Youth and Adult Financial, Parenting, Life Skill, and Practical Skill Development Plan of Work
Bullitt County CES
Youth and Adult Financial, Parenting, Life Skill, and Practical Skill Development
Practical & Life Skills Development
Agents Involved:
Marlee Kelley, Samantha Gamblin, Paul Adkins, Lorilee Kunze, Ruth Chowning
Family Development General
Horticulture, Consumer and Home
21st Century Skills (Career & Workplace Development)
Communications and Expressive Arts
Practical/life skill development education can provide youth and adult community members of Bullitt County with skills that will aid in improving their lives while improving the community.
A need for life skill development, education and training was identified by community members completing the 2019 Bullitt County Extension Community Assessment survey. According to the 2019 report, in issues related to life skill development, identified community needs include, more youth, adult, and family life skills training related to financial planning, decision making, and career readiness; relationship building, parenting, and coping skills; as well as sustainability of family farms, more opportunities for buying safe, affordable, fresh local foods, and skills for selecting and preparing healthier food.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 10.2 percent of Bullitt County residents live below the poverty level. The Kentucky Center for Statistics reports that 10% of the population [ages 18-64] lacks a high school diploma or equivalent while only 24% of the population holds an associate degree or higher.
Long-Term Outcomes:
More effective employees and community leaders.
Improved financial capability for Kentuckians, results in better quality of life and stronger families.
Better family money management skills, such as reducing debt, increasing savings, and financial planning.
Be responsible and contributing individuals and family members
Gain and maintain employment through life skill development
Contribute to a safe and healthy home and community.
Improve the physical and mental health, along with well-being of children
Family relationships will improve.
Caregivers of children will have reduced stress levels.
Community members, including parents are engaged in building community
Individuals (parents or caregivers) are stronger, communicate better and have
Youth will contribute to self, family, community and to the institutions of our society.
Youth will have reduced risky behavior now and in the future.
4-H alumni will be successful in a global society.
4-H youth will successfully enter the workplace and/or institution of higher learning.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Practice better employee “soft/essential skills” such as communication, networking, teamwork, time management, problem-solving, etc.
Improve employability through practical living skills and continued education practices.
Practice one or more resource management behaviors resulting in increased savings or investments.
Adopt financial planning strategies for short, intermediate, and long-term goals
Practice consumer and financial decision-making that leads to greater financial stability
Adopt habits and skills that contribute toward employability in the future
Parents and Caregivers set and enforce family rules by using preventative and positive discipline.
Family members practice skills to strengthen and sustain relationships.
Parents and Caregivers access community agencies and resources when needed.
Parents living apart will co-parent in the best interest of their child.
Youth will use scientific decision-making techniques to make decisions daily.
Youth will express themselves to others in group settings and on an individual basis.
Youth have a positive bond with a caring adult who believe and encourage success.
Youth apply the skills learned in 4-H in other activities at home, school and in the community.
Youth set and achieve goals through a 4-H program.
Initial Outcomes:
Change knowledge, opinions, skills, and aspirations, to improve employability through work and practical living skills and continuing education practices.
Increased knowledge and skills related to managing financial resources, including savings, credit, and financial planning.
Change knowledge, opinions, skills, and aspirations, to improve employability through work and practical living skills and continuing education practices.
Increase financial literacy (knowledge and skills) related to savings and investments.
Understand the 7 steps of the Decision-Making Process
Gain skills in setting a goal and developing a plan of action
Learn to read and follow instructions
Gain knowledge and develop skills in Family & Consumer Sciences projects and programs
Parents and caregivers will have enhanced knowledge of realistic behavior expectations and positive discipline
Parents and caregivers will have greater understanding of a child’s growth and development
Parents living apart will use non-threatening communication with the other parent.
Parents and caregivers are aware of agencies or organizations to contact for assistance
Youth will gain knowledge and skills in the decision-making process.
Youth learn skills need to communicate with others.
Adult volunteers/mentors will understand elements of positive youth development.
Youth learn and develop life skills though 4-H.
Youth learn steps in goal setting and developing a plan of action.
