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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025

Success StoryA New Take on Leader Lessons

A New Take on Leader Lessons

Author: Ruth Chowning

Planning Unit: Bullitt County CES

Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

Plan of Work: Youth and Adult Financial, Parenting, Life Skill, and Practical Skill Development

Outcome: Initial Outcome

In the past, the Louisville Area Extension Homemaker members participated in individual monthly leader lessons presented at each county's Extension office. Each lesson was taught by one Family & Consume Sciences agent who traveled to each of the seven counties in the area. However, these lessons often had low attendance, which led to concerns about the program’s effectiveness and use of resources. The Area Extension Homemaker Council recognized the need for a more efficient approach that would attract greater participation while providing valuable content. As a result, the council voted to consolidate the lessons into a single, area-wide seminar, with the support of Family and Consumer Sciences Agents, who would lead the lessons. 

A one-day seminar was held for members in the seven counties, offering four engaging lessons: "Using Your Air Fryer," "Scam Red Flags & Avoiding Fraud," "Handy to Have Emergency Health Information Cards," and "Savvy Online Grocery Shopping." Nearly 50 participants attended, a significant increase compared to the total attendance from all seven counties in previous years. Homemaker members from across the area were able to connect, exchange ideas, and learn in a more time-efficient format. The seminar provided a valuable opportunity for networking, personal development, and education. Attendees were encouraged to take the information learned back to their counties and clubs to share with other members.  

Evaluation results from the seminar demonstrated its success. Participants reported that the topics were highly relevant, with 90% of attendees stating that they found the lessons well-organized and applicable to their daily lives. Many participants valued the new seminar format, with over 80% saying they preferred having multiple lessons in one day rather than attending separate sessions once a month. The program not only reached a larger audience, but it also had a measurable impact on the participants' knowledge, particularly in the areas of online shopping and fraud prevention. As a result, Extension Homemaker members left the seminar feeling more informed and empowered, with new tools and skills to enhance their daily lives. Plans are being made to offer this same format for leader lessons presented each spring and fall. 


Stories by Ruth Chowning

A New Take on Leader Lessons

about 22 days ago by Ruth Chowning

In the past, the Louisville Area Extension Homemaker membersparticipatedin individual monthly leader... Read More

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Stories by Bullitt County CES

A New Take on Leader Lessons

about 22 days ago by Ruth Chowning

In the past, the Louisville Area Extension Homemaker membersparticipatedin individual monthly leader... Read More

County Homemakers take on Area Pillowcase project

about 25 days ago by Ruth Chowning

The mission was to provide a small taste of home to our deployed troops, who selflessly sacrifice so... Read More

Stories by Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

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