Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2018Jul 1, 2017 - Jun 30, 2018
On Hands in the Environment: Forestry and Soil 4-H Field Days
Author: Jan Gibson
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Given that this youth audience is all rural youth, one would think that they experience the out of doors daily. But this is not the case. EKY youth are not as familiar with their natural resources of water, soil, trees, wildlife as they once were. They do not play outside as much and have not experienced as much or been curious as much. This Forestry and Soil Field day is designed to give them more indepth experience in measuring, inspecting, questioning, and observing th
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Making History
Author: Amy Branstetter
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Metcalfe County 4-H Blasting Barrels success through teaching firearm safety. Volunteers play an essential role in many educational programs throughout the Cooperative Extension Service. In the past year certified Shooting Sports volunteers have been dedicated to the youth of Metcalfe County to educate them on firearm safety along the way the youth have also competed in four shooting contest.The certified shooting sports volunteers in Metcalfe County and shooting sports youth have stepped
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EcoEdventures Environmental Camp
Author: William Adkins
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Statement findings from the 2011 PRIDE (Personal Responsibility in a Desirable Environment) campaign indicated that many students in Laurel County were unaware of the effects of pollution on the environment, environmental resources, and the stewardship of those resources. When surveyed, local teachers, school officials, the Laurel County 4-H council and the Laurel County Extension Council, also identified environmental education as a valuable "need" for local youth. As a result of this
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Mind Bending
Author: Matthew Futrell
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum

~~Mind BendingJeffers Bend environmental Center is a retired water treatment plant in Hopkinsville, Kentucky. Since its retirement, Jeffers Bend has been converted into an environmental education facility that host youth and adults from the surrounding area to provide education on environmental and agricultural activities. Each year in September community partners collaborate to host Friday Education Days as well as Nature Fest, (a Saturday event that draws people from all over the r
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Christian County 4-H Increases Volunteer Base for 2017 4-H Summer Camp Season
Author: Kendriana Price
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Volunteers serve as the basis to carryout programs in every county to extend the reach of the 4-H professional, and are especially instrumental in providing local youth with a premier 4-H Summer Camp experience. In the 2015 summer camp season, the Christian County 4-H Program secured five volunteers to accompany the county extension agents and intern to West Kentucky 4-H Camp. Of these volunteers, three were teen volunteers and two were adult. The following year, Christian County experience
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Win With Wood Furthers Education Opportunities
Author: Lacy May
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Today's youth are more likely to be found indoors focused on a form of technology rather than outdoors learning about their environment. The Magoffin County Cooperative Extension Service realizes the importance of learning about natural sciences through hands-on activities. During late summer and early fall multiple meetings are held for youth to come learn about the forestry industry and the science behind the trees in their backyards. Participants also attend Forestry Field Days hosted by
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4-H Summer Camp
Author: Misty Wilmoth
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
4-H Camp is a long standing tradition in LaRue County. Many campers, teens and even adult leaders have been attending 4-H Camp for several years and consider it to be an essential part of their summer. 4-H Camp offers youth the opportunity to live in a cabin group setting while attending classes to try new activities and challenges. While at camp, campers learn new skills and work to respect others who may be different from them. Many friendships are developed at 4-H Camp that last a lifetime. I
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Fun & Learning at 4-H Camp
Author: Lena Mallory
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
4-H Camp is a time for youth to develop life skills while having fun!There’s a lot of learning that happens at camp as well! Marshall County Extension Agent for 4-H Youth Development worked with the Ballard, Fulton, Carlisle, and Graves County 4-H Agents with the goal to provide the perfect setting for campers to “learn by doing.” The program offered the campers a variety of classes (e.g., cooking, Dance Fit, arts & crafts, shooting sports, nature, etc), recreat
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Environmental Education Camping Program
Author: Patrick Allen
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
The start of the new program year for the environmental education camping program (EE camp) is off to an exciting start. We have grown each year I have been in Scott County. Numbers have increased from two schools with a total of 150 youth, to now serving seven schools and over 500 youth served for the EE camping program. We have involved a number of organizations that participate in lesson facilitation. Including University of Kentucky department specialists. These percenters give up their time