Outcome: Improved workforce communication
Indicator: Number of individuals who reported the intent to utilize etiquette practices to improve verbal, written, and electronic communication practices (Communicating Effectively)
Indicator: Number of individuals reporting increased levels of understanding in the area: demonstrate strong verbal and nonverbal communications (Conveying Your Message)
Method: Pre/Post Evaluation
Timeline: Following Positive Employability
Outcome: Improved workplace listening skills
Indicator: Number of individuals reporting increased levels of understanding in the area: how to utilize listening cues in conversation (Listening and Inquiry)
Method: Pre/Post Evaluation
Timeline: Following Positive Employability
Outcome: Increased awareness of sound financial behaviors
Indicator(s): Number of individuals who implemented at least one strategy to reduce expenses or manage money
Number of individuals who made a sound financial decision (regarding credit, budgeting, savings, and/or debt)
Method: Retroactive pre-post
Timeline: July 2020- June 2021
Outcome: Increase knowledge and skills related to managing financial resources
Indicator: Number of individuals reporting increased levels of understanding in the area: confidence in handling money issues or specific financial matters
Method: Retroactive pre-post
Timeline: Following financial education workshops
Outcome: Increase knowledge and skills related to estate planning
Indicator: Number of individuals who acted toward implementing at least one estate planning strategy regarding the subject matter presented
Method: Retroactive pre-post
Timeline: Following financial education workshops
Outcome: Youth who engage in Family & Consumer Science project Work
Indicator: Youth complete a Family & Consumer Science Project
Method: 4-H Common Measures Universal Survey
Timeline: July 2020- June
Outcome: Individuals will learn to foster child's positive development
Indicator: Number of individuals who reported regularly practicing at least one behavior related to subjects taught
Method: AAPI, survey
Timeline: July 2020- June 2021
Outcome: parents can discuss effective strategies for helping children manage their behavior.
Indicator: number of parents who indicate they know at least 2 strategies for helping children manage their behavior.
Method: survey
Timeline: at end of program
Outcome: Parents and/or Caregivers respond in a positive manner to child's misbehavior.
Indicator: Number of people (families) who reported using preventive and positive discipline techniques in response to child’s misbehavior
Method: follow-up questionnaire
Timeline: 3 months after completion of program
Outcome: Participants will be able to live independently and will be able to complete basic tasks for everyday living
Indicator: Number of participants indicating change in behavior
Method: Written evaluation and testimonials
Timeline: On-going
Outcome: Youth will improve their personal communication skills
Indicator: Change in participants ability to communicate interpersonal settings
Method: Testimonials of participants, teachers and parents
Timeline: on-going
Outcome: Knowledge of youth financial responsibility and management
Indicator: Plans to change spending habits and savings
Method: Written evaluation of program participants, testimonials, teachers and parents
Timeline: on-going
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Working-age adults and young adults preparing for the workforce
Project or Activity: 10 Soft Skills for Success
Content or Curriculum: Positive Employability
Inputs: FCS Agent, curriculum publications and resources, local employers and community leaders
Date: Fall 2020
Audience: Working-age adults and young adults preparing for the workforce
Project or Activity: Conveying Your Message
Content or Curriculum: Positive Employability
Inputs: FCS Agent, curriculum publications and resources, local
employers and community leaders
Date: Fall 2020
Audience: Adults, young adults, and teens
Project or Activity: Money Habitudes Workshop
Content or Curriculum: Money Habitudes
Inputs: FCS Agent, curriculum publications and resources, Money Habitudes cards
Date: Fall 2020
Audience: Detention Center inmates, Homeless Shelter residence
Project or Activity: Financial Education
Content or Curriculum: Recovering Your Finances
