservation of meats, a

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Fruit Tree Grafting

Author: Robert Brockman

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Raising a fruit orchard in the backyard is a common desire. In fact, in the spring of 2023, information on starting a fruit orchard has been the second most sought after horticulture information at the Boone County Extension Office, only beaten by those concerned about evergreen plants damaged by the winter storm. While many people start home orchards, very few understand how to take care of that orchard. Many orchards that are planted are never pruned or sprayed with fungicides or insectic

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Apple Tree Care

Author: Jessica Bessin

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Apple Tree Care

When February rolls around it is time to start thinking about apple tree care. The Mercer County Horticulture Agent offers this class every other spring and covers planting, pollination, insect, disease, and general management practice. A large part of this class is always dedicated to pruning, and the different techniques. After teaching the class for several years the Horticulture Agent realized just talking about the different pruning cuts wasn’t enough, participants needed hands on exp

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Master Gardener Calendar Provides Educational Gardening Resource

Author: Erika Wood

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Master Gardener Calendar Provides Educational Gardening Resource

For over a decade, the Pennyroyal Master Gardener Association has created a gardening calendar available for the community to learn more about growing plants.  Each year, the master gardener group forms a committee and decides on a particular topic to focus on for the next year’s calendar.   Previous years have showcased bulbs, deer-resistant plants, trees, and much more.  This year’s calendar features vegetable plants.  Once the topic is decided, the committee re

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Renewed Gardening Interest Sparks New Opportunity for Master Gardeners

Author: Kelly Jackson

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Since the Pandemic of 2020, a national trend of increased interest in home vegetable gardening has been taking place. This has been noticed in Christian County and the local Master Gardener Association and Christian County Extension Office have taken the opportunity to reach and educate the community through social media, in-person training, and the “Hello Garden” newsletter.  Beginning with social media postings in 2021, the Master Gardener Association FaceBook page began growi

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Gardening Calendar

Author: Lori Bowling

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Each year  the Boyd County Master Gardeners have the opportunity to enter a gardening photo contest for a chance for their photo submissions to be featured in the annual Master Gardener Calendar.  This calendar has been published annually since 2017 by the Boyd County Extension Agent for Horticulture as a tool to help home gardeners better plan and grow successful gardens, landscapes, lawns and anything gardening related for the area in Zone 6b.  It is also a tool to advertise the

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Gardening Made easy

Author: Jay Hettmansperger

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

The interest in home gardening programs continues to remain strong among homeowners.  Growing your own food is not only fun but can provide the gardener with valuable food sources for the family.  The Garrard County ANR agent conducted a series of gardening programs that led the participants from beginning gardening to more specific topics like growing perfect tomatoes and using straw bale gardening when soil types aren't good for gardening. One hundred percent of the participants

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Beginner Vegetable Gardening

Author: Emma Lee

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

As spring began approaching this year, I was getting many calls about tips for starting a vegetable garden. Due to the amount of interest, I decided to hold a Beginner Vegetable Gardening class that was open to everyone at all stages of gardening experience. The class was held on March 27th at 6 p.m. There were 29 attendees, including people who were new to the area or have never had any experience with gardening. I presented a powerpoint that included types of vegetables, how to plant and take

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Bee Friendly; The Importance of Pollinators

Author: Paul Andrew Rideout

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

The problemPollinator decline The educational program responsePublic Education about the importance of pollinators and what they can doThe participants/target audience8-12 year oldsOther partners (if applicable)Audubon Bee Keepers AssociationProgram impact or participant response.Bee Friendly; The Importance of Pollinators North America is home to over 4000 bee species and about 20% of them are very important to pollination of our crops and the food we eat.  Bee species have strug

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Italian Bruschetta Container Gardens

Author: Susan Fox

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Senior citizens and lower-income residents of the local housing authority can have fewer options for gardening due to limited space, mobility, and income issues. Both groups appreciate having programs offered at their locations. Planting sessions were held at the Lyon County Senior Citizens Center and the Lyon County Housing Authority. Italian Bruschetta Container Gardens were planted with dwarf tomatoes, dwarf sweet peppers, and basil. The dwarf tomatoes, peppers, and basil were grown from

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Kenton County Cooperative Extension achieves Arboretum Status

