Success Story 4H Egg Preparation Demonstration Virtual Contest
4H Egg Preparation Demonstration Virtual Contest
Author: Anthony Pescatore
Planning Unit: Animal and Food Sciences
Major Program: Agriculture
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The 4H Egg Preparation Demonstration Contest is a contest that has the 4H participant prepare an egg dish while presenting factual information on eggs, food safety and nutrition, Kentucky has a long and successful history with this contest at both the state and national level. Kentucky youth have participated at the national contest for 40 years with 10 national champions and 15 top three finishes, Kentucky has conducted a state contest every year since the contest inception in 1978. The onset of Covid and the associated limitation on extension programming prevented an in person state contest in Egg Demonstration. The decision was made to hold a virtual contest. In order to hold the contest virtually we requested that the contestants submit a 12-minute video of themselves conducting the Demonstration as if it was a live competition. On the day of the competition a ZOOM meeting was held with all contestants. Each contestant had their turn during which their video was played followed by question and answer period with two judges. A senior division and junior division were held. The format was well received by the contestants, parents, agents and judges. The Kentucky Poultry Federation/ Kentucky Egg Council provided funding for premium money for the 4H participants. Unfortunately, the senior winner could not compete at the national level because the national contest was not held.
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment