Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2020Jul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

Grain Bin Safety

Author: Linda McClanahan

Major Program: Grain Crops

With the increase in grain bins throughout the county, multiple groups including Mercer County Fire Protection District, Mercer County Farm Bureau Federation and volunteer fire departments requested a grain bin rescue training.  A turtle rescue tube was donated through Farm Bureau to the county fire department further increasing the need for first responders to be trained on use of the equipment.  The ANR agent coordinated  with the Kentucky Department of Agriculture Farm & Ho

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Grain Day Enhances Client Production Practices

Author: Curtis Dame

Major Program: Grain Crops

Grain production in the Tri-County Area (McLean, Webster and Hopkins County) continues to be a major economic driver in the local area. Local agents hosted a Grain Day to showcase current demonstration yield plots and also highlight management issues faced by producers. Extension Weed and Pathology Specialists presented current research targeted toward disease and weed management issues. Following presentations agents guided producers through a nearby soybean research plot that show-cased curren

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Palmer Amaranth Field Day

Author: Chuck Flowers

Major Program: Grain Crops

Palmer Amaranth Field Day

Palmer Amaranth Field Day   With over 100,000 seed per plant produced by Palmer Amaranth this weed is a serious threat to crop production in the four river counties. On July 16, 2019 in Fulton County Carlisle, Hickman and Fulton counties hosted the Palmer Amaranth Field Day. Even in the pouring rain producers ventured out to participate.  Research plots with current and new herbicides on tolerant soybean varieties were planted and sprayed.  Travis Legleiter UKY weed spec

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AG Day 2019

Author: Chuck Flowers

Major Program: Grain Crops

AG Day 2019

WAVE AGThe Ag Day event, WAVE River Counties AG Day, was held at Columbus Belmont State Park in Hickman County on July 18 from 7:30 am until noon.  The theme “Lets Grow With It” was once again the theme for the day. 83.53% of the land in the four river counties is used for crop production, agriculture holds a strong presence in Carlisle County. With a 1 billion dollar impact and $359,967,000 sold across 960 farms WAVE AG Day is to highlight agriculture in Ballard, Carlisle,

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Bad Weather and Soybean Crops

Author: Philip Konopka

Major Program: Grain Crops

The severely high rainfall in central and eastern Kentucky in August and September of 2018 caused severe damage to soybean seed quality. The extreme weather events overwhelmed any possible management by producers to overcome the disaster. Phone calls, text messages, emails, and farm visits were conducted to assess the damage and discuss options with growers. Philip Konopka, Lewis County ANR Extension Agent, and Dr. Chad Lee University of Kentucky Agronomist visited several fields in Lewis County

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UK Publications Provided by Mail and Handouts Help Farmers

Author: Kathryn Wimberley

Major Program: Grain Crops

RECORD DATE STAMP: Apr 22, 2019, 9:30:56 AMMAP: Agriculture/HorticulturePROGRAM PLAN: Grain Crops and ProduceAGENTS INVOLVED: Wimberley, ANR MAJOR PROGRAM 1: Grain Crops SITUATION:Situation 2: Consumers and Producers lack accurate knowledge in status of their soil nutrients and pH.Situation 3:  Producers need information or production of forages. INITIAL OUTCOMES:Awareness of current land grant research concerning grain crop productionIdentification of IPM practices for grain

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A Facebook Success

Author: Adam Barnes

Major Program: Grain Crops

A Facebook Success

Facebook successDuring the third week of July in Livingston County, Southern rust was found and confirmed in corn. This was the first confirmed case in the state for the 2019 growing season. I wanted to get the word out fast to our counties producers. I used conventional ways of putting information out (i.e. newspaper and mailers,) but also chose to get the information out with social media. I put together a short post on our Livingston County ANR Facebook page and a group e-mail to my grain pro

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Farmer Leader Series

Author: Matthew Chadwick

Major Program: Grain Crops

Utilizing survey information from the Ag Advisory Council I am working to pair each of our typical winter meetings with a non-traditional educational session. Our first session was a grain marketing update and we brought in a fellow farmer and extension agent to talk about helping fellow farmer through crisis situations and how to encourage positive conversations during those times. The next topic will be on how to properly mentor young/new farmers to assist them with staying in the business and