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Clark County 4-H Environmental Camp Program
Author: Heather Cassill
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
The Clark County Cooperative Extension Service 4-H Youth Development Program and Clark County Public Schools realized there was a need to supplement the 4th grade science curriculum while allowing students to experience hands on activities in their outdoor environment. The program reaches every 4th grade student (410 youth) in Clark County in an extended school day camp format (eight hour s at camp) and one overnight camp. During Day Camps, students rotated through seven, 50 minute classes. &nbs
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3 Day 4-H Environmental Camp
Author: Raymond Cox
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Findings from the PRIDE campaign indicated students in Harlan County were unaware of the effects of pollution on the environment and ways of correcting the problem. Upon the recommendation of the 4-H and Extension Councils, the one day program with a couple of schools turned into a three day Environmental Camp targeting every 4th grader in Harlan County public and private schools. With the cooperation of the UK College of Agriculture-Forestry, Department of Water Quality, Kentucky Division of Fo
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4-H Shooting Sports Supports Safety
Author: Lloyd Saylor
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Butler Co. 4-H Shooting SportsFirearms are extremely common in Butler co.Starting in 1986, our research (conducted by in school surveys) revealed that 96% of Butler co. youth either had a firearm in their home, or were in the home of a friend or relative once per week or more frequently. Additionally, the county Sheriff was able to recall 6 fatal or crippling firearms accidents within the previous 20 years. As an introduction to the 4-H Shooting Sports program we started teaching, along wit
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Adult Outdoor Cooking
Author: Patrick Allen
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
While collaborating with Whitney Hilterbran (Scott County FCS Agent) we set out to bring an outdoor cooking class to a new audience. I have taught several outdoor cooking classes to 4-H youth and various youth conferences and events. Whitney came to me and asked if we could work together to teach that same material to an adult audience. I thought it sounded like a great way to collaborate and share information. The class took place at the Scott County Extension office on October 10th in the even
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Improving Environmental Quality
Author: Paula Tarry
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
The very first goal of Environmental Education as determined by the Tblisis Declaration of 1977 is awareness. The goal states, “To help social groups and individuals acquire an awareness and sensitivity to the total environment and its allied problems.” The ideal setting for most people to acquire a better understanding for our environment is at a young age.The Kentucky 4-H Program has offered a wide variety of educational programs through the years to assist with environment awarene
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Raising Plants and Money
Author: Joe Maynard
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
According to The Columbia Online Dictionary, plants are essential to the balance of nature and in people's lives. Green plants, i.e., those possessing chlorophyll, manufacture their own food and give off oxygen during photosynthesis. Plants are the ultimate source of food and metabolic energy for nearly all animals, which cannot manufacture their own food. Besides foods (e.g., grains, fruits, and vegetables), plant products vital to humans include wood and wood products, fibers, drugs, oils,
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4-H Environmental Day Camp
Author: Staci Thrasher
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Kentucky’s natural resources plan an important role in our state’s social, economic, and environmental well-being. The 4th grade classrooms at Flemingsburg Elementary and Hillsboro Elementary schools took advantage of the opportunity to visit North Central 4-H Camp for a one day Environmental Camp in the fall of 2017. Students attending in the 4-H Environmental Day Camp attended sessions revolving around natural resources and wildlife in Kentucky. Classes included bird adaptati
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Environmental Education Overnight Camp
Author: Kimberly Lane
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Morgan County 4-H Council has partnered with the Family Resource Center Directors, and four Elementary school staff for the past eight years to provide an educational environmental overnight camping program for all 4th graders in Morgan County. This partnership was developed to provide hands on applicable learning experiences for all 4th graders. This has been done by providing an overnight experience at a local youth camping facility. The overnight event in September was for all the 4th graders
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Continuing Educational Benefits of Environmental Camps
Author: Alison Johnson
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Many studies have shown that there are numerous health benefits for youth learning outside of the classroom. Schools are often not able to provide outdoor learning opportunities for students, therefore the students are lacking the proper natural resources education that they need. Teachers for 4th grade students from six Scott County elementary schools approached the Scott County 4-H Agents and requested to attend Environmental Camp with their students, in ord
