PersonKentucky Extension Reporting System


Adam Leonberger

Program Areas

  • Horticulture

Success Stories

  • 09


    Extension Master Gardener Conference goes Pollinator-Palooza

    Current research indicates numerous pollinating insect species are threatened or in decline. The USDA states that about one third of global food supplies depend on pollinating insects. There are many ...

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  • 09


    Expanding food access and supporting local businesses

    Many downtown Frankfort residents face difficulties in accessing fresh and high-quality produce, as the nearest grocery store is more than 3.5 miles away. To address this challenge, the Franklin Count...

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  • 09


    container garden giveaway

    Addressing the issue of food deserts is a pressing concern for many communities, and Frankfort is no exception. The city lacks grocery stores close to most residential neighborhoods. The public transi...

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  • 26


    Love Local Lunch

    During the “Local Foods, Local Places” community discussion in Frankfort, people voiced a desire for increased school gardens and more locally sourced foods in school meals. As a response to this need...

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