Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2022Jul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022
Henderson County 4-H Natural Resources Day Camp
Author: Ella Fourqurean
Major Program: Natural Resources
Many youth in Henderson County want to learn more about the environment and want to immerse themselves in nature. With Henderson County having a state park, the Ohio and Green River, and many local parks the Henderson County 4-H program decided to utilize the Henderson County Parks Department and utilize one of their large acre parks with fishing ponds to put on a two-day natural resource day camp. During the day camp, students rotated among educational stations that focused
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FY 20-21 Pickin' Up Paradise
Author: Mackenzie Pogue
Major Program: Natural Resources

“Pickin’ up the Park” success, a recent event organized by Muhlenberg County 4-H Teen Club members to clean up Paradise Park occurred Saturday, April 17th. The beautiful park nested in Powderly is enjoyed by many individuals and groups throughout the year, including 4-H. The 4-H Teen Club meets monthly at the UK Extension Office and is led by an elected team of officers: President, Kalista Lear, Vice-President, Kendra Walker, Secretary, Catherine Smith, Treasurer, Hannah Travis
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Whitley County Stream Team
Author: Lisa Jones
Major Program: Natural Resources
Beginning in the summer of 2021, 4-H members met at the Ballard Ford River Access to learn about the watershed we live in. Youth participated in studies that consisted of conducting chemical testing, collecting and identifying macroinvertebrates (aquatic insects), and stream studies. Using the Kentucky Water Health Portal, we identified the streams in our county, collect stream samples and reported the data to the Watershed Watch website. We prepared over 3,000 project packs that were distr
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4-H Homeschool Club
Author: Rebecca Hayes
Major Program: Natural Resources
The homeschool club started meeting again and started the Bee Ambassador Program. They learned about bees, pollination, how honey is made, and the impact pollinators have on the world. They had a blast doing a honey tasting, playing a game where they made "honey", and made posters on what they learned.
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We Ain't Zooming, We Are Live "Streaming!"
Author: Brandon Darst
Major Program: Natural Resources

According to Penn State Extension, "Youth play an important role in becoming informed citizens and future decision makers. Engaging them in educational opportunities about water, science, and technology now will help to create a future generation of water stewards and innovators." In an effort to teach children about watersheds and human impact, the CES has teamed up with a local 4th grade classroom from Waco Elementary. The Madison County CES and Waco Elementary have a history of the
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On Target with the 2021 4-H State Shoot
Author: Melissa Schenck
Major Program: Natural Resources
After sacrificing their 2020 State Shoot to Covid-19 protocols, the Washington County 4-H was ready to compete against their peers across the state. In September, 20 4-H members representing Washington County traveled to compete in the State 4-H Shooting Sports competition. For 50% of our participants, this was their first State Shoot and their first state-wide experience with Kentucky 4-H. The team would go on to bring many ribbons and trophies home including a 2nd place trophy for a first year
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4-H Environmental Camp
Author: Raymond Cox
Major Program: Natural Resources
Findings from the PRIDE campaign indicated students in Harlan County were unaware of the effects of pollution on the environment and ways of correcting the problem. Upon the recommendation of the 4-H and Extension Councils, the one day program with a couple of schools turned into a three day Environmental Camp targeting every 4th grader in Harlan County public and private schools. With the cooperation of the UK College of Agriculture Agents from Whitley County and Clay County, Department of Wate
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4-H Sharp Shooters Push Through with Modified Season
Author: Lena Mallory
Major Program: Natural Resources
After suspending their Season in 2020, Marshall County 4-H Sharp Shooters had a modified shooting sports season for Summer 2021. Working with two Shotgun Coaches and one Archery Coach, membership this season was limited to just returning Trap or Archery 4-Hers and their siblings. There was a total of 11 youth enrolled for Season 2021 with seven remaining active after mid-season. With the modified season, the Marshall County 4-H Youth Development Agent worked with the Coaches, C
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The Insects Will Tell the Tale
Author: Eric Comley
Major Program: Natural Resources
In Richard Louv's book, "The Nature Principle" describes the connection of technology and nature experience as an, "...increase our intelligence, creative thinking, and productivity, giving birth to the hybrid mind." To encourage a connection to nature and balancing the use of technology, the Garrard Co. 4-H Agent, partnering with the Family Resource Center, organized and implemented a Creek Day to look at a local aquatic system, discuss the importance of recording biolog
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Desert Dish Gardens
Author: Dianna Reed
Major Program: Natural Resources