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Aiming High, Hitting the Target
Author: Charles Comer
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
The Montgomery County 4-H Shooting Sports program has aimed high and hit the target. Over the last ten years, the program has grown in number and interest beginning with a handful of youth shooting trap or archery increasing, this year to 38 youth competing in the state contest. In fact, this year, the senior archery team placed first in state in compound bare bow competition. Three other youth placed in the top 3 individual competition in archery and trap. But championships an
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Arbor Week 2017
Author: Alexis Amorese Sheffield
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
As part of Boyle County’s Arbor Day celebration, the Boyle County Horticulture Agent worked with six Boyle Co. Middle School classes and two Boyle Co. High School classes to learn to ID native Kentucky trees, and the role trees play in carbon sequestration. The high school classes took quizzes to estimate how much carbon each student releases into the atmosphere each year. Then learned how many trees it would take to offset that release of carbon. Discussion was then held consid
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Peeking Behind the Transparent Veil of Nature
Author: Eric Comley
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Michael Clarke, in an interview about the state of our knowledge regarding nature, described a new phenomena regarding the inability of individuals to know their local species of animals and plants. This disconnect from local natural systems prompted the Garrard County 4-H Youth Development (YD) Agent, in collaboration with the Garrard County FFA Advisor, to start and sustain an Envirothon Team at Garrard County High School. The program was implemented in 2016 and the inaugural group graduated,
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Kids Day in the Arboretum
Author: Anthony Tackett
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
There continues to be a strong demand for youth horticulture programming. During the past year the Bourbon County Extension Service partnered with the Gardens Clubs of Kentucky and other local organizations to plan and present the 2017 Kids Day at the Arboretum series. Various educational topics included information on rain gardens, butterfly gardens, youth photography, and bluebird house construction. Educational delivery methods included hands on learning sessions, and outdoor lab
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Saftey Day
Author: Meagan Lucas
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum

On October 12th Pulaski County 4-H hosted its first Safety Day. Over 690 eighth grade students from the northern and southern middle schools were in attendance. Students visited eight stations where they learned about topics ranging from livestock, electrical, tractor, wildlife, and ATV safety, to first aid, and drug and alcohol prevention. We worked with several community partners to put together the safety day, the local EMS and Sheriff’s department were there to teach the students, as w
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4-H Member receives shooting sports scholarship
Author: Kelly Woods
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
The Oldham County 4-H Shooting Sports program develops character, commitment and many other important life skills. The lessons learned in Shooting Sports can be applied to every aspect of daily life, especially the relationship between hard work and personal success. The Shooting Sports program continues to be identified as a top priority within the Oldham County 4-H Program, requiring partnerships with local land owners, fair board and a local indoor shooting range. The Oldham County 4-H S
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4-H Camp Increases Participation in 2017
Author: Leslie Bullock
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
4-H Camp provides the opportunity for youth to experience time away from home, meet new people, and learn life skills. The youth attending 4-H Camp participate in activities that focus on teamwork, physical activity, and personal development.In Franklin County, due to a low household income, a large percentage of students qualify for free or reduce lunch. This can make it extremely difficult for families to pay for their children to attend 4-H Camp. As the Franklin County 4-H program grows, so d
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Shooting Sports
Author: Alexandria Brasher
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
With the increase awareness of gun control and safety in our communities, our shooting sports club has grown and our members have accepted more responsibility and grew as a club. Youth in this club have been involved in 4-H for several years and have learned more public speaking skills and to be outgoing within this club. This September we had 5 youth sign up for the state shooting sports contest where as in the past two years we have only one compete. The club has grown into a "family"
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Shooting Sports
Author: Robert Tashjian
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
