Author: Reda Fugate
Planning Unit: Perry County CES
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Reda E. Fugate Perry County SNAP-ED Program Assistant Senior
March 2019
Studies show youth in Kentucky don’t receive the recommended daily amount of Nutrition and Physical activity.
The Perry County School District and Hazard Independent School District partnered with Perry County Extension office to do a series of 6 Nutrition Education classes and Physical activity using The University of KY Literacy, Eating and Activity for Primary (LEAP) program for 1st. grade and Farm to School for 8th grade.
SNAP-ED Assistant Senior conducted the series of 6 lessons. 1st. grade and 8th grade youth were challenged to try different recipes using MY Plate guidelines, along with 30 minutes of physical activity each day. Upon arriving at classes each time youth would meet SNAP-ED Assistant Senior explaining what new recipes they had tried and what physical activity they were now involved in, also explaining how much they enjoyed the new foods and physical activities. Several of youth stated they had never eaten vegetables before, but now understanding that prepackaged foods have higher content of preservatives than fresh food prepared at home and the different ways food is prepared and where their food comes from or how it is produced makes a different in the taste. They enjoy vegetables.
After the conclusion of series, SNAP-ED assistant Senior would see several of youth in public or restaurants where youth would explain to her all the food groups and what group the food on their plate would fit. Parents were so grateful that youth would now assist in the cooking at home and want to try new recipes.
As a result of these programs along with other information The Perry Count School District and Hazard Independent School District in conjunction with The Perry County Wellness Coalition are applying for a Wellness grant for the schools in the program.
Surveys were given at the beginning of series and at the end of series resulting in improvements of
1st. Grade = 38% Physical activity, 100% Diet Quality, 81 % Food Safety and 73% Identifying Healthy snacks
8th Grade = 88% Physical Activity, 100% Diet Quality, 92% Food Safety, 76% Healthier Food Choices more often when eating out , 92% Food Resource Management, and 69% ate Vegetables more frequently.
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Reda E. Fugate Perry County SNAP-ED Program Assistant SeniorMarch 2019 O... Read More
Reda E. Fugate, Perry County KYSNAP-ED Program Assistant SeniorNovember 2018 ... Read More
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