The Johnson County Extension Council and 4-H Program Council indicated that providing learning and developmental opportunities through youth programs are an important part of the Plan Of Work. To fulfill this need, the Johnson County 4-H Agent worked with local school personnel to schedule afterschool programming for 7th – 12th graders through the Eagle 4-H Enrichment Program. In this program, participants meet at Johnson Central High School and learn various life skills. Participants have
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Bird Blind Serves Community
Author: Cathy Toole
Major Program: Natural Resources
When deciding how to best serve his community and fulfilling the project requirement for a 2nd year member of the Natural Resource and Environmental Science Academy Daniel Brown chose to add a natural resource element to the community park. The Henry County Recreational Park is relatively new to the county been established several years ago. It how has the youth league soccer and football fields. It is also home to a walking trail, splash park, Health Dept., and Sr. Citizens offices.
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Youth Community Garden
Author: Chanda Hall
Major Program: Natural Resources
In early July, thanks to a to a generous donation from Jefferson County Farm Bureau, to purchase all materials needed for raised bed gardens. With the help of a few community garden volunteers, the 4-H Teen Club and both UK and KSU Extension, we now have seven (7) raised garden beds. Both youth and extension leaders learned how to use table saws, drills, and learned how to assemble raised garden beds. The Extension staff had a day of bonding as they built the beds. Once the be
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Get Outside with 4-H!
Author: Courtney Brock
Major Program: Natural Resources

In a typical week, The National Wildlife Foundation notes that only 6% of children ages 9-13 play outside, while kids in this same age group devote over 7 hours per day to electronic entertainment, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. In order to combat this epidemic, the Lincoln County 4-H Council, as well as the Lincoln County Extension District Board has identified a goal of creating increased awareness, knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to make informed choices regarding healthy
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2021 Launch of Extension Entomology TikTok Program
Author: Jonathan Larson
Major Program: Natural Resources
In 2021, I used funding received from a grant in aid trial and an NSF partnership with Dr. Jen White in our department to hire an extension intern for the summer and fall semester. Hannah Brown joined our team and helped to build and design a TikTok channel advertised as having info from peer reviewed material from the department of entomology. Thus far we have grown the channel to 501 followers with nearly 30,000 views of our videos. These short videos have exposed our information to a audience
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Clover buds learning an environmental lesson and combining with a community service project
Author: Joyce Doyle
Major Program: Natural Resources