McCracken County Hot Shots 4-H Shooting sports program began in 1998 and has blossomed overtime. The 4-H Program averages 80-100 youth per year in the program with approximately 10-15 coaches. McCracken county is hosting a state wide certification training for adults and teen leaders to become certified coaches. The Kentucky 4-H Shooting Sports program averages 200 coaches per year, but with this addition the program will gain an additional 70 volunteers who will work with youth thro
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Watershed Education Helped Learners Realize Potential Conservation Behaviors
Author: Ed Wilcox
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Despite Environmental Science having a presence in schools’ curricula, students may not be equipped to understand simple and low-cost conservation behaviors that are available to address environmental issues. The watershed education program was one of several learning stations that over 300 students could visit during a celebration of agriculture day event at Kentucky State University’s Harold R. Benson Research and Demonstration Farm. Students were presented with relatively si
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Elliott County Shooting Sports Fosters Leadership
Author: Katie Wallace
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
In October of 2017, 4 teens from Elliott County Shooting Sports attended the fall coaches certification weekend at Lake Cumberland 4-H Educational Center in Jabez, KY. Prior to this training Elliott County only had 2 certified teen coaches. The four teens that attended the certification workshop were inspired by the opportunity for leadership opportunities in the local and state shooting sports organization. After becoming certified these teens came back to Elliott County and began working on sp
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4-H Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Academy Goes Statewide
Author: Ashley Osborne
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
The 4-H Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (NRESci) Academy is a three-year program designed to teach middle- and high- school age youth about their natural environment. Offered in eastern Kentucky since 2011, the inaugural statewide cohort of 54 youth from 15 counties began in September 2017. The overall goals of the Academy are that graduates of the program will: (1) have a greater understanding of natural resources and environmental sciences in Kentucky while developing leaders
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Mobile Science Center
Author: Trent Adkins
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Pulaski County 4-H hosted the KDA Mobile Ag Science Center this spring at three different middle schools. Over 800 seventh grade students from the Northern, Southern, and Meece Middle schools were in attendance. Students visited the Mobile Ag Center during their science class and created a project using Ag products. One such product was a biodegradable bouncy ball made of cornstarch. Students learned that corn is renewable resources that can be used to create plastics as opposed to petroleum whi
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Environmental Education Field Day
Author: Toni Humble
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Fourth grade students at Wayne Co. Monticello Elem. lack understanding and practical knowledge of environmental education and its components. During the 2017-2018 school year teachers are focusing more on getting students to read on grade level than teaching environmental education concepts. Through support of the WCME Principal and the Lake Cumberland 4-H Camp and Education Center, 250 students and 23 teacher/staff from WCME received environmental education. The EE program reinforced clas
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4-H Camp
Author: Esther "Susan" Turner
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Teaching children independence, belonging, responsibility, and mastery are key elements of the Kentucky 4-H program. 4-H Camp is a delivery method which fosters opportunities for learning in each of these categories. The Monroe County 4-H camping program grew by 63% this year due to an increase in fundraising and efforts to secure scholarships. Partnerships were formed with the Monroe County Family Resource Center to help identify youth that would benefit from camp. 4-H camp targets
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Lids to Benches
Author: Lamar Fowler
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Plastic Recycling Conserves Landfill Space: Landfills in the U.S. are becoming overwhelmingly crowded. The U.S. is looking for alternatives to landfills and trying to find places for additional landfills. Recycling is beginning to take a little bit of the burden off of the landfills and allows for plastics to be reused in making new products. Grant County is home to Epperson Landfill and citizens have expressed concern for years about the size and smell; not to mention the fact that
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Plant Camp 2018
Author: Alexis Amorese Sheffield
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
With the increasing concern for food security, coupled with the detachment from farm life all around the United States, families lack the skills to grow and cook their own food. When asking a group of children where produce comes from, it is not unusual for them to respond with “the store” rather than “the garden.” To aid in combating the issue of knowing where food comes from, as well as what to do with it, the Boyle and Mercer County Horticulture Agents created a joint
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A Historical Success
Author: Leslea Barnes
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum

