Success StoryCane Pole Fishing Promotes Family Time Outdoors
Cane Pole Fishing Promotes Family Time Outdoors
Author: Paul Adkins
Planning Unit: Family and Consumer Sciences
Major Program: Natural Resources
Plan of Work: Youth and Adult Financial, Parenting, Life Skill, and Practical Skill Development
Outcome: Initial Outcome
During a worldwide pandemic, families are spending more time behind screens and are looking for new ways to get outdoors. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (2020), getting outside is a great way to spend time together as a family and there are multiple benefits, including, being physically healthier, more engaged in learning, more positive in behavior, and mentally healthier.
The Bullitt County Cooperative Extension Service, including the 4-H Youth Development and Agriculture and Natural Resources programs, provided a Family Cane Pole Fishing Tournament to Bullitt County youth and adults with two main goals in mind:
- Increase time outdoors while learning new skills
- Promote quality family time activities, outdoors, during a time of social distancing
The Family Cane Pole Fishing Tournament provided families with cane pole fishing kits through a “grab n go” format and were available to registered adults and youth at the Extension office. The educational, hands-on kits, included Kentucky 4-H Natural Resources curriculum and educational materials provided by the Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife, as well as all supplies needed to build a cane pole and go fishing. This grab n go format allowed families to choose a fishing location within our county to maintain their health and remain socially distant. Families were asked to learn together prior to fishing, to take pictures of their experience, and provide various digital photo entries for the tournament.
Approximately 35 youth and adults from various families participated in Bullitt County Extension's Family Cane Pole Fishing Tournament in its inaugural year. Participants consisted of youth ages 9-18 and adults, different genders, and of varying family structures. Much of the families were unfamiliar with the Cooperative Extension Service and are excited to learn and engage in future programs.
Families were asked to provide feedback regarding their experience via a digital form. Some statements from families are below:
- “We have enjoyed spending the summer cane pole fishing!!!”
- “This was our first time ever and we will continue having many more family times fishing now.”
- “The kids and I are learning how to bait our own hooks and take the fish off the hook. We get so caught up in the excitement and want to catch more.”
- “We never knew how many different types of fish live in our Kentucky waters!"
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