Success StoryLife Beyond Technology
Life Beyond Technology
Author: Bonita Jolly
Planning Unit: Hardin County CES
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
Plan of Work: Enhancing Life Skills
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
It is a fact that today’s teen generation believe they cannot live without constant connection to their cell phone. According to an article in the December 2019 issue of Very Well Family, the average teen spends over nine hours a day using their electronic devices. As a result, their social media habits are changing the way they communicate, learn, exercise and much more leading to bouts of depression, obesity, peer pressure and bullying just to mention a few.
In an effort to strengthen positive teen/adult relationships, the Hardin County 4-H Horse Program has partnered with the Mississippi State Extension Service and the Mississippi Quarter Horse Association to provide youth an opportunity to participate in a “Teen Shadow” program during the Dixie National Quarter Horse Show in Jackson, Mississippi.
Each year two youth are selected based on a written essay to attend along with other 4-H horse club members from Mississippi. While their primary interests centered around the horse, it gives them an opportunity to network with others outside of their local community, develop relationships and share experiences.
They must apply their leadership skills as they are assigned to work along with adults at the announcers stand, paddock area, arena crew and awards. By demonstrating their ability to listen, observe, interpret and ask questions increases their social skills when dealing with people from a variety of backgrounds. One of them commented that seemed the most difficult task was relating to the needs of others at such a large event.
In addition to the personal skills gained the experience also opened the doors to a variety of equine related jobs that go along with a horse show. Several of the adults they worked with made a career out of announcing, judging, handling registrations, show coordinator and trainers.
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