The University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service has an honored history of bringing educational opportunities to the public in unique and exciting new ways. Extension Agents, Leslea Barnes, Crittenden County’s 4-H agent and Adam Barnes Livingston County’s ANR agent started discussing ideas for some new extension programing. The goal was to create a quality program that mesh the major program areas of ANR, 4-H and FCS and
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Mantle Rock teaches more than just History
Author: Leslea Barnes
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
For the 3rd year now, 4-H agents have wanted to create a day for just our middle school youth that will engage them, give them an educational field trip and get them excited about being a part of 4-H. This is just what we did when over 100 youth (almost 150 people in total) gathered together from across 10 counties this spring when a day trip was planned to Mantle Rock.Mantle Rock is known to many in this area as a part of the Trail of Tears, however, when you ask many of the locals, they&
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Youth learn about the life cycle through butterflies
Author: Heather Coleman
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Over the past several years Floyd County 4-H and ANR program has offered our chick incubation program to our schools for many years. According to Early Childhood News, “Children acquire scientific knowledge by ‘construction’ not by instruction (Kamii & Lee-Katz, 1983). They must create an explanation of observed phenomena or the outcomes of the experiments internally—an explanation that holds personal meaning&rdqu
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Outdoor Learning Symposium
Author: Carmen Agouridis
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Building off the success of the Cassidy Science Garden (see extension success story for 2016-2017), the Kentucky Association for Environmental Education (KAEE), the Kentucky Division of Water, and Cassidy Elementary partnered with Dr. Agouridis to host the 2nd Annual Outdoor Learning Symposium (OLS). The goal of the OLS was to address challenges and opportunities associated with utilizing the outdoors and outdoor classrooms for teaching. The OLS was attended by teams of public school educators a
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Environmental Day
Author: Krista Perry
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
What are macroinvertebrates and why are they important? How do decomposers help us? These are a couple of the questions 4th grade students should be able to answer, but you would be surprised the number of them who cannot. This was a concern of the 4th grade teachers at Hearn Elementary School. Therefore, the Extension Agent for 4-H Youth Development Agent collaborated with the State Specialist, Sustainable Systems/Manager, Environmental Education and Research Center at Kentu
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Kentucky 4-H Natural Resources Program
Author: Ashley Osborne
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Kentucky’s natural resources play an important role in our state’s social, economic, and environmental well-being. Kentucky has over 91,000 miles of rivers and streams, and is said to have more navigable miles of water than any other state but Alaska (KGS, 2014).Kentucky is famous for karst topography, with roughly 38% of the state having at least some karst development recognizable on topographic maps, and 25% of the state having well-developed karst features (KGS, 2014).Kentuc
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Environmental Education Camp 2018
Author: Gregory Whitis
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Environmental Education Camp 2018Importance: McCreary County seventh grade Science teachers identified the need for environmental education of youth. Educational Program: The program presented was a three day, two night program held at the Feltner 4-H Camp. There were a total of ten day time programs and 3 night programs that each child participated in. Youth also visited a Landfill and a Recycling Center.Role of Extension: The Extension Agent recruited leaders, instructo
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4-H Environmental Camp
Author: Madison McAlmond
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
This year 62 Nicholas County 4th grade students went to North Central 4-H Camp for a night at Environmental Camp. Over the course of two days a lot of learning took place in various classes such as the ecology of honey bees, ponds and owls. They were able to get involved by dissecting owl pellets, fishing and adventuring into the past in the historic log cabin on camp grounds learning about Kentucky history. At night all of the camp adventured out on a hike together to learn more about what goes
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Local Youth Solve CSI Cases using Natural Resources
Author: Alexandria Bryant
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Kentucky’s natural resources play an important role in our state’s social, economic, and environmental well-being. Kentucky has over 91,000 miles of rivers and streams, more than 225,000 acres of ponds, lakes, and reservoirs, and Kentucky is 48% forested. The forestry sector alone contributed an estimated $14.6 billion in total economic contribution in 2015, and provided more than 57,000 jobs. Kentucky’s woodlands are vital, providing homes to a wide diversity of wildlife, prot
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4-H Camp
Author: Alexandria Brasher
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