Inputs: Coordination with community stakeholders, FCS Agent, UK Curriculum & resources
Date: Fall 2020
Audience: Detention Center inmates, Homeless Shelter residents
Project or Activity: Credit Education
Content or Curriculum: Good Credit Game
Inputs: FCS Agent, curriculum publications and resources, Good Credit Game set
Date: Spring, summer 2021
Project or Activity: 4-H Needlework
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Needlework Notebook
Inputs: 4H Curriculum, 4H agent, FCS Agent, fcs curriculum
Date: July 2020 - June 2021
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Sewing & Textiles
Content or Curriculum: Style Engineers, Keeping 4-H in Stitches. Upcycle it, Steam Clothing
Inputs: 4H Curriculum, 4H agent, FCS Agent, fcs curriculum
Date: July 2020 - June 2021
Audience: Men in the Substance Abuse Program at the Bullitt County Detention Center
Project or Activity: 10 –11-week parenting program
Content or Curriculum: Nurturing Fathering
Inputs: SAP Director, Jailer, FCS Agent, Extension Office
Date: July 2020 - June 2021
Audience: Men in the Substance Abuse Program at Bullitt County Detention Center
Project or Activity: Gardening Skills Development Program
Content or Curriculum: Extension Publications, Horticulture Curriculum
Inputs: SAP Director, Jailer, Hort Agent, Extension Office
Date: July 2020 - June 2021
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Public Speaking, school and county-wide
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Public Speaking curriculum
Inputs: Extension Staff, teachers, parents, schools, Cooperative Extension facility
Date: Fall/Spring
Audience: Youth – Middle/High School
Project or Activity: 4-H Reality Store
Content or Curriculum: Kentucky 4-H Reality Store Curriculum
Inputs: Extension Staff, Volunteers, Schools, teachers
Date: Spring
Audience: Youth - High School
Project or Activity: Workforce Prep & Career Readiness
Content or Curriculum: Kentucky 4-H Workforce Prep Curriculum
Inputs: Extension Staff, Volunteers, Schools, teachers, Family Court, Court Designated Workers, community & business leaders
Date: Fall/Spring
Audience: Youth – Elementary
Project or Activity: Dollars & Sense Program
Content or Curriculum: Kentucky 4-H Dollars Sense Curriculum
Inputs: Extension Staff, Volunteers, Schools, teachers
Date: January - March
Audience: Youth Ages 9-18, Adults
Project or Activity: 4-H Residential Camp
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Camp
Inputs: Extension Staff, Volunteers, Camp Facilities, Camp Staff
Date: Summer
Audience: Youth Ages 9-13
Project or Activity: Home Alone Program
Content or Curriculum: Kentucky 4-H Code Name: Home Alone
Inputs: Extension Staff, Volunteers, local childcare facilities, childcare teachers
Date: Summer
Audience: Youth Ages 5-18
Project or Activity: Day Camps
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum, Extension Curriculum
Inputs: Extension Staff, Volunteers, local schools, Family Resource Centers, Youth Service Center
Date: Summer
Audience: Youth Ages 9-18
Project or Activity: Shooting Sports Education
Content or Curriculum: Kentucky/National 4-H Training, Curriculum
Inputs: Certified 4-H Volunteers, Bullitt County Schools, Chickasaw Archery Club, Extension Staff
Date: Spring, Summer
Audience: Youth Ages 5-19
Project or Activity: Community Clubs, Project Clubs
Content or Curriculum: Kentucky 4-H Curricula (Expressive Arts, Leadership, Shooting Sports, Clover Buds, Photography, Global Citizenship, SET, Ag/Natural Resources, FCS)
Inputs: Extension Staff, Volunteers, Teachers
Date: Fall, Spring, Summer
Success Stories
Cane Pole Fishing Promotes Family Time Outdoors
Author: Paul Adkins
Major Program: Natural Resources

During a worldwide pandemic, families are spending more time behind screens and are looking for new ways to get outdoors. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (2020), getting outside is a great way to spend time together as a family and there are multiple benefits, including, being physically healthier, more engaged in learning, more positive in behavior, and mentally healthier.The Bullitt County Cooperative Extension Service, including the 4-H Youth Development and Agriculture and Na
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Online Needlework classes stitch through the pandemic!