Author: Brandon George

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

The Kenton County Cooperative Extension in Covington has been awarded a Level 2 Accreditation by The ArbNet Arboretum Accreditation Program and The Morton Arboretum, for achieving particular standards of professional practices deemed important for arboreta and botanic gardens. The ArbNet Arboretum Accreditation Program is the only global initiative to officially recognize arboreta at various levels of development, capacity, and professionalism. The Kenton County Cooperative Extension is also now

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Gardening Education – Daycare and Homeless Shelter Projects

Author: Keith Hackworth

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

At the direction of our leadership, Extension has been collaborating with several community groups again this year. We have increased the collaboration project with the Floyd County Health Department, local daycare centers, local homeless shelter, and Extension Master Gardeners. Grant funding through the health department has allowed us to increase from five daycare centers to six this year. The goal of the program is to provide education and nutritious fruits and vegetables to daycare age youth

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Grow Appalachia Gardening Series

Author: Keith Hackworth

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

At the direction of our leadership, Extension has been collaborating with several community groups over the years. One such group is the Saint Vincent’s Mission Grow Appalachian Program. The program works with lower income and beginning gardeners by assisting them in the production of fruits and vegetables to feed their family. Participants are encouraged their second year of the program to market some of their excess produce and products at various venues, the farmers market being one.&nb

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Eastern Kentucky Flooding Leading to a Needed Extension Publication

Author: Kenneth Clayton

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

The unprecedented flooding in July of 2022 in Eastern Kentucky was catastrophic to many homes and families, causing significant loss of life and property. This tragic event was followed by a wonderful outpouring of help from fellow Kentuckians and UK Extension in many forms and fashions to start the slow process of building back what was loss. One small but important aspect of the losses was the lawns of homes and businesses in Eastern Kentucky.  Restoring a lawn after a flood can be a daun

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Preemergence Herbicides in Kentucky’s Climate

Author: Kenneth Clayton

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Kentucky is located in the transition zone, and our growing seasons are not always predictable, which can lead to misapplications of common preemergence herbicides either too early because of a cold spring or too late because of an early warm up.  Applications of preemergence herbicides at the wrong time can lead to loss of acceptable weed control, waste of time and money, and the need for additional inputs through post emergence herbicides that would not otherwise be needed.  Because

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Fort Harrod Garden Club

Author: Jessica Bessin

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Fort Harrod Garden Club

There is a new club in town for those who like to garden and want to help volunteer in the community. The Boyle and Mercer County Extension Agents for Horticulture developed a new club known as the Fort Harrod Garden Club in response to past Master Gardener’s and community member’s desire to have more social programing revolving around plant topics.Many of the Master Gardeners between the two counties cut back on activities during covid. So, this club has allowed volunteers to ease t

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Tomato Day!

Author: Jessica Bessin

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Tomato Day!

In the spring of 2021, the Mercer County High School greenhouse was left in a bind when it came time for their plant sale. Due to covid protocols the greenhouse was only allowed open to customers for a limited time. With a greenhouse still full of plants the Mercer County Horticulture Agent came up with a program idea to help the high school and increase foot traffic at the Extension Office.The Horticulture Agent scheduled a tomato day at the Extension Office. With the help of Master Gardener vo

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Vegetable Gardening Series

Author: Carrie Spry

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

One of the top requests for assistance from Extension Horticulture would be help with vegetable gardening. Each year many first time gardeners reach out seeking advice on how to grow a vegetable garden. Therefore a 3 day program was planned to cover a wide range of topics. The first night focused on the basics of beginning a vegetable garden along with specifics and details on many vegetable crops that can be grown in Kentucky. The second night was a focus on maintenance of the vegetable garden

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Grow Kids today Grow Food Forever

Author: Chris Ammerman

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

The gap that separates generations from their farm roots grows with each passing year and with that increasing gap the knowledge to grow food becomes greater.   School gardens provide the opportunity to reconnect children to the knowledge possessed by their ancestors by using food as the link.   The magic of agriculture, taking soil and placing seeds in it creates a feeling of accomplishment.  School gardens create the opportunity for students to gain gardening knowledge, responsi

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Colonial Gardens Retirement Community

Author: Robert Brockman

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

The problemDuring the Covid-19 pandemic, many retirement communities were shut off from the outside world to protect their susceptible communities. While this seclusion was important during the periods of high transmission and outbreaks, it is also difficult for the retirees who no longer have the social interactions they may need. This seclusion has continued into 2023, where many retirement communities do not have outside groups working with them. The educational program responseThe North