Combining community service with communications and a natural resource lesson was a great collaborative event. The Family Ties Resource Director from the primary school called and asked if I would be willing to help with a project that her kindergarten and first grade leadership club was wanting to do. They wanted to make bird feeders for an assisted living facility here in Carroll County. I said I would love to do a lesson on birds and then supply bird feeder kits for t
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Pumpkin Days
Author: Madalyn Hale
Major Program: Natural Resources
October is the perfect month to work with pumpkins! During the month of October myself and my coworkers planned Pumpkin Days to share with two local elementary schools. We discussed lessons and strategies to allow the youth the opportunity to learn, play, and explore as many pumpkin related things as possible during their time with us. For both schools we set up rotations for the students to visit each station we had set up. One station was a fun and games stop where they were able to participat
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Decorating with Greens
Author: Gina Ligon
Major Program: Natural Resources
Decorating with Greens Decorating with Greens was created to show the community you could create beautiful wreaths, swags, and centerpieces from the landscape. The community learns the types of evergreens that you can grow in our local landscape and gains the skills to create an arrangement. Participants for the program ranged between the ages of 2-70. Eight members from the Union Garden Club, eighteen community adult members, fifteen 4-Hers participated from various 4-H c
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4-H Adventure Club
Author: Patrick Allen
Major Program: Natural Resources
We have started the program year with one indoor meeting at the extension office and have had one field trip. Both meeting and trip were well attended with returning members. During the meeting at the extension office we went though basic skills for outdoor survival and gear. We took a trip to a wooded property to practice fire building, facilitated three activities that relate to tracking and sound mapping. All youth and parents that attended the trip enjoyed the content and were looking forwar
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Environmental Day Camps in effort to recover from Pandemic.
Author: Kimberly Lane
Major Program: Natural Resources
Morgan County 4-H Council has partnered with the Family Resource Center Directors, and four Elementary school staff for the past eleven years to provide an educational environmental overnight camping program for all 4th graders in Morgan County. This partnership was developed to provide hands on applicable learning experiences for all 4th graders. However, the 2021 planning was a little different since the 2020 overnight camp was non-existing. After several planning meetings the deci
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Herbs 101
Author: Christy Eastwood
Major Program: Natural Resources
Growing your own herbs can provide you fresher herbs that you could ever purchase at the store. And growing your own herbs will provide you a constant supply to add flavor to your dishes. Having multiple fresh herbs to choose from will add variety to your diet that doesn't take the fun out of eating healthy. The Boone County Extension Horticulture Advisory Council requested a class be taught on growing herbs. To meet this need the agriculture and natural resources agent, the 4-H youth d
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Overnight Environmental Camp
Author: Lacey Kessell
Major Program: Natural Resources
This Fall, Boone County Extension partnered with Boone County schools to provide an unforgettable, hands-on experience to 685 Boone County students, teachers, and chaperones. These individuals were able to learn about their environment through guided, exploratory programs such as night hikes, pond ecosystems, KY wildlife, live animal encounters and so much more. Students and chaperones learned about healthy ecosystem, adaptations, and how their behaviors impact them. Programs f
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Author: Samantha Gamblin
Major Program: Natural Resources
The 4-H Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (NRESci) Academy is a three-year program designed to teach middle-school age youth about their natural environment. In 2011, the Academy began as a pilot 4-H program with 18 scholars from eight eastern counties. As of 2021, the Academy has grown to a statewide 4-H program with 65 scholars and ambassadors from 20 counties.The main objectives of the program are that participants, referred to as scholars and ambassadors, will Have a greater
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Certified Kentucky Bee Ambassador Program
Author: Samantha Gamblin
Major Program: Natural Resources
Bullitt County becomes a “Certified County.” Bullitt County was one of the eight counties in the state to become certified as a Kentucky 4-H Bee Ambassador Program “Certified County.” This certification was received because of the efforts from 4-H Agents, Horticulture Agent and Bulitt County Beekeepers Association. Bullitt County received this certification because of combined efforts to educate youth and adults about honey bees and other pollinators, installa
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4H Youth Beekeeping and Bee Ambassadors Program
Author: Lorilee Kunze
Major Program: Natural Resources

This past year the Bullitt County Extension Horticulture Porgram collaborated with the 4H Program and the Bullitt County Beekeepers' Association to begin a 4H Youth Beekeeping and Bee Ambassadors Program. The 4-H Bee Ambassador Program addresses key concepts related to bees, pollination, beekeeping, and honey. Horticulture and 4-H agents, the Horticulture assistant, and Beekeeping Association volunteer leaders incorporated lessons and activities related to bees and honey, pollinators and nat
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4-H Camp Can Influence Lives
Author: Jay Hettmansperger
Major Program: Natural Resources
Youth are influenced by their surroundings and experiences. 4-H camp can be a positive influence that gives them direction in their life. Youth can experience several first in their lives while at camp. The Garrard County ANR agent volunteers to go to camp and instructs the campers in trap shooting and safe handling of firearms. For many of the students, this is their first experience of shooting a shotgun. While at camp in 2021, the agent had one of those ah ha moments. Upon arriving at c
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4-H Shooting Sports Partners with Archery in the Schools
Author: Tyrone Gentry
Major Program: Natural Resources

