Author: Lisa Lamb
Planning Unit: Garrard County CES
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Focus on the Fruit
In working with the Garrard County Elementary schools. 22 % of 81 enrolled 3rd and 5th graders report on entry eating fruit as a snack. After working with the classes throughout the year and introducing them to fruits they may not have eaten before i.e.… Star Fruit, Dragon Fruit, Plums, and Apricots. After giving the exit evaluations an increase of 35% of 81 enrolled students reported eating fruit as a snack this is an increase of 13% after 6 hours of classes. By introducing fruit as a healthy snack, that is full of vitamins, minerals and natural sugars, the children reported actually asking parents to buy more fresh fruits for snacks. This can only help with the occurrence of childhood obesity, and weight related illness.
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