Success StoryOnline Needlework Learning
Online Needlework Learning
Author: Ruth Chowning
Planning Unit: Bullitt County CES
Major Program: 4-H Family and Consumer Science Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
Outcome: Initial Outcome
With the Kentucky “Healthy At Home” initiative during this pandemic, the Extension Agent of Bullitt County partnered with the Extension Agent of Garrard County to offer an online Needlework class. With the resurgence of heritage skills, Needlework can be a way to learn new skills of the mind, heart and hands. Handwork develops focus and concentration. It encourages following a process in order to complete a project. It enhances critical thinking and math skills. It increases hand/eye coordination, small motor skills, and builds self-esteem. Moreover, this class provided a means to promote healthy, interpersonal relationships between individuals while sheltering at home. Twelve Individuals from 6 counties attended the class with one youth participating. Kits were sent out ahead of time. A survey after the class showed that all who responded:
Would like another Zoom class,
Would watch a video posted on a UK Utube channel
75% would attend another session to get help and continue the development of this skill
50% of them have worked on their project and plan to finish it.
Participants reported they really like this needlework skill; it was very relaxing.
The young 4Her who participated was so excited about what she learned and did in the process of the class that her mother sent pictures showing how much she had done in such a short time. The grin on her face spread from ear to ear as we passed this heritage skill on to a younger generation.
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