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Increasing Consumer Familiarity with Pawpaw Fruit

Author: Sheri Crabtree

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Despite pawpaw being a fruit native to Kentucky, many consumers and potential fruit growers are unfamiliar with the fruit and its uses. One impediment to consumers purchasing produce, particularly niche crops, is unfamiliarity with the flavor and how to use the produce. Sampling of fresh fruit and recipes, and recipe cards can help overcome this problem. Two pawpaw workshops were held in September 2022, one in Frankfort, KY, and one in Boone County, KY. 150 people registered for the workshop in

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Growing a Garden

Author: Lorin Fawns

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Food prices have increased significantly, making it difficult for families to receive their full serving of fruit and vegetables. The Mason County Extension office offered clients vegetable seeds to grow in their gardens and information about gardening. The program allowed anyone to stop into the office to pick up seeds, information, and an opportunity to meet the horticulture agent to discuss questions. Clients grew vegetable and flower gardens throughout the county; for some, it was their firs

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Learning to Grow Strawberries

Author: Lorin Fawns

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Eating fresh fruit is a common problem not only among children but adults as well. Only 8% of adults meet the daily fruit intake recommendation. Fresh fruit can be costly and does not keep long-term; many times, fruit can go bad, and with increased prices, it can be difficult to keep fresh fruit on hand.The Mason County Extension Office provided educational classes to the public, including a class at the community center at the housing authority to ensure clients who did not have means of transp

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Ft. Harrod Garden Club

Author: Alexis Amorese Sheffield

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

 There is a new club in town for those who like to garden and want to help volunteer in the community. The Boyle and Mercer County Extension Agents for Horticulture developed a new club known as the Fort Harrod Garden Club in response to past Master Gardener’s and community member’s desire to have more social programing revolving around plant topics.   Many of the Master Gardeners between the two counties cut

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Graves County Gardening Series

Author: Miranda Rudolph

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Graves County Gardening Series

In January of 2023 Graves County Cooperative Extension welcomed new agent, Miranda Rudolph to their team as the Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Agent. This was an exciting staff addition as Graves County had been without an agent in this position for quite some time. Due to this lack of staffing and from attention being directed elsewhere following the aftermath of the December 10, 2021 tornado the agriculture and horticulture component of this office was basically non-existent besid

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2023 Plant Order

Author: Shelby Cleaver

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

 This year the Nicholas County Extension went in together with Laurel County Extension among many other counties and put in a plant order for the communities. In these orders people in the community had a choice between 2 varieties of strawberries, blackberries, 2 varieties of blueberries, 2 varieties of raspberries, asparagus plants and onion plants. I had put this together for the community in a short time because of my start date but within that time we had 24 people put in orders for pl

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Feeding a Need

Author: Jamie Dockery

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Rising food prices and broader inflation have taken a toll on family budgets. The residents of Fayette County have expressed lots of interest in vegetable gardening as a means to supplement meals and stretch food budgets. Fayette County extension, along with Master Gardener volunteers, LFUCG parks and recreation, Fayette County Public Schools, and NEP staff hosted an event to train inexperienced gardeners to grow vegetables. We titled the event 'Growing Community' and offered it at a Wil

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Festive Fundays

Author: Sarah Imbus

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

According to Harvard’s School of Public Health, “A diet rich in vegetables and fruits can lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, prevent some types of cancer, lower risk of eye and digestive problems, and have a positive effect upon blood sugar, which can help keep appetite in check.”   Eating more fruits and vegetables could also help lessen the obesity rate, which in Campbell County is 36% (US Census Bureau).In order to address these issu

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Big Sandy Community and Technical College Retreat

Author: Deborah Stumbo

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

The problem-- BCTCS staff requested a training on how to "develop a small vegetable garden in a container"The educational program response-- Workshop for trainings and "Hands-On" applications for starting a small home vegetable Garden.  Each of 22 participants, did training and used "Hands-On" to develope their own small container garden with a small tomato plant and edible flowers & lettuces.  Which they were able to take home and put on a patio to ha

