Success StoryWho To Call?
Who To Call?
Author: Dee Heimgartner
Planning Unit: Crittenden County CES
Major Program: Integrated Plant Pest Management
Plan of Work: Increasing Knowledge in Agriculture, Home and Community Environment
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Many times an Extension agents gets a call that starts with the phrase, I just don't know who to call. That is what Crittenden County ANR agent Dee Heimgartner encounter in Spring of 2019. Heimgartner had a client call about a wasp that had gotten into their house. The client was afraid that if they were stung it would complicate their health issues which included breathing issues.
Heimgartner worked with the client by going to the house to retrieve the insect for identification. The client was very grateful for this because it is hard for them to travel, even into town, with their health issues. While on site Heimgartner suggested areas that were of concern for insects to enter the house. Heimgartner then returned to office and used a microscope attached to the computer to observe and take pictures of the wasp. The pictures were sent to a specialist in UK Extension Entomology to aid in identification. The wasp was identified and the client was notified of the type of wasp. A fact sheet in the insect was mailed to the client. The client now feels more confident in protecting their home from future insect issues.
This is one example of the many one on one consultations that an ANR agent does each day. Customer service is key when working with clients who just don't know who or where to turn. Even if the agent doesn't know the answer, a UK Extension Specialist can be called upon to help resolve the issue.
Stories by Dee Heimgartner

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