Author: Ruth Chowning
Major Program: Apparel and Textiles (Non-Master Clothing Volunteer)
With the Kentucky “Healthy At Home” initiative during this pandemic, the Extension Agent of Bullitt County partnered with the Extension Agent of Garrard County to offer an online Needlework class over the 8 months of the pandemic in 2020. With the resurgence of heritage skills, Needlework can be a way to learn new skills of the mind, heart and hands. Handwork develops focus and concentration. It encourages following a process in order to complete a project. It enhance
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Fall Grab N Go Bags
Author: Samantha Gamblin
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
During this pandemic schools went to online learning and businesses were closed on and off. During this time Bullitt 4-H wanted to take this time to find unique ways to reach youth even if we couldn't meet in person. We began Grab N Go bags in the summer and wanted to continue through the Fall. Each week 4-H Grab-N-Go bags were put together with different topics and supplies. Each bag has its own theme and the items inside correspond to said theme. There will be a hands on activity and
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Virtual Dollars and Sense Program
Author: Samantha Gamblin
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
The 2019 Most and Least Financially Literate States report, Kentucky ranks 45th in the nation for financial literacy. Youth learn about consumer science and finances early in schools. Dollars and Sense and Reality Store have always been a high demand for Bullitt County schools. When in person learning turned to virtual during the 2020-2021 school year we needed a plan for the highly requested program. So a user friendly Dollars and Sense program was created. Youth would still get to participate
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Bullitt County Story Path
Author: Lorilee Kunze
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
In 2020 Covid19 changed family traditions, social customs and holiday schedules. After months of social distancing, families were looking for a way to safely spend some time out of the house. Our Story Path project was the perfect solution. The Bullitt County Extension and its many program areas formed a council, collaborating with Mt. Washington city government, the Bullitt County public library, the Bullitt County health department and others the first Story Path was created
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Teens Explore Career Readiness and Use Skills to Enter the Workforce
Author: Paul Adkins
Major Program: 21st Century Skills (Career & Workplace Development)
The 2019 Kentucky Extension Community Assessment for Bullitt County Report showed that one of the priority needs for Bullitt County is better youth/adult career readiness skills.The Bullitt County Cooperative Extension Service partnered with Bullitt County Family Court’s Court Designated Worker program to provide career readiness and workforce preparation skills to teenage juvenile offenders. Youth were selected to serve in the 2nd cohort in the 4-H Preparing for Careers program as part of
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Communication Skills Lead to Success
Author: Paul Adkins
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
As outlined in the county plan of work, the Bullitt County Cooperative Extension Service supports improving communication skills of youth and adults in Bullitt County. The Bullitt County Cooperative Extension Service’s 4-H Youth Development program provides communications education through 4-H school enrichment, school clubs, and other areas of programming to establish or enhance necessary communication skills that develop college and career ready youth in Kentucky. Strong writing, re
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Grab and Go Bags Reach Families from All Corners of Bullitt County
Author: Paul Adkins
Major Program: Natural Resources

The Covid-19 Pandemic presented a challenge for Extension programs all over the nation and the Bullitt County Cooperative Extension Service answered the call by providing fun and educational weekly grab and go bags to families. Many projects were geared towards family life skill development for youth and adults where others were focused on life-skill development, promoting hands-on, and combating learning loss for youth. In preliminary studies, The Center for Research on Education Outcomes at St
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"Its Sew Fine" Sewing Expo continues to impact over a decade later
Author: Ruth Chowning
Major Program: Apparel and Textiles (Non-Master Clothing Volunteer)
Sewing and handwork can bring great satisfaction to someone who makes a project. When very little cost is associated with a project and personal creativity a part of the process, the level of personal satisfaction and fulfillment is found to be greater. Pin Weaving is a low cost, personally creative method of using the heritage skill of weaving. The "It's So Fine for Home and Family" Sewing Expo committee brought Shirley Adams to Kentucky to be the featured speaker on Cl
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"It's All About Gardening" initiative for Elementary School
Author: Ruth Chowning
Major Program: Community Gardens and Horticulture Therapy

In the early spring of 2021, Bullitt County Cooperative Extension Service was invited to collaborate in a project with Nichols Elementary to create a school garden and educational program for the garden. As a community, Nichols is used to finding their own resources and support, but they contacted the Extension Service due to previous long term relationships and programs offered by Extension. The Bullitt County Extension Service, the local Public Library branch, Nichols Elementary school s
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