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Agent Partners with Farmers, KDA, GOAP and NRCS in CAIP

Author: Kathryn Wimberley

Major Program: Grain Crops

SITUATION:Situation 3:  Producers need information or production of forages.STATEMENT:  In November of 2019, three area farmers contacted the McCracken County Agent for Horticulture, who was covering for the ANR Agent vacancy. They had a need to ask about attending a program for their application in the County Ag Improvement Program (CAIP) program. These farmers applied for CAIP funds as part of Ag Development Funds of Phase 1. Agent asked NRCS and the administrative group for CAI

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Reducing Soybean Seeding Rate for Daviess County Producer

Author: Carrie Knott

Major Program: Grain Crops

For the last six years I have discussed agronomic practices that would increase profitability of soybean production with one Daviess county producer. Each year, this producer has voiced concern that reducing seeding rates would negatively impact final yield potential. In discussions of the upcoming 2020 production season, this producer indicated that their operation will be decreasing seeding rate for soybean. Rather than seeding at about 240,000 seeds per acre, he plans to reduce seeding rate t

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Providing information that allows producers to make informed Sulfur Management decisions in Soybean

Author: Carrie Knott

Major Program: Grain Crops

Despite considerable research findings from the Soils Working Group that Sulfur fertility does not consistently increase grain yield in Kentucky, many producers still question whether sulfur is needed in their production systems. In 2019, sulfur trials were conducted by Chad Lee and myself in soybean. The preliminary results were disseminated throughout the state in the winter of 2020. At one meeting in Owensboro at the Ag Expo, prior to presentation of the results 86% of the audience indicated

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Winter Ag Conference

Author: Matthew Chadwick

Major Program: Grain Crops

This year annual Winter Ag Conference saw an increase in attendance over previous years. All producers indicated that they learn something that would change how they proceeded in the 2020 growing season. We also were able to once again offer producers the annual dicamba training therefore increasing the usefulness of this program to them. 

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Cover Crops Meeting

Author: Meagan Diss

Major Program: Grain Crops

Farmers are always looking for ways to increase the profitability of their farms whether it’s increasing yields or looking at dual cropping a field. Union County Extension Services held a meeting to discuss different cover crop options for our area and how to implement them in row crop rotations. University of Kentucky’s Soil Scientist Edwin Ritchey provided a great presentation about not only how to implement cover crops into row crops but also benefits of cover crops along with tri

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Applicator Training and Covid-19

Author: Ricardo Bessin

Major Program: Grain Crops

With the shutdown of private applicator training meetings at county offices, I worked with the KDA to rapidly develop on-line training materials for new private applicators pesticide applicators. The on-line videos they are watch cover the EPA's required core content of the training. These applicators can then print and sign a form stating they have watched the videos and will abide by the information presented. The completed form is mailed to the department of entomology and the license is

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Kenton County Farm Hosts Grain Meeting

Author: Daniel Allen

Major Program: Grain Crops

Over the period of the last ten years grain production in Kentucky has been like riding a roller coaster.  Farmer’s experienced record market highs many new faces took up grain production while other enterprises expanded and invested into more land or upgraded equipment.  The last two years of downturn have honed the farmer’s margin to a razor thin line.  Northern Kentucky has a small number of grain producers many who entered when the market was great and since they h

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Grain Crops Improvement

Author: Chris Ammerman

Major Program: Grain Crops

Over the period of the last ten years grain production in Kentucky has been like riding a roller coaster.   Farmer’s experienced record market highs many new faces took up grain production while other enterprises expanded and invested into more land or upgraded equipment.  The last two years of downturn have honed the farmer’s margin to a razor thin line.  Northern Kentucky has a small number of grain producers many who entered when the market was great and since they

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Strategies to Mitigate the Farm Financial Crisis for Grain Growers in Northern Kentucky