4-H Camp has been a growing tradition in Henderson County in the past four years. Our camping season for 2015 included only 39 participants from Henderson, including campers, teens, adults, and staff. 4-H Camp 2018 was the biggest group from Henderson on record, 125 total from Henderson with 103 campers, 4 CIT’s, 4 teens, 12 volunteers, and 2 extension staff. Of those 103 campers, 51 of them were first year campers which shows the outreach and marketing d
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4-H Shooting Sports
Author: Gary Druin
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
In 2018, the Ohio County 4-H Shooting Sports Education Program was established. Three adult 4-H Shooting Sports coaches were recruited and certified as Trap Coach, .22 Rifle Coach, and Program Coordinator. Four Teen 4-H Shooting Sports leaders have received training to assist the certified coaches in conducting the meetings. Youth development is the number one goal of the program and provides an effective tool for human growth and development for youth and adults. The program introduces th
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D4 Middle School Jekyll Island trip
Author: Lois Carter
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
On April 3, 2018, 68 middle school 4-H’ers, agents and volunteers embarked upon an environmental adventure. The group traveled to Camp Jekyll 4-H Center on Jekyll Island Georgia. Camp Jekyll offers education and summer camp programs through Georgia 4-H, and the oceanfront campus is also available to youth groups and camps for private rentals. The Georgia 4-H Environmental Education Program at Camp Jekyll is administered by UGA Extension on Jekyll Island. Camp Jekyll is located
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Camp: Something to Look Forward to
Author: Joyce Doyle
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
"I have waited 365 days for this day." This was a quote of one of my 4-H members who went to camp for the first time last year. Think about this quote for a second. This girl could not wait to get back to camp and when i talked with her about that statement, her face lit up and she said "there is so much to do here, I always chose new projects, I love meeting new people, I just love camp." As agents sometimes, camp is not our most important progr
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Paddle Through
Author: James Cecil
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
In 2018 our Membership for our Adventure Club at the High School grew and we finally got to take our first Kayaking Trip on Lake Cumberland at Knights Landing. All 22 students that attended learned how to safely paddle and maneuver their Kayak and the importance of wearing a life jacket at all times during their time on the water. We discussed the importance of teams and how you should never be on the lake with out someone else and that being safe on the water makes for a wonderful d
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Bang Bang Bang
Author: James Cecil
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Clinton County Shooting Sports Program has had another successful year. Our number has not increased enough to brag about numbers but our new location at the fair grounds has been a huge success for this year. Our coaches and children have raised enough money along with our program support budget to be able to purchase a new trap machine. Our goal this year was a new trap machine and then a new trap house next year. Being in one location at the fairgrounds have made it ea
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4-H Camp
Author: Catherine Webster
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
4-H Camp FundraisersFive years ago the Simpson County 4-H Council identified 4-H Camp and the lack of 4-H members that were attending camp as an issue to address. The Council decided more fundraisers were needed that would afford active 4-H members the opportunity to attend camp at a lesser cost. The Council appointed a 4-H Camp fundraising committee to plan fundraisers to assist 4-H members with their camp registration fee. In 2016 this 4-H Camp Fundraising Committee received the KVF Toge
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Camp Time
Author: James Cecil
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
This year we change our camping week to help start a new camping group. Clinton County has now paired with Cumberland and Casey Counties to form a new camp group. We had to go the 4th of July week which is not pleasant and it strains the ability to be able to get numbers like you can in June but we had a very successful week. The campers from each county seemed to enjoy the new formed group and I heard multiple comments that campers hoped that we continued to keep this group to
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Elliott County Outdoor Adventure Club Collaborates with Surrounding Counties
Author: Katie Wallace
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Youth in Elliott County are learning that being active doesn't just take place in the gym! Elliott County has partnered with Rowan, Morgan, and Magoffin County 4-H to explore the outdoors and learn valuable life skills such as teamwork, leadership, and communication skills while enjoying nature. These participants have had the opportunity to hike trails in two different counties and are looking forward to kayaking and an overnight camping trip. The collaboration between the four counties has
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New leaders add to old program
Author: Mary McCarty
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
