Success StoryGrain Bin Rescue Training
Grain Bin Rescue Training
Author: Linda McClanahan
Planning Unit: Mercer County CES
Major Program: Grain Crops
Plan of Work: Agriculture and Horticulture
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
In response to request from local fire departments and the increase in grain bins being built in Mercer County, the ANR agent teamed up with a local farmer, Kentucky Department of Agriculture, KY State Fire Commission, Mercer County Fire District, Air Evac, Mercer County Cattlemens Association and Mercer County Farm Bureau Federation to put together a hands on grain bin rescue training day for local firefighters and first responders.
The night before the training, the ANR agent collaborated with KY Department of Agriculture, Dale Dobson and KY School for the Deaf to host a private showing of the film, The Silo. In addition to students, local farmers were invited to see this important film about grain bin safety. Fleming County firefighters and Bracken County farmers also attended to demonstrate how they had taken the information from the grain rescue class and implemented the next level.
A local farm agreed to host the hands on training. Over 50 firefighters and first responders attended the training and received certification hours through the KY State Fire Commission. This will enable our first responders to have the training necessary should the unfathomable grain bin entrapment happen in Mercer County. In areas where the training has been done it has resulted in lives being saved so this was a much needed training to build the skill set of Mercer County first responders. In addition, numerous special guests were on hand including Tennessee Agri-Ability (which attended so they could implement the training in TN), Dr Debbie Reed (UK Ag Nurse) and Dr Cheryl Witt. Air Evac flew in and participated to make the training as hands on and practical as possible. Mercer County Cattlemens Association and Mercer County Farm Bureau Federation worked together to provide lunch for those attending the training.
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