Success StoryGrowing With Horticulture
Growing With Horticulture
Author: Lacy May
Planning Unit: Magoffin County CES
Major Program: Agriculture 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Developing Leaders for our Communities, Country, and World
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Residents of many Eastern Kentucky communities are constantly searching for way to expose their children to new and unique experiences. According to Kentucky: By the Numbers only 8% of Magoffin County citizens have a Bachelor’s degree and only 65% have their high school diploma. Due to these staggering statistics the Magoffin County 4-H Youth Development Agent strives to continually offer programs that will give youth those new and unique experiences.
Attending the Kentucky State Fair is one of the traditional opportunities that the Agent continues to support. Magoffin County 4-H has a rich history in the 4-H Horticulture Contest. The Agent and community volunteer offer multiple training and practice sessions for youth throughout the summer prior to the State Fair Contest. Participants spend many hours practicing and learning to identify various fruits, vegetables, flowers, and trees. All of their hard work eventually pays off when they travel to the Louisville Expo Center in August. For many youth this will be the first time they partake in such a large event and socialize with others from across the state.
The Magoffin County 4-H Senior Horticulture Judging Team this past year was comprised of 4 young men who have been a part of the horticulture program for many years. After attending and participating in the competition for around 6 years they placed first and were named state champions. Earning this title awarded them a trip to the National Junior Horticultural Association convention where they competed at the national level. The convention was held in Indianapolis, Indiana. While competing in a national contest was extremely rewarding, it wasn’t the only thing gained while in Indianapolis. The Kentucky team visited the Indianapolis Museum of Art, toured botanical gardens, the Dow AgroSciences global research facility, Heartland Growers greenhouses, and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway where they “kissed the bricks”. The experience of seeing a world renowned research facility, learning from various experts in different career fields, and interacting with youth from across the country will be something they will never forget.
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