4-H Shooting Sports in Menifee County has been active for many years in our community. Club leaders came to the 4-H agent in the late fall and asked for new coaches be recruited for the program. After recruiting 5 new volunteer coaches meetings were held for plans for the new program year. At this meeting new leaders stood up to the challenge of becoming coaches and looking forward to certification in the fall. For the 2018 season a new range was leased, and work had began to make the range capa
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4-H Camp
Author: Staci Thrasher
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
The 4-H Camping program has been instrumental for years in guiding youth and teaching valuable life skills to help improve the quality of life of each of the campers that attends. Youth develop a greater sense of independence and self-esteem as well as learn valuable lessons in building relationships with peers and caring adults. In the last five years, the Fleming County 4-H Camping program has seen significant growth. Through innovative recruitment and marketing ideas, the Fleming County Campi
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A Walk in the Woods
Author: Cathy Toole
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Children today have fewer opportunities to connect with the natural environment. The book entitled The Last Child in the Woods, written by Richard Louv outlines the ‘nature-deficit disorder’ in America. There are many benefits that have been well documented in recent scientific research studies. The studies have shown that by spending time in nature youth develop intellectually, emotionally, socially, spiritually and physically. The Henry County Cooperative Extension Service has prov
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4-H Camp Develops Leaders
Author: Laura Huffman
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
The Tuft University study of 4-H Youth Development has shown students that participation in 4-H tend to excel over peers that choose not to participate in the program. However, with many of our 4-H programs it is sometimes hard to see that impact in a short period of time. Ten years ago the Hart County 4-H Youth Development Agent made a presentation at an elementary school promoting 4-H Camp. Two 3rd grade students signed up for 4-H Camp the next week. These same two students have now been to 4-
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Summer isn't Summer Without 4-H Camp: The Sequel
Author: Charles Comer
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Summer isn’t summer without 4-H Camp: The Sequel. True in 2017 for Montgomery County campers, repeated and surpassed in 2018. Camp enrollment reached another all-time high of 119, an increase of 14% over 2017. Spaces were filled for both sides of camp (boys and girls) within two days of the registration window opening March 1st. And once again, those numbers tell the impact that camp provides through its structured, extracurricular activities where youth are engaged with friends
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Shooting sports teen ambassador
Author: Kevin Lindsay
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
The Fayette County 4-H Shooting Sports program recently had a teen selected to be a 4-H Shooting Sports Teen Ambassador. As part of his role, the teen will represent 4-H Shooting Sports for public relations purposes at special events; at donor/supporter functions and with the general public. He will also serve as a spokesperson for the Ky. 4-H Shooting Sports program in the district and state to help make 4-H Shooting Sports program more visible. The teen amabassador selected for Fayette County
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Multi-year 4-H Camp overhaul
Author: Isaac Hilpp
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
This year was a continuation of a six-year overhaul to the 4-H summer camping program in Estill County. Today the program is a strong and vibrant example of what a summer camping program in a rural county can be and what positive effects it can have on the youth and adults who choose to participate in it. The Camping program is well supported by the community, partnering organizations, parents, and the school system. SituationIn 1999 the Estill County Summer camping program began its long a
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Christian County 4-H Camping Program-Growing by Leaps and Bounds
Author: Kendriana Price
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum

The Kentucky 4-H Program holds the mission of improving people through intentional life skill development. Annually, camping programs across the state serves 25,000 guests at the four camp camps located across the state. West Kentucky 4-H Camp, located in Dawson Springs, KY, is the home to the Christian County 4-H Summer Residential Camping Program. Last year, West Kentucky 4-H Camp served 2,131 campers, volunteers, and staff. A goal for Christian County is to continue to rebuild the local progr
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Expanding Marketing Horizons through the use of Technology
Author: Kendriana Price
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
In today’s world of technology and social media, communicating about upcoming events with a broad group of people has changed. The days of individuals receiving information from the newspaper or mailbox, have fallen to the wayside of technology and social media. As a result, the 4-H team in Christian County looked for alternative ways to promote 4-H summer camp and reach a broad range of people.Traditionally, 4-H summer camp promotion has occurred via mailing 4-H camp enrollment packets to
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7 Habbits of Healthy Kids with Mill Creek Elementary