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Fruit Trees Class

Author: Chelsea Sapp

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

 On April 25th, I held a beginner’s fruit tree class as part of the Homesteading Basics series I was doing. My goal for this class was to help educate participants on fruit trees and give them information to take home. I wanted to have this class because as an agent I had received several calls and concerns about fruit trees or how to get started. I reached out to Dr. Rick Durham, UK Horticulturist, for help with this topic. He came down and spoke about fruit tree varieties, common di

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Expanding Recreational Opportunities for the County

Author: Kelly Jackson

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

The Christian County 2030 Vision Plan, prepared by the local Chamber of Commerce, is a plan to guide improvements in the community and bring together multiple community partners in a unified approach to achieve progress. One goal of the vision plan seeks economic growth through more retail opportunities. Another goal is to enhance recreational opportunities that bear a low user cost to the average citizen. Utilizing Master Gardener volunteers, the Cooperative Extension Service in Christian Count

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Extension Addresses Timely Vegetable Disease Issue

Author: Brian Jeffiers

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

In early June, the ANR agent fielded calls from three different tomato producers reporting similar symptoms. After visiting two of them, the agent submitted a specimen to the plant pathology lab, which confirmed sclerotinia rot. After reporting directly to all the involved producers, the agent also addressed the topic with the daily radio program, which has listenership of approximately 3,000. This allowed the message to reach many potentially interested producers in a rapid fashion, which was p

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Horticulture Programming in 2022-23

Author: Bethany Wilson

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

All people benefit from horticulture and green space. According to the National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture, plants increase our well-being at home, at school, and in recovery.  Homes and classrooms with plants increase relaxation. Classrooms with plants improve test scores by 10% and have a calming effect on children. Patients recovering from surgery took less pain relievers and went home sooner when their rooms contained plants. Therefore, educating adults and youth in horticultu

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Cut Flowers

Author: Tyler Miller

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

The problem:A cliente came in the office one day looking for some help with starting a cut flowers operation. Just something small scale for now and didn't want it to be a big job. When talking with the cliente i first guaged the level of education this person had with growing any type of flowers. They seemed to understand the basics and have done some homework about growing cut flowers.The educational program responseI had first mention the general "must do's" for growing cut

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Recovery Garden

Author: Robert Kirby

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

               According to the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, a person should consume fruits and vegetables daily as part of a healthy eating pattern to reduce their risk for chronic diseases such as, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers and obesity.  Also, less than 10% of older adults meet the dietary guidelines for fruit and vegetable intake.  Many of those in Knox County were not aware of how to garden to produc

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Make & Take Series Generates New Extension Clientele

Author: Rebecca Konopka

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Make & Take Series Generates New Extension Clientele

Carter County Extension Council members, leaders, and staff identified a need to recruit new clientele in Carter County.  As a result of the pandemic and agent vacancies, face-to-face participation in programs had decreased.  Carter County Agents wanted to develop programs that would be of interest to people of all ages and help bring new participants to the Extension Office.  The goal was to have a schedule of classes that were not limited to farmers, 4-H, and Homemaker members.

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Gardeners hope to be sucessful with coopertiave extension resources

Author: Chadwick Conway

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

In the mountains of Eastern Kentucky, accessing fresh local heirloom produce is very important for so many families. Many of them work hard at gardening in order for them to have fresh produce during the summer and to make sure that they have enough to preserve for the winter months to enjoy. Some even sell some of their produce along the way for an additional source of income when needed to help support their families. In late July of 2022, the historic flood wiped out the majority of gardens a

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Horticulture Wednesday Webinars Live and Recorded!

Author: Amy Aldenderfer

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

What began as a short-term stopgap for in person programming during the 2020 Pandemic, has become a much-attended weekly horticulture program. Due to the continuing popularity of the Horticulture Webinar Wednesdays program a team of Kentucky Horticulture agents have continued to present weekly Wednesday webinars at 12:30 ET (11:30 CT) as a “lunch and learn” horticultural program. This team also includes agents, specialists, and other experts who present a 20-30-minute horticultural c

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Gardener’s Toolbox Educates the Public

Author: Amy Aldenderfer

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

The Gardener's Toolbox Series is a part of the Hardin County Cooperative Extension Service’s horticulture classes to address a gardener's need for more information.The classes vary in their length and subject matter. This year topics included: Beginning Vegetable Gardening, Tie Dyeing, How to Grow: Asparagus, Propagation, Butterfly Gardening, Pollinator Gardening, How to Grow: Broccoli, Cabbage, and Cauliflower, Starting Native Perennials from Seed, and New Plants for 2023.At the e