Green County Cooperative Extension partners with Archery in the SchoolTeaching youth ethical and safe handling of archery equipment is critical to protecting our youth and empowering them as adults to be positive influencers of future generations. Green County Cooperative Extension partners with Archery in Schools to offer safety and practice sessions where youth can gain confidence and practice in making and demonstrating their skills. For the past eight years, over fifty youth annu
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4-H Forestry Field Day
Author: Tracie Goodman
Major Program: Natural Resources
In October we hosted a 4-H Forestry Field Day in partnership with the Ky Division of Forestry and our state 4-H Natural Resource Specialist, Ashley Osbourne. Seven of our 4-H youth spent the day practicing tree identification, tree measurement using a Biltmore stick, compass and pacing, leaf collection and mounting, and hands-on field experience with KDF by preparing trees for treatment of hemlock woolly adelgid along our campus trail. Youth were given the opportunity to do all jobs associated w
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Taking on the Water-Geology program
Author: Krista Perry
Major Program: Natural Resources
(This success story took place while employed as the Franklin County 4-H Agent) Taking on the Water-Geology program An ongoing community concern regarding youth in Franklin County is too much screen time and less time being spent outside; therefore, the Franklin County 4-H program collaborated with Canoe Kentucky to offer a program on the water. The objectives of this program were to teach 4-H members about the variety of rocks and minerals composed in the Elkhorn Creek, to gain
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4-H Trash Pick-up Service Project Makes a Difference
Author: Kelsey Chadwick
Major Program: Natural Resources

In the 4-H Graves County school clubs, the March lesson was provided by Kelsey Chadwick, 4-H Youth Development Agent; Becky Kazcur, Graves County Conservation District; and Rhonda Lamb, Four Rivers Water Basin Coordinator. Four Rivers Watershed Partnership provided a stream table for youth to see the effects of pollution on the water supply and environment. Leaders led discussions about how both intentional trash, like littering, and unintentional trash, like that caused by the tornado, can get
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Environmental Camp
Author: Lucas Powell
Major Program: Natural Resources
Fayette County has had a successful Environmental Camping Program for many years. Unfortunately, like many things, Covid has caused our number of participating schools to drop. Many of our schools still wish to participate in the program but due to school specific regulations were not able to attend the overnight environmental camp as they have in the past. In partnership with the North Central Camp Staff, we have been able to provide an extended day program which offers many of the same classes
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4-H Lessons "provide exactly what I want"
Author: Diane Kelley
Major Program: Natural Resources
Kenton County Cooperative Extension facilitates natural resource lessons in 4 Kenton County school districts. Yearly the 4-H Agent responsible for natural resource programs surveys local teachers and when permitted also surveys students. Student surveys were curtailed during covid protocols. The teacher surveys request input regarding 4-H Natural Resource school program lessons. As a result of the surveys and discussion with local 4-H Council members, hands-on activities/
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4-H Outdoor Adventure: Getting back outside
Author: Brandon Darst
Major Program: Natural Resources

