Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2020Jul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020
Career Ready
Author: Heather Coleman
Major Program: 4-H College and Career Readiness (8-12 Grade Only)
The Floyd County 4-H Program believes that high school serves as a bridge for student transition to adult life. Upon completion of high school, students have formed habits they will carry with them the rest of their lives. One important goal of all high schools is to produce graduates who will be responsible, productive lifelong learners. By striving to instill a positive work ethic in our students, we will help ensure their futures as responsible, productive community members.&nb
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Stuart Pepper Middle School Students – Financial Reality 4-H Style 2020
Author: Deana Reed
Major Program: 4-H College and Career Readiness (8-12 Grade Only)
Recent years of tough economic times have increased awareness of the need for financial literacy; however, Americans still have a long way to go toward making improvements. In 2014, the Jump$tart Coalition compiled a series of statistics that state that even though youth intend to work and save dollars, more students have increased 36% from the previous years of student and credit card debt. Youth are not getting the financial education which they will need for adulthood. According to the
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Workforce Preparation for At-Risk Teens
Author: Paul Adkins
Major Program: 4-H College and Career Readiness (8-12 Grade Only)
The 2019 Kentucky Extension Community Assessment for Bullitt County Report showed that one of the priority needs for Bullitt County is better youth/adult career readiness skills.The Bullitt County Cooperative Extension Service partnered with Bullitt County Family Court’s Court Designated Worker program to provide career readiness and workforce preparation skills to teenage juvenile offenders. Youth were selected to serve as the first cohort in the 4-H Workforce Preparation for Teens progra
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It's Your Reality
Author: Melissa Schenck
Major Program: 4-H College and Career Readiness (8-12 Grade Only)

The 2019 Community Needs Assessment emphasized the a desire for life skills training and career readiness for youth in Washington County. These life skills included money management, life decision making, and personal financial understanding. The It's Your Reality program was re-introduced to Washington County as a potential solution for these priority issues through a partnership with the public and parochial schools in Washington County. In the It's Your Reality program, youth ass
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Workforce Prep
Author: Carrie Derossett
Major Program: 4-H College and Career Readiness (8-12 Grade Only)
Workforce PrepProgram Year: 2019-20By: Carrie Derossett and Rachel HanceIn the United States, only 1/3 of high school seniors are college-ready. Only 1/3 of high school graduates are work-ready.Kentucky Student Transitions - (2016-2017)College 54.7%Technical Training 5%Military 3%Working 23.4%Other 13.8%Sources: Kentucky Dept of Education (2019
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Put me to WORK!!!
Author: James Cecil
Major Program: 4-H College and Career Readiness (8-12 Grade Only)
Clinton County 4-Hers had a unique opportunity this summer for employment. Clinton County got a new boat ramp called Rowena Marina. The management at Rowena reach out to the local extension office for help locating honest and hardworking young people that would like to work this summer. I was pleased that they felt like they could call on Clinton County's 4-H Youth Development for help. I met with the Rowena Marina dock management and restaurant management one a Satur
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Work Readiness Day
Author: Laura Huffman
Major Program: 4-H College and Career Readiness (8-12 Grade Only)
The Hart County Extension Office and the Hart County Chamber of Commerce collaborated with the Hart County School System to offer a Work Readiness Day for all high school juniors to better prepare students for the workforce. The goal of the Work Readiness Day was to create an awareness about career opportunities within the county and show students what is require to help them succeed in the workplace. 171 High School Juniors started the day by touring two of the local manufacturing compani
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Digital Problem Solvers
Author: Charles Stamper
Major Program: 4-H College and Career Readiness (8-12 Grade Only)
When COVID19 occurred in Spring 2020, many 4-H Programs in the State were forced to cancel or move to an online version. At the request of the KY 4-H Program Leader, the 4-H Program collaborated with the CEDIK Program and developed the Digital Problem Solvers Program. The educational portion of DPS was offered over a two-week period through Zoom. Three teams (from Estill, Johnson, and Woodford) composed of youth and adults, were led through community issue development skills training. There
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Jump Start Your Career
Author: Paula Tarry
Major Program: 4-H College and Career Readiness (8-12 Grade Only)
According to our Jump Start for Job Seekers Curriculum Project Book 3: To a large degree your choice of career determines where you live, who your friends are, and the lifestyle you are able to have. Rather than wait for your parents, teachers, or others, take charge of your own preparation Workforce and Career Readiness begins in the 4th grade level with the 4-H Dollars and Sense program preparing youth for financial management. This program is very popular with the elementary
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Daviess County Teen Board
Author: Lindsey Dunn
Major Program: 4-H College and Career Readiness (8-12 Grade Only)
Teens are often overwhelmed with the opportunities available to them as they enter into high school. Some may choose to take part in every experience available, whether the experience will be beneficial or harmful to the individual and their future. As teens that have participated in the 4-H program since age 10 reach high school, many feel 4-H no longer has valuable programming to offer in advancing their learning, leadership, and future goals. This is why it is vital for 4-H
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