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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025

Success StoryPlanting trees for Frankfort's Future

Planting trees for Frankfort's Future

Author: Adam Leonberger

Planning Unit: Franklin County CES

Major Program: Home & Consumer Horticulture

Plan of Work: Increase best practices for urban ag, nat res, & local food systems

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Crime, pollution, and storm water management continue to be major issues in urban areas across the country. A 2012 study in the journal Landscape and Urban Planning, Vol 106, Issue 3, found a 10 percent increase in urban tree canopy cover was strongly correlated with a 12% decrease of robbery, burglary, theft and shootings. In addition, the US Forest Service published a study in 2006 within the journal Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, Vol 4, Issues 3–4 estimated that US urban trees removed 711,000 metric tons ($3.8 billion value) of total annual air pollution (03, PM10, NO2, SO2, CO). Numerous EPA reports and factsheets tout not only the benefits urban trees have on managing stormwater but also how cities can better implement them.

The City of Frankfort, Franklin County, Kentucky State University, Kentucky Division of Forestry, and Franklin County Cooperative Extension Service organized Reforest Frankfort. This is a community wide event to bring people together to learn about the benefits of trees and protecting our valuable natural resources. This year, 600 community participants came out to Riverview Park to celebrate, learn about, and plant trees. Ky Div of Forestry staff assisted the community in planting 1,075 tree over 5 acres. Extension Master Gardeners helped participants choose trees to take home to plant and went over how to plant and care for the trees with them. They gave away 1,350 trees of various native species to be planted across the city and county. These trees will be providing a benefit to the environment and property value of $33,000 within the first year. The benefits from these trees will continue to rise as the trees age.
This is the 11th year the event has been held. We have planted to date roughly 21,000 trees across Frankfort and Franklin County. City of Frankfort, Franklin County, Kentucky Division of Forestry, and Franklin County Cooperative Extension Service will continue to hold the annual Reforest Frankfort event in hopes of reaching our goal of 1 million trees.

Stories by Adam Leonberger

Training New Master Gardener Volunteers

Training New Master Gardener Volunteers

about 2 months ago by Adam Leonberger

The Kentucky Master Gardener Program is a fourteen-week course on horticulture, aimed at training vo... Read More

Statewide Horticulture Agent In-Service Training

Statewide Horticulture Agent In-Service Training

about 6 months ago by Adam Leonberger

The C1 and C2 County Extension Agents for Horticulture, in partnership with the University of Kentuc... Read More

Stories by Franklin County CES

Kentucky State University 4th Wednesday Beef Cattle Workshop March 27, 2024; 6pm – Location: Blue Grass Stock Yard, Lexington, Kentucky Topic: Reproductive Management & Marketing Your Livestock.

Kentucky State University 4th Wednesday Beef Cattle Workshop March 27, 2024; 6pm – Location: Blue Grass Stock Yard, Lexington, Kentucky Topic: Reproductive Management & Marketing Your Livestock.

about 10 days ago by Edwin Chavous

Describe the Issue or Situation.Title: Kentucky State University 4th Wednesday Beef Cattle Workshop ... Read More

“KSU Small Farm Program Continue to Provides Technical Assistance for Minority Pasture Poultry Farmer in Madison County, Kentucky”

“KSU Small Farm Program Continue to Provides Technical Assistance for Minority Pasture Poultry Farmer in Madison County, Kentucky”

about 10 days ago by Edwin Chavous

August 14, 2024“KSU Small Farm Program Continue to Provides Technical Assistance for Minority Pastur... Read More