According to Reserve America, “Research has also shown that going on a hike in the woods can improve blood pressure, increase mental health and even decrease your risk of cancer. This is true of the young and old alike.” Finally out of COVID isolation, the CES restarted some 4-H Clubs. One club in particular is called the 4-H Outdoor Adventure Club. This club is designed to teach participants survival skills through hands on lessons. Once CES was able to restart in-person clubs,
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NRESci Tybee Island
Author: Rebecca Hayes
Major Program: Natural Resources
The Natural Resources and Environmental Science Academy is a statewide 4-H program. Carter County has four members and one ambassador. I got to chaperone one of our members and the ambassador, along with the rest of the academy members that chose to attend on their Tybee Island trip.I have chaperoned all of the trips since I have become an agent and have gotten to know my members so well. This Tybee trip has allowed me to get to know other county youth and develop positive youth-adult partnershi
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McCracken County HotShots to have member compete at the National 4-H Shooting Sports Competition
Author: Brittany Osborne
Major Program: Natural Resources

In September 2022, 4-Her Caleb was among an elite group selected to be on the Kentucky 4-H Shotgun GOLD TEAM. After dedicating his time to attending practices for the State Team, hard work paid off! Caleb will be competing at the National 4-H Shooting Sports Competition as one of only FOUR youth representing the Kentucky 4-H Shotgun GOLD TEAM. This is the first time ever Kentucky 4-H is sending a team and it's an honor to have Caleb represent 4-H and our state! Caleb ha
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What the Outdoors Can Teach Us
Author: Eric Comley
Major Program: Natural Resources

The value of being outside is universal. Despite our best efforts to build a world in screens and in the comfort of the home, the holistic importance of being in nature or simply sitting on the front porch of your home is measurable.According to an article published in PubMed Central from the National Library of Medicine, entitled Child Development and access to Nature, the positive effects of nature exposure include improved cognitive functioning (including increased concentration, greater atte
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Environmental Education Day
Author: Dana Anderson
Major Program: Natural Resources
In Kentucky, we have an abundant supply of natural resources that impact our daily lives. To preserve these resources, we must educate our youth on being good stewards. Over 255 fifth-grade students participated in 2022 Earth Day, sponsored by Mercer County Extension Service. The program's goal was to educate youth about environmental awareness and sound environmental practices. Students spent 20 minutes at ten different stations: Solar Energy, Horticulture, Geology, Entomology, Soil, Water,
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Studying About Nature IN Nature
Author: David Hull
Major Program: Natural Resources
Creekside Connections is a weekly homeschool cooperative that offers K-12 educational opportunities for homeschooling families in Gallatin and surrounding counties. Since 2018, the Gallatin County Extension Service has played an active role in this cooperative.Back in 2018, the Gallatin ANR agent was approached by cooperative organizers because they wanted to offer an exploration class pertaining to nature. As a result, the ANR agent taught one weekly class of 5th and 6th grade Nature Studies fo
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Education to Action- 4-H Water Quality Service Learning Projects
Author: Marsha Hagler
Major Program: Natural Resources
Nelson County, Kentucky is county that has very diverse ecosystems. Driving through the county you see knobs areas, flat areas, karst areas, farm land, residential and so much more. One common thread throughout our community is that it all parts of our culture and economy are very closely tied to water. The agriculture community and the bourbon industry thrive because of easy access to water that is rich in minerals from the limestone in the area. The community has seen a
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Keeping Trees Healthy
Author: Christina A. Martin
Major Program: Natural Resources
Russell County 4-H presented a program on tree care as part of an ongoing series focused on plants. Approximately 200 youth participated in the program. The youth learned to identify the major parts of the tree and the function on each part. They also learned to count tree rings and how that weather and seasonal changes impact tree growth. The youth then hypothesized about tree scarring (i.e. fire, insect damage, tree crowding, etc.). A few weeks after the program,
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Environmental Field Trips Connects Hundreds of Students to Nature
Author: Lacey Kessell
Major Program: Natural Resources
Mountains of studies provide evidence that youth benefit from exposure to field trips, outdoor learning, and hands-on exploration of their environment. Benefits range from mental health, increased test scores, behavior, critical thinking, decreasing cultural test score gaps and so much more. In Spring of 2022, Boone County Environmental and Nature Center was able to provide over 1,600 students and over 200 chaperones (from public, private and homeschools) with the opportunity to expl
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Exploring Careers Through Field Day Experience
Author: Alissa Ackerman
Major Program: Natural Resources
Exploring Careers Through Field Day ExperienceNatural resources play a vital role in everyday life and meeting people’s needs, much like providing career opportunities plays a vital role for youth to become successful and aware of available job options. Without opportunities, it is challenging for youth to learn and become aware of the numerous career possibilities. Clay County’s graduation rate is 66% compared to that state’s average of 91%, according to the National Center fo
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Kentucky 4-H Maple Syrup Project
Author: Ashley Osborne
Major Program: Natural Resources

