PersonKentucky Extension Reporting System


Bob Coleman

Extension Horse Specialist

Program Areas

  • Agriculture and Natural Resources

Success Stories

  • 11


    Quality Hay for Horses

    Horses contribute significantly to the agricultural economy of Kentucky. The dollars generated by horse sales capture the greatest attention, however there are other parts of the agricultural communit...

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  • 15


    Making Composting work on your farm

    Field Day Follow-upDo we make an impact when we have educational activities like field days? First consider that impact can be defined as “to have an effect on, or to influence” (Merriam-Webster 2012)...

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  • 26


    Horses and Horsemen - helping horse owners.

    Horses and Horsemen – helping horse owners.When developing an extension education program, the terms innovative and impactful are often brought up. How can a program be both of those is a challenge. O...

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  • 10


    Pasture Management changes with the season

    Pasture is a common item on most horse farms and facilities. The challenge is how to maintain a good pasture stand with the challenges of weather. In 2007 Kentucky experienced a significant drought an...

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