Author: Michelle Simon

Major Program: Grain Crops

Over the period of the last ten years grain production in Kentucky has been volatile; farmer’s experienced record market highs and many new faces took up grain production while other enterprises expanded and invested into more land or upgraded equipment. The last two years of downturn have significantly affected farmers’ profit margins.  Northern Kentucky has a small number of grain producers; many of which entered when the market was in an upturn and economically profitable but

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Inaugural McCracken County Winter School

Author: Samantha Anderson

Major Program: Grain Crops

Traditionally, the winter months provide a pause in activity for Kentucky producers. Seeing a need to effectively utilize this time to provide educational opportunities to producers in McCracken County, Samantha Anderson, Agricultural and Natural Resources Agent, hosted the inaugural McCracken County Winter School program.The month-long program covered topics including tobacco, grain crops, beef cattle and machinery management. Program presenters included University of Kentucky Cooperative Exten

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Grain Production

Author: Ricky Arnett

Major Program: Grain Crops

Agriculture seems to be a diminishing population but this year Green County grew in numbers. One young man and his family looked toward extension for support and help. This family had no land land but access to land. He had very little experience in agriculture but at the same time realized how important agriculture is and wanted their kids to understand also. They approached me with a plan and a goal in mind but wanting guidance in pursuing this dream. Through educational programs and several o

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Wheat nitrogen source study

Author: Colby Guffey

Major Program: Grain Crops

A local row crop producer contacted the local Extension office enquiring about the best source of Nitrogen for top-dressing wheat.  His goal is to switch to 100% granulated Urea for top-dressing wheat, he is currently using liquid Nitrogen.  The dry Urea will allow him to cover more acres in a timely manner.  The Clinton Co. and Cumberland Co. ANR Agents setup an on-farm Nitrogen study for the producer. The nitrogen plots are replicated 3 times using treated granulated Urea, un-tr

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Providing understanding in challenging times

Author: Christopher Schalk

Major Program: Grain Crops

The process of agriculture did not stop or even alter course for the Covid-19 pandemic.  In fact agriculture producers needed the helpful information and educational programs of the Cooperative Extensive Service even more.   As the Barren County Cooperative Extension office physically closed its door and transitioned to remote working environment, service to the agriculture producers had to shift as well.    Creatively and technology helped to reinvent the way clients’

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Living Seed Necklace

Author: Linda McClanahan

Major Program: Grain Crops

The Mercer County Agriculture Advisory Council and Mercer County Farm Bureau Federation continues to place high priority on teaching children where their food comes from. Each year during National Ag Week, the Mercer County ANR agent works with Mercer County Farm Bureau Federation, Mercer County Schools and Burgin Schools to read accurate agriculture books (including the American Farm Bureau Book of the Year) to the elementary school and typically is accompanied by a hands on activity.  Thi

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Grain Bin Rescue Training

Author: Linda McClanahan

Major Program: Grain Crops

In response to request from local fire departments and the increase in grain bins being built in Mercer County, the ANR agent teamed up with a local farmer, Kentucky Department of Agriculture, KY State Fire Commission, Mercer County Fire District, Air Evac, Mercer County Cattlemens Association and Mercer County Farm Bureau Federation to put together a hands on grain bin rescue training day for local firefighters and first responders.  The night before the training, the ANR agent collaborate

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Credenz Soybean Plot

Author: Jessica Barnes

Major Program: Grain Crops

BASF, a local producer, as well as the Cooperative Extension Service partnered together to plant a soybean plot that showcased a new line of soybeans that could allow producers another option when choosing what varieties to plant. The Credenz soybean plot was at Butch Case's farm and was planted in order according to their Group number.  This allowed us to show producers at the field day how different varieties in different groups look side by side.  We also had pamphlets available

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Resistant Weed Management and Proper Application

Author: Robert Smith

Major Program: Grain Crops

During this cropping year, a great deal of time was dedicated to educating clients on proper weed management strategies and pesticide safety.  It was in 2018 that two very nasty weeds began to emerge for the first time in our county that are resistant to the traditional cropping herbicide tools.  Palmer Amaranth and Waterhemp have been wreaking havoc in the midwest for a few years and have just now begun to be a problem for our farmers.  Many hours were spent both individually and

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Freeze Damage to Wheat

Author: David Appelman

Major Program: Grain Crops

Small grain production is mainly focused on cover crops in our area with a limited number of acres harvested for grain and straw.  This trend is increasing due to the demand for cover crop seed.  In 2020, we saw a historical freeze late in the season that damaged the small grain crops, severely hurting the yield potential resulting in the need for management plans to be altered for the remaining crop production.  Two separate freeze events occurred on April 15-16 with temperatures

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Winter Freeze on Small Grains

Author: Tad Campbell

Major Program: Grain Crops

Small grain production is mainly focused on cover crops in our area with a limited number of acres harvested for grain and straw.  This trend is increasing due to the demand for cover crop seed.  In 2020, we saw a historical freeze late in the season that damaged the small grain crops, severely hurting the yield potential resulting in the need for management plans to be altered for the remaining crop production.  Two separate freeze events occurred on April 15-16 wi

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Farm Bill Choices

Author: Chuck Flowers

Major Program: Grain Crops

Farm Bill Choices  Carlisle County farmers like other farmers were trying to decide which farm bill options would give them the most revenue protection. As a result of Extension meetings producers were able to increase their knowledge on the Farm Bill sign-up options. Before the meeting 44% of the producers surveyed had a low level of knowledge about their choices. After the meeting 90% felt they gained a high level of knowledge about the farm bill options. Of the producers attending the me

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Author: Philip Konopka

Major Program: Grain Crops

Small grain production is mainly focused on cover crops in our area with a limited number of acres harvested for grain and straw.  This trend is increasing due to the demand for cover crop seed.  In 2020, we saw a historical freeze late in the season that damaged the small grain crops, severely hurting the yield potential resulting in the need for management plans to be altered for the remaining crop production.  Two separate freeze events occurred on April 15-16 with temperatures

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Kentucky Agriculture Training School (KATS) – Half and Full Day Winter Meetings

Author: Edwin Ritchey

Major Program: Grain Crops

KATS was developed with the intention of being a very hands-on training series where specialists work with attendees to provide trainings and have them put these new skills, practices, or instruments to use in a field setting. The half day winter meetings are still hands-on as able, but more of a classroom type setting where the participants get very in-depth information on specific topics. The first training was February 18 and had good interaction and participation. We had a hybrid meeting whe

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Kentucky Agriculture Training School (KATS) – Coffee KATS Videos

Author: Edwin Ritchey

Major Program: Grain Crops

We started a new video series to address specific topics related to crop production. These videos are typically short, focused and easily transitioned to other videos of similar topics. These videos can be referenced for specific questions to help agents and other educators. More will be added as time allows.

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Farm Bill and Crop Outlook Meeting

Author: Beau Neal

Major Program: Grain Crops

Sometimes for farmers, it can be very difficult to navigate the details of the farm bill and how it relates to their ARC/PLC payments through the FSA office.  Decisions on which coverage to take can hinge greatly on the current market situation and/or outlook.  Different circumstances require different choices to be made, and payments can vary significantly if the wrong choice is made.  This program is geared towards grain farmers with corn and soybeans.  It will help farmers

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Gran and Forage Center Ribbon Cutting

Author: Chad Lee

Major Program: Grain Crops

We cut the ribbon to officially open the renovated and expanded building at Grain and Forage Center of Excellence at the Research and Education Center. Well over 300 partners attended the Ribbon Cutting in a culmination of years of collaboration. This is an intermediate outcome such that the new facilities will allow faculty and staff to continue and expand our partnerships and fulfill the Land Grant Mission.

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Irrigation Workshop

Author: Chad Lee

Major Program: Grain Crops

Farmers are adding irrigation systems for corn production. Several colleagues and I have been conducting some initial research on irrigation but thought our information was too thin. However, our irrigation workshop was attended by farmers with as many as 20 or more years of experience and some as little as 5 years of experience. They all said they learned more about irrigation at the workshop and encouraged us to continue working on irrigation. 

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Plan, Adapt, Execute: Taking a Hemp Grower Training Online

Author: Nicole Gauthier

Major Program: Grain Crops

Industrial hemp was re-introduced to Kentucky in 2014 through the Farm Bill’s new pilot program.   By 2019, over 1,000 growers planted over 24,000 acres of hemp in Kentucky.  This new crop, grown primarily for cannabinoid production, is different from the fiber varieties that were common through the mid-1900s.  Thus, growers are challenged with agronomic issues and pest problems, as well as market instability.  In efforts to assist growers and provide them with unbiased

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Waterhemp Research Plot

Author: Patrick Hardesty

Major Program: Grain Crops

After the introduction of glyphosate in the mid 1970’s, it was primarily used as a burndown herbicide in corn and soybeans.  Since the introduction of Roundup Ready crops in 1996, glyphosate has been used widely for burndown and in-crop weed control with the increase in use and many dropping pre-emerge herbicides from their weed control program weeds have become resistant.  Two weeds, palmer amaranth and waterhemp, were identified as resistant in 2005.   These pigweeds are v

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Drone Application of Corn Fungicide Research Trial

Author: Patrick Hardesty

Major Program: Grain Crops

Taylor County ranks 35th in the state for grain production with approximately 13,500 acres of corn harvested for grain.  Approximately 6,000 acres have fungicides applied by helicopter.In cooperation with the Adair County Extension Office and U.K Plant Pathologist, a fungicide efficiency trial was conducted using a drone for application.Using water sensitive strips to test for coverage, it appeared to have better coverage than helicopters.  The fungicide application by the drone improv

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Annual Winter Agricultural Conference

Author: Samantha Anderson

Major Program: Grain Crops

Annual Winter Agricultural Conference

As grain markets continue to see price volatility, producers must make conscious decisions to decrease input costs while maximizing yield. In cooperation with Purchase area agents, McCracken County Extension Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Samantha Anderson, identified the need to address these trends and their impact to local producersThe 2020 Annual Winter Agricultural Conference consisted of multiple presentations focused on grain pest and disease management along with discussion

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World Pandemic forces change of venue for 2020 Wheat Field Day

Author: Colette Laurent

Major Program: Grain Crops

Historically the annual field day provides growers, consultants, agribusiness and extension personal from Ky and surrounding states a unique opportunity to learn about ongoing research and ask questions concerning timely issues that affect the wheat production.The CORONA 19 Virus did not stop the activities in the field for farmer.Agriculture was deemed essential during the Pandemic.However, in person Field days and meetings were not considered essential.Because much of the information presented

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Information when you need it - Corn and Soybean Newsletter

Author: Colette Laurent

Major Program: Grain Crops

UK Grain Crops Group has found an informational sweet spot for its newly released Corn and Soybean Newsletters.  It falls somewhere between a tweet and a blog post and provides educational information and resources that aid growers and consultants in management decision. Grain Crop Extension Specialists and researchers provide timely articles that are combined into an easy to read format. The newsletters are then electronically mailed to a distribution list, Ag and Natural resource agents a

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Development and Execution of First KATS Advisory Committee Meeting

Author: Teresa Rogers

Major Program: Grain Crops

The Kentucky Agriculture Training School first evolved in 2016 as a program to provide up to date hands-on trainings to small groups of consultants, county agents, industry representatives, and producers. The program has grown and has room to continue to grow and improve.  In order for this program to reach its full potential, it was decided that we should develop an Advisory Committee to help steer the program in the direction that is needed.  We developed a list of potential committe

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Covid-19 Pandemic Changes Direction for KATS

Author: Teresa Rogers

Major Program: Grain Crops

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected many programs, included the KATS program which was designed to provide in-person, hands-on trainings.  As guidelines and regulations developed, it became apparent we would not be able to have the remainder our trainings that were planned for the 2020 growing season.  To continue to provide needed information, we began to compose and assemble short videos which came together as Coffee KATS: Agriculture information in the time it takes to get a cup of c

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