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The Return of the Spring Garden Series

Author: Jason Vaughn

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

The Spring Garden Series was a tradition at the Powell County Extension Office since the 1990s.   Following the pandemic, citizens were hungry for education and communion with fellow gardeners.  Sensing the community’s needs, Jason Vaughn, Extension Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources brought back the series.The program focused on developing home horticulture skills through in-class learning and hands-on activities.  Topics included attracting bluebirds, flower arran

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Growing Mushrooms

Author: Emma Lee

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Estill County has a mushroom festival every year and clients were calling more frequently to get more information about growing mushrooms. I held a class on growing oyster mushrooms on April 19th at 12 pm and had 21 people attend. Everyone asked questions after the program and were then given a mushroom grow kit of their own to learn first hand. My target audience was all of the individuals that were interested in the mushroom festival, as well as mushrooms in general. I had a great response to

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Cut Flower Production Workshop

Author: Keenan Bishop

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

The problemThe educational program responseThe participants/target audienceOther partners (if applicable)Program impact or participant response.

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Home Horticulture Services: Call Your County Extension Agent

Author: Shane Bogle

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Homeowners have limited access to unbiased information when problems with landscapes, lawns, and gardens arise.  Many turn to the internet or local box store businesses that are inclined to sell unnecessary products along with the “free” advice. Needless and often excess chemicals are applied to perceived issues without thought of environmental or legal concerns.  The Caldwell County Extension Office offers free research-based education, and diagnostic services to help home

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First Ever Rowan County Heart and Soil Festival

Author: Amanda Potter

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

I partnered with the Rowan County Painted Hills Gardening Club and Dr. Amanda Skidmore of Morehead State University to plan and implement the first ever Heart and Soil Festival in Rowan County. This festival was geared towards those in the county who hope to learn about horticulture and home gardening. Planning for this festival had been happening since the fall of 2022 and the festival took place in April of 2023. This festival was advertised through several different outlets, including radio a

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Meeting Horticultural Needs

Author: James Morgeson

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Meeting Horticultural Needs

Washington County residents have diverse interests and knowledge levels in horticulture. Each year the horticulture agent surveys participants, social media followers, and the public to meet the needs of most gardeners for a particular topic. This series class series is The Gardener’s Wheelbarrow Series. In the past programming year, there were 24 classes with participants choosing to attend the morning session or the evening session. Sessions were by far more popular in the mornings.The t

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Whitley County Fair- Farm & Home Exhibit Show

Author: Benjamin Prewitt

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

The Whitley County Fair has been an annual event in our community for a number of years. However, in recent years the participation involved in the fair has dwindled. The Whitley County Extension Office has taken an initiative to help support and build the Whitley County Fair back to a staple event for the folks of Whitley County. One of the ways that our office contributed was to host the Annual Farm & Home Exhibit Show at our Goldbug location for the duration of the fair. The Exhibit Show

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10th Annual Whitley County EARTH DAY Celebration

Author: Benjamin Prewitt

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

In Kentucky, the impact of climate change has become increasingly evident, with rising temperatures and extreme weather events. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) August 2016 report Kentucky climate is changing due to the earth’s warming. The 40% increase of carbon dioxide in the air since the 1700’s has resulted in the surface of the earth warming 1 degree. The increase temperature leads to a rise in humidity and average rainfall as well as drought in other areas

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SOW - A Planting Companion App for Smart Phones

Author: Richard Durham

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

A smart phone app is now available to assist Kentucky Gardeners in planning their home vegetable garden.  The SOW – A Planting Companion App was originally produced by Alabama Cooperative Extension and included growing information for Alabama and North Carolina.  The second version, launched in May 2023, also includes information for Kentucky gardeners. The free app is available through Apple (, Google (https://pl

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Let's Grow a Container Garden!

Author: Jessica Hopkins

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Let's Grow a Container Garden!

Based upon the need for healthier eating, at home, the Harrison County SNAP-Ed Assistant approached the Harrison County Horticulture Agent about offering a class together about growing vegetables in containers.  A large percentage of the SNAP-Ed audience are non-traditional gardeners and many of them do not have the size or location for a large garden or for any type of in-ground garden or raised bed.  The solution to this is to grow a container garden.In the late winter, the SNAP-Ed a

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