Author: Chanda Hall
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Time Management is the thinking skill that helps children with managing tasks, prioritizing responsibilities, and maintain a healthy environment. Time management helps students to complete activities in a timely fashion, and learn to manage and stick to a schedule. Jefferson County 4-H partnered this year with Mill Creek Elementary to execute Sean Covey’s 7 Habits of Happy Kids. Mill Creek is a Leadership Academy Magnet Program for elementary students in grades K-5. The acad
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4-H Camp
Author: Amanda Sublett
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Youth who attend 4-H Camp acquire vital leadership skills, learn responsibility and gain social interaction skills as well as gaining an understanding of nature and our environment. The community supports the program monetarily by providing donations for camp scholarships. Twelve local businesses and individuals donated $2,484 which allowed eleven youth to attend 4-H Camp. Their experiences and memories made at camp would not have been possible without the generosity of the community.Sixty-six y
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County Shooting Sports Program Comes Full Circle
Author: Rhonda Jewell
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
The Caldwell County 4-H Shooting Sports program has been a mainstay in the county 4-H program since 1994. This long tradition is due to dedicated leaders and 4-H’ers that know the value of the 4-H program. As in many programs, leaders have come and gone, but several have dedicated many years to the program and continue to do so. Caldwell County is fortunate to have a volunteer leader that was a main force in the initial start-up of the county shooting sports program 24 years ago and contin
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Cloverbud Camp 2018
Author: Anna Meador
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
With the primary goal of the Kentucky 4-H Cloverbud program being to promote children’s healthy development – menCloverbud Campers have the opportunity to experience a wide variety of life skills, like fishing here at West KY 4-H Camp during their time at Cloverbud Camp. tally, physically, socially and emotionally, the West KY 4-H Cloverbud Camp and its team of agent coordinators worked hard to provide an excellent opportunity for children ages 5-8 and their families to learn ab
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Natural Resources Academy Opens New Doors for Youth
Author: Lacy May
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
For the first time the Magoffin County 4-H program has a representative in the 4-H Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Academy (NRESci). This three-year program is designed to teach middle and high school aged youth about their natural environment. The overall goal of the program is for youth to develop a greater understanding of natural resources and environmental sciences in Kentucky while increasing leadership skills. The learning outcomes for the NRESci academy are that scholar
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NRESci Academy
Author: Kimberly Lane
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
For the first time the Morgan County 4-H program has are presentative in the 4-H Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Academy (NRESci). This three-year program is designed to teach middle and high school aged youth about their natural environment. The overall goal of the program is for youth to develop a greater understanding of natural resources and environmental sciences in Kentucky while increasing leadership skills. The learning outcomes for the NRESci academy are that scholars
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Lake Cumberland 4-H Camp
Author: Ralph Hance
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
4-H Camp has been an integral part of Cooperative Extension Service program for over 100 years. Club members look forward to the fun and adventure of 4-H Camp. Yet, behind all the fun that 4-H Camp offers, children are learning valuable life skills. 4-H Camp can be a very good learning experience for youth as well as for adults. Back in 2008, Trimble County had Thirty eight campers, Thirteen teens, six adults, and one agents attended camp. In 2017, we hit our record number of 74 campers, ten tee
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4-H Camp
Author: Virginia Harper
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum

Calloway County 4-H has a wonderful group of camp volunteers and youth that return to camp each summer. Some youth only participate in 4-H Camping. Others are beginning to get involved in the year round 4-H adventures in Calloway County 4-H. Calloway County three year average is 119. In the last three years Calloway County 4-H has taken 358 people to camp. The 4-H Residential Camping program is an important aspect of the total Calloway County 4-H experience. Y
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Harrison County Summer Camp Reaches New Record!
Author: Mike Meyer
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
For the 5th year in a row, the Harrison County 4-H Summer Camp program has seen a new record for participants. After changing camp groups from five counties to three, volunteer leards and the 4-H Council set a goal of working to increase camp involvement over the previous years record of 191. Additional marketing efforts were utilized to help show the importance of 4-H Summer Camp to prospective youth. 4-H Camp enables participants to build lifeskills such as responsibility, te
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