The University of Kentucky Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, Kentucky Maple Syrup Association, and the Kentucky Center for Agriculture and Rural Development?have a continuing partnership working together to create resources and opportunities for Kentuckians interested in maple syrup production and use. From this collaboration, the idea of a 4-H Maple Syrup Program was initiated. In 2021, the University of Kentucky departmen
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It's time to Leaf.....
Author: David Gabbard
Major Program: Natural Resources

On June 21st the Owen County Extension Agent for 4-H Youth Development collaborated with the Kentucky Division of Forestry, the Owen County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences, and the Owen County Moms group to tech children about native trees, what uses them, how to protect them and about their leaves. We used the Owen County Park for this project, we walked approximately 1 mile. The youth that attended were learning all about trees that might grow in their own backyard. After we w
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KY 4-H Shooting Sports National Teams
Author: Ashley Marcum
Major Program: Natural Resources
University of Kentucky : College of Agriculture, Food, and Environment Kentucky 4-H Shooting Sports National Championship 2022 Ashley Marcum, Extension Specialist Getting its start in 1988 Kentucky 4-H Shooting Sports is one of the largest 4-H programs in the state with over 2,000 youth enrolled, and more than 850 certified volunteer leaders across 80 counties. Even with its continued success within the state, youth from Kentucky had never participated in the National 4-H Sho
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Schools Return to the Campbell County Environmental Education Center
Author: DJ Scully
Major Program: Natural Resources

