Success StoryYoung Farmer Program
Young Farmer Program
Author: Nick Roy
Planning Unit: Adair County CES
Major Program: Community Leadership Development
Plan of Work: Strengthening Adair County's Agriculture Industry
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
In Adair County, the average age of the farmer continues to increase leaving a short supply of upcoming leaders in agriculture. As part of a grassroots effort, in 2010 the Adair County Cooperative Extension Service collaborated with multiple local agriculture organizations including the Cattleman’s Association, Farm Bureau, Ag Development Council, and Extension Ag Advisory Council to develop a strategy to recruit, develop, and educate young farmers in leadership. The result was the Adair County Young Farmer Program.
In its first offering, the Adair County Young Farmer program attracted 24 participants which included minorities and farm women. Over the course of three years, participants gained knowledge about general farm management, challenges and issues surrounding agriculture, and leadership skills. Since that time, participants have served in a total of 17 ag leadership roles in the county ranging from Extension leadership positions, Adair County Farm Bureau, USDA leadership positions, and publicly elected positions.
Realizing the impact of the program, a second offering of the Adair County Young Farmer program was initiated in 2018 attracting a total of 12 participants. While the second round of the Adair County Young Farmer program is just getting started, already 1 of the participants have accepted a leadership position with the Adair County Cattlemen's Association.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment