Success StoryExtension Continues to Be Relevant
Extension Continues to Be Relevant
Author: Lacy May
Planning Unit: Magoffin County CES
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Initial Outcome
During the unprecedented times our Nation is currently living in the Magoffin County Cooperative Extension Service staff is continuing to serve their communities. Extension programming is occurring in ways that have never been utilized to this extent. The belief that Extension adapts and changes to better serve the public now has a solid foundation.
After the cancellation of school in mid-March, and encouragement from administration to postpone all face-to-face Extension programming, the staff in Magoffin County Extension Office immediately began working on ways to continue to serve. During the first week we made sure that those in the public school system and county government knew that we were available and would assist however possible. After assisting with the delivery of backpacks filled with food to those in need we learned that our roll might not be on the front lines of food distribution. The 4-H Agent then turned to the many “brown bag activities” being shared from 4-H Agent’s across the state. The first week’s “brown bag activity” was a DIY bird feeder complete with curriculum from Cornell Lab of Ornithology. 135 total kits were picked up by Magoffin County youth and their families. The next week the 4-H Agent and FCS Agent partnered to complete “How to Sew on a Button” kits to give out. Almost 100 of those kits have been picked up. The Agents in the Magoffin County Extension Office are currently planning many more weekly activities that can be picked up. Those picking up the kits are asked to follow all social distancing policies that are in place throughout the county. This includes ensuring that only one member of the family leaves the car during pick up.
Social media is also being utilized to promote the activities with each posting reaching at least three thousand people. It is a method of Extension programming that we aren’t necessarily fond of, but one that will be forever remembered by the people of Magoffin County. Several testimonies from families have included statements such as “You’re such a blessing to the community” and “Thank you for remembering our youth”.
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