The COVID-19 pandemic affected schools’ abilities to take field trips to the Campbell County Environmental Education Center. Now that society is returning to our new normal, school are utilizing the center for field trips conducted by the County Extension Agent for Natural Resources and Environmental Management. A Reiley Elementary School teacher (Alexandria, KY) commented, “Students need real world experiences, and this field trip fits perfectly. Our students haven’t been on a
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July 2022
Author: Logan Sasser
Major Program: Natural Resources
When I began this position last August, I knew that I wanted to start the most successful shooting sports program in eastern Kentucky. With with help of some incredible community members and volunteers I believe we are on our way to doing just that. When we began recruiting at the start of February, we were hoping that we would be able to keep a good core of kids and maintain attendance around 10-15. With the help of Chris Woods and Chris Fugate, our program has exploded in the county and we are
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Monarch and Pollinator Mania
Author: Dianna Reed
Major Program: Natural Resources
The Johnson County CEC and Adult 4-H Council determined that Leadership, Citizenship, Ag and Natural Resources were important priorities for the Johnson County 4-H Youth Development Education program. In a effort to address these topics, the 4-H Agent, local teen club leader and a teen club member worked together to complete a Monarch and Pollinator Way Station. As a result during this process, the existing 4X4 pollinator plot at the Extension Office was expanded to a 12x12 plot to meet the offi
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4-H Pollinator Pals
Author: Blake Newton
Major Program: Natural Resources
In late 2011, news came from the National 4-H Council of a grant opportunity related to pollinator education. With less than a month to prepare, Ashley Osborne (4-H Youth Development State Extension Specialist) and I worked together to write, submit, and receive the grant. The $15,000, one-year grant focuses on teen leadership: with the help of county 4-H agents, we selected 10 4-H teens from around the state to become Pollinator Ambassadors. Their job is to educate younger youth about the impor
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4-H KY Keepers
Author: Blake Newton
Major Program: Natural Resources
In 2022, I worked Dr. Larson (UK Entomology Professor) and Carl Harper (Uk Entomology staff, Office of the State Entomologist) to develop the 4-H KY Keepers programs. KY Keepers are a group of 4-Hers from around the state who work to monitor invasive pests. This year, they focused their efforts on the Spongy Moth. The Spongy Moth is an invasive insect that is already established in the northeastern United States, where it has defoliated an estimated 95 million acres over the last century and cau
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Kentucky 4-H Shooting National Championship 2022
Author: Mollie Tichenor
Major Program: Natural Resources
Getting its start in 1988 Kentucky 4-H Shooting Sports is one of the largest 4-H programs in the state with over 2,000 youth enrolled, and more than 850 certified volunteer leaders across 80 counties. Even with its continued success within the state, youth from Kentucky had never participated in the National 4-H Shooting Sports Championship put on annually by the National 4-H Shooting Sports Committee. While not the focus of our program, competition still plays an important role in positive
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Casey County 4-H Environmental Education Day Camp
Author: Meagan Klee
Major Program: Natural Resources
A child’s behavior can suffer from an absence of the outdoors. This became an increasing issue during the coronavirus pandemic and the months following as quarantining, isolation, and virtual learning led individuals to stay indoors more often. Nature-Deficit Disorder, coined by Richard Louv in 2005, “is a nonmedical condition that attributes behavioral changes in children to less time spent outdoors”. ( provide additio
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Pollinator Garden
Author: Rebecca Hayes
Major Program: Natural Resources
The 4-H Homeschool Club worked year long to plan and develop a pollinator garden at the Extension Office. They researched the best flowers, the size, the location, how to manage it, and anything else that was needed. They prepped the ground and planted seeds in seed starters. They then passed the project on to the county's Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Ambassador, who is also a state Pollinator Ambassador. She taught a group of 9 youth how to plant flowers, how pollination wor
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4-H Shooting Sports
Author: Alyssa Cox
Major Program: Natural Resources
Kentucky 4-H Shooting Sports began in 1988 and is a nationally recognized program that focuses on fostering life skills and positive youth development through healthy competition, service, leadership, and education. The Rockcastle County Extension Council identified the 4-H Shooting Sports program as a top priority for the Agent who accepted the vacant 4-H Youth Development position. In their list of desires for the new 4-H Agent, they wanted them to be able to start a Shooting Sports club
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Peaks Mill Elementary Environmental Education Camp
Author: Austin Brewer
Major Program: Natural Resources
On March 31st-April 1st, 2022, 4H Agents from the Franklin County Extension Office facilitated an overnight “Environmental Camp” at J M Feltner Memorial 4-H Camp for 71 fourth grade students from Peaks Mill Elementary School. An overnight camp with an emphasis on Environmental Studies not only builds partnerships between local schools and Franklin County’s 4-H program, but also connects lessons from the classroom to the real world, sparks student interest in the environme
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The New 4-H Land Judging publication and Home Site Evaluation Publication
Author: Edwin Ritchey
Major Program: Natural Resources
We revised the 4-H Land Judging publication to better align with the current NRCS and Cooperative Extension recommendations. Practice standards have changed over the years and we need to keep current with the recommended conservation practice standards. These new practices also better align with National Land Judging contest so the state winners that go to the National Contest are more familiar with the National Contest rules. We also added a Home Site Evaluation to the State contest for the urb
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Determining Soil Texture By Feel
Author: Edwin Ritchey
Major Program: Natural Resources
This short publication was developed to supplement the 4-H Land Judging publication in 2017. The publication has been downloaded over 31.600 times since it was developed. This includes downloads from 178 different countries and over 1,800 institutions. This publication continues to be used heavily all over the world.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment