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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025

Success StoryOnline Needlework classes stitch through the pandemic!

Online Needlework classes stitch through the pandemic!

Author: Ruth Chowning

Planning Unit: Bullitt County CES

Major Program: Apparel and Textiles (Non-Master Clothing Volunteer)

Plan of Work: Youth and Adult Financial, Parenting, Life Skill, and Practical Skill Development

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

With the Kentucky “Healthy At Home” initiative during this pandemic, the Extension Agent of Bullitt County partnered with the Extension Agent of Garrard County to offer an online Needlework class over the 8 months of the pandemic in 2020. With the resurgence of heritage skills, Needlework can be a way to learn new skills of the mind, heart and hands.  Handwork develops focus and concentration. It encourages following a process in order to complete a project. It enhances critical thinking and math skills. It increases hand/eye coordination, small motor skills, and builds self-esteem. Moreover, this class provided a means to promote healthy, interpersonal relationships between individuals while sheltering at home.  The individuals made friends a crossed the state and looked forward to seeing each other online. Over one dozen shared their finished needlework and weaving projects in class or through email and phone calls to the agents.  A total of 66 Individuals from 12 counties attended one or more of the 11 classes.  Kits were prepared and sent out ahead of time. These projects promoted the current initiative of the 3 year KY Extension Homemaker Association Cultural Arts Chairman Plan of Work.  

One homebound senior adult who was new to Extension signed up for the first class saying "I do not craft, sew, do any needlework or even thread a needle- I did not learn any of this in my younger years. I do not know if I can do this. But if you will let me I am willing to try. Over the following months as she learned different needlework skills, she would call the Extension Agent saying, I can do this!!!!  I can't believe I am learning to do this!  I love this!  I sent you a picture by email.  Look at it.  I am so excited to have something to do! You have been a life saver for me!  Another youth joined in the program desiring to learn this needlework skill.

 Survey results indicated: 75% would attend another session to get help and continue the development of this skill. 25% of the participants indicated they would work on and finish their project. All Participants reported enjoying these classes and learning the various Needlepoint methods. Follow-up with participants stated 75% had finished their project and would take another class online but would love even more to take one in person. 

Another Cultural Arts program was introduced to the participants to gain an idea of the interest.  The Pin Weaving with Ribbon program was received with excitement and interest.  The program was piloted and is being sent through the FCS department approval process.  Agents will receive training on this cultural arts program once approval has been received.  100% of the participants stated they would take another Pin Weaving with Ribbon class and looked forward to learning more.


 This young Bullitt County 4Her who participated in the Needlework class was so excited about what she learned that her mother sent pictures to the agent showing her work in such a short time.  Her expression shows how proud she is of her work.

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